• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 1,830 Views, 9 Comments

The New Life - Going The Distance

When Chris's life takes a turn for the worst, he flees from his town and starts to rebuild it.

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1: Where it all went wrong...

Chris couldn't believe what was happening to him. His head was spinning; his world fell apart around him. He panted heavily as he lent up against a tree after running for several hours. Running away from his town that has turned against itself. Not from war, but from chaos. What seemed like a normal day turned into a complete warzone within minutes. Chris put his head against against the rough bark of the tree. It was night time and he had no idea what time it was. He didn't care. He was too exhausted to even look at his watch. Rumbles of thunder boomed in the distance. Chris groaned as lent forward. "Just what I need, a bloody thunderstorm" he mumbled. He grabbed his bag and pulled out a small, thin blanket. He wrapped it around his shoulders. Even in the warm summer evening, he felt cold. He didn't know if it was from his shock or the sweat that drenched him. He reached into the front pocket of his hoodie and took out a his tin of cigarillos and a lighter. He took one out and popped in his mouth, then lit it. He lent back onto the tree as he took a drag from his cigarillo. He sighed as he blew out the smoke. The rumbles of thunder grew louder and eventually it started to rain heavily. Chris instinctively put up his hood and huddled against the solid tree trying to escape the rain. As the rain fell around him, Chris thought of his last moment in his now fallen town...

The sun shone through the window of Chris's apartment. He was getting ready to meet up with a friend at his local cafe. He slipped into a pair of jeans and put on his grey hoodie. Chris shielded his eyes from the early morning sun as he look outside onto the main road. It seemed like a normal day: People going to work, dog owners walking their dogs, joggers going on their morning run. But there was also tension. Rumors have been spreading through the media that an ex-army general has built his own army and plotting to wreak havoc and have the city of trottingham for himself. Most people have brushed this off believing nothing will happen. But others are on the edge. Chris put on his trainers and walked out of his flat and onto the main road. He had his morning smoke as he walked to the cafe. On the way Chris noticed the headline on a newspaper stand in bold: 'DISCORD: I WILL STRIKE TODAY...' After reading the worrying headline, Chris bought a paper to read at the cafe. Soon he eventually reached the cafe, where he found his long life friend, John, sitting outside with a newspaper too. He wore a navy blue polo shirt and grey jogging bottoms. Chris greeted him with a firm handshake as he sat down. "Took your time" John joked. Chris chuckled at the Joke. John then folded up the paper and threw it in front of Chris. "Seen the headline?" he asked. Chris nodded his head as he took a drag from his cigarillo. " Doesn't look good..." he replied.
"I wonder who is this 'Discord' guy anyway?" John asked.
Chris shrugged his shoulders "Dunno, some sort of ex-army officer I've heard"
"Do you really think it'll happen?"
Chris shook his head "It's a load of crap I think" He flicked some ash off his cigarillo "Do you think it'll happen?"
John looked around uneasily and rubbed his arm. "To be honsest...yes...Infact...I'm leaving town"
Chris couldn't belive what he was hearing. "Seriously?!"
John shook his head slowly. "Sorry mate, but I'm not risking anything."
Chris sat back in his chair and thought for a moment. "When you leaving?"
"After this breakfast..."
"What!" Chris shouted
"Look, please understand mate. I don't wanna lose everything just because some maniac wants to have this city as his own personal playground!"
Chris would hate to amit it but John had a point. Was it worth the risk?
Chris then took a last drag of his cigarillo before tossing it into a nearby bin. He then stood up from his chair.
"Where you going, are you even gonna eat?" asked John.
"Nah, I'm not that hungry. Listen just keep safe and stay in touch". John looked up at Chris. He nodded and shook Chris's hand...
Chris was slightly annoyed at his friend. But then again he knew John wasn't a risk taker. Chris laid on his bed watching T.V. He sighed at the thought of his friend leaving. He twiddled an unlit cigarillo with his fingers. "It ain't gonna happen..." he said.
But he was wrong...
Very wrong...
Chris was about to light his smoke. Then, his T.V program was cut off and the news channel came up With 'BREAKING NEWS' in bold. Chris looked at the T.V, curious of what was happening. The presenter spoke
"Discord, the terrorist mastermind has invaded the town of Trottingham. Reports say that he has wasted no time with his attack and has already destroyed several building and injured many others..."
The presenter continued descibing the events. Chris just stared at the screen, shocked. His Cigarillo dropped from his mouth. Chris couldn't belive it...it was actually happening. He felt sick and scared. Then a loud boom erupted. Chris swung his head around and looked out of his window. "Oh god..." he whispered. He then stumbled towards his window and opened it. He looked out into the distance. Thick, black smoke was seen rising and the clatter of gunfire echoed. Chris looked around and saw other people stop and look at the shocking event.
Chris wasted no time. He grabbed his rucksack and ran to his room, bumping into his table on the way. Chris threw in some clean clothes and a blanket. He then dashed to the kitchen and started searching his cupboards. He could only find a tin of peaches and a small can of corned beef. "Better than nothing I guess..." he said as he threw the cans in the rucksack, along with a large bottle of water. Chris was about to dash for the door...
The biggest and loudest bang erupted around Chris's flat. The force of the explosion even knocked him off his feet.
His worse fears came true....
Chris stumbled towards the window to see what was the massive bang was. He looked outside. His heart leapt into his mouth after what he saw...
A burning car billowed out massive amount of black choking smoke. Chris saw the soldiers... Wearing camouflaged uniform and green berets. He was horrifed by what he saw. The soldiers shot people, savagley beat others: laughing as they was doing it...
"No...No.." Chris kept on saying, hoping this was all one twisted nightmare.
But it wasn't.
Chris stared into the darkness, trying to choke back tears. The orange tip of his cigarillo was the only light source. Chris managed to escape the town. Only just...
He was shot at by the soldiers or 'Chaos creaters' as they were called. He almost took a bullet but it just scraped his arm. It stung but the adrenaline kept it numb. He ran out of town. When he ran out of town, he kept on running for 2 days, stopping only to drink and rest. He didn't know where he was going. He came to this patch of woodland and that's where Chris decided to stay the night.
He took a last drag from his cigarillo and threw the butt into the darkness. He then laid down on the damp, muddy ground. He used his rucksack as a pillow and laid his head on it. Chris then closed his eyes to try and get some sleep. He had lost everything: Even his life. He didn't care, he just wanted to sleep...