• Published 10th Feb 2018
  • 7,668 Views, 339 Comments

The Rise of a Raven - Chemtest

When you work with death for a living, do you even have to question if it will claim you? Just make sure to find any loophole possible, just in case.

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Ragnar (rewrite)

We ride the giant hand over the badlands, bones of all sorts supporting our journey. I look over to Louis, “So, Louis, why were you in the town?”

He sighs, “I was starving, and I needed food. My entire hive died out after the Siege, so I had to fetch it myself. Blue Hive has never been as good at infiltration as our Green brethren, we’ve always had a comfortable life healing any pony we found in the desert. But, after the incident with the foal, ponies no longer care if we’re Green, Red, Blue, or Brown. Now, we either find love on our own, or we die. The few Changeling left are part of Red or Green, both my and Brown’s hive being wiped out.”

I turn to him with a sympathetic eye, “I’m sorry, I truly am. If all goes according to plan, then we might get ponies to accept you all.”

Sombra smiles at him, “Don’t worry, pequeño caballo insecto negro, we will make a place for you in Equestria. Celestia is a close headed fool, hasta que lleguemos a ella.”

I turn to face him, “Alright, can we stop with the Spanish thing?”

He shakes his head, “You think I can just stop myself from using my native language? That’ll be a no, Cuervos Aliento.”

I sigh as I see the huge hive approaching us. I slowly lower us to the ground, until we come in to a stop right in front of two guards on the doors of the hive. One of them shouts at us, “State your name, rank, and occasion!”

Louis moves forward, “The ponies are with me. We are to see the High King.”

The soldier scoffs, “You aren’t in charge of us anymore. We decide wether or not you get through this gate.”

A rough and loud male voice interrupts them from behind, “Actually, that would be me, private!” The Changeling moves forward, his most defining trait being his bright red eyes and his leather jacket. He nods to Louis, “Come on in, if you say these ponies have important business.”

We walk in, and I can barely hear one of the guards stomach growl as Sweetie walks past them. They turn to look at her, but a glare from me snaps their head back into position. I turn to see Louis and the new changeling talking, “These ponies saved my life at Dodge.”

I can hear Sombra snicker to himself, “Then we got the hell out of Dodge.”

I sigh at his pun as we continue on, but I can’t help but smile at it. I turn to face him, “Sombra, since when have you been the joking type?”

He smiles, “Since birth. Un hombre que ríe siempre está preparado para continuar esa sonrisa incluso cuando apuñalan a alguien en el ojo.“

I smile, “So, you were always prepared to stab eyes then?”

He nods, “Oh yes, como cualquier buen rey sería.“

We enter a massive chamber, and I drop the conversation. Louis turns to face me, “Welcome, to the Hall of Hives.” He nods at the changeling that was walking with us, “He’s Francis, if he gets pissy about you, don’t worry, it’s normal. He has anger issues, and is the King of the Red Hive.” He points over to another corner where a changeling sits with a cigar in his mouth, “That’s Bill, chronic smoker since birth. King of the Brown Hive, even if all of his subjects are dead.” He moves to point to another corner with a Queen in it, “Chrysalis, Queen of the Green Hive.” He smiles, “You already know me, Louis, King of the Blue Hive, even if all of it is gone.”

A voice shouts down at us from above, “And you? You are the Necromancer.” I look up to see a changeling with a crown sitting upon his throne smiling down upon me, “My name is Ragnar, High King of Changelings!” He jumps down from his throne, and lands in front of me. He quickly bows before me, “And I missed your heart. I beg for you to forgive me for failing your final request.”

I lean down, and pick him up to his hooves, “You have no need to apologize, Ragnar. Your mistake actually played in my favor, else I would be in the afterlife away from the happiness I have found here.” I smile, “Besides, I know a way you can repay me for your mistake.”

He looks me in the eye, “Tel’la De Rus fell after your departure. You are the being that held us together, and I feel your destiny here shall be no different. Whatever you wish, I shall do as long as it is not evil or insane.”

I nod, “I move against Celestia, and I need help from more than just skeletons. Changelings have suffered for too long under Celestia, a gross misuse of her power. Join me, Ragnar, Changeling and Equestrian shall live in peace and satisfaction.”

He looks at me a second more, before looking around the hive, “Our race will die out soon. If we are given the choice to starve and do nothing or to fight and possibly live, then we will fight. Necromancer, my Changelings are yours.”

I smile, “Prefect. Prepare your forces, infiltrate Changelings. We move in a week, after I gather any other allies.”

I turn around, and start to make my way out of the hive. All five of us walk out, until we hear hooves running up to us, “Wait, please!” I turn around to see Louis run up to me, “I want to go with you.”

I tilt my head, “Why?”

He smiles, “You helped me as I was beaten by ponies who knew no better. I think, if I were to maybe help spread goodness with you, ponies may see Changelings a bit better. Also, well, you’re a friend, and I would like to travel with you.”

I take a second before nodding, “Alright then. We set off for Griffonstone.”