• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 1,832 Views, 9 Comments

The New Life - Going The Distance

When Chris's life takes a turn for the worst, he flees from his town and starts to rebuild it.

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9: Party time...

Chris sat patiently in the waiting room of the medical centre. He sat on the padded bench, sipping his coffee whilst reading a magazine. He was having his stitches removed today. The waiting room was busy. Nurses went past hurriedly, doctors called out other patients names whilst he sat there letting it all pass by. He looked up from time to look at the clock or watch someone sit next to him. Soon his name was called out. When he heard it, he put the magazine on his now vacant-seat and drank the rest of his coffee. A nurse led him to a sterile treatment room. When he walked into the room, the nurse directed him the sterile bed before. He took off his white polo shirt as he sat down. She placed a stainless steel tray, with a pair of scissors and tweezers next to him. She then started to cut the stitches and remove them with the tweezers. Chris stared at the door, wincing from time to time when the nurse pulled a stitch out. When the Nurse was finished, Chris looked at the pink, fresh scar on his deltoid and the pin-prick holes, where the stitches was. After he said his thanks, he walked out of the medical centre.
As he walked into the centre of town, he saw Fluttershy walk out of the pet store, holding a bag of rabbit food. He jogged over to her.
"Hey Fluttershy" he greeted.
She looked up from the pavement. She smiled shyly at him. "Hii...".
"So, you going to the party tonight then?" Chris asked.
Fluttershy's eyes looked at the ground, before looking back to Chris.
"Um...I..I'm not sure if I want to..." she said, rubbing her shoulder awkwardly.
"Aw come one, it'll be great!" He said encouragingly.
"Well...I..d.. don't know...I'm not a big fan of house parties"
"But the girls will be going, even Twilight!...Actually I think Big Macintosh said he'll actually go..." Chris wondered. Fluttershy then perked up a little.
"Oh...erm...I..In that case...I actually might...go"
Chris then smiled. "Great! I'm sure you'll enjoy it"
Fluttershy smiled back, brushing her hair over the to side. "Anyway, I must be going...The bunnies need their food."
Chris nodded. "Okay, hopefully see you tonight" He said with a smile. They then went their ways. Chris got his tin of Cigarillos out and popped one in his mouth. He walked on, lighting it. But as he took a drag, a thought occurred to him...
He stopped and paused for a moment. Chris then looked over his shoulder. He watched Fluttershy walk along the pavement, head slightly down. Chris's eyes moved down to the pavement before turning his head back. He carried on walking, still curiously thinking about his thought...
It was early evening. Chris and Big Macintosh were both getting ready for the big party. Applejack had already left with the others and Apple bloom was staying the night around a friend's house. Chris walked out of the steaming en-suite after having a long, hot shower. He walked to the beat of a dance tune in is head. Big Macintosh, who was putting on a pair of Jeans, looked over to him. Chris continued to dance a little to the beat in his head. Big smirked at little. "You excited then?" he asked.
"You bet, I have not been to a house party for a while" Chris said, drying his hair vigorousely. He then chucked the towel to the side and slipped into his boxers.
"You've been many yourself Mac?" Asked Chris. Big Macintosh shrugged a little. "A few, birthdays parties really. Nothing like this"
"Trust me, it's going to be a buzz!" Chris said as he sprayed some deodorant under his arm.
Big Mac smirked. "What? you Pinkie Pie now or something?". They both laughed at the joke. Chris then started to get ready. He put on a light blue Jack Wills clabon classic fit shirt, his Amarni jeans Rairity gave him and a pair of white trainers. He untucked the shirt and kept the top button undone. After he was pleased with his appearance, he then styled his hair: Swept to the side as usual. He then stepped back and looked at himself in the Mirror. He felt and looked great. He felt healthy again, felt stronger, and now he had a proper set of clothes. And he was about to have a great night out...
Big macintosh came out of the bathroom. He looked at Chris to see what he was wearing. Impressed, he complimented him. "Looking good Chris"
"Cheers mate..." Chris replied. He then looked at his watch, then to Big Macintosh. "Nearly ready?" he asked.
"Almost...". Big macintosh then put on his white shirt and slipped his Lyle and Scott grey V-neck jumper over. He turned to Chris. Chris have a nod of approval. "Very smart" he said. Big Mac smiled. "Thanks pal." Chris then grabbed his tin of Cigarillos and then they both left.
Chris and Big Macintosh walked on the main road, leading into Ponyville. It was a quiet country lane that gradually turned into more of an urban road. It was dusk. The blue hue of the darkness filled the night. Chris had smoke. The orange tip of Cigarillo glowed a brilliant orange. Soon, they reached the town. And the night was almost coming into life. The two boys walked down the high-street, they watched their surroundings. Groups of teenagers and young adults chatted happily, excited of what's to come. Shop signs illuminated brightly and bars where busy and bustled with people. Chris smiled as he absorbed the surroundings and night-life. They continued walking through the lively street, admiring the brilliance of the night-life. They then soon came to small street and walked down it. They then got to the metal gates of the house. Chris could already hear the boom of the music. Two huge bouncers guarded the gate. They looked at Chris and Big Macintosh. "Got ya tickets?" one of them grunted. They both showed their tickets. When the bouncer inspected them and was satisfied, he let the two pass.
Chris walked up the drive, with Big Macintosh by his side. Chris felt the excitement slowly come to him as he approached the door. As he knocked, he felt the beat of the music through his feet. Then, a guy with a beard holding a beer in his hand opened the door. He put his arms out and welcomed them. "Whooo! come in dude!" he cheered. Chris smiled and walked into the living room, and was amazed by what he saw. Groups of people crowded together in the large living room. Some danced to the beat of the music, wilst others happily chatted to each other. Big Macintosh tapped him on the shoulder and spoke in his ear. "Lets go find the others" he suggested. They walked and shuffled through the living room. A couple of people tried to get them to dance with them, but they kindly declined. Then, they found couple of the girls in the corner. Applejack, Twilight and even Fluttershy, chatted to each other. They all wore short skirts with branded t-shirts. Fluttershy however wore a more sensibly lengthen skirt. Chris called them. They turned around. When they saw who it was, the girls called them over. Applejack gave Chris a hug when he walked over.
"Glad you could make it!" she said happily, trying to speak over the music. Chris returned the hug.
"Thanks AJ, where is the rest of the gang?" he asked.
"Rarity and Rainbow dash went to the bathroom. And Pinkie Pie..." Applejack looked around, actually curious of Pinkie's where-abouts. "Actually, were is that crazy party girl?"
Twilight shrugged her shoulders. "Knowing her, either getting some drinks, or she's tearing up the dance floor in the dance room" she suggested. They chuckled. Chris looked at Fluttershy. She looked up to Big Macintosh and smiled a little.
"Hey Big Macintosh" she said. Chris swivlled his eyes to Big Macintosh. He rubbed his neck awkwardly. "Hey Fluttershy...". They both smiled, but gazed awkwardly at each other. Chris smirked a little.
"C'mon, lets get the drinks in!" called Applejack. She then took Chris's arm and led him to the kitchen whilst the others followed. The kitchen was less packed that the living room but just as lively. They walked over to a few buckets of ice containing drinks. The girls decided to have some alcopops whilst Chris and Big Mac had a Beer. Then, Pinkie came into the kitchen. When she saw them, she rushed over quickly. Chris noticed the large amount on glow bands on her wrist and streaks of fluorescent paint on her cheeks. She cheered and put her arms around Chris and Applejack. "This is a great Par-tay!" she cheered excitedly. Chris took a sip of his beer, smiling at Pinkies enthusiasm.
"You say that about every party" pointed out Twilight.
"But I just LOVE them!". Everyone laughed. Pinkie them piped up. "Ooh!, I'll be right back!" and she quickly went to the fridge at the end of the kitchen. Meanwhile, Rarity and Rainbow dash walked in. Rainbow dash wore a similar outfit to the others, but Rairity wore a indigo coloured Maxi dress with a pair of wedge heels shoes. They walked over and greeted everyone. The girls admired and compliment Rairity's dress. "Thanks everyone..." She flattered. "I made it myself, simply wonderful isn't it?"
Pinkie then rushed back over. She had a tray of empty shot glasses and a bottle of a spirit. She handed everyone a glass and poured them some of the spirit. Chris examined the green coloured shot in his glass. He gave it a whiff. It smelt of Aniseed.
"Wh...What is it?" asked fluttershy nervously, not too keen on the spirit.
"I'll tell you when we knock it back" Pinkie Pie teased. They then all clinked glasses and knocked the shot back. Chris tasted the shot. It tasted strongly of Aniseed and was quite bitter. He felt a strong burn of alcohol in his mouth and chest. Everyone but Pinkie screwed up their faces.
"Bloody hell, what was that?..." Chris said, smacking at the taste. Pinkie giggled and showed the lable on the bottle. "It was...Absinthe!"
Chris eyes widened in shock. He eyed at his empty shot glass.
"ABSINTHE?! Jesus Christ Pinkie, this stuff is lethal!" he exclaimed. Everyone else looked at Pinkie, shocked at what they've just drunk.
"Pinkie!" they all said at once.
"what? we're partying, right?" She giggled. Fluttershy coughed and blinked a few times.
"Oh my...My head.."
Chris felt the same too. His head-rush was slowly coming to him. The Absinthe had already kicked in and gone to his head. Soon, everyone started to feel the effects of it. And with alcohol in their system, they felt sociable, happy and giddy.
"Come on, I'll show you the dancing hall" called Pinkie. Everyone then walked with Pinkie, trying not to act drunk. Pinkie opened a door to reveal the dance room. The dance music blared out. The lights were off and the disco lights flashed, scattering around the room.
This was going to be one heck of a Party...
Chris slumped onto a chair, exhausted. He'd been dancing for a few hours to the immense music. He took a couple of gulps from his bottle of beer. Big Macintosh walked over. He was smiling and looked quite dazed. He sat down next to Chris. Chris looked over to him and smiled. He gave him a heavy slap on the back. "Having and good time?" he asked, sounding rather drunk. Big Macintosh nodded. "Eeyup, still feeling the effects of that shot..." he replied, gazing at the floor half-drunk. Chris chuckled as he put the now-empty beer bottle on the floor. Big Macintosh eyed it before looking back up to Chris.
"How many you had?" he asked. Chris burped a little. "That was my fifth..."
Big Macintosh snorted. "Man, you need to slow down!".
Chris then got up. "Awell, I'm getting another, fancy one?"
Big Mac shrugged his shoulders. "Might aswell..."
Chris smiled. "Atta boy". He then walked through the dance floor. Everyone was pretty much drunk and danced to the moves of the beat. He then walked to the kitchen, trying to keep his balance. As he went over to the ice buckets, he saw Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow dash sitting on some stools.They too seemed quite tipsy. He walked over to them, holding two beers in his hand.
"Everyone okay?" he asked. They all smiled. "Fine thank you...don't think you've had enough?" Twilight pointed out. She seemed quite sober.
"Who cares, I'm having a good time". He then looked around. "Where's Fluttershy? I thought she would be you guys?".
Rainbow dash, who seemed quite drunk, perked up. "Fluttershy? Man, That shot really got to her! Last time I saw her she went to the dance floor...she seemed really up for it!" She said, pointing to the dance room. Chris was slightly surprised. "Well at least she's having fun". They all chuckled at the comment. He then walked off with his beers, trying to keep straight. As he danced his way through, he bumped into Rairty, who was going in the opposite direction. She smiled at him. "Having a good time?" she asked. Chris nodded.
"You bet!, this is one hell of a party!"
She laughed and inspected at his outfit. "I'm liking your style Chris, very nice..." she complimented, sounding rather tipsy.
"Thanks, someone gave me abit of advice" he said, giving her a small wink. Rairity giggled again.
"Thanks darling, anyway, must dash. There's a gorgeous boy I must speak to..." she said, looking over Chris's shoulder. She then flicked her her to the side and brushed past Chris. He watched her walk away, noticing her swaying hips. Chris smiled and shook his head. He took a sip of his beer. He got back to his seat and passed a beer to Big Macintosh. He sat down.
"Tell you what, Rarity likes a guy.." He chuckled.
Big Macintosh took a swig of his drink. He raised an eye at Chris.
"Rarity? she's always with different guys." He explained. "If you think she bad..." He gestured with his head towards the corner of the room. Chris peeked over to the corner. He saw the familiar pink, curly hair of Pinkie Pie. And she was making out someone...
He looked back a Big Macintosh, and smiled slyly. "Yep, She's a party girl alright..." Both of them laughed. The alcohol was getting to both of them. Chris felt light headed and couldn't focus on things without concentrating. They sat there and chatted to one another, talking about anything that came into mind. Pinkie came by and offered them another shot of Absinthe, But they quickly declined. Chris then got up from his seat and told Big Macintosh he's going out for a smoke. He was about to walk off when the unexpected happened...
Fluttershy, burst out of the crowded dance floor. She was very intoxicated and was holding a bottle of Sambuca. Chris eyes widened in surprise. She looked at him and Big Macintosh and smiled. She put her arms in the air and whooed.
"I'm loving thish party!" she screamed. She sounded very drunk. Both men gawked at each other.
Was this Fluttershy?
"Er...Are you okay?" Chris asked. Fluttershy took a swig of the Sambuca and drunkenly giggled.
"I'mm Fiiinee...Just had abit too much...". She then almost fell over. Big Macintosh lept from his seat and caught her. She looked up a giggled even more.
"Whoopsie! Clumsy me...". She was about to take another swig when Chris thoughtfully took the bottle away from her. She was about object when Big Macintosh brought her into a small hug. "I've think you've had enough...". Big Macintosh suggested. He spoke softly with a gentle tone. Fluttershy admitted defeat and flopped her head against Big Mac's beefy chest. She returned the hug, wrapping her arms around him. Chris looked at her sweet face. Even though she may of acted drunk, Fluttershy looked quite tired. Chris looked at his friend.
"Better get her some water..." he suggested. Big Macintosh nodded and led Fluttershy to the kitchen. She was leaning into him and trying to stand up straight. Chris looked at them walking out.
'I Knew they like each other...' Chris thought. He looked at the half-empty Sambuca bottle. 'Hope she didn't have too much of this stuff...'
Then, he heard his name. Chris looked up to see who it was.
He looked around. He then saw Applejack, dancing in the crowd. She smiled at him. "Fancy a dance?" she offered.
Chris grinned back. "Sure!". He then gave the bottle to someone passing by and joined Applejack. She danced up next to Chris. Chris danced with her to the beat of the music. Chris watched Applejack dance. She had her long, blonde hair down and was swaying it side to side. Chris gazed into her peaceful green eyes. Even in the dark room they stood out. She met her gaze with Chris's blue eyes. They danced with each other for a while. And Chris enjoyed every moment. He felt the beat of the music vibrate through his chest, like it was coming from him. He didn't know whether it was the Absinthe or him but he felt out of this world. All of his worries gone; To him, Trottingham was history. He was having a great time at this party, with his new friends that care about him. He couldn't be in a better place.
But ,even the good times has an end. After dancing together for a while, the music finally stopped. Applejack rested her head against Chris's heaving chest. She let out an exhausted sigh. She looked up to Chris and smiled.
"Gosh, we've been dancing for a long time. Your a pretty good dancer Chris" She complimented. Chris smiled back. "Thanks AJ".
"That's okay sugar cube..." AJ then yawned. Chris looked at his watch, focusing hard to read the time. It was 1:00am.
"Bloody hell tonight has gone quick...". Chris felt quite tipsy, and tired too...
He looked down at Applejack. "I'm going to the bathroom". Applejack moaned as lifted her head off his chest. "Okay, I'll go find the others" She gave him a small smile before walking away. Chris watched her walk out. He smiled to himself. An he thought of something once again.
'I think she likes you mate...'