• Published 10th Feb 2018
  • 7,676 Views, 339 Comments

The Rise of a Raven - Chemtest

When you work with death for a living, do you even have to question if it will claim you? Just make sure to find any loophole possible, just in case.

  • ...

Swing (rewrite)

“So, you were saying about showing us some other skills?” Apple Bloom asks.

I nod, “Right. Just go ahead and list something, chances are I will be able to do it.”

Scootaloo speaks up, “What about cooking?”

I stop in my tracks as my mind assaults me with a flashback.


”Oh gods! What the fuck!?”

A skeleton tries to run, “Fuck this shit!”

A tendril wraps itself on his leg, and flings him across the wall, “I just washed my bones godsdamnit!”

A skeleton crawls in front of me, “Please, help me! Kill me before it gets me!”

A tendril wraps around his leg as well, flinging him onto the roof. The monster then speaks up, “Foolish mortals! You would dare try to run from me!?”

A group of heroes burst into the room, swords at the ready to slay me. They are met with the sight of the monster. Tendrils wrap around them as well, as they all scream, “Why is it moving!?”

One is dashed upon the wall, “It’s getting into my suit!”

Another hits the floor in front of me, and she looks up at me, “What the fuck have you made!?“

I watch as the monster breaks through the wall of my tower, carrying the heroes into the distance.

I look at the pot the Flying Spaghetti Monster came out of, “I just wanted spaghetti.”

“I wonder what happened to it?” I mutter under my breath.

“Um... Raven? You okay?”

I snap out of my flashback, “What? Oh, yeah, totally.”

“So no cooking?” Apple Bloom feels the need to ask.

“No, and I will not hear you mention it again!”

“Okay... what about singing?” Sweetie asks.

“Singing? Well, I guess I could. Don’t have the best voice for it right now. Yeah, sure.”

“Then let’s go to Pot Hitter’s, he is the town music stallion.” Sweetie then rushes off in a random direction, forcing the rest of us to follow.

We walk for like, five minutes, and then arrive. Pot Hitter’s music selection! The place is painted all different types of blue and pink, a hippie’s paradise.

We walk in, and see a skinny stallion sitting behind a counter, he’s wearing sunglasses, and has a blond messy mane with a moustach, “Hey there, little Crusaders. Come to try a hoof at my instruments again?” He says, not even noticing me

“No sir, Mr.Pot, we’re here to see what Raven can play.” Sweeie speaks up.

He seemingly notices me then, “Hey there little dude, didn’t see you there. My eyes simply couldn’t pick up yours, you dig? Oh, maybe that’s why you’re called Raven. Your eyes are empty, like a void, a void like death. Raven’s deliver ponies to death. Maybe by looking in your eyes I’ve just sealed a deal with the reaper.” He shakes his head, “Sorry, little dude, I sometimes just start talking.”

“No need to worry about it, we are in no rush.” I say back.

“Thank you, little dude. You wouldn’t believe how many ponies don’t understand the need to speak and listen. But you, I can feel it within you, you’ll listen to this stallion talk. Your ears are open, your eyes wide, you see how this world really is. Like that giant mass of observers. You see all those things, the ‘read it’s’ and ‘snap chats’. That’s behind the point, isn’t it little dude? Tell me, what instrument do you feel can capture your spirit this fine day?”

I take a second to think of what I want to play, “How about the instruments needed within a swing band? Trumpet, saxophone, keyboard, double bass, and drum set.”

He nods, “If you think you can handle them all, little dude.” He claps his hooves together, causing a complex system of rails to carry the requested instruments right in front of me. He smiles, “I expect your best performance, little dude, it’s been a long time since this town’s had a good musical event. Good luck, little Raven.”

I create five skeletal clones of myself, all of whom pick up an instrument. We follow after Hitter as he leads us outside, to a stage. We walk up onto the stage, and prepare ourselves.

It all starts off with a fast trumpet and a fast drum beat. I prepare myself, and start to sing.

”Hello there ponies of Ponyville,
I’ve noticed your town grow quiet and still.
Allow me to liven it up with my song,
And you all feel free to join along!”

The saxophone jumps in now with the double bass, providing more of a beat to go off of.

”Imagine a place in your mind’s eye,
A place where fun and music die,
Don’t worry, for that is not here today!
Not if I am to have any say!

The beat picks itself up as we enter the chorus, the citizens of the town gathering around us.

”Lose youself to the rhythm and beat!
For while I am here to sing,
You should get up and off your seat,
And listen to the King of Swing!”

The crowd gets even bigger, and ponies start to dance in the street. I teleport myself down next to Sweetie, and start an upbeat dance with her.

”Come now, Sweetie Belle my dear,
You have no need to worry or to fear!
Pick up your hooves and get lost to the dance!
Let your body move around as if stuck in a trance!”

I then teleport over to Scootaloo, and continue the dance with her.

”Don’t look so bored here, Scootaloo,
Don’t be afraid of being told to shoo!
Let youself free, soar and fly!
No need to ask how or why!”

I then let go of her as well, and teleport to Apple Bloom, continuing the dance without skipping a beat.

”Don't just stand there and watch Apple Bloom,
Not joining in could spell your doom!
Let your dancing be seen all the way to the moon!
And dance along to the rhythm of the tune!”

I teleport once more as I see Twilight in the crowd. I catch her by surprise as I start throwing her around in the dance.

”Don’t let fear be the better of you Twilight!
Come on and dance, dance in the light so bright!
In order to learn the secrets of this Necromancer,
You must first become a brave dancer!”

I teleport back to the stage as the trumpet has a short solo, before all the instruments blade back into the chorus.

”Lose youself to the rhythm and beat!
For while I am here to sing,
You should get up and off your seat,
And listen to the King of Swing!”

I teleport over to Pot and enter into his wild dance. The two of us flip, duck, and dive in perfect synchronization.

”Join in in with Pot Hitter,
As he dances around like a wild critter!
He doesn’t care if the song will end soon,
For it and he have become attune!”

A chariot lands in the middle of the square, two guards pulling it. I teleport over to one, and try to continue the dance.

”Come on Royal Guard oh-one!
Don’t let duty get in the way of fun!
Even though the only line left is one,
It’s time for this song to be done!”

The crowd claps and stomps as the music stops. I turn and bow to them, “Thank you Ponyville! But, that is all for now.”

The crowd looks sad but walks away anyway. Pot walks up to me, “That was wicked, little dude. Honestly, good job, that’s the most fun the town has had in a year.”

I smile at his praise, “Thank you.”

Pot smiles, “You wanna keep that trumpet, little dude?”


“Yeah little bro, you can keep it.”


“No problem, little dude. Spread your spirit far and wide, little dude, bring music all around.” He then walks into his store.

“That was great!” Sweetie Belle shouts, as she runs up and hugs me.

I scrunch my face up at the strange gesture, “Is this how ponies congratulate each other, or something?”

She backs out of the hug when she realizes what she was doing, “Uh, no? But, it’s just, well-“

She is interrupted by the guard poking me on the shoulder. He shows me a letter, “From the Princess.”

I unfurl the letter, and read it.


There is a situation that has arisen, King Sombra has returned and taken over the Crystal Empire. I don’t trust you, even with Luna behind you, even with her having seen your memories. This is your chance to prove me wrong, and Luna correct. I want you to go and stop Sombra, a chariot shall be provided for transportation. You will be given one chance to prove you’re good, I would take it.

If you fail within this endeavor, or if you otherwise prove yourself to not be good, than I will not be afraid to unleash all my power. You got lucky that Luna stopped us before I reached full power.

If you fail, it doesn’t matter how many foals you put between me and you. I will find you, and I will end your miserable life.

From Princess Celestia.

“Well, as much as I wish I could say no, it would seem I cannot. Loathe am I to deny such a good opportunity.”

Sweetie tries to look at the letter, “What is it?”

I furl up the letter and burn it within my grasp, “I have been sent on a quest to prove my worth. I endeavor to stop an evil king of the north so that Celestia can see me for who I am.”

She nods, “Well, uh, be safe, alright?”

I step in the chariot as it takes off. I lean out, and affix her with my greatest smile, “Safety is relative.” I step all the way in, and turn to the guards, “What about Twilight?”

“She has received a letter informing her of the situation.”

I nod, and curl up on the seat in the chariot. I close my eyes, and drift off for the long trip ahead.

Author's Note:

I’m back, and better than ever!