• Published 10th Feb 2018
  • 7,669 Views, 339 Comments

The Rise of a Raven - Chemtest

When you work with death for a living, do you even have to question if it will claim you? Just make sure to find any loophole possible, just in case.

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Judge (rewrite)

The gavel is banged twice, “All please gather your evidence together. Today’s case is Ravens Breath v.s Princess Celestia. Preceding over this case is I: Sturdy Brass. Now, prosecution, what charges do you lay against the defense, and what punishment do you suggest should your side be proven?”

I smile, and look over at my legal pad I have, “The accusation is quite simple. Princess Celestia has failed to uphold her royal vows, and has even broken a few. If it can be proven that Celestia has failed, then we suggest a judgement by way of the Elements of Harmony.”

Brass turns to Celestia, “How do you plead?”

She smiles, “Not guilty.”

Brass simply nods, “Very well then. Prosecution, you may begin.”

I nod, “Very well then. I call to the stands Scootaloo Roll, Bearer of Honesty. She will tell of the day that Celestia tried to slay an innocent civilian.”

She walks up to the witness stand, and turns to face the crowd, “So, it was about a week and a few days ago. We, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, we’re having a sleepover that day. We went to sleep after Raven had saved us from an attack of Timberwolves, and woke to a shout. Raven shouted to Celestia as she held a sword up to his neck something about how he demanded parley or something like that. It was obvious she wished to harm him, even though he had done nothing wrong. Then, after they talked for a bit, Celestia started to accuse him of brainwashing us to be his thralls. We, being his friends, jumped in front of the blade she swung at him, a breach of their truce. She continued her swing after a bit of hesitation, not caring if we died in it’s way. She was only stopped from killing us when Raven started to fight back. Then, Princess Luna appeared and forced her to stop fighting after a big fight between her and Raven. After that, she left, but also blackmailed Raven into working for her if he wanted to not die.”

I nod, and look at the judge, “As can be plainly seen, this is against many of her royal vows. Her first vow was to never harm an innocent being, her second to never kill a being without proper reasoning, these actions breach those two vows. She attempted to not only kill me, but the three foals who tried to save me. This also breaks her third vow to never go beyond the Equestrian Constitution, and that was broken when she overwrote the fundamental right to parley as said in the Second Tenant. Additionally, it breaks her fourth vow to never abuse her power as Princess. To blackmail a pony because you hold a higher position than them is an abuse of power, no debate about it.”

He looks over to Celestia, who still has a smug grin on her face, “Have you any defense?”

She shrugs, “It’s not true. That’s all I can say.”

He grimaces for a second when he hears the defense, and turns back to me, “Call up your next witness, please.”

I nod, “Then I call to the stand Sombra Noche, previous King of the Crystal Empire, and Bearer of the Element of Laughter. He will touch upon the events on the day of the Crystal Fair.”

He walks up to the stand as well, and smiles at all of us, “It was around two weeks ago, I retook the Crystal Empire from the hooves of Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor. Now, don’t get me wrong, I find the act I did cruel and unnecessary, but my mind was corrupted by darkness. Few days after that, and Raven arrives with orders to stop me, and he listened because he just wanted to live a peaceful life. We talked, and after a while, I came to the conclusion that I needed to purge the darkness inside of me. So, I did just that, and purified myself. I released Cadence and Armor from my prison and gave them back their Empire, and they forgave me for my evil actions. So, next day comes, it’s the Crystal Fair, and Celestia has popped into the Empire to enjoy it. I had just given my speech to my people about how I was sorry about my previous actions and I gave them all an explanation, and hoped for their forgiveness. I walked back inside, and saw Raven there shouting that Celestia was about to do something to me. It was then I felt a burning pain like no other as I was cut into from the back of my head and out through my muzzle. It took all of Ravens power to bring me back from the brink of death. With that, we both left the Crystal Empire, and that’s about that.”

I nod, “Your honor, as can be seen by his story, Celestia has breached more of her vows. Not only did she break her second again, or her third when she resorted to murder, but she also broke her fifth: not to kill anyone who has shaken off darkness. As stated, Sombra purged himself of this darkness, and thus became better. For Celestia to kill him is a breach of that vow.”

He once again turns to Celestia, “Your defense?”

She smiles, “Lies, all of it.”

I sigh, and look at my notes, “You know, I have so much more. Louis and the Changeling’s situation breaching her sixth and seventh, Starswirl her eighth and ninth, and Tirek breaching her tenth. But, you know what, what’s the point if she just won’t defend herself? She has let our five contentions through quite easily, and has not offered up an alibi or proper defense for any of them. She, herself, has not so much as provided a grain of evidence supporting her claims that we are lying, which can already be disproven by the fact the Element of Honesty said it. But I am bored and already know the outcome will be the same even if I continue on. Judge, I rest my case.”

He nods, and looks towards the jury, “We will give you an hour to vote.”

—(1 hour later)—

The gavel is slammed once again, and Sturdy Brass looks over to the jury, “Your verdict?”

The brown earth pony walks up with a paper in hand, “Well, your honor, we have found her guilty of her crimes by a vote of eight to two. We also say that the prosecution’s punishment is fair, and thus Princess Celestia should be tried by the Elements of Harmony.”

Brass simply nods, “Very well then. Princess Celestia: you are to be hit with the Elements of Harmony for their judgement on your soul.”

Her face is one of pure shock, and she looks back at her guards who have a similar face of shock. She looks around a bit more, before pointing at my skeleton army, “Attack them!”

She quickly teleports away, leaving the five hundred guards behind. Not a single one of them move, instead deciding to salute to Princess Luna, “Until the Princess has been judged by the Elements, we will follow your command!”

She looks over at me, “Then follow his. He is the war master.”

I grimace, and turn to Canterlot with it’s gates now closed, “We will enact justice upon her, at any cost. Guards of Canterlot, I ask you something very hard. I ask you today to turn against your fellow guard who may join with Celestia, and join us in our attack on Canterlot!”

They nod, “Yes sir!”

I turn to look at Louis, “How many Changelings are there?”

He smiles, “Five hundred, all within the walls.”

I smile as well, “An army of fifteen hundred. Impressive. Well, let’s move out.”