• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 1,830 Views, 9 Comments

The New Life - Going The Distance

When Chris's life takes a turn for the worst, he flees from his town and starts to rebuild it.

  • ...

10: Best night ever?

Chris staggered out, feeling slightly victorious.

He's has a great night, dancing with Applejack, and getting drunk with his new friends...Best night ever?

Chris slowly walked up the stairs. He felt light-headed and couldn't focus properly, infact he almost slipped a few times. When he finally got up the stairs, Chris stumbled to the toilet door. He was about to open the door, when he heard something...

It sounded like...Crying?

Curious, Chris pressed his ear to the door. Yep, he heard sobbing. But it sounded familiar...

Then without warning, the door opened. Chris quickly grabbed onto the door frame to stop him falling. It was Rainbow dash. She was surprised to see Chris.

"Hey dude, you waiting your turn?". She looked more sober than before. Chris straightened himself up. "You okay? I heard crying" he asked.

She sighed. "It wasn't me...". She moved aside a little. Chris looked around her. And saw Fluttershy: On the floor leaning against the toilet.

"Oh jeez..."

Chris quickly went over to her, trying to keep his balance. He knelt down beside her.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked gently. Fluttershy looked up. She sobbed. Chris noticed tears running down her face.

"I don't feel well..." She whimpered. Chris rubbed her back. "Don't worry, let it all out if you..."

She then put her head in to toilet and vomited. Chris cringed a little but continued rubbing her back. He turned to Rainbow dash.

"That bloody Absinthe shot...Next time I see Pinkie..." He screwed up his eyes. His head started to hurt a little. Rainbow Dash rubbed her face. "I know, I'm starting to feel the effects too..."

Fluttershy cried a little. "I'm so....so..so..sorry" She sobbed. Chris hushed her.

"Don't worry about it.."

"Where's...Big Macintosh...". She moaned.
Chris lent in. "Where's who?"

"...Big Macintosh...I want him here..". She looked at him with her teary eyes. Chris smiled reassuringly.

"I'll get the big guy". He then grabbed onto the sink and hauled himself up. He gestured to Rainbow dash. "Look after her while I get Big Mac".

She winked at him. "Will do.."

Chris walked out of the bathroom. For the first time tonight he started to think straight, trying to sober up mentally. When he got at the bottom of the stairs, he luckily found his man.

"What's up?" he asked. Concern hinted in his voice.

"It's Fluttershy...She's not good...She wants you mate"

Big Mac shook his head. "God...I shouldn't let her go on her own..."

Chris gave him a reassuring shake on the shoulder. "Don't beat yourself up about it...She needs you". Big Macintosh looked up. He let off a small sigh.

"Where is she?" he asked

"In the Bathroom. Rainbow dash is with her."

Big Macintosh nodded. He then hurriedly walked up the stairs. Chris watched him go up before looking away again. He scratched the back of his neck.

"Bloody hell, hope everyone else is okay...".

When he turned around, Applejack was in front of him. "Oh, hey AJ. Found everyone else?"

"Yeah...Twilight and Rairity are outside."

"Are they okay?". Applejack shook her. "No, Rairity is blowing chunks...again..", sounding rather annoyed. Chris closed his eyes and groaned.

"Oh not, not her...".

He then went outside to check up on Rairity. Applejack followed him. AJ took him to where Rarity and Twilight was. When he got there, Rarity was squatted with her head in some bushes. Twilight was holding her hair back.

Chris put his arms out. "Aw come on, not you aswell!" he said, sounding frustrated. Rarity spat some vomit out and looked up. She smiled and giggled drunkenly.

"I'mm ever soo sorry...I try not tooo get thish darling.." she slurred. Twilight rolled her eyes.

"You say that every time...". Rarity giggled abit more before sticking her head back in the bush to vomit more. Chris walked over to her. When she was finished being sick, Chris helped her to her feet. Rarity Clung onto hims and tried to stand up straight.

"Aw...your a real sweetie..." She complimented. Chris snorted. "Why are men the ones who has to look after women like you...". He then remembered something.

"Say, what about that bloke you fancied, where's he?"

"Oh...him. Shame really...He didn't swing to girls..." she said, sounding rather disappointed. She then stopped and bent over and retched a couple of times.

Chris pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Can it get any worse?" He wondered. Then someone tapped him on the shoulder. Chris turned around. It was the guy who answered the door.

"Er, sorry to bother you dude, but are you friends with that crazy, pink haired chick?"

Chris saw this coming....

He sighed. "Yes..."

"Well, she's passed out...".
Yes, it could get worse....

Chris faceplamed. "Oh for fuck sake...".

"Not again!" moaned Applejack. "Does she ever learn?" Said Twilight.

Chris huffed. "Where is she then?"

"In the kitchen dude...sprawled out on a stool". Chris said thanks and led Rairity and the girls to the kitchen. They found Pinkie there. On a stool, leaning on the kitchen top. Chris sat Rairity down while Twilight and AJ tended to Pinkie. Chris went a got Rarity a glass of water. Meanwhile, Twilight and Applejack wondered about they should about Pinkie.

"Should we call an Ambulance?" suggested Twilight. Applejack frowned a little.

"Don't be silly Twi! It ain't the first time it's happened...".

Pinkie moaned. The girls looked over to her.

"Whoo...great...party..." She murmured. She coughed a little. AJ shook her head. "We need to get her home"

Applejack turned to Chris, who was giving Rarity a glass of water. "I think we should call it a night. Looks like everyone has had enough". Chris nodded in agreement.

"What should we do?" She asked.

Chris sat down and tried to think. His head was feeling abit clearer, but he still felt tipsy. Before he could answer, Twilight butted in.

"I still think Pinkie should get checked out". Applejack turned to her. "For the last time Twilight, she's not that bad!"

They then got into a small argument. The Chris tried to focus and think of a plan to get everyone home. But with the girls bickering, and now Rarity pestering him, he couldn't think. Too much noise, too many distractions...

"Alright, enough!" he snapped.

Twilight and Applejack turned around. Rairity recoiled a little. Chris let out a little huff.

"Okay, here's what we could do..." Chris explained.

"Twilight: Do you have any spare room in the library?"

She thought for a moment. "Well, I have a spare bed...and I suppose the couch too..."

"Okay, in that case Pinkie and Rarity can stay at yours. No way can they stay in their own place tonight...". He then turned to Applejack. "We can take Fluttershy with us. She'll probably have to stay in the guest room"

Applejack tutted a little. "Oh, not Fluttershy...".

"Yeah, she's with your brother and Rainbow dash. She'll be alright" Chris reassured.

Twilight then remembered something.

"What about RD?"

Chris looked at her with a slightly confused expression.

"What about her?, she's okay to go back to her own place"

Twilight shook her head. "She's sharing an apartment with Pinkie" she pointed out. Chris rolled his eyes.

"Okay, she'll probably have to come back with us". He looked at Applejack. "Are you okay with AJ?"

"I've got no problems with that". After they all agree'd with the plan, Chris called a mini-cab whilst Twilight and Applejack helped Pinkie and Twilight to their feet.


"Let me know when your home" Chris asked Twilight. He poked his head through the window of the mini-cab. Twilight nodded. He smiled and looked the other two. Pinkie was still passed out and Rarity looked like she was about to fall asleep. He then got his head out the cab and waved the cab off.

When he got back to the house, he stood outside and lit a Cigarillo. He let out a relived sigh as he exhaled. He then smiled to himself a little.

"Just like old times...". Chris thought about the parties he had when he lived in Trottingham...

Then, someone put their arms around his waist. Chris looked around to see who it was. It was Applejack. She smiled at him.

"You done well sugarcube."

Chris smiled back. "Thanks AJ, you helped too". Applejack then yawned a little and rested her head on Chris's back. Chris smiled as he put his Cigarillo in his mouth.

Soon, Big Macintosh came out with Fluttershy clung to him. She had he arms wrapped around his big chest and was leaning on him. Chris looked a him before looking at Fluttershy. She looked very tired and was almost asleep.

"Is she okay now" Chris asked.

"Yeah, just abit tired" he said, looking down at the timid girl. He then noticed Applejack.

"looked like someone else is too.." he smiled.

Applejack moved a little. "I can still hear y'all..." she said rather quietly. By now she was resting on Chris's solid body.

The two men looked at each other.

"Looks like we're babysitters tonight." Chris said.

Big Macintosh grinned. "Eeuyp".

After waiting for a while, Rainbow dash finally came out. She seemed abit more drunk than before but sober enough to walk straight. She wore a massive grin on he face. Chris looked at her, half suprised, half suspicious of the sudden cheeriness.

"Took your time, where you been?" he asked.

"I've been talking to some people" she teased. She giggled a little.

Chris raised an eyebrow. "Why the sudden cheeriness?"

Rainbow dash looked at him and tapped her nose. "I'm gonna keep bit that secret...fornow" she teased, giving Chris a small wink.

"Alright..." he looked at Applejack and gave her a small nudge with his shoulder.

"Come on AJ, where going now"

She rubbed her head on Chris's back and moaned a little.

"Mmm...too tired..." she yawned. "Carry me..."

Chris snorted. "Lazy bones..." he playfully teased.

"I'm not lazy..." mumered Applejack.

Chris smiled. He realised she was not going to move. He placed his Cigarillo in the corner of his mouth and bit down on it to stop it falling out. He then bent down a little and grabbed both of Applejack's legs, piggyback style. Applejack instictively wrapped her arms around his neck to hold on.

He looked at Big Macintosh, who already carrying a very tired Fluttershy in his big arms. He winked at Chris.

"Thanks pal". Chris smiled back.

RD looked at the two men. She gave a small giggle. "Come on you two, lets go.."

The group of then set off on their way home. They soon reached the country lane, leading straight to the Apple's residents.

Chris checked on Applejack every so often. She breathed softly as she slept. She had her head rested on his back, like she was listening to his heartbeat. Chris was surprised how light she was. It was like carrying child.

Chris looked up to the night sky. It was filled with bright, twinkling stars. The moon shone over them as they made their journey through the night.

"Wow...amazing night..." he whisperd to himself. He looked over to Big Macintosh. He cradled Flutteryshy in his arms, as if to never let go. And Rainbow dash walked happily in front of them. She occasionally skipped merrily.

She was certainly happy about something.

They eventually got home to Sweet Apple Acres. Big Macintosh unlocked the door and led everyone in. He told Chris to take Applejack to her room.

Chris slowly went up the wooden staircase, trying not to disturb Applejack, who was gracefully asleep. He walked to her bedroom door and carefully opened it.

He had never been in Applejack's room before. And was surprised by what he saw. Her double sized bed was neatly positioned in the middle of the room. Next to her bed was a small desk with a lamp shade and clock. Chris looked over to the window. It was as big as the room. Chris had a perfect view of the bright moon and star-filled night sky. He noticed a wooden desk facing the window. On top of it was a mirror and a few posessions. He looked over to the otherside of the room. A tall wardrobe was tucked in the corner and a chest of draws right next to it. And throught out the room, not a single piece of makeup or bottle nail varnish existed. No bright colours, not even a poster hung in that room. Applejack was a proper country gal.
Hell, Chris could've mistaken it for his own room.

He looked over to Applejack. Chris couldn't help but admire her beauty. Even if she didn't wear make-up like the others, she was still pretty.

"Applejack, wake up..." he whispered softly. There was a small response from AJ.

"Come on sleepy head".

She then slowly opened her eyes and looked at Chris.

"We're home now." Chris said softly.

AJ looked around and realised she was in her room. "Oh my..." she looked at Chris. Her green eyes looked tired. "You carried me the whole way?"

Chris smiled. "Eeyup..." he said, trying to sound like her brother. She gave a small laugh at the attempt. "Aw, your so sweet Chris...". Chris blushed a little. He then put Applejack down from the piggy-back. After stretching and flexing his arms a little,he walked to the doorway. He then turned to Applejack.

"Right, I'm off to bed AJ...". He yawned. The alcohol started to wear off and Chris felt very tired. Applejack walked closer to him.

"Thanks for the great night...And for carrying me home".

"No worries A..."

Before Chris could finish his sentence, Applejack lent in and kissed Chris on the cheek.

His heart exploded.

He looked at her, not sure of what to say. She then smiled at him and softly closed the door.

Chris stood there for a while, still taking the moment. He then smiled.

"Best night ever..." he whispered.


Author's note:

Just would like to say thank you to those who are reading and hopefully enjoying my first fic. Also thanks to those who have favourite'd it and commented too.

Also, any artwork for the cover is welcome.

Many thanks.