• Published 10th Feb 2018
  • 7,681 Views, 339 Comments

The Rise of a Raven - Chemtest

When you work with death for a living, do you even have to question if it will claim you? Just make sure to find any loophole possible, just in case.

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Rage (rewrite)

We walk right up to the walls of Canterlot, and it’s singular gate. Obviously unprepared guards rush into their positions on the wall, mainly near the gate winch. One guard looks over the wall, and sees his fellow guards next to us, “Corporal Offense, you are to ordered to kill the rebels or face execution for treason!”

The seeming leader of the guards on our side shouts back, “We swore not upon the Princess, but on the Elements! I will follow Harmony, even if it means going against our majesty!”

The guard shouts back, not aware of his fellow guard approaching behind him, “Then you will die with all of your other turncoats!”

He doesn’t speak any more as the guard behind him shoves his spear through his neck. The guard changes into a Changeling with bright red eyes, and I can see him whisper into the guards ear, “The only ones who die here are you ponies.” He turns around, and faces the city. He shouts with all of his strength, “Rage!”

As he says that, half the guards on the walls change into their Changeling forms. They stab the guard nearest them, then slam their spears on the ground as one. The mountain shakes as five hundred voices shout from all over the city, “Blood!”

He turns back, kicking the lever off the gate winch, causing the gates to swing open. He laughs gleefully as he draws a sword from his side, “Death!”

Without a seconds hesitation, we all rush through the gates of Canterlot, and into the city itself. I look to my friends, “Do not get involved in the battle until it is all over! I’ll take care of Celestia!”

I leave them no room for argument, and rush into the fray. I create a sword of bone just like always, and charge the nearest guards.

They never saw me coming, my small form being the last thing they’d be looking for. I jump into the air, and shove the sword deep into the neck of one, and use my momentum to spin around it. I lash out with my back hoof, now covered with a spike of bone, and impale it deep into the guard’s head from his chin.

I then roughly rip my blade out, and use the guard’s bones to propel me forward. I spin through the air like a bullet, with my sword sticking out in front of me, grasped firmly within skeletal fingers. I spin right into another guard’s body like a drill, causing him to fall over. I spread my back legs out and create similar swords within their own bone fingers. I spin around like a top, slicing into all flesh near me.

I jump up from the corpse when I feel no more hits connecting, and land back on my hooves, the extra blades thrown to the side. I see a Red Changeling, presumably the same from the wall, smiling at my display. He parries the spear of one guard, and stabs his head by turning his hoof into a spike. He laughs once more as he breathes in deeply, “You smell that? You taste it?” He takes the spear of the fallen guard, and chucks it into another, “Rage! Blood! Death! It’s so tasty!”

I take out Talons, and blast a guard with balefire, “Tasty, you say?”

He nods as he blocks a sword coming his way. He draws the guard closer, and bites out his neck by turning his muzzle to one of a wolf. He grins as he turns it back, blood spattering him as he lets the guard fall, “We’re the Red Hive!” He grabs the spear of one guard, pulling it closer. He then wraps minotuar hands around the guard’s head, and starts to squeeze, “We feed on those!”

I smile as I command a skeletal hand to rise and catch an arrow headed my way. It turns it back around, and throws it back at the archer who shot it. I nod as I hear a scream of pain, “No wonder you are such good fighters!”

He finally pops the head of the guard, “Best there are!” He moves his head to the side as a unicorn tries to impale him with his horn. He grabs the head of the guard, and does what he attempted to do to him. Changeling horns definitely look a lot more painful than unicorn horns, but the guard dies before he can feel the pain. He nods to the Palace, “Go on to the Palace! My comrades have carved a path for you!”

I dodge a sword that goes over my head, and light the offending pony on fire. I calmly twist his neck til it breaks to end his suffering, and look around me, “What about the guards? Should I not help you with it?”

He ducks underneath a spear, and grabs the head of the pony who stabbed. He shoves his hoof into his mouth, before changing it to be a lot larger. The guard’s head explodes around his hoof, and he smiles, “Don’t worry, we’ll be absolutely perfect by ourselves!”

I nod, and start to rush towards the Palace through the battlefield. I see that the Red Hive have indeed cleared a path for me, having separated the enemy forces into two halves, east and west. I take advantage of that, and quickly find ,self in front of the doors to the throne room of the Palace.

I throw open the doors and walk into the room. I hear the doors slam shut behind me, and I glare at Celestia. I hold my sword out by my side, “Dread it, run from it, it matters not. My vengeance comes all the same.”

She turns to face me, stopping the sharpening of her blade, “Yet another example of how Necromancers cannot be trusted to be good. Unlike my father, however, I will not trust you. You’ve been a thorn in my side for far too long.” I see her form start to change. Her eyes glow a fiery orange, her mane turns into fire, she grows a few inches taller, and her armor looks like it was forged from the sun. She smiles, fangs in her mouth, “I am Celestia, Goddess of the Sun, and of Fire, first born of Ordirus, Killer of Vogrim, Hunter of Necromancers! Your vile magic and words have infected not only the land, but my ponies! Too many lives have ended because of you! Now, your life will end alongside theirs!”

I can see a flash of movement, then I feel the burning sensation. Her blade is sticking out of my chest, and my back. I stare at it, confused for a second. Then, I collapse onto the ground and she removes her blade.

She turns away from me, and looks out the window, “The Sun Singer, soul rendering weapon forged for the purpose of destroying any soul it slashes. This is the same blade I used to slay him so long ago. And now, it’s killed you.” She grimaces as she stares out the window, “Next will be your friends. Such a shame to have to slay those foals. But, it must be done anyway.”