• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 1,831 Views, 9 Comments

The New Life - Going The Distance

When Chris's life takes a turn for the worst, he flees from his town and starts to rebuild it.

  • ...

6: New Clothes, New faces and a new room mate.

"How long will it take?" asked Chris as he took his top off. Twilight drove him to a medical centre in Ponyville. He was about to get examined.

"Not too long hopefully..." the doctor replied. He looked up from his clipboard and pointed to the sterile bed. "Take a seat please"

Chris sat down on the bed, coughing a little as he does. Twilight sat on a chair next to the bed.

"Bloody cough is doing my head in..." he said, looking at Twilight. Twilight gave a small smile of reassurance. "Don't worry, It'll be sorted out hopefully"

The doctor then put his stethoscope on Chris's back and started examining his breathing. Chris jumped a little when the cold piece of metal touched his skin.

As the doctor examined Chris, he looked around the small medical room. The light blue walls matched the bed and other bits of furniture. Chris looked over to the doctors desk which was covered with papers and notes. The sterile smell of the room filled his nose as he gazed at the cabinets opposite him.

"Cough..." the doctor asked.

Chris gave a small cough, screwing up his as he does. It now hurts when coughs. The doctor then started tapping in different places.

"What have been your sleeping conditions?" the doctor asked with slight wonder.

"Cold, wet, and muddy..." Chris replied, before coughing yet again.

The doctor then done the same on his chest. After checking it, he put his stethoscope around his neck and walked over to his desk.

"I'm afraid you have a mild case of Pneumonia. Your nights in the cold and wet is probably the cause" He explained and he wrote down some notes. Chris sighed, then sniffed his nose.

Then, there was a knock on the door. The doctor looked up. "Come in"

The door opened. It was Applejack. She walked in and Twilight greeted her with a hug.

"Hey Twilight, how did it go with the Princess?" Asked Applejack.

"Very well thanks..." They both looked at Chris. "And I also told Chris the good news" she said with a smile.

Chris looked up and saw AJ walk over to him. She gave a small hug.

"How you feeling sugarcube?" she asked softly. Her green eyes looked into Chris's.

"Better thanks" He replied, giving her a small smile. Applejack then looked at his bandaged arm. "How's the wound?"

The doctor looked up from his desk and looked at Chris. "Wound? what wound?" he asked.

"This one..." Chris huffed. He started unravelling the bandages. The doctor walked over to investigate the gash. When Chris got the last of the bandage off, he showed the bullet wound to the doctor. AJ and Twilight cringed at the sight of the sore, bare flesh. The doctor shook his head. "This is going to need stitches..." he explained. He then dashed to a small trolley and started collecting the things he needed. Soon, he wheeled the metal trolley to the bed and shone a light on the wound. Applejack then spoke to Chris.

"Big Macintosh asked if you would like to share rooms with him?"

Chris nodded. "Course, I would love to...OW!" yelped Chris. He looked at the doctor.

"Sorry..." he said as he stuck a local anaesthetic injection in his arm. Chris glared at him, then he looked back at AJ.

"As I was saying...I would loved to share a room with the big guy" he said. Applejack smiled.

"Great, he would appreciate another man in the house...being surrounded by girls all the time"

The three of them chuckled.

Soon, the anaesthetic took effect and the upper part of Chris's arm was completely numb. In fact the doctor even stuck his gloved finger in the bare flesh and Chris didn't feel a thing. Although this did make the girls cringe even more. The doctor got busy stitching up the gash.

"Will you need anything?" Asked Twilight. Chris thought for a moment. Then he realised something.


"Ah shit...I'm gonna need some clothes..."

"There's a small store not far from here..." Said Applejack. "I'll take you there, I need to get some things myself"

"Okay then..."

His stomach rumbled.

"Uhh, maybe something to eat too..."

Applejack and Twilight laughed.

"Finished..." said the doctor, putting a bloody needle on a metal tray. He gave the stitches one final looked before he was satisfied with his work. He then gestured Chris to get off of the bed. Chris looked at the stitches as he got off the bed. There where six, neatly and professionally done.

"Blimey, that was quick..."

"I've done plenty in my lifetime..." said the doctor as he wrote something on a pad. He then tore off a page and handed it to Chris.

"Here's a weeks course of Strong antibiotics, that should hopefully clear it up"

Chris folded the sheet and put it in his pocket.

"Thanks for your help"

"Pleasure" the doctor said with a smile.

The three young adults then walked out of the medical room and into the hallway. Chris put his t-shirt back on. "Where are we off to now?" He asked.

"There is some other friends outside waiting that are goin' to take us into town. I think you would like to meet them" said Applejack. Chris agreed then followed her out of the medical centre.


Chris stood outside the medical centre, breathing the fresh air. He saw Applejack walk over to two other girls, one of them was leaning against the wall. Chris lit one of his Cigarillos up and took a couple of puffs before Applejack called him over. He walked over and looked at the two new faces.

One girl casually leaned against a wall. she wore black aviator sunglasses whilst wearing a maroon coloured hoodie and a pair of roughed up Jeans. Her impressive rainbow coloured hair stood made her stand out. She looked at Chris.

"Chris, this is Rainbow dash." Said AJ. Chris took a drag of his Cigarillo as he looked at Rainbow dash.

"Hey there..." he said with a short nod.

Rainbow dash took her sunglasses off to reveal her red-violet coloured eyes. She looked up and down at him, then spoke.

"So your Chris then...I've heard alot about you" she said, putting her hand out to shake. Chris took it and gave a it a small shake. He looked at her impressive hair.

"Nice haircut by the way..." he complimented. RD gave a little chuckle.

"Thank" she said, giving it a little sweep to the side. Chris then looked over Rainbow dash's shoulder and saw another girl. She wore a light yellow hoodie with a small pink butterfly brand badge and a pair of light blue skinny jeans. She was looking down, inspecting her neat nails.

"Hello..." he said softly

The girl looked up. Her pink, wavy hair covered one of her innocent eyes. She gave a small smile.

"Hi..." she said shyly.

"What's your name?" Chris asked gently

The girl looked down timidly, then back up to Chris.

"I'm...I'm Fl...Fluttershy...". She whispered the last part of her name. Chris put Cigarillo in his mouth and leaned forward abit.

" I'm sorry?"

The timid girl rubbed her arm awkwardly. "I'm...Flutter...shy..." she quietly said again, whispering the last part of her name once more. Chris turned around to Rainbow dash and looked at her, as if to say "Help me out here..." RD smiled and gave Fluttershy a little shake.

"This is Fluttershy....She's a little on the timid side as you can see"

A little? she's probably sacred of her own shadow... thought Chris. He looked at her innocent turquoise eyes and sweet face. She looked down, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Don't worry" Chris said with a smile. He too a puff of his Cigarillo, but then he accidently inhaled the strong smoke and bent over double coughing. Applejack rubbed his back and bent down to him

"I think you should stop smoking for now..." She suggested, taking the Cigarillo away from Chris. She was about to stubb it out when Rainbow dash snatched it and started smoking it herself. AJ looked at her, slightly shocked and annoyed.

"Rainbow dash! I though' you gave up smoking?" she said angrily.

RD shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah...well...for a while anyway" she said, happily puffing away. Fluttershy gave a small cough as tried to waft the smoke away.

Applejack rolled her eyes, then helped Chris up. Chris looked at his hand where he had his Cigarillo.

Then, Twilight tooted them as she pulled up next to them. She poked her head out of the window. "Ready to go into town guys?" she asked.

Then they all squeezed into the small Ford KA. Chris sat in the middle. Rainbow dask complained about the size of the car and why she has to sit in the back.

As they drove into down, Rainbow dash then remebered something.

"Oh!, I need to pick up my dress from Rarity's boutique!" she said.

Twilight sighed, then looked at Chris. "Do you mind if we stop off at the boutique?" she asked.

Chris shrugged his shoulders. "I dont mind" he said. Though he did want to get out of the tight car soon.

"Okay then" replied Twilight and she sped up.


Chris was led into the shop by the girls, having a quick look at the building before he went in. When they went in, Chris looked around the boutique. He looked at the different sized maniquins and variouse strips of materials that where folded and stack in neat wooden shevels. He then looked at the many dresses and suits that where impressivly displayed around the shop. He also noticed a small stage that had some tall mirrors at the back of the shop. The whirr of a sewing maching was heard in another room

"Rairity?" called Twilight

"Just a minute!" called a posh voice. Then, a young woman walked out of her room. She wore a white, branded t-shirt and a pair of flared jeans. Her purple hair was elegantly styled. She pulled her red framed glasses down as she walked towards them. Chris couldn't help but admire her beauty as he gazed at her. She looked at the girls and smiled.

"Hello girls" she greeted with her upper class voice. She then looked at Chris at let out a small gasp.

"Oh my, what an earth are you wearing?" she pointed out. Chris looked down at his grey jogging bottoms, feeling slightly offended. He was about to speak when Rarity let out another gasp.

"Wait...your that person from Trottingham...The one who got away?"

Chris gave a small sigh, rolling his eyes a little.

"Yeah...that's me"

"And these are the only clothes you got?" she asked concerningly

"Yes unfortunatly...But I'm gonna get some new ones..."

Before Chris could finish, Rarity grabbed his arm and took him to the changing rooms.

"You poor thing!..." she exclaimed. "Follow me..."

Chris looked back at the other girls as Rarity dragged him along. He looked at them as if to say 'oh god.."

When they got to a changing room, Rarity hurriedly pushed Chris into a changing booth.

"Now take off those scruffy clothes" she ordered. Chris slowly took his shirt off.

"Honestly, I'm fine for..."

"Nonsense! you've had such a dreadful few days and I want to help you, Now: Chop! Chop!" she said dramatically, clapping her hands. Chris sighed as he took his trainers off .

For the next fifteen minutes or so, Rarity made Chris try on different outfits. He was given things like Chinos, blazers, espadrilles and many others. Some where good, others wasn't Chris's type. There where even a few outfit Chris refused to try on, mainly geek-sheek type of clothing.

After alot of debating, judgement and ordering, Chris finally and happily settled on an outfit. He decided to have a pair of dark blue Armani jeans, a navy blue Hollister jumper with a white shirt, of the same brand underneath, and a black woollen pea coat he had unbuttoned. He looked himself in the mirror, giving a curt nod of satisfaction. He turned around to Rarity, who was admiring her work. "Perfect!" he said.

Rarity gave a little clap and giggle. "You simply look wonderful!" she said happily. The other nodded in agreement.

"Thank you" Chris said as he stepped of the small stage. He then reached in his new coat pocket. "So how much do you..."

Rarity grabbed his hand and slowly put it back in the pocket. "Heavens no! don't be silly" she said.

Chris looked at her blue eyes in amazement. "Seriously?!...But surely..."

He noticed Applejack shaking her head, and mouthing 'No'. He looked back at Rarity.

"Think of it as a gift" she said, fluttering her long eyelashes at him. Chris smiled at her.

"Thank you for your generosity"

"Always a pleasure darling" she replied, giving him a Chris a wink. Rainbow dash then cleared her throat. "Now, about my dress..." she said, rather impatiently.

"Ah yes!..." perked Rarity and she walked to her office to fetch the handmade dress.

After Rainbow dash got her dress, they then left to go into town. Before Chris left, Rarity called his name.

"If you would ever like to try on my outfits on for me, your more than welcome...you've got the perfect physique" she offered.

"I'll think about it" Chris said, giving Rarity a smile. When he walked out of the boutique, he leaned over to Applejack and whispeard in her ear .

"Sod that!" he admitted. AJ giggled at the comment.


After Chris got his perscription, he then got some clothes in the shop next to the Pharmacy. The girls chatted as he got some essential clothes. When he came out, full of bags, Applejack walked over.

"Got what you wanted?" she asked, her pretty green eyes looking at his. Chris nodded.

"Yeah, boxers, socks, some polo shirts and a pair of boots for the farm..." he said, holding up a pair of nubuck boots. AJ nodded approvingly what he bought.

"Fancy something to eat?" she offered.

"Sure do!"

Applejack laughed a little. "C'mon, I'll take you to the bakery, I'll introduce you to one more person there"

Christ, how many people does she know? Chris thought to himself.

The group of Twenty year-olds then walked to the bakery, chatting along the way. When they got there, Chris looked up at the sign that said 'Sugar cube corner' in silver letters, on a light brown background. He walked into the bakery, where the smell of baked cakes and sweet pastry wafted under Chris's nose. His stomach rumbled even harder.

They walked up to the glass counter, where they stared at the sweet baked goods. Then, another young woman came through the kitchen. Chris looked at her. And immediately saw her pink, puffed up hair that looked abit like candy floss. She had her bakery uniform on which was a light brown t-shirt with a black-waist apron and trousers.

"Hi guys!" she said happily and energetically. They all greeted the lively girl. She then looked at Chris. "Are you new in town?" she asked with enthusiasm. He gave a nod

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie! nice to meet you, what's your name?" she asked, saying it quite fast"

"Chris" he said. He then waited for an reaction. Pinkie eyes lit up.

"The one from Trottingham? Oh my god!" She exclaimed. Chris sighed a little and looked over to the others.

"Am I famous around here or something?" Chris asked. Twilight awkwardly rubbed her arm

"I er...might told a few people about you being here..." she explained, blushing a little. Chris gave a little chuckle. Pinkie continued.

"Wow, it must've been really scary back there, with all of the shooting, the explosions, was you scared? Cause I would've been scared in something like that. That discord guy is such a big meanie!..."

"Okay, easy there gal..." said Applejack. AJ looked over to Chris, who was confused but amazed at the same time. He has never met anyone like Pinkie Pie before. He was stunned at he fast talking and energy. He looked back at AJ, coughing a little.

"Shall we eat?" he suggested.

After the group ordered up, they sat outside on some chairs. Chris decided to have a steak bake, two apple turnovers and a can of real lemonade. He sat down and started to eat. He quickly devoured the rich, beefy bake. He realised no else has touched theirs and slowed down, feeling slightly piggish. Pinkie pie came and joined them. As they chatted to one another, Applejack spoke to Chris.

"How you feeling sweetie?" she asked kindly. Chris took a sip of his lemonade.

"Much better thanks. Interesting group of friends you got here." he said looking at the others. AJ gave a nod, smiling a little. Chris took a bite of is apple turnover. The sweet apple filling filled Chris's mouth with delight. Applejack put her hand on his shoulder and looked at him.

"Your gonna be fine with us, don't worry you about a thing". She smiled and looked at Chris's eye with hers. He smiled back. He was about to say something when he succumbed to yet another coughing fit. He groaned in frustration.

"Poxy, friggin' cough..."

"You better take your antibiotics now" Applejack suggested, rubbing his back.

"Good point...". He then got his packet of medication out and popped a few pills out.

When they finished their lunch, Twilight Kindly dropped AJ and Chris back at Sweet apple acres. He said goodbye to his new friends and waved as they drove down the dusty path. Applejack then led Chris into the house. "Here we are..." said Applejack. "Your new home"

"Yeah..." Chris said, as he gazed at the front of the house.


That night, Chris at at the edge of the wooden decking, smoking a Cigarillo. He watched the sun set over the farm, illuminating it a warm orange. He heard the door open behind. He looked over his shoulder. It was Big Macintosh. He walked over and sat down next to Chris. Chris looked gave him a nod.


"Eeyup" said Big Macintosh. Chris puffed at his cigarillo, looking at the horizon as he does.

"How you feeling?" asked Big Mac. Chris blew out some smoke before he spoke.

"Better thanks...". He coughed a little. "Except for this cough..." he groaned.

Big Mac nodded a little. "I've got your bed ready, It's only a mattress though..."

Chris shrugged. "I'm not bothered mate..." He gave his Cigarillo a flick. "It's better than a night there..." he said, pointing to the woods in the distance. Big Macintosh smiled, admiring Chris's optimism. He took his wheat stem out and spat out a loose bit.

"Applejack said you can start working on the farm next week. Hopefully your Pneumonia should clear up by then"

Chris nodded as he took a drag. He looked at his watch and yawned.

"Man, it's getting late..." he sighed.

Big Mac shook his head in agreement. He stood up and stretched a little. "Eeyup, sure is" before letting out a sign. Chris stubbed out his Cigarillo and stood up. "Come on, better get sleep I guess...". Then the two men walked to the door. Before Chris went in, he looked at the sunset one more time.

For the first time in ages, he felt happy and safe.