• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 1,832 Views, 9 Comments

The New Life - Going The Distance

When Chris's life takes a turn for the worst, he flees from his town and starts to rebuild it.

  • ...

2: A new friend


The early morning sun rose over the rolling hills and patchwork fields that surrounded the small woodland Chris sheltered in. Its warm orange rays spread across the fields and tried to penetrate the dense woodland. The dew on the grass sparkled in the sunlight. Slowly, the rays reached where Chris was Sleeping. It's rays touched his face. This made his eyes screw up. He pulled the blanket over his face to block the bright rays. The leaves and undergrowth that surrounded the tree Chris sheltered under glistened with dew. The woods was filled with the bird's dawn chorus, but this didn't wake Chris. He was still in a deep sleep.

Then, a small brown and white border collie dog appeared from a small path that was near Chris. It sniffed the damp, muddy ground, catching the scents of the woodland. It then caught Chris's scent and looked over to his direction. The small dog then walked over to investigate. The dog crept next to Chris's face and curiously sniffed around it. It then nudged his cold hand with its nose. When this didn't work it then gave it a lick. Chris slowly lifted the blanket partly off his head and opened one eye. He looked at the small dog which was happily wagging it's tail. "What the?..." he croaked before going into a coughing fit. He felt awful. The dog then started barking. Chris then tried to bat the dog away. "Bugger off!" he ordered but the dog didn't obey. Chris lifted his head off his wet rucksack. He screwed his eyes up. He had a pounding headache and felt feverish. He was about to bat the dog away again, until he heard a voice nearby.


The dog's head turned around in the direction of the voice. Chris looked over to the path.

"Winona, where are ya gal?" said the voice again. It was nearer and sounded like a female.

Chris then saw a young woman appear walking up the path. She had a long blonde ponytail and wore a brown cowboy hat. She also wore a short orange shirt that showed her belly with the some button undone, denim jeans and a brown pair of boots. The dog then bounded happily to her

"There you are girl! what did you find?" she spoke softly to the dog as she knelt down to greet it. She then looked over to Chris. Chris looked back, coughing a little. At first he was slightly scared, but then young woman gave a warm smile to him.

"Howdy partner, whatcha doing on the wet ground?" she asked.

Chris looked down at the muddy ground and noticed a small puddle below him. He looked back at the country girl, who was walking towards him. She knelt down besides him. Her green eyes studied his face carefully.

"Your not from around here, are ya?" she asked softly.

Chris shook his head . She contiued looking into his eyes. Her beautiful green eyes stared into him.

"You don't look to good aswell..." she said. She placed her hand on Chris's forehead. She withdrew her hand back, coming back slightly wet. "You've got a raging temperature. Sleeping in the wet hasn't helped either" she pointed out. Chris was about to speak before succumbing to another coughing fit. The young woman then helped him off the ground. Chris stood up awkwardly. His body and every joint in it ached. She was shocked at the state he was in. "My, your soaking wet! do you even have any dry clothes?" she asked worryingly.

"Yeah.." Chris croaked, lifting up his damp rucksack. "Well...they were..."

"We better get you into the warm" she said.

Chris started walking painfully. As they emerged from the woods, the bright sun blinded Chris. He then looked around him, looking over the fields and back at the woods.

"Where am I?" Chris asked, scratching his dark blonde hair, which was still damp.

"Your at sweet apple acres sir, I'm Applejack by the way" She said offering her hand.

"Chris" He replied whilst shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you, you can call me AJ if you want"

"Thanks..." Chris then bent over double and started coughing. He groaned.

"We better get you to a doctor, you might have pneumonia..." Applejack said with concern. "Big Macintosh!" she called.

Chris looked up. He saw a male, about the same age as him. He was leaning on a tractor. He turned around.

"Eeyup?" said Big Macintosh. He wore a red t-shirt with denim jeans and a pair of well worn nudebuck boots. He had long ginger hair and was chewing a wheat stem. What caught Chris's attention was his big arms and huge chest. It was like he was a professional fighter.

"This here is Chris, and he's not too well at all" AJ explained. She looked at Chris. "This is my brother, Big Macintosh" Chris nodded and looked back at him. Big Macintosh walked over to him.

"Howdy" he said with a smile. He had the same coloured eyes as his sister, but they look soulful, almost godlike.

"Nice to meet you" Chris replied. He offered his hand.

Big Mac took it happliy and shook it. His big paw nearly swallowed Chris's hand.

"So where you from then?" Applejack asked.

"Trot...Trottingham" Chris stuttered.

AJ lost her smile and looked at her brother worryingly. He wore the same expression.

"Oh my..."

"Lets get you back to the house" Big Mac said. He opened the front of a trailer that was towed to the tractor. Chris and AJ, along with Winoa climbed on. Chris slumped down onto the metal bottom. Big mac Started the tractor and the drove off.


As they made their way back, Chris looked over the patchwork landscape of the farm. He looked at the fields of corn and wheat; the herds of cows and sheep. But what amazed him was the size of the orchard that expanded over half of the farmland. Chris looked over to Applejack, who was already looking at him.

"I take you've heard then..." he asked. AJ nodded slowly "It's terrible whats happened...you where very lucky to escape"

"Just about..." Chris said. He took off his sodden hoodie, wincing slightly as he does. He then slowly lifted up his sleeve to show the gash a bullet made. Applejack covered her mouth and gasped.

"I still remeber the bastard who shot at me..." Chris continued "The smile he had on his face when he pulled the trigger..." Chris looked away. AJ shook her head in disbelief. Chris continued looking down. Applejack then reached out and took Chris's hand.

"Don't worry sugar cube, your in safe hands now" She said reassuringly, with a smile. Chris looked up. And gave her a small smile back.

"Here we are..." Said Big Macintosh as he pulled up next to the house.