• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 1,832 Views, 9 Comments

The New Life - Going The Distance

When Chris's life takes a turn for the worst, he flees from his town and starts to rebuild it.

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3: We want to help you

After parking the tractor in the garage next to the house, Big Macintosh and Applejack led Chris into their house. It was a large converted barn, complete with a garage and stables for the horses. Chris was told wait as AJ went into the house. Chris stood on their wooden decking, slightly nervous and unsure of what was happening. Big Macintosh then gave him an reasurring pat on the back. "Don't worry, your gonna be fine with us" he said, looking at Chris with his soulful eyes.
"Thanks" Chris replied. He then reached into his jean pocket to get his tin of Cigarillos. But when he opened it up, his last one was soaked and flaking. Chris let out a sigh and put the tin back in his pocket. Applejack then poked her head out of the door. "You can come in now" Chris walked in with Big Mac and was led to the dining room. He was sat at the dining table, where Applejack tok his spare clothes to be dried.
"I'll take these to be dried. Are you hungry?" asked Applejack. Chris nodded his head. He hadn't had a decent meal in two days and his stomach was about to digest itself.
"I'll get my sister to give you some, Applebloom!"
"I'ma comin' " replied a young voice. Then a young girl walked into the dining room. Her red hair had a pink ribbon tied on to hold it. She wore a light yellow t-shirt with green cotton overalls that were rolled up to her knees.
"Yes big sis"
"Be a good girl and give our guest her something to eat"
The small girl looked at Chris with her curious brown eyes. She then looked back at AJ.
"Okay sis!"
AppleJack smiled and then rubbed her hair. She then walked out with Chris's sodden clothes. Applebloom looked back at Chris.
"What would you like sir?" She asked kindly.
Chris shrugged his shoulders. "Anything" he said, along with a small smile. The little girl thought for a moment. "I know just the thing!" she said with optimism and walked to the kitchen which was nearby. Chris then studied his surrounding, looking at the pictures of the family that hung around the dining room, admiring the wooden dresser that was tucked neatly in the corner. Few minutes later, Applebloom came back holding a wooden tray. She gave it to Chris.
"Thank you very much" he said gratefully.
"Always a plesure" she replied with smiled.
"By the way, what town am I in?" Chris asked.
"Your in ponyville sir" she replied. Chris raised his eyebrows in suprise. "Bloody hell, I've made one hell of a journey..." he said to himself
"Sorry?" Applebloom asked
"Nothing...Thank you"
Applebloom then smiled back and walked out.
Chris placed the tray onto the wooden dining table. Applebloom made him a warm bowl of oatmeal and a glass of freshly made apple juice. Chris started to eat.
Meanwhile, Applejack and Big Macintosh was in the living room across the dining room. Applejack was talking to another young woman. She had violet hair with a pink and purple highlights running through. She wore a simple purple t-shirt with denim jeans. Then they all looked at Chris. Chris looked back, then contiued eating. Chris didn't know what they were talking about, but he had a feeling it was about him. He coughed loudly, then rubbed his sore head. Soon they all walked over to Chris. He was drinking his glass of sweet, refreshing apple juice. The young woman with violet hair spoke to him first.
"Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle. Applejack has told me about you...and your situation"
Chris put down the glass and coughed a little.
Twilight Continued. "I have recently spoke to someone, and she should like to see you as soon possible"
Chris was confused slightly. "Who the hell wants to see me?"
Twilight looked over to Applejack, then back to Chris.
"The Princess..."
Chris sat up immediately, wincing at his aching body. "You mean..."
"Yes, Princess Celestia would like to meet you in person..." She paused for a moment.
"Other than those who got out early...looks like you were the only who got out alive."
Chris stared a her. Him? The only one to get away? There must've been others....
He was about to speak, but Twilight stopped him "Don't worry, nothing will happen to. In fact she...WE want to help you" She said, smiling nervously. Chris nodded his head.
"When are we leaving?" he asked
"Whenever your ready" replied Twilight
Chris thought for a moment. "Is it okay if I have a shower first?"
"Of course, I show you where it is" Said Applejack.
Chris then got up from his chair then followed AJ.
Chris walked over to the large mirror in the bathroom. He looked at his tired face. He had bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep; His skin was slightly pale and grubby from the mud; his dark blonde hair was still wet and in a mess. Chris slowly stripped off. He inspected his toned and athletic build. He noticed he was more skinnier than usual, probably from all of the running and lack of food. Chris also saw the gash on his arm. It was no more than an half an inch wide, but it cut across his whole and was pretty sore. After inspecting his battered body he finally Jumped into the shower. The hot water soothed him as he let it run over his sore head. As he washed, he noticed the large amount of dirty water going down the plughole. Chris then started coughing. This time he spat out the phlegm he brought up and was shocked when saw blood in it.
"Christ I'm not well..."
After, Chris started to towel off. He felt slightly better and less achy. Though he still craved for a smoke. After towelling off and combing his hair, Chris opened walked out, finding his spare clothes on the floor: folded and dry. Big Macintosh called his name.
"You can get changed in my room" he said rolling the wheat stem in his mouth. Chris picked up the clothes then walked to Big Mac's room. He was about to go in when he heard Big Mac suck air through his teeth.
"That's a pretty bad gash you got there..." he said looking at it closer.
"I know, it's not that bad..."
Big Macintosh told him to wait while he walked off. He came back with a roll of bandage. He then wrapped the bandage around the wound on Chris's arm. Chris gritted his teeth from the stinging pain. Big Mac then put some Zinc oxide tape to hold it in place. He then patted Chris on the back to say he was finished.
Big Mac winked at him. "Anytime"
Chris then got changed. He put on a simple white T-shirt, grey jogging bottoms and a pair of white converses. He looked at himself and felt much better, being clean, and in some dry clothes. He then walked downstairs, where everybody was waiting for him. /hey all looked up at him.
"Ready?" asked Twilight
"Chris nodded his head. "Lets go..."