The New Life

by Going The Distance

First published

When Chris's life takes a turn for the worst, he flees from his town and starts to rebuild it.

All characters are humanized, all in their early-mid twenties. But still hold their original descriptions.

Life. It has its twists and turns. Most of them are easily passed and we carry on with it. But some twist in life are not that simple.
Infact it can be even ruin the one you already live...

This is the story of Chris Townsend. He lived his simple life and went along with it. But something drastic was about to happen. And this was no ordinary sick twist...
One Afternoon, his whole world crumbles around him. His town is destroyed before his very eyes...
With no options, he flees for his life...

With no hope of turning back, Chris thought he had lost everything.

But, when someone finds him, He's given a second chance at life...

1: Where it all went wrong...

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Chris couldn't believe what was happening to him. His head was spinning; his world fell apart around him. He panted heavily as he lent up against a tree after running for several hours. Running away from his town that has turned against itself. Not from war, but from chaos. What seemed like a normal day turned into a complete warzone within minutes. Chris put his head against against the rough bark of the tree. It was night time and he had no idea what time it was. He didn't care. He was too exhausted to even look at his watch. Rumbles of thunder boomed in the distance. Chris groaned as lent forward. "Just what I need, a bloody thunderstorm" he mumbled. He grabbed his bag and pulled out a small, thin blanket. He wrapped it around his shoulders. Even in the warm summer evening, he felt cold. He didn't know if it was from his shock or the sweat that drenched him. He reached into the front pocket of his hoodie and took out a his tin of cigarillos and a lighter. He took one out and popped in his mouth, then lit it. He lent back onto the tree as he took a drag from his cigarillo. He sighed as he blew out the smoke. The rumbles of thunder grew louder and eventually it started to rain heavily. Chris instinctively put up his hood and huddled against the solid tree trying to escape the rain. As the rain fell around him, Chris thought of his last moment in his now fallen town...

The sun shone through the window of Chris's apartment. He was getting ready to meet up with a friend at his local cafe. He slipped into a pair of jeans and put on his grey hoodie. Chris shielded his eyes from the early morning sun as he look outside onto the main road. It seemed like a normal day: People going to work, dog owners walking their dogs, joggers going on their morning run. But there was also tension. Rumors have been spreading through the media that an ex-army general has built his own army and plotting to wreak havoc and have the city of trottingham for himself. Most people have brushed this off believing nothing will happen. But others are on the edge. Chris put on his trainers and walked out of his flat and onto the main road. He had his morning smoke as he walked to the cafe. On the way Chris noticed the headline on a newspaper stand in bold: 'DISCORD: I WILL STRIKE TODAY...' After reading the worrying headline, Chris bought a paper to read at the cafe. Soon he eventually reached the cafe, where he found his long life friend, John, sitting outside with a newspaper too. He wore a navy blue polo shirt and grey jogging bottoms. Chris greeted him with a firm handshake as he sat down. "Took your time" John joked. Chris chuckled at the Joke. John then folded up the paper and threw it in front of Chris. "Seen the headline?" he asked. Chris nodded his head as he took a drag from his cigarillo. " Doesn't look good..." he replied.
"I wonder who is this 'Discord' guy anyway?" John asked.
Chris shrugged his shoulders "Dunno, some sort of ex-army officer I've heard"
"Do you really think it'll happen?"
Chris shook his head "It's a load of crap I think" He flicked some ash off his cigarillo "Do you think it'll happen?"
John looked around uneasily and rubbed his arm. "To be honsest...yes...Infact...I'm leaving town"
Chris couldn't belive what he was hearing. "Seriously?!"
John shook his head slowly. "Sorry mate, but I'm not risking anything."
Chris sat back in his chair and thought for a moment. "When you leaving?"
"After this breakfast..."
"What!" Chris shouted
"Look, please understand mate. I don't wanna lose everything just because some maniac wants to have this city as his own personal playground!"
Chris would hate to amit it but John had a point. Was it worth the risk?
Chris then took a last drag of his cigarillo before tossing it into a nearby bin. He then stood up from his chair.
"Where you going, are you even gonna eat?" asked John.
"Nah, I'm not that hungry. Listen just keep safe and stay in touch". John looked up at Chris. He nodded and shook Chris's hand...
Chris was slightly annoyed at his friend. But then again he knew John wasn't a risk taker. Chris laid on his bed watching T.V. He sighed at the thought of his friend leaving. He twiddled an unlit cigarillo with his fingers. "It ain't gonna happen..." he said.
But he was wrong...
Very wrong...
Chris was about to light his smoke. Then, his T.V program was cut off and the news channel came up With 'BREAKING NEWS' in bold. Chris looked at the T.V, curious of what was happening. The presenter spoke
"Discord, the terrorist mastermind has invaded the town of Trottingham. Reports say that he has wasted no time with his attack and has already destroyed several building and injured many others..."
The presenter continued descibing the events. Chris just stared at the screen, shocked. His Cigarillo dropped from his mouth. Chris couldn't belive was actually happening. He felt sick and scared. Then a loud boom erupted. Chris swung his head around and looked out of his window. "Oh god..." he whispered. He then stumbled towards his window and opened it. He looked out into the distance. Thick, black smoke was seen rising and the clatter of gunfire echoed. Chris looked around and saw other people stop and look at the shocking event.
Chris wasted no time. He grabbed his rucksack and ran to his room, bumping into his table on the way. Chris threw in some clean clothes and a blanket. He then dashed to the kitchen and started searching his cupboards. He could only find a tin of peaches and a small can of corned beef. "Better than nothing I guess..." he said as he threw the cans in the rucksack, along with a large bottle of water. Chris was about to dash for the door...
The biggest and loudest bang erupted around Chris's flat. The force of the explosion even knocked him off his feet.
His worse fears came true....
Chris stumbled towards the window to see what was the massive bang was. He looked outside. His heart leapt into his mouth after what he saw...
A burning car billowed out massive amount of black choking smoke. Chris saw the soldiers... Wearing camouflaged uniform and green berets. He was horrifed by what he saw. The soldiers shot people, savagley beat others: laughing as they was doing it...
"No...No.." Chris kept on saying, hoping this was all one twisted nightmare.
But it wasn't.
Chris stared into the darkness, trying to choke back tears. The orange tip of his cigarillo was the only light source. Chris managed to escape the town. Only just...
He was shot at by the soldiers or 'Chaos creaters' as they were called. He almost took a bullet but it just scraped his arm. It stung but the adrenaline kept it numb. He ran out of town. When he ran out of town, he kept on running for 2 days, stopping only to drink and rest. He didn't know where he was going. He came to this patch of woodland and that's where Chris decided to stay the night.
He took a last drag from his cigarillo and threw the butt into the darkness. He then laid down on the damp, muddy ground. He used his rucksack as a pillow and laid his head on it. Chris then closed his eyes to try and get some sleep. He had lost everything: Even his life. He didn't care, he just wanted to sleep...

2: A new friend

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The early morning sun rose over the rolling hills and patchwork fields that surrounded the small woodland Chris sheltered in. Its warm orange rays spread across the fields and tried to penetrate the dense woodland. The dew on the grass sparkled in the sunlight. Slowly, the rays reached where Chris was Sleeping. It's rays touched his face. This made his eyes screw up. He pulled the blanket over his face to block the bright rays. The leaves and undergrowth that surrounded the tree Chris sheltered under glistened with dew. The woods was filled with the bird's dawn chorus, but this didn't wake Chris. He was still in a deep sleep.

Then, a small brown and white border collie dog appeared from a small path that was near Chris. It sniffed the damp, muddy ground, catching the scents of the woodland. It then caught Chris's scent and looked over to his direction. The small dog then walked over to investigate. The dog crept next to Chris's face and curiously sniffed around it. It then nudged his cold hand with its nose. When this didn't work it then gave it a lick. Chris slowly lifted the blanket partly off his head and opened one eye. He looked at the small dog which was happily wagging it's tail. "What the?..." he croaked before going into a coughing fit. He felt awful. The dog then started barking. Chris then tried to bat the dog away. "Bugger off!" he ordered but the dog didn't obey. Chris lifted his head off his wet rucksack. He screwed his eyes up. He had a pounding headache and felt feverish. He was about to bat the dog away again, until he heard a voice nearby.


The dog's head turned around in the direction of the voice. Chris looked over to the path.

"Winona, where are ya gal?" said the voice again. It was nearer and sounded like a female.

Chris then saw a young woman appear walking up the path. She had a long blonde ponytail and wore a brown cowboy hat. She also wore a short orange shirt that showed her belly with the some button undone, denim jeans and a brown pair of boots. The dog then bounded happily to her

"There you are girl! what did you find?" she spoke softly to the dog as she knelt down to greet it. She then looked over to Chris. Chris looked back, coughing a little. At first he was slightly scared, but then young woman gave a warm smile to him.

"Howdy partner, whatcha doing on the wet ground?" she asked.

Chris looked down at the muddy ground and noticed a small puddle below him. He looked back at the country girl, who was walking towards him. She knelt down besides him. Her green eyes studied his face carefully.

"Your not from around here, are ya?" she asked softly.

Chris shook his head . She contiued looking into his eyes. Her beautiful green eyes stared into him.

"You don't look to good aswell..." she said. She placed her hand on Chris's forehead. She withdrew her hand back, coming back slightly wet. "You've got a raging temperature. Sleeping in the wet hasn't helped either" she pointed out. Chris was about to speak before succumbing to another coughing fit. The young woman then helped him off the ground. Chris stood up awkwardly. His body and every joint in it ached. She was shocked at the state he was in. "My, your soaking wet! do you even have any dry clothes?" she asked worryingly.

"Yeah.." Chris croaked, lifting up his damp rucksack. "Well...they were..."

"We better get you into the warm" she said.

Chris started walking painfully. As they emerged from the woods, the bright sun blinded Chris. He then looked around him, looking over the fields and back at the woods.

"Where am I?" Chris asked, scratching his dark blonde hair, which was still damp.

"Your at sweet apple acres sir, I'm Applejack by the way" She said offering her hand.

"Chris" He replied whilst shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you, you can call me AJ if you want"

"Thanks..." Chris then bent over double and started coughing. He groaned.

"We better get you to a doctor, you might have pneumonia..." Applejack said with concern. "Big Macintosh!" she called.

Chris looked up. He saw a male, about the same age as him. He was leaning on a tractor. He turned around.

"Eeyup?" said Big Macintosh. He wore a red t-shirt with denim jeans and a pair of well worn nudebuck boots. He had long ginger hair and was chewing a wheat stem. What caught Chris's attention was his big arms and huge chest. It was like he was a professional fighter.

"This here is Chris, and he's not too well at all" AJ explained. She looked at Chris. "This is my brother, Big Macintosh" Chris nodded and looked back at him. Big Macintosh walked over to him.

"Howdy" he said with a smile. He had the same coloured eyes as his sister, but they look soulful, almost godlike.

"Nice to meet you" Chris replied. He offered his hand.

Big Mac took it happliy and shook it. His big paw nearly swallowed Chris's hand.

"So where you from then?" Applejack asked.

"Trot...Trottingham" Chris stuttered.

AJ lost her smile and looked at her brother worryingly. He wore the same expression.

"Oh my..."

"Lets get you back to the house" Big Mac said. He opened the front of a trailer that was towed to the tractor. Chris and AJ, along with Winoa climbed on. Chris slumped down onto the metal bottom. Big mac Started the tractor and the drove off.


As they made their way back, Chris looked over the patchwork landscape of the farm. He looked at the fields of corn and wheat; the herds of cows and sheep. But what amazed him was the size of the orchard that expanded over half of the farmland. Chris looked over to Applejack, who was already looking at him.

"I take you've heard then..." he asked. AJ nodded slowly "It's terrible whats where very lucky to escape"

"Just about..." Chris said. He took off his sodden hoodie, wincing slightly as he does. He then slowly lifted up his sleeve to show the gash a bullet made. Applejack covered her mouth and gasped.

"I still remeber the bastard who shot at me..." Chris continued "The smile he had on his face when he pulled the trigger..." Chris looked away. AJ shook her head in disbelief. Chris continued looking down. Applejack then reached out and took Chris's hand.

"Don't worry sugar cube, your in safe hands now" She said reassuringly, with a smile. Chris looked up. And gave her a small smile back.

"Here we are..." Said Big Macintosh as he pulled up next to the house.

3: We want to help you

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After parking the tractor in the garage next to the house, Big Macintosh and Applejack led Chris into their house. It was a large converted barn, complete with a garage and stables for the horses. Chris was told wait as AJ went into the house. Chris stood on their wooden decking, slightly nervous and unsure of what was happening. Big Macintosh then gave him an reasurring pat on the back. "Don't worry, your gonna be fine with us" he said, looking at Chris with his soulful eyes.
"Thanks" Chris replied. He then reached into his jean pocket to get his tin of Cigarillos. But when he opened it up, his last one was soaked and flaking. Chris let out a sigh and put the tin back in his pocket. Applejack then poked her head out of the door. "You can come in now" Chris walked in with Big Mac and was led to the dining room. He was sat at the dining table, where Applejack tok his spare clothes to be dried.
"I'll take these to be dried. Are you hungry?" asked Applejack. Chris nodded his head. He hadn't had a decent meal in two days and his stomach was about to digest itself.
"I'll get my sister to give you some, Applebloom!"
"I'ma comin' " replied a young voice. Then a young girl walked into the dining room. Her red hair had a pink ribbon tied on to hold it. She wore a light yellow t-shirt with green cotton overalls that were rolled up to her knees.
"Yes big sis"
"Be a good girl and give our guest her something to eat"
The small girl looked at Chris with her curious brown eyes. She then looked back at AJ.
"Okay sis!"
AppleJack smiled and then rubbed her hair. She then walked out with Chris's sodden clothes. Applebloom looked back at Chris.
"What would you like sir?" She asked kindly.
Chris shrugged his shoulders. "Anything" he said, along with a small smile. The little girl thought for a moment. "I know just the thing!" she said with optimism and walked to the kitchen which was nearby. Chris then studied his surrounding, looking at the pictures of the family that hung around the dining room, admiring the wooden dresser that was tucked neatly in the corner. Few minutes later, Applebloom came back holding a wooden tray. She gave it to Chris.
"Thank you very much" he said gratefully.
"Always a plesure" she replied with smiled.
"By the way, what town am I in?" Chris asked.
"Your in ponyville sir" she replied. Chris raised his eyebrows in suprise. "Bloody hell, I've made one hell of a journey..." he said to himself
"Sorry?" Applebloom asked
"Nothing...Thank you"
Applebloom then smiled back and walked out.
Chris placed the tray onto the wooden dining table. Applebloom made him a warm bowl of oatmeal and a glass of freshly made apple juice. Chris started to eat.
Meanwhile, Applejack and Big Macintosh was in the living room across the dining room. Applejack was talking to another young woman. She had violet hair with a pink and purple highlights running through. She wore a simple purple t-shirt with denim jeans. Then they all looked at Chris. Chris looked back, then contiued eating. Chris didn't know what they were talking about, but he had a feeling it was about him. He coughed loudly, then rubbed his sore head. Soon they all walked over to Chris. He was drinking his glass of sweet, refreshing apple juice. The young woman with violet hair spoke to him first.
"Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle. Applejack has told me about you...and your situation"
Chris put down the glass and coughed a little.
Twilight Continued. "I have recently spoke to someone, and she should like to see you as soon possible"
Chris was confused slightly. "Who the hell wants to see me?"
Twilight looked over to Applejack, then back to Chris.
"The Princess..."
Chris sat up immediately, wincing at his aching body. "You mean..."
"Yes, Princess Celestia would like to meet you in person..." She paused for a moment.
"Other than those who got out early...looks like you were the only who got out alive."
Chris stared a her. Him? The only one to get away? There must've been others....
He was about to speak, but Twilight stopped him "Don't worry, nothing will happen to. In fact she...WE want to help you" She said, smiling nervously. Chris nodded his head.
"When are we leaving?" he asked
"Whenever your ready" replied Twilight
Chris thought for a moment. "Is it okay if I have a shower first?"
"Of course, I show you where it is" Said Applejack.
Chris then got up from his chair then followed AJ.
Chris walked over to the large mirror in the bathroom. He looked at his tired face. He had bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep; His skin was slightly pale and grubby from the mud; his dark blonde hair was still wet and in a mess. Chris slowly stripped off. He inspected his toned and athletic build. He noticed he was more skinnier than usual, probably from all of the running and lack of food. Chris also saw the gash on his arm. It was no more than an half an inch wide, but it cut across his whole and was pretty sore. After inspecting his battered body he finally Jumped into the shower. The hot water soothed him as he let it run over his sore head. As he washed, he noticed the large amount of dirty water going down the plughole. Chris then started coughing. This time he spat out the phlegm he brought up and was shocked when saw blood in it.
"Christ I'm not well..."
After, Chris started to towel off. He felt slightly better and less achy. Though he still craved for a smoke. After towelling off and combing his hair, Chris opened walked out, finding his spare clothes on the floor: folded and dry. Big Macintosh called his name.
"You can get changed in my room" he said rolling the wheat stem in his mouth. Chris picked up the clothes then walked to Big Mac's room. He was about to go in when he heard Big Mac suck air through his teeth.
"That's a pretty bad gash you got there..." he said looking at it closer.
"I know, it's not that bad..."
Big Macintosh told him to wait while he walked off. He came back with a roll of bandage. He then wrapped the bandage around the wound on Chris's arm. Chris gritted his teeth from the stinging pain. Big Mac then put some Zinc oxide tape to hold it in place. He then patted Chris on the back to say he was finished.
Big Mac winked at him. "Anytime"
Chris then got changed. He put on a simple white T-shirt, grey jogging bottoms and a pair of white converses. He looked at himself and felt much better, being clean, and in some dry clothes. He then walked downstairs, where everybody was waiting for him. /hey all looked up at him.
"Ready?" asked Twilight
"Chris nodded his head. "Lets go..."

4: The Princess

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Chris sat in the back of Twilights silver Ford KA, as they made their way to Canterlot. As they drove along the main road, Chris looked out the window and watched the other cars pass by and followed the long stretch of woodland that followed the main road. Twilight looked over to him from time to time to see how he was doing. Chris just stared out the window, biting his thumb nail from nerves and craving for a smoke. Twilight then broke the silence by explaining what's going to happen.

"When we get to the royal palace, myself and a few guards will take you to the Princess in her office suite." She looked over to Chris. "Don't worry I'll be by your side all the time" she said with a reassuring smile. Chris nodded his head and smiled a little. Then he thought for a moment.

"You seem quite familliar with the Princess?" he asked

"I'm her personal student" Twilight explained.

Chris was impressed. "At Canterlot university?"

Twilight nodded again.

"Wow, that is impressive!" Chris complimented.

"Thanks" said Twilight, blushing a little.

Soon, they pulled into a service station, where Twilight filled her car up. Chris got out and had a stretch. He then turned to Twilight. "Can I get something quickly?" he asked.

"Sure, you need any money?" Offered Twilight.

Chris dug into his pocket and pulled out Five bits. "I'll be fine thanks"

He then walked inside and up to the counter and looked at the tobacco shelf behind.

"Ten Henri Winterman miniatures and a lighter please"

After he got his Cigarillos, he walked out of the service station and stood near the main road. He was about to light one up when Someone tapped him on the Shoulder. It was Twilight. She looked at Chris disapprovingly. "What are doing"?

"What does it look like?" He said

"Okay, one: we're about to leave. And two: you shouldn't be smoking in your condition anyway"

Chris huffed. "Come on...just one?"

Twilight folded her arms and raised and eyebrow.

"Fine..." Chris said in slightly annoyed tone and stubbornly put his Cigarillo back in the tin.

They set off again. After about another hour of driving, they finally reach the royal palace. Chris leaned out of his window to admire the grand building. Twilight drove up to the gate, where a couple of armed royal guards walked up to the car. Twilight opened her window.

"Name.." asked a guard.

"Twilight sparkle" she said as she held up a badge. The guard inspected it. After he was satisfied he then looked at Chris.

"Who's he.." asked the guard pointing at him. Twilight whispered something in his ear. The Guard looked at him again and nodded his head.

"Okay, let 'em through!" he ordered and the gates opened.

Twilight drove her car down the grand driveway that had a well trimmed hedge running along them. Chris looked over the hedge and was amazed by the colourful flowerbeds and the sparkling fountains. Twilight then parked her car and got out of the car, along with Chris. They both walked to the hudge double doors, where some guards opened them. Chris saw the interior of the palace and his jaw dropped. Crystal chandeliers sparkled as they hung on the beautifully crafted ceiling. Chris followed the royal red carpet that led them to the grand, marble stairs. Twilight tapped him on the shoulder. Chris turned around to look at her.

"Follow me" she said and Chris walked with her, along with a couple of guards.They made their way down a grand hallway which had the tallest ceilings he has ever saw. He also looked at the stained glass windows that decorated the hall. They finally came to a door. Twilight knocked.

"Come in..." said a mystical voice. Twilight looked at Chris, who was now looking nervous all of a sudden.

"Ready?" she asked

Chris nodded. Then Twilight opened the door and they both walked in.


Chris walked in the large office. The walls where painted white and a large arched window shone light into the room. A large mahogany desk was in the middle of the room. And sat at that desk was princess Celestia. She looked up from her papers she was working on. The Princess wore a cream coloured short sleeved blazer, along with a white t-shirt underneath. She also had a matching skirt complete with gold coloured high heel shoes. She smiled and looked at Twilight.

"Good afternoon Twilight, how is your masters degree coming along?" She asked with her kind, gentle voice.

"It's going very well thank you" She replied

Celestia gave a nod of approval, then her elegant pink eyes shifted to Chris. She wore her gold crown around her uniquely coloured hair. "So you must be Chris then" She asked gently.

"Yes, your majesty..." he answered, with slight fear in his voice.

"Please, call me Celestia" She asked kindly. The Princess then pointed to two seats at the front of her desk. "Take a seat" she offered.

Chris and Twilight then walked over and sat down on the red velvet cushioned chairs. The Princess then looked up to the guards at the door.They nodded and walked out of the room. Princess Celestia then pulled a silver tray, with some small pots and a few small cups, towards her.

"Would you like some tea?" she offered kindly to both. Twilight declined the offer but Chris took the offer.

"Yes please" Chris replied. She then poured the tea into a small cup and handed it over to Chris. "Thank you" he said. Celestia then poured herself a cup. After taking a sip she then started to talk to Chris.

"First of all, I would like to say how sorry I am to hear what has happened. It is just so horrifying what's happened" She said, looking into Chris's eyes deeply. Chris sipped his tea. His hand was slightly trembling. He slowly nodded at Celestia. She continued.

"Twilight has told me how her friend Applejack found you in the woods on her farm. How long did you travel for?"

Chris put his tea down. "About two days..." he said, coughing a little. Celestia nodded her head, then looking away for a moment. She then looked back at him.

"Did you plan to come here?"

Chris shook his head. "I just ran..." he explained "I wanted to get away quickly, so I just ran. And by chance...I ended up here"

Celestia took in all of the information, looking at him with her pink eyes all of the time. She then spoke once more. "How long did you plan to stay here?"

Chris shrugged his shoulders. "Soon as it's all over I guess..." He said, looking back at the Princess. Then her eyes looked down, worryingly. Chris saw this and felt uneasy.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked. The Princess looked back at him, her elegant eyes now looked uneasy. "Yes, you see..." She paused for a moment. Then the princess picked up a remote on her desk, then turned on the large T.V that hung at the back of the room.

"I'm afraid things have gotten worse, since your escape..." The T.V then switched on straight to the news Channel.

Chris froze...

The channel showed videos of his town...or rather what's left of it. Smoke bellowed from burning buildings, cars and vans where flipped. The rebels happily stood on top of their work as they cheered and fired their guns madly into the air, even firing a couple at the helicopter that filmed the massacre. There was even one video, showing a row of people lined up against a wall, blindfolded...before being executed.

Twilight covered her mouth and gasped. Celestia sadly looked down onto her royal red carpet. But Chris continued looking at the scenes that was his once home town. He breathed heavily. He wiped off the sweat off his brow with his trembling hand. "" he whispered, trying to deny what he saw. Chris then started to feel dizzy and sick. He felt light headed...

Chris nearly fell off his chair, clinging onto the desk. Twilight held him to stop him falling any further. His sweaty and clammy hands gripped the desk. Princess Celestia then stood up from her chair. "Are you okay?" she concerningly asked.

"Jesus christ..." Chris gasped to himself.

"Would you like to get some air?" Offered the Princess.

Chris looked up to her. His skin has turned slightly pale and he started coughing badly. He gave a weak nod.

"Guard!" she called

A guard the walked into her office, ready to take orders.

"Take this gentleman outside for some air" She asked. The guard then nodded and helped Chris up. Chris then looked at the Princess. "I'm sorry...I..I just..." The princess cut him off.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. What you saw there would horrify anyone. Now go get some fresh air and come back when you feel ready" she said with her kind, gentle voice.

"Thank you" Chris replied. Princess Celestia smiled back at him. He then looked at the guard. The guard then led him out.

5: A new start...

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Chris slumped onto the bench in the royal garden. He panted heavily, still shocked by what he saw. He looked up and scanned the royal garden. Flower beds dotted the vast stretch of pristine grass. A expertly crafted fountain stood proud in the middle, with the royal maze visible behind.The crystal clear water sparkled as the midday sun shone through it. Chris then fumbled in his pocket and pulled out his tin of Cigarillos. He turned to the guard and held them up.

"May I?" he asked. The guard nodded. Chris then took one and and put it in his mouth. He tried to light it but his hand trembled. Then, the guard leaned over and offered him a light. Chris looked at him, then lit his smoke. Chris took a long, slow drag and sat back onto the bench. He let out a sigh of realif as he blew out the smoke. He felt more relaxed and the cravings eased up. He flicked some ash off,. His head still couldn't piece together about about happened. Chris shook his head in disbelif.

Then the guard sat next to Chris. Chris looked over to him, slightly startled.

"Might aswell join you" he said as he lit a cigarette up. He blew out the smoke before speaking to him. "So...your the one that got away then?" he asked. Chris nodded as he took a drag. The guard flicked his cigarette, shaking his head. "Shame what's happening...a total fucking shame" Chris nodded in agreement. The guard looked at him.

"You were very lucky to get away, I mean that" the guard said. Chris flicked his cigarillo.

"Too lucky, got shot at, chased, nearly blew to fucking pieces..." Chris said, before coughing a little. The guard patted his back. "There there...".Chris sat forward, trying to breath some fresh air.

"I'm Corporal Banks, Harry Banks"

"Chris Townsend" He Put his Cigarillo in his mouth and shook Harry's hand. Harry took a drag before Continuing.

"I've heard this Discord guy is going to try and get other towns too"

Chris shot him a worrying glance. But Harry reasurred him. "Don't worry, we've got the best army in the whole of Equestria...And plus he would even think of touching Ponyville or Canterlot". Chris relaxed a little. But he was still curious. "What makes you think that?" he asked. The royal guard took off his sand coloured beret and rubbed his short hair.

"Well, the whole county has gone on high alert. Plus, even he did get pass, his minions will get their arse's kicked before they cause any damage!"

They both chuckled at the comment. Then, Twilight came into the garden to check on Chris. Both men looked at her.

"Feeling better?" she politley asked. Chris nodded his head. "Yes thank you".

"You ready to see Celestia again?"

"Yep..." said Chris, before taking a last drag from his Cigarillo. He got up and stretched a little. He looked a Harry.

"Nice to meet you my friend"

"You too" Replied Harry, giving him a firm handshake. Chris was about to walk out with Twilight when Harry called his name. Chris turned around to him.

"If you need anything, absolutely anything, let me know" He kindly offered.

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind" Chris replied.


Twilight led Chris back to Princess Celestia's office. She was already sat her desk, drinking her tea. She looked a Chris.

"Feeling better?" she asked. Chris nodded as he sat back down. He looked at Twilight. She smiled at him.

"I would like to speak to you for a little bit longer, if that's okay" asked Celestia.

"Go ahead" Chris replied. She cleared her throat, then spoke.

"Now, I have spoke to Twilight about your condition. She'll take you to a doctor to get you checked out in Ponyville." she explained, looking at Twilight. Chris nodded, before coughing a little.

"Also I believe Twilight has something else to tell you"

Twilight perked up a little. "Yes...Applejack has said that she is more than happy to let you stay with them. Big Macintosh has even offered to share rooms with you..."

Chris sat up. "Really?". Hope gleamed in his eyes.

Twilight grinned. "Yes...and she has even offered you to help out on the farm, as a job"

Then, something sparked inside Chris. And it was that little spark that re-lighted something that has been kept damp and dim for the last few days: Hope. Hope of safety, help and: a new start. He could help it. But a huge smile appeared on his face. Relief washed over him like a tidal wave. No more running away; No more hiding. He was speechless...

"Thank you..." he finally spoke. He turned around to the Princess, who wore a smile herself after hearing the good news.

"Thank you..." he said again. Princess Celestia then reached out and touched his hand. Her touch was soft and gentle.

"My pleasure. We're here to help others who need it" She said kindly.

Chris smiled at her. But it was cut short as he succumbed to yet another coughing fit.

"Come on, we better get you to a doctor" said Twilight, Helping Chris up. She looked at the Princess "Thank you for what you have done"

"No, thank you. If your friend Applejack didn't find Chris, he probably would've lasted a few more days..."

Twilight nodded at her. The Princess moved her pink eyes to Chris.

"Go in peace. And I hope you will enjoy your new life you will start in Ponyville" She said gracefully.

Chris smiled at her once again, before walking out with twilight.

6: New Clothes, New faces and a new room mate.

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"How long will it take?" asked Chris as he took his top off. Twilight drove him to a medical centre in Ponyville. He was about to get examined.

"Not too long hopefully..." the doctor replied. He looked up from his clipboard and pointed to the sterile bed. "Take a seat please"

Chris sat down on the bed, coughing a little as he does. Twilight sat on a chair next to the bed.

"Bloody cough is doing my head in..." he said, looking at Twilight. Twilight gave a small smile of reassurance. "Don't worry, It'll be sorted out hopefully"

The doctor then put his stethoscope on Chris's back and started examining his breathing. Chris jumped a little when the cold piece of metal touched his skin.

As the doctor examined Chris, he looked around the small medical room. The light blue walls matched the bed and other bits of furniture. Chris looked over to the doctors desk which was covered with papers and notes. The sterile smell of the room filled his nose as he gazed at the cabinets opposite him.

"Cough..." the doctor asked.

Chris gave a small cough, screwing up his as he does. It now hurts when coughs. The doctor then started tapping in different places.

"What have been your sleeping conditions?" the doctor asked with slight wonder.

"Cold, wet, and muddy..." Chris replied, before coughing yet again.

The doctor then done the same on his chest. After checking it, he put his stethoscope around his neck and walked over to his desk.

"I'm afraid you have a mild case of Pneumonia. Your nights in the cold and wet is probably the cause" He explained and he wrote down some notes. Chris sighed, then sniffed his nose.

Then, there was a knock on the door. The doctor looked up. "Come in"

The door opened. It was Applejack. She walked in and Twilight greeted her with a hug.

"Hey Twilight, how did it go with the Princess?" Asked Applejack.

"Very well thanks..." They both looked at Chris. "And I also told Chris the good news" she said with a smile.

Chris looked up and saw AJ walk over to him. She gave a small hug.

"How you feeling sugarcube?" she asked softly. Her green eyes looked into Chris's.

"Better thanks" He replied, giving her a small smile. Applejack then looked at his bandaged arm. "How's the wound?"

The doctor looked up from his desk and looked at Chris. "Wound? what wound?" he asked.

"This one..." Chris huffed. He started unravelling the bandages. The doctor walked over to investigate the gash. When Chris got the last of the bandage off, he showed the bullet wound to the doctor. AJ and Twilight cringed at the sight of the sore, bare flesh. The doctor shook his head. "This is going to need stitches..." he explained. He then dashed to a small trolley and started collecting the things he needed. Soon, he wheeled the metal trolley to the bed and shone a light on the wound. Applejack then spoke to Chris.

"Big Macintosh asked if you would like to share rooms with him?"

Chris nodded. "Course, I would love to...OW!" yelped Chris. He looked at the doctor.

"Sorry..." he said as he stuck a local anaesthetic injection in his arm. Chris glared at him, then he looked back at AJ.

"As I was saying...I would loved to share a room with the big guy" he said. Applejack smiled.

"Great, he would appreciate another man in the house...being surrounded by girls all the time"

The three of them chuckled.

Soon, the anaesthetic took effect and the upper part of Chris's arm was completely numb. In fact the doctor even stuck his gloved finger in the bare flesh and Chris didn't feel a thing. Although this did make the girls cringe even more. The doctor got busy stitching up the gash.

"Will you need anything?" Asked Twilight. Chris thought for a moment. Then he realised something.


"Ah shit...I'm gonna need some clothes..."

"There's a small store not far from here..." Said Applejack. "I'll take you there, I need to get some things myself"

"Okay then..."

His stomach rumbled.

"Uhh, maybe something to eat too..."

Applejack and Twilight laughed.

"Finished..." said the doctor, putting a bloody needle on a metal tray. He gave the stitches one final looked before he was satisfied with his work. He then gestured Chris to get off of the bed. Chris looked at the stitches as he got off the bed. There where six, neatly and professionally done.

"Blimey, that was quick..."

"I've done plenty in my lifetime..." said the doctor as he wrote something on a pad. He then tore off a page and handed it to Chris.

"Here's a weeks course of Strong antibiotics, that should hopefully clear it up"

Chris folded the sheet and put it in his pocket.

"Thanks for your help"

"Pleasure" the doctor said with a smile.

The three young adults then walked out of the medical room and into the hallway. Chris put his t-shirt back on. "Where are we off to now?" He asked.

"There is some other friends outside waiting that are goin' to take us into town. I think you would like to meet them" said Applejack. Chris agreed then followed her out of the medical centre.


Chris stood outside the medical centre, breathing the fresh air. He saw Applejack walk over to two other girls, one of them was leaning against the wall. Chris lit one of his Cigarillos up and took a couple of puffs before Applejack called him over. He walked over and looked at the two new faces.

One girl casually leaned against a wall. she wore black aviator sunglasses whilst wearing a maroon coloured hoodie and a pair of roughed up Jeans. Her impressive rainbow coloured hair stood made her stand out. She looked at Chris.

"Chris, this is Rainbow dash." Said AJ. Chris took a drag of his Cigarillo as he looked at Rainbow dash.

"Hey there..." he said with a short nod.

Rainbow dash took her sunglasses off to reveal her red-violet coloured eyes. She looked up and down at him, then spoke.

"So your Chris then...I've heard alot about you" she said, putting her hand out to shake. Chris took it and gave a it a small shake. He looked at her impressive hair.

"Nice haircut by the way..." he complimented. RD gave a little chuckle.

"Thank" she said, giving it a little sweep to the side. Chris then looked over Rainbow dash's shoulder and saw another girl. She wore a light yellow hoodie with a small pink butterfly brand badge and a pair of light blue skinny jeans. She was looking down, inspecting her neat nails.

"Hello..." he said softly

The girl looked up. Her pink, wavy hair covered one of her innocent eyes. She gave a small smile.

"Hi..." she said shyly.

"What's your name?" Chris asked gently

The girl looked down timidly, then back up to Chris.

"I'm...I'm Fl...Fluttershy...". She whispered the last part of her name. Chris put Cigarillo in his mouth and leaned forward abit.

" I'm sorry?"

The timid girl rubbed her arm awkwardly. "I'm...Flutter...shy..." she quietly said again, whispering the last part of her name once more. Chris turned around to Rainbow dash and looked at her, as if to say "Help me out here..." RD smiled and gave Fluttershy a little shake.

"This is Fluttershy....She's a little on the timid side as you can see"

A little? she's probably sacred of her own shadow... thought Chris. He looked at her innocent turquoise eyes and sweet face. She looked down, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Don't worry" Chris said with a smile. He too a puff of his Cigarillo, but then he accidently inhaled the strong smoke and bent over double coughing. Applejack rubbed his back and bent down to him

"I think you should stop smoking for now..." She suggested, taking the Cigarillo away from Chris. She was about to stubb it out when Rainbow dash snatched it and started smoking it herself. AJ looked at her, slightly shocked and annoyed.

"Rainbow dash! I though' you gave up smoking?" she said angrily.

RD shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah...well...for a while anyway" she said, happily puffing away. Fluttershy gave a small cough as tried to waft the smoke away.

Applejack rolled her eyes, then helped Chris up. Chris looked at his hand where he had his Cigarillo.

Then, Twilight tooted them as she pulled up next to them. She poked her head out of the window. "Ready to go into town guys?" she asked.

Then they all squeezed into the small Ford KA. Chris sat in the middle. Rainbow dask complained about the size of the car and why she has to sit in the back.

As they drove into down, Rainbow dash then remebered something.

"Oh!, I need to pick up my dress from Rarity's boutique!" she said.

Twilight sighed, then looked at Chris. "Do you mind if we stop off at the boutique?" she asked.

Chris shrugged his shoulders. "I dont mind" he said. Though he did want to get out of the tight car soon.

"Okay then" replied Twilight and she sped up.


Chris was led into the shop by the girls, having a quick look at the building before he went in. When they went in, Chris looked around the boutique. He looked at the different sized maniquins and variouse strips of materials that where folded and stack in neat wooden shevels. He then looked at the many dresses and suits that where impressivly displayed around the shop. He also noticed a small stage that had some tall mirrors at the back of the shop. The whirr of a sewing maching was heard in another room

"Rairity?" called Twilight

"Just a minute!" called a posh voice. Then, a young woman walked out of her room. She wore a white, branded t-shirt and a pair of flared jeans. Her purple hair was elegantly styled. She pulled her red framed glasses down as she walked towards them. Chris couldn't help but admire her beauty as he gazed at her. She looked at the girls and smiled.

"Hello girls" she greeted with her upper class voice. She then looked at Chris at let out a small gasp.

"Oh my, what an earth are you wearing?" she pointed out. Chris looked down at his grey jogging bottoms, feeling slightly offended. He was about to speak when Rarity let out another gasp.

"Wait...your that person from Trottingham...The one who got away?"

Chris gave a small sigh, rolling his eyes a little.

"Yeah...that's me"

"And these are the only clothes you got?" she asked concerningly

"Yes unfortunatly...But I'm gonna get some new ones..."

Before Chris could finish, Rarity grabbed his arm and took him to the changing rooms.

"You poor thing!..." she exclaimed. "Follow me..."

Chris looked back at the other girls as Rarity dragged him along. He looked at them as if to say 'oh god.."

When they got to a changing room, Rarity hurriedly pushed Chris into a changing booth.

"Now take off those scruffy clothes" she ordered. Chris slowly took his shirt off.

"Honestly, I'm fine for..."

"Nonsense! you've had such a dreadful few days and I want to help you, Now: Chop! Chop!" she said dramatically, clapping her hands. Chris sighed as he took his trainers off .

For the next fifteen minutes or so, Rarity made Chris try on different outfits. He was given things like Chinos, blazers, espadrilles and many others. Some where good, others wasn't Chris's type. There where even a few outfit Chris refused to try on, mainly geek-sheek type of clothing.

After alot of debating, judgement and ordering, Chris finally and happily settled on an outfit. He decided to have a pair of dark blue Armani jeans, a navy blue Hollister jumper with a white shirt, of the same brand underneath, and a black woollen pea coat he had unbuttoned. He looked himself in the mirror, giving a curt nod of satisfaction. He turned around to Rarity, who was admiring her work. "Perfect!" he said.

Rarity gave a little clap and giggle. "You simply look wonderful!" she said happily. The other nodded in agreement.

"Thank you" Chris said as he stepped of the small stage. He then reached in his new coat pocket. "So how much do you..."

Rarity grabbed his hand and slowly put it back in the pocket. "Heavens no! don't be silly" she said.

Chris looked at her blue eyes in amazement. "Seriously?!...But surely..."

He noticed Applejack shaking her head, and mouthing 'No'. He looked back at Rarity.

"Think of it as a gift" she said, fluttering her long eyelashes at him. Chris smiled at her.

"Thank you for your generosity"

"Always a pleasure darling" she replied, giving him a Chris a wink. Rainbow dash then cleared her throat. "Now, about my dress..." she said, rather impatiently.

"Ah yes!..." perked Rarity and she walked to her office to fetch the handmade dress.

After Rainbow dash got her dress, they then left to go into town. Before Chris left, Rarity called his name.

"If you would ever like to try on my outfits on for me, your more than've got the perfect physique" she offered.

"I'll think about it" Chris said, giving Rarity a smile. When he walked out of the boutique, he leaned over to Applejack and whispeard in her ear .

"Sod that!" he admitted. AJ giggled at the comment.


After Chris got his perscription, he then got some clothes in the shop next to the Pharmacy. The girls chatted as he got some essential clothes. When he came out, full of bags, Applejack walked over.

"Got what you wanted?" she asked, her pretty green eyes looking at his. Chris nodded.

"Yeah, boxers, socks, some polo shirts and a pair of boots for the farm..." he said, holding up a pair of nubuck boots. AJ nodded approvingly what he bought.

"Fancy something to eat?" she offered.

"Sure do!"

Applejack laughed a little. "C'mon, I'll take you to the bakery, I'll introduce you to one more person there"

Christ, how many people does she know? Chris thought to himself.

The group of Twenty year-olds then walked to the bakery, chatting along the way. When they got there, Chris looked up at the sign that said 'Sugar cube corner' in silver letters, on a light brown background. He walked into the bakery, where the smell of baked cakes and sweet pastry wafted under Chris's nose. His stomach rumbled even harder.

They walked up to the glass counter, where they stared at the sweet baked goods. Then, another young woman came through the kitchen. Chris looked at her. And immediately saw her pink, puffed up hair that looked abit like candy floss. She had her bakery uniform on which was a light brown t-shirt with a black-waist apron and trousers.

"Hi guys!" she said happily and energetically. They all greeted the lively girl. She then looked at Chris. "Are you new in town?" she asked with enthusiasm. He gave a nod

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie! nice to meet you, what's your name?" she asked, saying it quite fast"

"Chris" he said. He then waited for an reaction. Pinkie eyes lit up.

"The one from Trottingham? Oh my god!" She exclaimed. Chris sighed a little and looked over to the others.

"Am I famous around here or something?" Chris asked. Twilight awkwardly rubbed her arm

"I er...might told a few people about you being here..." she explained, blushing a little. Chris gave a little chuckle. Pinkie continued.

"Wow, it must've been really scary back there, with all of the shooting, the explosions, was you scared? Cause I would've been scared in something like that. That discord guy is such a big meanie!..."

"Okay, easy there gal..." said Applejack. AJ looked over to Chris, who was confused but amazed at the same time. He has never met anyone like Pinkie Pie before. He was stunned at he fast talking and energy. He looked back at AJ, coughing a little.

"Shall we eat?" he suggested.

After the group ordered up, they sat outside on some chairs. Chris decided to have a steak bake, two apple turnovers and a can of real lemonade. He sat down and started to eat. He quickly devoured the rich, beefy bake. He realised no else has touched theirs and slowed down, feeling slightly piggish. Pinkie pie came and joined them. As they chatted to one another, Applejack spoke to Chris.

"How you feeling sweetie?" she asked kindly. Chris took a sip of his lemonade.

"Much better thanks. Interesting group of friends you got here." he said looking at the others. AJ gave a nod, smiling a little. Chris took a bite of is apple turnover. The sweet apple filling filled Chris's mouth with delight. Applejack put her hand on his shoulder and looked at him.

"Your gonna be fine with us, don't worry you about a thing". She smiled and looked at Chris's eye with hers. He smiled back. He was about to say something when he succumbed to yet another coughing fit. He groaned in frustration.

"Poxy, friggin' cough..."

"You better take your antibiotics now" Applejack suggested, rubbing his back.

"Good point...". He then got his packet of medication out and popped a few pills out.

When they finished their lunch, Twilight Kindly dropped AJ and Chris back at Sweet apple acres. He said goodbye to his new friends and waved as they drove down the dusty path. Applejack then led Chris into the house. "Here we are..." said Applejack. "Your new home"

"Yeah..." Chris said, as he gazed at the front of the house.


That night, Chris at at the edge of the wooden decking, smoking a Cigarillo. He watched the sun set over the farm, illuminating it a warm orange. He heard the door open behind. He looked over his shoulder. It was Big Macintosh. He walked over and sat down next to Chris. Chris looked gave him a nod.


"Eeyup" said Big Macintosh. Chris puffed at his cigarillo, looking at the horizon as he does.

"How you feeling?" asked Big Mac. Chris blew out some smoke before he spoke.

"Better thanks...". He coughed a little. "Except for this cough..." he groaned.

Big Mac nodded a little. "I've got your bed ready, It's only a mattress though..."

Chris shrugged. "I'm not bothered mate..." He gave his Cigarillo a flick. "It's better than a night there..." he said, pointing to the woods in the distance. Big Macintosh smiled, admiring Chris's optimism. He took his wheat stem out and spat out a loose bit.

"Applejack said you can start working on the farm next week. Hopefully your Pneumonia should clear up by then"

Chris nodded as he took a drag. He looked at his watch and yawned.

"Man, it's getting late..." he sighed.

Big Mac shook his head in agreement. He stood up and stretched a little. "Eeyup, sure is" before letting out a sign. Chris stubbed out his Cigarillo and stood up. "Come on, better get sleep I guess...". Then the two men walked to the door. Before Chris went in, he looked at the sunset one more time.

For the first time in ages, he felt happy and safe.

7: First day of work..

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The rooster cockled at the crack of dawn. The sun rose hazily over the horizon.

Big Macintosh opened his eyes. He rubbed them and yawned. He then sat up and pulled the covers off of him. He rubbed his long ginger hair and looked outside to look at the sunrise. He then stood up and stretched, cracking his back as he does. He looks down to where Chris sleeping. It was a simple mattress but for the first few nights, Chris slept in it like a baby. He slept peacefully, breathing softy. Big Macintosh slowly walked over, yawning as he does. He then bends over and yanks the blanket off, reavealing Chris in his boxers. He lets out a small gasp and jump a little at the sudden movement of his blanket.

"Rise and shine!"

Chris rolls on his back and groans. He rubs his face with his hand and opens one eye. He looked at Big Macintosh.

"C'mon sleepy head, time to get up" Big Macintosh ordered. Chris moans a little as he sits up groggily.

"What time is it..." he croaks.

Big Mac looks over to his digital clock on his bedside table.

"4 am.."

Chris rubbed his tired eyes. "Jesus... that's early" he mumbled, yawning in between his sentence. He then stubbornly got up from his mattress, he stretched, popping a couple of vertebrates in his back. He looks over to Big Mac, who was also in his boxers.

"Bugsy toilet first"

Big Mac looked over with his sleepy eyes, scratching his beefy chest.

"Sure...Don't be too long, I'm busting for a piss..." stifling a yawn as he speaks.

Chris then turned and walked to the en-suite, scratching his crotch as he does. When he walks in, he closed the door partly. Chris looked at himself in the small, grubby mirror above the sink. He ran the tap and splashed the cold water on his face to try wake himself up. After drying his face, Chris inspected his stitches on his arm, to check for any sign of infection. The wound was healing up nicely, almost ready for the stitches to be taken out. His Pneumonia also cleared up and Chris wasn't coughing any more.

After he was satisfied, Chris turned around to face the toilet and started to pee, aiming down the middle of the pan. He let out another big yawn. As he was finishing, Big Mac knocked on the door.

"Hurry mate, I'm about to burst here..." he moaned.

"Hold your horses..." replied Chris. After giving his knob a shake, he pulled up his boxers and opened the door, where Big Macintosh stood beside it. Chris gestured to him and he brushes past him quickly. Chris walks over to his folded pile of clothes. He takes off his old boxers and slips into a fresh pair. He then hears Big Macintosh piss in the middle of the pan, letting off a big sigh of relief as he pees. Chris slips into his denim jeans. The orange sun rays then shines into his eyes. Chris shields his eyes with his hand, almost stumbling over his mattress.

Big Macitosh walks out of the en-suite, blowing out a sigh of relief. He walks over to his bed and starts getting ready. Chris puts on a blue polo shirt and then slips into his new work boots. After Big Mac brushes his long ginger hair, he turns around to Chris.


Chris kneels down to pick up his tin of Cigarillos and lighter next to his mattress and puts them in his pocket.

"Yep...lets go..."

Both men then quietly walk out of the room, then down the narrow hallway, trying not to disturb the rest of the household. Big Mac walks down the stairs like he just woken up hours ago, but Chris goes down heavy footed, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. He looks at Big Macintosh with amazement. He looked so alert and ready despite waking up literally minutes ago. With Chris however, his eyelids felt heavy and could use a few more hours sleep.

'He's probably more used to it'...Chris thought.

Big Macintosh looked into a cupboard, searching for some breakfast. He then got out two large circular objects. He held out one to Chris.

"What is it?" he asked, taking what looks like a large biscuits, about the same size of a CD and about thick as his thumb.

"Oatmeal rusk..." Big Macintosh explained, taking a bite out of his. "Try it..."

Chris takes a small bite out of the large rusk. It tasted sweet and it dissolved easily in his mouth.

"Not bad..."

Big Macintosh then goes into the fridge and bring out two small bowls of fresh milk. He places them on the kitchen counter and slides one to Chris.

"If you dip it in the milk, It'll literally take a few minutes to eat" Big Mac explained. Chris brought the bowl to his lips and sipped some of the cold, creamy milk.

"These are perfect for breakfast..." Big Mac continued. "That way we can set off quicker" chewing his biscuit as he explained.

Chris gave nod as he dipped the large rusk in his milk.

After the two men finished their breakfast, they walked outside. Big Macintosh told Chris to wait as he fetched the tractor. Chris stood on the wooden porch, looking around the land that stood in front of him. A low haze of mist was seen across the whole farmland. The sun peeked over the horizon, illuminating the land orange. Not a cloud was seen in the sky. Chris Looked up and watched a flock of starlings fly overhead. He took this opportunity to have his morning smoke. Chris lit his Cigarillo and watched the smoke curl up and disappear into the crisp, morning air.

As he took a couple of puffs, he saw Big Macintosh drive out of the garage, pulling a large square hay trailer. He stopped and looked over to Chris.

"Hop on"

Chris put his Cigarillo in the side of his mouth and bit down on it to stop it falling out. He then jogged over to the tractor and sat next to Big Mac. Big Macintosh put the tractor into gear and started driving.

He followed a well worn track, taking them over hills and past the herds of cows that started to wake up. Chris looked at the grass that passed him. The dew sparkled as the sunlight shone through it, almost looking like late autumn frost. Big Mac looked over to Chris, who was still looking over the landscape. He then spoke to Chris.

"Today, we're gonna be stacking hay bales and storing them in the barn next to the house..." he explained, pointing in the direction of the barn. Chris turned around and saw the large barn, about a hundred metres away from the house. He looked back to Big Mac. He took his Cigarillo out of his mouth, spitting out a piece he bit off.

"How long will that take us?" he asked.

Big Macintosh shrugged his shoulders. "Half a day maybe...Depends how quick we shift it"

Chris nodded, taking a drag of his cigarillo. He stretched his neck to look at the lake in the middle of the field.

Soon, they drove into a large field. Chris got off and looked across the large patch of grass. He noticed the tall stacks of rectangular hay bales. Chris looked over to Big Macintosh, who was stepping off the tractor.

"How big is the field?" asked Chris.

"About half a square mile..."

Chris threw his Cigarillo butt on the floor, and stamped it out.

"That's not too bad actually..."

Big Mac walked up next to Chris. "You do know we've got to do this one and another ten other like this?"

Chris shot a glance at Big Macintosh's Green, soulful eyes. "Ten?!"

"Eeyup!" he said, placing a wheat stem he just picked in his mouth. He then started laughing when he saw Chris's face. He gave him pat on the back, knocking Chris's off his balance a little.

"C'mon, lets get to work!"


It was about Ten O'clock in the morning, and both men have been working non-stop. They where on their fourth field. Chris had the job of passing the bales to Big Macintosh as he loaded them onto the trailer. Even though it was quite early in the morning, it was already reaching twenty-five degrees Celsius. The sun beated down on Chris, who was already dripping with sweat. Both men had their shirts off. His arms ached from hauling the heavy hay bales to Big Macintosh. His lean and athletic physique was no match for Big Mac's strong and powerful body, built up over the years from working on the farm.

"That's it, heave!..." he said to Chris, as he stood on 3 stacks of bails. Chris then lifted the heavy bail over his head. The veins in his lean arms bulged as he lifted the bail up to Big Macintosh, gritting his teeth as he tries to fight the fatigue in his already tired arms.

"Just a little further...That's it" Big Mac said as he grabbed the hay bale effortlessly. He then placed it in a empty spot and jumped down.

"That's the last one for this field" he said to Chris, who was already sitting on the hard bake ground, leaning against the trailer. He had his eyes closed. He panted heavily whilst sweat ran down the side of his face. Big Mac gave Chris a little pat on his sweaty shoulder.

"Your doing great job, especially for your first day" he said to Chris, impressed with his work. Chris looked up to him. His eye met with Big Mac's godlike ones.

"Thanks..." he panted. He asked if he can have a smoke. Big Mac said yes. As Chris was about his light his up,when the young farmer sat down next to him and pulled out a pouch of Cutter's choice tobacco, along with some rolling papers and filter tips. Chris slowly put his Cigarillo down. Big Macintosh's green eye's looked at him. Chris smiled.

"Crafty smoker?"

"Eeyup..." he said as he placed a filter tip in his lips. He then started placing the loose tobacco in the rolling paper.

"You know your going to get caught one day..." Chris warned. Big Mac raised an eyebrow at Chris.

"So your telling me after three years of secretly smoking I'm gonna get caught?" he pointed out. Chris raised his eyebrows, impressed by what he heard.

"Three years? how do you hide your stuff?" he asked.

"See those paint cans in the garage...One of them is empty. That's where I keep my tobacco. The girls never use the paint cans, so it's perfect.." he explained, licking the gummed part as he speaks.

"You sneaky...". Both men laugh. They sat there and smoked, chatting to one and another. When they finished, the dropped the load off and started working on the next field.

At around midday, the two men where nearly finished on the final field. The midday sun beamed down on both of them, and the temperature nearly hit thirty Celsius. When Chris hauled the final hay bail to Big Mac, he jumped down from the stack and looked over their hard work. Not a hay bail was in sight.

"Damn, we worked hard on that. And done it quicker than I expected!" he said happily, panting a little. He looked over to Chris, who was laying on the floor completely exhausted. Big Macintosh wiped the sweat off the forehead and walked over to his partner. Chris groaned. His arms where on fire and his shoulders ached. Big Macintosh helped him sit up.

"Nice work buddy, that's it for today"

Chris gave a weak smile. "Oh...thank...god...for that...Jesus I'm fucked..." he panted. Big Mac looked up and saw Applejack in the distance, riding on a horse. She trotted over to the tired working men. She had a leather satchel on her side.

"Howdy folks" she greeted. She got off her horse. "You two finished already?" she asked, slightly suspicious of there quick work.

"Eeyup" said Big Macintosh looking at his sister.

"Boy, you two make a great team!"she said with a smile.

"Eeyup!, Chris here has done great for his first day..." putting his big arm around Chris and giving him a small shake. Chris looked up, sweat dripping off his nose.

"Aww, you must be exhausted sugarcube"

Chris nodded his sweaty head. Applejack then opened her satchel and pulled out two brown paper bags.

"Here you go boys, made ya some lunch"

Both men grabbed their bags. Chris looked in his. inside it was a cheese sandwich with an apple, a banana, and a slice of freshly baked apple pie, along with a cold bottle of water.

"Thanks AJ..." Chris said greatly.

She put her hand on his sweaty shoulder. "That's okay sweetie" she replied, giving him a warm smile. She then looked over to her brother, who was already tucking into his lunch. She walked over to him and looked over the huge orchard in the distance.

"The Apples will be ready soon Big Mac..." She said, shielding her eyes from the bright sun.

"Eeyup..." he said, taking a drink from his water bottle.

Chris looked over his shoulder and viewed the orchard for himself. He was amazed at the size of it, and thought about the possible amount of apples that could be harvested.

He turned his body around to face the two siblings.

"How do you manage to harvest all of the apples before they go off? I mean... the orchard is huge!"

Applejack smiled at him. "We always get them in on time, the girls also help us pick them aswell" she explained.

"Must take a while..." he said, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Well, we've got an extra pair of hands so it shouldn't take too long". She gave a wink at Chris. He smiled back.

Applejack then walked back to her horse and saddled it.

"Well, better get goin'. The eggs aren't collect itself." and with that she galloped off into the distance.

After the two men finished their well deserved lunch, they both hopped onto the tractor and drove off.


Chris laid on his mattress, staring up to the celling. He felt tired and exhausted. His arms felt like jelly and his shoulders ached. Chris laid with one leg stretched and the other bent. He let out tired groan, before putting an unlit Cigarillo in his mouth. His hand flopped besides him. He hasn't worked this hard in years. Chris was waiting for Big Macintosh to finish his shower in the en-suite so he could have his. Chris closed his eyes and listened to the splashes of water from the shower and the occasional whistle from Big Macintosh.

Eventually, Big Macintosh came out of the shower, drying off his ginger hair. Steam poured out behind him. Chris turned his head to face him. He rolled the Cigarillo in the corner of his mouth and bit down on it.

"Finished?" he asked.

"Eeyup..." Big Macintosh replied, wiping his face with his towel. Chris took his Cigarillo out of his mouth and placed on top of the tin, next to his mattress. He then sat up slowly, still achy from the days work. He then stood up and slipped out of his boxers. Big Mac walked past him with the towel wrapped around his neck.

Then, the door opened...

"Hi boys, just to..."

Both men spun around, the front of their body's in full view.

"OH GOD!..." shrieked Applejack, before quickly looking away. Big Macintosh quickly pulled the towel off his neck and covered his private parts. Chris simply covered it with both hands.

"You should've told me Big Macintosh! What if it was Applebloom instead of me?" she shouted.

Big Mac looked over to Chris. His cheeks had turned a little red.

"At least Applebloom knocks!" he pointed out, sounding slightly annoyed.

Applejack let out a frustrated huff. "Supper is ready soon so don't take long."

"Fine, close the door..." replied Big Macintosh. Applejack walked off down the hallway, grumbling a couple of things to herself. Chris looked over to his room mate. Big Mac looked back.

"She does that all'a time..."he said, shaking his head. Chris then picked up his towel and walked to the en-suite.

Chris put the towel aside and jumped into the shower. He turned it on and let the stream of hot water run through his hair and over his aching shoulders. Chris ran his fingers through his hair, letting the water hit his face. He let out a blissful sigh.

After his shower, Chris got dressed and walked to the dining room for dinner. He saw that Applebloom and Big Macintosh was already sitting at the table. Applejack walked in from the kitchen holding two steaming plates of food. She wore her orange shirt and a short denim skirt. She didn't wear her trademark Stetson hat. She set the plates in front of her brother and sister. She then looked up to Chris. She gave a small awkward smile.

"I'll bring ours in a minute...sorry about earlier.." she said, blushing a little. Big Macintosh rolled his eyes...

Chris winked back at her. "Don't worry about it" he reasurred. He then walked over to the dining table and sat down at the end of the table. Applebloom looked up.

"How's your arm mister?" she curiously asked. Chris looked down at his stitches.

"Pretty good thanks, the stitches are ready to come out soon I think" he wondered. He looked back her and smiled. Applebloom smiled back before looking down at the table. Applejack then walked back in with her and Chris's dinner.

"Here you go sugarcube, enjoy" she said, placing the dinner in front of him.

"Thanks". Chris looked at his plate. Applejack served him two chicken breast with a jacket potato and sweetcorn with gravy. He then picked up his knife and fork and started eating. He took a bite out of chicken. It was beautifully cooked and succulent. Chris hadn't had a roast like this in years and was enjoying it very much.

Then a piece of sweetcorn bounced off his head. Chris looked up. He saw Applebloom and Applejack eat their meal. Big Macintosh however, looked around the room, trying to act innocent. Chris knew it was him. He then took a spoonful of sweet corn and 'dropped' one on the table. He continued to eat normally. Then, when Big Macintosh was about to take a bite of his potato, Chris gave the piece of sweetcorn a hard flick. It flew and landed in Big Macintosh's ear. He recoiled on the impact, dropping his knife nosily. Chris almost started laughing. Big Mac took the piece of sweetcorn out of his ear and looked back at Chris. He started sniggering too. Applejack looked up from her plate, wondering what's with the sniggering.

"What's up?" she asked.

"Erm...nothing" Lied Big Macintosh. Both him and Chris giggled like two misbehaved school boys. Applejack huffed a little.

"Cut it out, whatever your doing" she said, before returning to her meal. Chris and Big Macintosh grinned at each other before going back to their meals.


Chris sat outside, having his evening smoke. The twilight sky illuminated the orange horizon. Chris looked up to the midnight blue sky. He gazed at the many stars that sparkled brightly. Chris took a drag of his Cigarillo. The orange tip glowed brightly in dark as he sucked on it. He watched the smoke leave his mouth and curl up and disappear into the night. He sat on a weathered, wooden bench in a field not far from the house. Chris sat back on the bench and looked over the slopes and hills that stood in front of him. One thing he noticed on the farm, and Ponyville itself was the nights. Each sunset was bright, warming, and beautiful, and the night sky was lit up beautifully. Yet it in Trottingham, the street lights made the night sky a depressing orange colour and very little stars were seen. The only time Chris saw the stars in there true beauty was when there was a power cut to his neighbourhood.

That thought made him think about his fallen town...

He tried to avoid thinking about the disaster and anything on the radio about. Last time he heard about Trottingham...

To put it simply, it was almost impossible to get out alive. Discord and his men have completly sealed off the town. Not a single building or shop was untouched. They had either been burned or simply vandalised. And for the people who's lives where spared by Discord; They would've been better off dead. Slaves; human punch bags or personal sex objects...

Chris shook his head, trying to shake off the thought....

He sat forward, resting his arms on his knees. He flicked the ash of his Cigarillo and sighed as looked sadly at the ground. Then, Chris noticed movement in the corner of his eye. Chris looked around. He saw someone walking towards him. He looked closer. It was Applejack. She looked up and smiled at him, before looking back down and sweeping her hair to the side. She looked pretty, even if she wasn't the most fashionable person in the world. She sat down beside him. Chris gave her a curt node and smiled at her.

"I though' I find you out here" she said.

Chris took a couple of puffs. "Yeah, I really like the nights peaceful" he replied, scanning the hills in the horizon. Applejack smiled and looked out to the horizon. Chris continued.

"I like to come out here to watch the sunset. And think about stuff too..." his voice trailed off. Chris looked at the ground, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Applejack knew what was on his mind.

"Your thinking about...Trottingham aren't ya?" she asked softly. Chris looked at her. Her green eyes stood out and looked beautiful, even in the dim light. He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. Applejack took his hand and held it softly.

"Don't worry...I'm sure it'll be over soon...". She gave Chris a small smile. Chris held her hand back.

"Lets hope so..."he said, giving a small smile back.

Chris then yawned. He felt pretty tired. Applejack rubbed his back.

"C'mon, you better get some sleep. You worked hard today..."

"Might aswell...". Chris said trying to stifle another yawn. He stubbed out his Cigarillo and threw on the ground. He stood up with Applejack. They then both slowly walked back to the house, both looking at the ever dimming horizon as they did.

8: An invitation

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It was a hot summer's afternoon on the farm. On the orchard, the apples were ripe and ready to harvest. Chris and Big Macintosh sat on a wooden single railed fence that surrounded the whole orchard, looking over the green hills whilst Applejack spoke to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.

The girls looked over at the two working men. They casually chatted to each other, giving off the occasional laugh. Chris smoked whilst Big Macintosh chewed on his trademark wheat stem. Rainbow spoke to Applejack.

"How's he doin'?" she asked. RD wore her short grey skirt and sky blue coloured vest.

Applejack looked at her friend. "Chris has settled down really well. Him and Big Macintosh make a great team on the farm.". She took off her brown Stetsons hat and wiped the beads of sweat off her forehead. She wore her orange T-shirt and short denim skirt . They've been busy picking the ripe apples around the orchard.

"That's good to hear...". Rainbow dash look back at the two men. They both laughed whilst Big Macintosh gave Chris a playful punch on the arm.

"When I first heard about him I thought he wouldn't last long. But he's pulled through pretty well" Admired Rainbow dash. AJ agreed. Then, Pinkie giggled a little. They looked at their curly haired friend.

"Look at them two...they're almost like brothers" she smiled whilst she adjusted her pink vest. The three of them giggled.

"Aww...Big Macintosh has got his own bwother..." teased Rainbow Dash.

"Ah, give him a break Rainbow Dash. He's been more cheerful since Chris came along"

"Probably because he's been surrounded by girls all the time!". The three girls laughed out loud. Chris and Big Macintosh turned around to see what's with the laughing. The girls looked back.

"Come on you two, the apples ain't gonna load themselves!" called Applejack.

"Alright, give us a sec!" Chris called back. He threw his butt and both of them slid off the fence. They walked over to the wooden crates of apples, ready to be loaded in the back of the pick up truck. Chris noticed how wet his red polo shirt was from his sweat so he decided to take it off. He lifted a crate of apple and walked over the truck. As he went past the girls, one of them playfully whistled at his physique. He looked around to see who it was.

"Nice abs you got there!" teased Rainbow Dash as she picked a couple of apples. The others giggled at the comment.

"C'mon RD, let Chris get on with his work..." Applejack giggled, giving Chris a cheeky wink. Chris walked away, feeling slightly flattered. He walked over to the truck and passed the crate to Big Macintosh, who was loading them on the truck. Chris spoke to him.

"Does she do that all the time..."

"Eeyup. That's why I don't bother taking my shirt off around them." explained Big Macintosh. Chris rolled his eyes.

Meanwhile, Applejack was talking to Rainbow dash. "So you've got something tell me then?" asked Applejack.

"Two things actually. First, I've just been promoted to Manager at the airfield.".

"That's great Rainbow dash! you've worked hard to get that position" congratulated Applejack.

"And guess who's going to use the airfield as their new base?"

Applejack thought for a moment, then gave up.

"The Wonderbolts!" squealed Rainbow dash. Applejack smiled at the news.

"Oh wow,you must be ecstatic!" she said happily. Chris was walking past when he over-heard their conversation.

"The Wonderbolts did you say?" he asked, putting down the heavy crate of apples.

"You better believe it. THE greatest flying squad at MY airbase!" she gloated. Chris scratched the back of his neck.

"I've heard they're the biggest bunch of pricks you'll ever meet" He said. Rainbow dash lost her smile and glared at him.

"How would you know that anyway?" she questioned.

"I had a friend who bumped into one. He said he was the most cockiest, arrogant prick he's ever met. He almost got into a punch-up with him" Chris told.

"Oh really...sounds like someone's a tad jealous" she said, directing it at Chris. Chris snorted and stared back.

"Me? Jealous? how can I be jealous when I don't even fly a jet?" he pointed out.

Rainbow dash was about speak back, but she bit her tongue back. Chris then picked up the crate and walked off, shaking his head.

"Jealous of the Wonderbolts...What a load of crap..." he mumbled to himself. Rainbow dash flicked him off with her two fingers . Pinkie gave her a little pat. "Don't worry about it too much" she reasurred her happily. RD smiled back and carried on picking the ripe apples.


After the girls finished picking the apples, they went back to Applejack's house while Chris a Big Macintosh popped into town for some things. They sat at the dining table drinking tea and chatting. Then Pinkie Pie remembered something.

"Ooh! I almost forgot..." she piped up. Pinkie then looked into her handbag and pulled out two tickets and gave them to Rainbow dash and Applejack. "My friend Vinyl is having a party in a couple of you go". They took the tickets and looked at them.

"Not another one Pinkie! How can you have time to make all of these parties?" said Applejack.

Pinkie giggled. "I dunno...I'm that good silly"

"Man, you and Vinyl host some great parties, remember the last one? " said Rainbow dash. Applejack groaned. "You said we wasn't gonna talk about that night any more RD!" she moaned.

Rainbow laughed a little. "Well it's was your idea to have all those shots!"

"But you know my limits!"

"There's no limit with my parties!" laughed Pinkie Pie. Applejack sipped her, trying to shake off the memory.

Then, Chris walked in through the front door with Big Macintosh. He was holding a pouch of Old Holborn rolling tobacco and Big Macintosh was reading a newspaper.

"Hi boys" greeted Applejack. They said hello back. As they walked past, Pinkie held out another two tickets to them.

"Here go!" the pink haired girl offered. They both took the tickets and looked at them.

"Oh thanks Pinkie" said Chris.

"Any time" she said happily. The two men walked over to the kitchen nearby. Big Macintosh put the newspaper on the side and went in the for a drink. Chris lent on the kitchen side. He glanced at the frontpage. The headline was about the troubles in Trottingham. Chris quickly looked away, trying not to think about it. He then opened the tobacco pouch and started rolling a cigarette. Big Mac came back and gave Chris a glass of lemonade.

"So who else is going?" asked Applejack. Pinkie put her tea down.

"Well, I'm going to give Twilight, Rairity and Fluttershy a ticket"...

Big Macintosh turned around slightly when he heard Fluttershy's name.

"...Loads other people are going too...Actually I think some of the Wonderbolts are coming too!" Pinkie said Excitedly. Rainbow dash squealed when she heard this.

"This is going to be an AWSOME party!". She then looked over to Chris. "You hear that Chris? The Wonderbolts are coming too" She taunted.

"Does it look like I give a fuck?" Chris said quite rudely, looking at his roll up. Rainbow dash was about to speak when Applejack stepped in

"Hey! Cut it out you two!" she warned.

"Yeah, whatever...I'm going out for a smoke..." Chris said as he put the roll up in his mouth. He then walked outside in a huff. Applejack watched him walk out before looking back at Rainbow dash. Annoyed. She gave her a small kick.

"Ow!, what was that for?" she moaned.

Applejack gestured to Chris. "Ya had to carry on didn't you?". Rainbow dash looked inside her cup and said nothing.

"Go and apologise..."

Rainbow dash looked up up from her cup. "Oh come one..."

"Dash..." Applejack said sternly. Rainbow dash gave a huff and stubbornly got up from her seat. "Fine..."

Chris lent back against the wall having his smoke. He was feeling slightly annoyed. The afternoon had cooled slightly and the sun was slowly being covered by the forming clouds. Chris exhaled the smoke out and flicked his roll up. Rainbow dash slowly walked through the open door. Chris turned around to see who it was. Rainbow dash looked up meekly to him.


Chris didn't say anything. He turned away and took a drag. She stepped closer.

"I'm...I'm sorry if I annoyed you. I suppose I did take it abit too far..." she said, rubbing her arm awkwardly. Chris looked at the rainbow haired girl. She shifted abit, slightly worried of his reaction. He slowly put out his hand.

"At least you apologised...". Rainbow dash looked at him, before shaking his hand apologetically. They stood there for a few moments before she spoke.

"So are you going to that party then?" she asked.

"Might aswell, I've got nothing better to do". The both laughed a little.

"Pinkie always throws great parties"

Chris looked at the ticket again. "It looks good. Hopefully it'll be it'll be a good crowd ". Rainbow dash smiled a little. Chris then pulled out his tobacco pouch and held it up to her. "Fancy a roll up?" he offered.

Rainbow dash shrugged a little. "Yeah, why not..."

Chris then sat down on the wooden decking and started to roll one for Rainbow dash.

As he made a rollie, Chris thought about the last week or so being here. He came as an outsider looking for help. Yet the warm community took him in with open arms and helped him out. Now he's been invited to this party, he feels he really is part of the open community. He's gone from being a complete stranger to...a friend. Chris smiled at the thought. He knows full well he's with a good crowd of people.

He finished rolling the roll up and passed it to Rainbow Dash. "Here you go..."

"Thanks" She said taking the rollie. Chris smiled and walked back in the house.

9: Party time...

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Chris sat patiently in the waiting room of the medical centre. He sat on the padded bench, sipping his coffee whilst reading a magazine. He was having his stitches removed today. The waiting room was busy. Nurses went past hurriedly, doctors called out other patients names whilst he sat there letting it all pass by. He looked up from time to look at the clock or watch someone sit next to him. Soon his name was called out. When he heard it, he put the magazine on his now vacant-seat and drank the rest of his coffee. A nurse led him to a sterile treatment room. When he walked into the room, the nurse directed him the sterile bed before. He took off his white polo shirt as he sat down. She placed a stainless steel tray, with a pair of scissors and tweezers next to him. She then started to cut the stitches and remove them with the tweezers. Chris stared at the door, wincing from time to time when the nurse pulled a stitch out. When the Nurse was finished, Chris looked at the pink, fresh scar on his deltoid and the pin-prick holes, where the stitches was. After he said his thanks, he walked out of the medical centre.
As he walked into the centre of town, he saw Fluttershy walk out of the pet store, holding a bag of rabbit food. He jogged over to her.
"Hey Fluttershy" he greeted.
She looked up from the pavement. She smiled shyly at him. "Hii...".
"So, you going to the party tonight then?" Chris asked.
Fluttershy's eyes looked at the ground, before looking back to Chris.
"Um...I..I'm not sure if I want to..." she said, rubbing her shoulder awkwardly.
"Aw come one, it'll be great!" He said encouragingly.
"Well...I..d.. don't know...I'm not a big fan of house parties"
"But the girls will be going, even Twilight!...Actually I think Big Macintosh said he'll actually go..." Chris wondered. Fluttershy then perked up a little.
"Oh...erm...I..In that case...I actually might...go"
Chris then smiled. "Great! I'm sure you'll enjoy it"
Fluttershy smiled back, brushing her hair over the to side. "Anyway, I must be going...The bunnies need their food."
Chris nodded. "Okay, hopefully see you tonight" He said with a smile. They then went their ways. Chris got his tin of Cigarillos out and popped one in his mouth. He walked on, lighting it. But as he took a drag, a thought occurred to him...
He stopped and paused for a moment. Chris then looked over his shoulder. He watched Fluttershy walk along the pavement, head slightly down. Chris's eyes moved down to the pavement before turning his head back. He carried on walking, still curiously thinking about his thought...
It was early evening. Chris and Big Macintosh were both getting ready for the big party. Applejack had already left with the others and Apple bloom was staying the night around a friend's house. Chris walked out of the steaming en-suite after having a long, hot shower. He walked to the beat of a dance tune in is head. Big Macintosh, who was putting on a pair of Jeans, looked over to him. Chris continued to dance a little to the beat in his head. Big smirked at little. "You excited then?" he asked.
"You bet, I have not been to a house party for a while" Chris said, drying his hair vigorousely. He then chucked the towel to the side and slipped into his boxers.
"You've been many yourself Mac?" Asked Chris. Big Macintosh shrugged a little. "A few, birthdays parties really. Nothing like this"
"Trust me, it's going to be a buzz!" Chris said as he sprayed some deodorant under his arm.
Big Mac smirked. "What? you Pinkie Pie now or something?". They both laughed at the joke. Chris then started to get ready. He put on a light blue Jack Wills clabon classic fit shirt, his Amarni jeans Rairity gave him and a pair of white trainers. He untucked the shirt and kept the top button undone. After he was pleased with his appearance, he then styled his hair: Swept to the side as usual. He then stepped back and looked at himself in the Mirror. He felt and looked great. He felt healthy again, felt stronger, and now he had a proper set of clothes. And he was about to have a great night out...
Big macintosh came out of the bathroom. He looked at Chris to see what he was wearing. Impressed, he complimented him. "Looking good Chris"
"Cheers mate..." Chris replied. He then looked at his watch, then to Big Macintosh. "Nearly ready?" he asked.
"Almost...". Big macintosh then put on his white shirt and slipped his Lyle and Scott grey V-neck jumper over. He turned to Chris. Chris have a nod of approval. "Very smart" he said. Big Mac smiled. "Thanks pal." Chris then grabbed his tin of Cigarillos and then they both left.
Chris and Big Macintosh walked on the main road, leading into Ponyville. It was a quiet country lane that gradually turned into more of an urban road. It was dusk. The blue hue of the darkness filled the night. Chris had smoke. The orange tip of Cigarillo glowed a brilliant orange. Soon, they reached the town. And the night was almost coming into life. The two boys walked down the high-street, they watched their surroundings. Groups of teenagers and young adults chatted happily, excited of what's to come. Shop signs illuminated brightly and bars where busy and bustled with people. Chris smiled as he absorbed the surroundings and night-life. They continued walking through the lively street, admiring the brilliance of the night-life. They then soon came to small street and walked down it. They then got to the metal gates of the house. Chris could already hear the boom of the music. Two huge bouncers guarded the gate. They looked at Chris and Big Macintosh. "Got ya tickets?" one of them grunted. They both showed their tickets. When the bouncer inspected them and was satisfied, he let the two pass.
Chris walked up the drive, with Big Macintosh by his side. Chris felt the excitement slowly come to him as he approached the door. As he knocked, he felt the beat of the music through his feet. Then, a guy with a beard holding a beer in his hand opened the door. He put his arms out and welcomed them. "Whooo! come in dude!" he cheered. Chris smiled and walked into the living room, and was amazed by what he saw. Groups of people crowded together in the large living room. Some danced to the beat of the music, wilst others happily chatted to each other. Big Macintosh tapped him on the shoulder and spoke in his ear. "Lets go find the others" he suggested. They walked and shuffled through the living room. A couple of people tried to get them to dance with them, but they kindly declined. Then, they found couple of the girls in the corner. Applejack, Twilight and even Fluttershy, chatted to each other. They all wore short skirts with branded t-shirts. Fluttershy however wore a more sensibly lengthen skirt. Chris called them. They turned around. When they saw who it was, the girls called them over. Applejack gave Chris a hug when he walked over.
"Glad you could make it!" she said happily, trying to speak over the music. Chris returned the hug.
"Thanks AJ, where is the rest of the gang?" he asked.
"Rarity and Rainbow dash went to the bathroom. And Pinkie Pie..." Applejack looked around, actually curious of Pinkie's where-abouts. "Actually, were is that crazy party girl?"
Twilight shrugged her shoulders. "Knowing her, either getting some drinks, or she's tearing up the dance floor in the dance room" she suggested. They chuckled. Chris looked at Fluttershy. She looked up to Big Macintosh and smiled a little.
"Hey Big Macintosh" she said. Chris swivlled his eyes to Big Macintosh. He rubbed his neck awkwardly. "Hey Fluttershy...". They both smiled, but gazed awkwardly at each other. Chris smirked a little.
"C'mon, lets get the drinks in!" called Applejack. She then took Chris's arm and led him to the kitchen whilst the others followed. The kitchen was less packed that the living room but just as lively. They walked over to a few buckets of ice containing drinks. The girls decided to have some alcopops whilst Chris and Big Mac had a Beer. Then, Pinkie came into the kitchen. When she saw them, she rushed over quickly. Chris noticed the large amount on glow bands on her wrist and streaks of fluorescent paint on her cheeks. She cheered and put her arms around Chris and Applejack. "This is a great Par-tay!" she cheered excitedly. Chris took a sip of his beer, smiling at Pinkies enthusiasm.
"You say that about every party" pointed out Twilight.
"But I just LOVE them!". Everyone laughed. Pinkie them piped up. "Ooh!, I'll be right back!" and she quickly went to the fridge at the end of the kitchen. Meanwhile, Rarity and Rainbow dash walked in. Rainbow dash wore a similar outfit to the others, but Rairity wore a indigo coloured Maxi dress with a pair of wedge heels shoes. They walked over and greeted everyone. The girls admired and compliment Rairity's dress. "Thanks everyone..." She flattered. "I made it myself, simply wonderful isn't it?"
Pinkie then rushed back over. She had a tray of empty shot glasses and a bottle of a spirit. She handed everyone a glass and poured them some of the spirit. Chris examined the green coloured shot in his glass. He gave it a whiff. It smelt of Aniseed.
"Wh...What is it?" asked fluttershy nervously, not too keen on the spirit.
"I'll tell you when we knock it back" Pinkie Pie teased. They then all clinked glasses and knocked the shot back. Chris tasted the shot. It tasted strongly of Aniseed and was quite bitter. He felt a strong burn of alcohol in his mouth and chest. Everyone but Pinkie screwed up their faces.
"Bloody hell, what was that?..." Chris said, smacking at the taste. Pinkie giggled and showed the lable on the bottle. "It was...Absinthe!"
Chris eyes widened in shock. He eyed at his empty shot glass.
"ABSINTHE?! Jesus Christ Pinkie, this stuff is lethal!" he exclaimed. Everyone else looked at Pinkie, shocked at what they've just drunk.
"Pinkie!" they all said at once.
"what? we're partying, right?" She giggled. Fluttershy coughed and blinked a few times.
"Oh my...My head.."
Chris felt the same too. His head-rush was slowly coming to him. The Absinthe had already kicked in and gone to his head. Soon, everyone started to feel the effects of it. And with alcohol in their system, they felt sociable, happy and giddy.
"Come on, I'll show you the dancing hall" called Pinkie. Everyone then walked with Pinkie, trying not to act drunk. Pinkie opened a door to reveal the dance room. The dance music blared out. The lights were off and the disco lights flashed, scattering around the room.
This was going to be one heck of a Party...
Chris slumped onto a chair, exhausted. He'd been dancing for a few hours to the immense music. He took a couple of gulps from his bottle of beer. Big Macintosh walked over. He was smiling and looked quite dazed. He sat down next to Chris. Chris looked over to him and smiled. He gave him a heavy slap on the back. "Having and good time?" he asked, sounding rather drunk. Big Macintosh nodded. "Eeyup, still feeling the effects of that shot..." he replied, gazing at the floor half-drunk. Chris chuckled as he put the now-empty beer bottle on the floor. Big Macintosh eyed it before looking back up to Chris.
"How many you had?" he asked. Chris burped a little. "That was my fifth..."
Big Macintosh snorted. "Man, you need to slow down!".
Chris then got up. "Awell, I'm getting another, fancy one?"
Big Mac shrugged his shoulders. "Might aswell..."
Chris smiled. "Atta boy". He then walked through the dance floor. Everyone was pretty much drunk and danced to the moves of the beat. He then walked to the kitchen, trying to keep his balance. As he went over to the ice buckets, he saw Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow dash sitting on some stools.They too seemed quite tipsy. He walked over to them, holding two beers in his hand.
"Everyone okay?" he asked. They all smiled. "Fine thank you...don't think you've had enough?" Twilight pointed out. She seemed quite sober.
"Who cares, I'm having a good time". He then looked around. "Where's Fluttershy? I thought she would be you guys?".
Rainbow dash, who seemed quite drunk, perked up. "Fluttershy? Man, That shot really got to her! Last time I saw her she went to the dance floor...she seemed really up for it!" She said, pointing to the dance room. Chris was slightly surprised. "Well at least she's having fun". They all chuckled at the comment. He then walked off with his beers, trying to keep straight. As he danced his way through, he bumped into Rairty, who was going in the opposite direction. She smiled at him. "Having a good time?" she asked. Chris nodded.
"You bet!, this is one hell of a party!"
She laughed and inspected at his outfit. "I'm liking your style Chris, very nice..." she complimented, sounding rather tipsy.
"Thanks, someone gave me abit of advice" he said, giving her a small wink. Rairity giggled again.
"Thanks darling, anyway, must dash. There's a gorgeous boy I must speak to..." she said, looking over Chris's shoulder. She then flicked her her to the side and brushed past Chris. He watched her walk away, noticing her swaying hips. Chris smiled and shook his head. He took a sip of his beer. He got back to his seat and passed a beer to Big Macintosh. He sat down.
"Tell you what, Rarity likes a guy.." He chuckled.
Big Macintosh took a swig of his drink. He raised an eye at Chris.
"Rarity? she's always with different guys." He explained. "If you think she bad..." He gestured with his head towards the corner of the room. Chris peeked over to the corner. He saw the familiar pink, curly hair of Pinkie Pie. And she was making out someone...
He looked back a Big Macintosh, and smiled slyly. "Yep, She's a party girl alright..." Both of them laughed. The alcohol was getting to both of them. Chris felt light headed and couldn't focus on things without concentrating. They sat there and chatted to one another, talking about anything that came into mind. Pinkie came by and offered them another shot of Absinthe, But they quickly declined. Chris then got up from his seat and told Big Macintosh he's going out for a smoke. He was about to walk off when the unexpected happened...
Fluttershy, burst out of the crowded dance floor. She was very intoxicated and was holding a bottle of Sambuca. Chris eyes widened in surprise. She looked at him and Big Macintosh and smiled. She put her arms in the air and whooed.
"I'm loving thish party!" she screamed. She sounded very drunk. Both men gawked at each other.
Was this Fluttershy?
"Er...Are you okay?" Chris asked. Fluttershy took a swig of the Sambuca and drunkenly giggled.
"I'mm Fiiinee...Just had abit too much...". She then almost fell over. Big Macintosh lept from his seat and caught her. She looked up a giggled even more.
"Whoopsie! Clumsy me...". She was about to take another swig when Chris thoughtfully took the bottle away from her. She was about object when Big Macintosh brought her into a small hug. "I've think you've had enough...". Big Macintosh suggested. He spoke softly with a gentle tone. Fluttershy admitted defeat and flopped her head against Big Mac's beefy chest. She returned the hug, wrapping her arms around him. Chris looked at her sweet face. Even though she may of acted drunk, Fluttershy looked quite tired. Chris looked at his friend.
"Better get her some water..." he suggested. Big Macintosh nodded and led Fluttershy to the kitchen. She was leaning into him and trying to stand up straight. Chris looked at them walking out.
'I Knew they like each other...' Chris thought. He looked at the half-empty Sambuca bottle. 'Hope she didn't have too much of this stuff...'
Then, he heard his name. Chris looked up to see who it was.
He looked around. He then saw Applejack, dancing in the crowd. She smiled at him. "Fancy a dance?" she offered.
Chris grinned back. "Sure!". He then gave the bottle to someone passing by and joined Applejack. She danced up next to Chris. Chris danced with her to the beat of the music. Chris watched Applejack dance. She had her long, blonde hair down and was swaying it side to side. Chris gazed into her peaceful green eyes. Even in the dark room they stood out. She met her gaze with Chris's blue eyes. They danced with each other for a while. And Chris enjoyed every moment. He felt the beat of the music vibrate through his chest, like it was coming from him. He didn't know whether it was the Absinthe or him but he felt out of this world. All of his worries gone; To him, Trottingham was history. He was having a great time at this party, with his new friends that care about him. He couldn't be in a better place.
But ,even the good times has an end. After dancing together for a while, the music finally stopped. Applejack rested her head against Chris's heaving chest. She let out an exhausted sigh. She looked up to Chris and smiled.
"Gosh, we've been dancing for a long time. Your a pretty good dancer Chris" She complimented. Chris smiled back. "Thanks AJ".
"That's okay sugar cube..." AJ then yawned. Chris looked at his watch, focusing hard to read the time. It was 1:00am.
"Bloody hell tonight has gone quick...". Chris felt quite tipsy, and tired too...
He looked down at Applejack. "I'm going to the bathroom". Applejack moaned as lifted her head off his chest. "Okay, I'll go find the others" She gave him a small smile before walking away. Chris watched her walk out. He smiled to himself. An he thought of something once again.
'I think she likes you mate...'

10: Best night ever?

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Chris staggered out, feeling slightly victorious.

He's has a great night, dancing with Applejack, and getting drunk with his new friends...Best night ever?

Chris slowly walked up the stairs. He felt light-headed and couldn't focus properly, infact he almost slipped a few times. When he finally got up the stairs, Chris stumbled to the toilet door. He was about to open the door, when he heard something...

It sounded like...Crying?

Curious, Chris pressed his ear to the door. Yep, he heard sobbing. But it sounded familiar...

Then without warning, the door opened. Chris quickly grabbed onto the door frame to stop him falling. It was Rainbow dash. She was surprised to see Chris.

"Hey dude, you waiting your turn?". She looked more sober than before. Chris straightened himself up. "You okay? I heard crying" he asked.

She sighed. "It wasn't me...". She moved aside a little. Chris looked around her. And saw Fluttershy: On the floor leaning against the toilet.

"Oh jeez..."

Chris quickly went over to her, trying to keep his balance. He knelt down beside her.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked gently. Fluttershy looked up. She sobbed. Chris noticed tears running down her face.

"I don't feel well..." She whimpered. Chris rubbed her back. "Don't worry, let it all out if you..."

She then put her head in to toilet and vomited. Chris cringed a little but continued rubbing her back. He turned to Rainbow dash.

"That bloody Absinthe shot...Next time I see Pinkie..." He screwed up his eyes. His head started to hurt a little. Rainbow Dash rubbed her face. "I know, I'm starting to feel the effects too..."

Fluttershy cried a little. "I'm" She sobbed. Chris hushed her.

"Don't worry about it.."

"Where's...Big Macintosh...". She moaned.
Chris lent in. "Where's who?"

"...Big Macintosh...I want him here..". She looked at him with her teary eyes. Chris smiled reassuringly.

"I'll get the big guy". He then grabbed onto the sink and hauled himself up. He gestured to Rainbow dash. "Look after her while I get Big Mac".

She winked at him. "Will do.."

Chris walked out of the bathroom. For the first time tonight he started to think straight, trying to sober up mentally. When he got at the bottom of the stairs, he luckily found his man.

"What's up?" he asked. Concern hinted in his voice.

"It's Fluttershy...She's not good...She wants you mate"

Big Mac shook his head. "God...I shouldn't let her go on her own..."

Chris gave him a reassuring shake on the shoulder. "Don't beat yourself up about it...She needs you". Big Macintosh looked up. He let off a small sigh.

"Where is she?" he asked

"In the Bathroom. Rainbow dash is with her."

Big Macintosh nodded. He then hurriedly walked up the stairs. Chris watched him go up before looking away again. He scratched the back of his neck.

"Bloody hell, hope everyone else is okay...".

When he turned around, Applejack was in front of him. "Oh, hey AJ. Found everyone else?"

"Yeah...Twilight and Rairity are outside."

"Are they okay?". Applejack shook her. "No, Rairity is blowing chunks...again..", sounding rather annoyed. Chris closed his eyes and groaned.

"Oh not, not her...".

He then went outside to check up on Rairity. Applejack followed him. AJ took him to where Rarity and Twilight was. When he got there, Rarity was squatted with her head in some bushes. Twilight was holding her hair back.

Chris put his arms out. "Aw come on, not you aswell!" he said, sounding frustrated. Rarity spat some vomit out and looked up. She smiled and giggled drunkenly.

"I'mm ever soo sorry...I try not tooo get thish darling.." she slurred. Twilight rolled her eyes.

"You say that every time...". Rarity giggled abit more before sticking her head back in the bush to vomit more. Chris walked over to her. When she was finished being sick, Chris helped her to her feet. Rarity Clung onto hims and tried to stand up straight.

"Aw...your a real sweetie..." She complimented. Chris snorted. "Why are men the ones who has to look after women like you...". He then remembered something.

"Say, what about that bloke you fancied, where's he?"

"Oh...him. Shame really...He didn't swing to girls..." she said, sounding rather disappointed. She then stopped and bent over and retched a couple of times.

Chris pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Can it get any worse?" He wondered. Then someone tapped him on the shoulder. Chris turned around. It was the guy who answered the door.

"Er, sorry to bother you dude, but are you friends with that crazy, pink haired chick?"

Chris saw this coming....

He sighed. "Yes..."

"Well, she's passed out...".
Yes, it could get worse....

Chris faceplamed. "Oh for fuck sake...".

"Not again!" moaned Applejack. "Does she ever learn?" Said Twilight.

Chris huffed. "Where is she then?"

"In the kitchen dude...sprawled out on a stool". Chris said thanks and led Rairity and the girls to the kitchen. They found Pinkie there. On a stool, leaning on the kitchen top. Chris sat Rairity down while Twilight and AJ tended to Pinkie. Chris went a got Rarity a glass of water. Meanwhile, Twilight and Applejack wondered about they should about Pinkie.

"Should we call an Ambulance?" suggested Twilight. Applejack frowned a little.

"Don't be silly Twi! It ain't the first time it's happened...".

Pinkie moaned. The girls looked over to her.

"" She murmured. She coughed a little. AJ shook her head. "We need to get her home"

Applejack turned to Chris, who was giving Rarity a glass of water. "I think we should call it a night. Looks like everyone has had enough". Chris nodded in agreement.

"What should we do?" She asked.

Chris sat down and tried to think. His head was feeling abit clearer, but he still felt tipsy. Before he could answer, Twilight butted in.

"I still think Pinkie should get checked out". Applejack turned to her. "For the last time Twilight, she's not that bad!"

They then got into a small argument. The Chris tried to focus and think of a plan to get everyone home. But with the girls bickering, and now Rarity pestering him, he couldn't think. Too much noise, too many distractions...

"Alright, enough!" he snapped.

Twilight and Applejack turned around. Rairity recoiled a little. Chris let out a little huff.

"Okay, here's what we could do..." Chris explained.

"Twilight: Do you have any spare room in the library?"

She thought for a moment. "Well, I have a spare bed...and I suppose the couch too..."

"Okay, in that case Pinkie and Rarity can stay at yours. No way can they stay in their own place tonight...". He then turned to Applejack. "We can take Fluttershy with us. She'll probably have to stay in the guest room"

Applejack tutted a little. "Oh, not Fluttershy...".

"Yeah, she's with your brother and Rainbow dash. She'll be alright" Chris reassured.

Twilight then remembered something.

"What about RD?"

Chris looked at her with a slightly confused expression.

"What about her?, she's okay to go back to her own place"

Twilight shook her head. "She's sharing an apartment with Pinkie" she pointed out. Chris rolled his eyes.

"Okay, she'll probably have to come back with us". He looked at Applejack. "Are you okay with AJ?"

"I've got no problems with that". After they all agree'd with the plan, Chris called a mini-cab whilst Twilight and Applejack helped Pinkie and Twilight to their feet.


"Let me know when your home" Chris asked Twilight. He poked his head through the window of the mini-cab. Twilight nodded. He smiled and looked the other two. Pinkie was still passed out and Rarity looked like she was about to fall asleep. He then got his head out the cab and waved the cab off.

When he got back to the house, he stood outside and lit a Cigarillo. He let out a relived sigh as he exhaled. He then smiled to himself a little.

"Just like old times...". Chris thought about the parties he had when he lived in Trottingham...

Then, someone put their arms around his waist. Chris looked around to see who it was. It was Applejack. She smiled at him.

"You done well sugarcube."

Chris smiled back. "Thanks AJ, you helped too". Applejack then yawned a little and rested her head on Chris's back. Chris smiled as he put his Cigarillo in his mouth.

Soon, Big Macintosh came out with Fluttershy clung to him. She had he arms wrapped around his big chest and was leaning on him. Chris looked a him before looking at Fluttershy. She looked very tired and was almost asleep.

"Is she okay now" Chris asked.

"Yeah, just abit tired" he said, looking down at the timid girl. He then noticed Applejack.

"looked like someone else is too.." he smiled.

Applejack moved a little. "I can still hear y'all..." she said rather quietly. By now she was resting on Chris's solid body.

The two men looked at each other.

"Looks like we're babysitters tonight." Chris said.

Big Macintosh grinned. "Eeuyp".

After waiting for a while, Rainbow dash finally came out. She seemed abit more drunk than before but sober enough to walk straight. She wore a massive grin on he face. Chris looked at her, half suprised, half suspicious of the sudden cheeriness.

"Took your time, where you been?" he asked.

"I've been talking to some people" she teased. She giggled a little.

Chris raised an eyebrow. "Why the sudden cheeriness?"

Rainbow dash looked at him and tapped her nose. "I'm gonna keep bit that secret...fornow" she teased, giving Chris a small wink.

"Alright..." he looked at Applejack and gave her a small nudge with his shoulder.

"Come on AJ, where going now"

She rubbed her head on Chris's back and moaned a little.

"Mmm...too tired..." she yawned. "Carry me..."

Chris snorted. "Lazy bones..." he playfully teased.

"I'm not lazy..." mumered Applejack.

Chris smiled. He realised she was not going to move. He placed his Cigarillo in the corner of his mouth and bit down on it to stop it falling out. He then bent down a little and grabbed both of Applejack's legs, piggyback style. Applejack instictively wrapped her arms around his neck to hold on.

He looked at Big Macintosh, who already carrying a very tired Fluttershy in his big arms. He winked at Chris.

"Thanks pal". Chris smiled back.

RD looked at the two men. She gave a small giggle. "Come on you two, lets go.."

The group of then set off on their way home. They soon reached the country lane, leading straight to the Apple's residents.

Chris checked on Applejack every so often. She breathed softly as she slept. She had her head rested on his back, like she was listening to his heartbeat. Chris was surprised how light she was. It was like carrying child.

Chris looked up to the night sky. It was filled with bright, twinkling stars. The moon shone over them as they made their journey through the night.

"Wow...amazing night..." he whisperd to himself. He looked over to Big Macintosh. He cradled Flutteryshy in his arms, as if to never let go. And Rainbow dash walked happily in front of them. She occasionally skipped merrily.

She was certainly happy about something.

They eventually got home to Sweet Apple Acres. Big Macintosh unlocked the door and led everyone in. He told Chris to take Applejack to her room.

Chris slowly went up the wooden staircase, trying not to disturb Applejack, who was gracefully asleep. He walked to her bedroom door and carefully opened it.

He had never been in Applejack's room before. And was surprised by what he saw. Her double sized bed was neatly positioned in the middle of the room. Next to her bed was a small desk with a lamp shade and clock. Chris looked over to the window. It was as big as the room. Chris had a perfect view of the bright moon and star-filled night sky. He noticed a wooden desk facing the window. On top of it was a mirror and a few posessions. He looked over to the otherside of the room. A tall wardrobe was tucked in the corner and a chest of draws right next to it. And throught out the room, not a single piece of makeup or bottle nail varnish existed. No bright colours, not even a poster hung in that room. Applejack was a proper country gal.
Hell, Chris could've mistaken it for his own room.

He looked over to Applejack. Chris couldn't help but admire her beauty. Even if she didn't wear make-up like the others, she was still pretty.

"Applejack, wake up..." he whispered softly. There was a small response from AJ.

"Come on sleepy head".

She then slowly opened her eyes and looked at Chris.

"We're home now." Chris said softly.

AJ looked around and realised she was in her room. "Oh my..." she looked at Chris. Her green eyes looked tired. "You carried me the whole way?"

Chris smiled. "Eeyup..." he said, trying to sound like her brother. She gave a small laugh at the attempt. "Aw, your so sweet Chris...". Chris blushed a little. He then put Applejack down from the piggy-back. After stretching and flexing his arms a little,he walked to the doorway. He then turned to Applejack.

"Right, I'm off to bed AJ...". He yawned. The alcohol started to wear off and Chris felt very tired. Applejack walked closer to him.

"Thanks for the great night...And for carrying me home".

"No worries A..."

Before Chris could finish his sentence, Applejack lent in and kissed Chris on the cheek.

His heart exploded.

He looked at her, not sure of what to say. She then smiled at him and softly closed the door.

Chris stood there for a while, still taking the moment. He then smiled.

"Best night ever..." he whispered.


Author's note:

Just would like to say thank you to those who are reading and hopefully enjoying my first fic. Also thanks to those who have favourite'd it and commented too.

Also, any artwork for the cover is welcome.

Many thanks.

11: Popping the question

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Big Macintosh looked over the fields that stood before him. He just finished harvesting the rest of the apples in the orchard. He lent back on a tree, letting out a small relieved sigh. It was late afternoon and the sun was begining to set in the west. He chewed on his wheatstem as he watched Applejack in the distance rounding up the sheep. He watched her give whistles and commands to Winona as the dog expertly rounded up the sheep. After the quick break, He hopped onto the tractor and drove to the house.
Meanwhile, Chris was busy storing the crates of apples in the cellar, underneath the barn. Big Macintosh pulled up just as Chris emerged out of the cellar. Big Macintosh gave him a brief wave as he passed him.
"Is that the rest then?" Chris asked as Big Macintosh approached him.
"Eeyup, big yield this year." He chucked his wheat-stem away before continuing. "You finished here?"
"Almost...Just a few more crates" Chris said before stretching a little.
"Okay, I'll be sitting on the porch when you're finished."
After Chris finished storing the rest of the apples, he shut the cellar door and walked over to Big Macintosh. He found him sitting on the wooden steps of the porch having some fresh apple juice. He passed Chris a bottle as he sat down next to him.
"Feeling better?" Asked Big Macintosh.
Chris nodded as he took a sip. "I am now...". He blew out a a sigh. "Man...that party gave my liver a kicking"
"Not to mention losing half your stomach lining..." Added Big Macintosh.
Chris smiled at the comment. It has been a few days since the party and Chris has only just recovered from it. He then let out a big yawn.
"Tired?" asked Big Macintosh.
"Yeah..." Chris said as he rubbed his eyes. "I haven't been sleeping too good lately..."
"How come?"
Chris didn't know why. When he slept, it felt like his mind was trying to make him remember something. Something important...
"I'm not sure...Just been abit rough, that's all."
Big Macintosh nodded his head.
The two of them where about to speak again when they heard something in the distance. A low roar was heard. The two gave each other confused looks before they started to look around, wondering the hell it was. The roar slowly got louder and louder.
"What the heck is..."
Before Chris could finish what he was saying, A low flying Jet flew over them. The noise of the engines was incredible, drowning every other noise around them. The two of them ducked as the jet shot over them. They watched it quickly disappear in the distance, becoming nothing but a speck within a matter of seconds.
"Rainbow dash..." they both said in perfect synchronization.
"That's the third time this month. She'll probably be doing tricks soon..." Big Macintosh moaned.
"Wouldn't surprise me if she did." said Chris.
"She will be now. Haven't you heard?"
Chris wasn't sure what he was on about. "Heard what?"
"She's got a new boyfriend. And I've heard he's part of the Wonderblots".
Chris rolled his eyes. "Is that why she's been really happy lately?"
Chris snorted. "She has really landed on her feet this time..."
After talking abit more, Chris decided he wanted to go for a walk. He took a small path that led him up on one of the hills. He felt quite tired after reaching the top so he down against a lone tree. The view here was exceptionally good. Chris could see Ponyville below him in the distance ,and even through the low hazy clouds, he got a glimpse of Canterlot between the rocky mountains that guarded it. As he admired the view, Chris felt more and more tired. His eyelids started to feel heavy. Slowly, Chris started to fall asleep...
"Chrisss..." hissed a voice.
That voice...
Chris felt his eyes search, but there was nothing but darkness. It felt like he was in a room. A familiar one...
"Who's there?...". His voice echoed in the darkness.
"Chrissss....". The voice hissed again. It was a female's voice. Yet Chris found it very familiar. As if he knew that voice...
"Don't think you've gotten away that easily! ..." she hissed harshly.
Chris tried to swallowed. His mouth felt dry; His throat was tight.
"Gotten away from what? Who are you?" he shouted out into the darkness. Fear and confusion hinted in his voice
Then, from the corner of this black room, a pair of Red eyes appeared. The eyes stared at him, filled with hate and anger.
Chris looked at the eyes. He almost stopped breathing.
"What the?..." he gasped.
"This isn't over yet..." she warned.
That was the last thing he saw...
Chris's eyes shot open. He felt his heart jump as he let out a gasp. It took him a few seconds to realise he was outside. Chris looked at the ground, slightly shaken.
"What the hell?!" he croaked. Thoughts raced through his mind. What was all that about? That voice...I swear know that voice...But who is it?
And those eyes. Those, angry...Red eyes glaring at me...
Chris stood up, brushing himself down briefly as he did. He looked towards the horizon. It was getting dark. Chris couldn't see the sun behind the clouds that covered it as it set in the mountains. Only a faint, hazy orange dot was visible.
"Jeez...What's going on in there?" Chris groaned. He hasn't had anything like that in a while...
Chris decided to head back to the house before it gets dark. As he walked past one of the sheep pens, he saw Applejack come out of one. When she saw him, she smiled at him.
"Hey Chris, where have ya been?"
At first Chris didn't realise Applejack was speaking to him. He then realised and quickly tried to come up with an answer.
"Hey AJ. I er...Went for a walk then nodded off..." He explained, gesturing to the tree on the hill.
"Someone sounds a little tired. Has Big Macintosh been keeping you up with his snoring?" she joked.
Chris laughed awkwardly a little. He didn't really want to tell Applejack the real reason.
He quickly changed the subject. "Are you heading back to the house?"
"Yeah, are you?"
Chris nodded. They then started to walk back together. As they walked, Chris noticed Applejack was walking quite close to him. Ever since their moment after the party, Chris felt that he...wanted to be more than friends. And by the looks of it, so did AJ. Chris tried to pop the question a few times. But his shy side got the better of him and he chickened out.
There was abit of an silence as they walked. So Chris decided to make small talk.
"You get a good view up there" Chris said.
AJ nodded in agreement. "On a clear day, You can see alot in the distance. Twilight has been up that hill a couple of times to observe stars and planets..."
AJ then talked about the time she went with Twilight to stargaze. As she spoke, Chris questioned himself whether he should...ask Applejack out.
'Come on mate, it's now or never'
'But what is she says no? would it be awkward between us if she did?'
'Why would she say no?! She's obviously likes you!'
'Butwhat would the others think? Will Big Macintosh mind....'
Chris snapped out of his mental argument. "Y..Yes AJ?"
"Where here..."
Chris suddenly realised they were at the house. "Oh...must've zoned out for a moment"
Applejack giggled. "You really need to get some sleep!". Chris laughed a little too.
They then looked at each other. Applejack's Emerald green eyes gazed at him.
'For christ sake, just ask her! Grow some balls and do it...'
"Er, Applejack?"
"Yes Chris?". She stepped a little closer to him. Chris swallowed nervously.
"I..I've been thinking. I w..was wondering if... we could become could be more than friends..."
Applejack continued looking at him. Chris braced himself for the final part. His heart raced...
"Would you like to go out with me?".
At first, Applejack continued looking at him. Then, a huge smile grew on her face.
Just as Chris was about to speak, Applejack then lent forward and kissed him softly. Chris's heart exploded: He was expecting a worded answer, not this.
Applejack then withdrew from the kiss. Chris opened his eyes and looked at Applejack. A smiled at her.
"So is that a yes?"
Applejack blushed a little, letting off a small giggle. She awkwardly looked at the floor before looking back at Chris. "I think so..."
"Applejack!" called a young voice
She looked at the door before turning back to Chris. "That's Applebloom, she probably need help with something"
She then started walking back to the house. Before she walked in, she turned to Chris and smiled at him.
Chris stood there for a few more moments. When he felt now one was looking, he punched the air in victory.
"Told you so..." he said to himself.

Sorry for the long wait. Been busy at work and went on holiday for a week.
Hope you enjoy the chapter.