• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 1,832 Views, 9 Comments

The New Life - Going The Distance

When Chris's life takes a turn for the worst, he flees from his town and starts to rebuild it.

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4: The Princess


Chris sat in the back of Twilights silver Ford KA, as they made their way to Canterlot. As they drove along the main road, Chris looked out the window and watched the other cars pass by and followed the long stretch of woodland that followed the main road. Twilight looked over to him from time to time to see how he was doing. Chris just stared out the window, biting his thumb nail from nerves and craving for a smoke. Twilight then broke the silence by explaining what's going to happen.

"When we get to the royal palace, myself and a few guards will take you to the Princess in her office suite." She looked over to Chris. "Don't worry I'll be by your side all the time" she said with a reassuring smile. Chris nodded his head and smiled a little. Then he thought for a moment.

"You seem quite familliar with the Princess?" he asked

"I'm her personal student" Twilight explained.

Chris was impressed. "At Canterlot university?"

Twilight nodded again.

"Wow, that is impressive!" Chris complimented.

"Thanks" said Twilight, blushing a little.

Soon, they pulled into a service station, where Twilight filled her car up. Chris got out and had a stretch. He then turned to Twilight. "Can I get something quickly?" he asked.

"Sure, you need any money?" Offered Twilight.

Chris dug into his pocket and pulled out Five bits. "I'll be fine thanks"

He then walked inside and up to the counter and looked at the tobacco shelf behind.

"Ten Henri Winterman miniatures and a lighter please"

After he got his Cigarillos, he walked out of the service station and stood near the main road. He was about to light one up when Someone tapped him on the Shoulder. It was Twilight. She looked at Chris disapprovingly. "What are doing"?

"What does it look like?" He said

"Okay, one: we're about to leave. And two: you shouldn't be smoking in your condition anyway"

Chris huffed. "Come on...just one?"

Twilight folded her arms and raised and eyebrow.

"Fine..." Chris said in slightly annoyed tone and stubbornly put his Cigarillo back in the tin.

They set off again. After about another hour of driving, they finally reach the royal palace. Chris leaned out of his window to admire the grand building. Twilight drove up to the gate, where a couple of armed royal guards walked up to the car. Twilight opened her window.

"Name.." asked a guard.

"Twilight sparkle" she said as she held up a badge. The guard inspected it. After he was satisfied he then looked at Chris.

"Who's he.." asked the guard pointing at him. Twilight whispered something in his ear. The Guard looked at him again and nodded his head.

"Okay, let 'em through!" he ordered and the gates opened.

Twilight drove her car down the grand driveway that had a well trimmed hedge running along them. Chris looked over the hedge and was amazed by the colourful flowerbeds and the sparkling fountains. Twilight then parked her car and got out of the car, along with Chris. They both walked to the hudge double doors, where some guards opened them. Chris saw the interior of the palace and his jaw dropped. Crystal chandeliers sparkled as they hung on the beautifully crafted ceiling. Chris followed the royal red carpet that led them to the grand, marble stairs. Twilight tapped him on the shoulder. Chris turned around to look at her.

"Follow me" she said and Chris walked with her, along with a couple of guards.They made their way down a grand hallway which had the tallest ceilings he has ever saw. He also looked at the stained glass windows that decorated the hall. They finally came to a door. Twilight knocked.

"Come in..." said a mystical voice. Twilight looked at Chris, who was now looking nervous all of a sudden.

"Ready?" she asked

Chris nodded. Then Twilight opened the door and they both walked in.


Chris walked in the large office. The walls where painted white and a large arched window shone light into the room. A large mahogany desk was in the middle of the room. And sat at that desk was princess Celestia. She looked up from her papers she was working on. The Princess wore a cream coloured short sleeved blazer, along with a white t-shirt underneath. She also had a matching skirt complete with gold coloured high heel shoes. She smiled and looked at Twilight.

"Good afternoon Twilight, how is your masters degree coming along?" She asked with her kind, gentle voice.

"It's going very well thank you" She replied

Celestia gave a nod of approval, then her elegant pink eyes shifted to Chris. She wore her gold crown around her uniquely coloured hair. "So you must be Chris then" She asked gently.

"Yes, your majesty..." he answered, with slight fear in his voice.

"Please, call me Celestia" She asked kindly. The Princess then pointed to two seats at the front of her desk. "Take a seat" she offered.

Chris and Twilight then walked over and sat down on the red velvet cushioned chairs. The Princess then looked up to the guards at the door.They nodded and walked out of the room. Princess Celestia then pulled a silver tray, with some small pots and a few small cups, towards her.

"Would you like some tea?" she offered kindly to both. Twilight declined the offer but Chris took the offer.

"Yes please" Chris replied. She then poured the tea into a small cup and handed it over to Chris. "Thank you" he said. Celestia then poured herself a cup. After taking a sip she then started to talk to Chris.

"First of all, I would like to say how sorry I am to hear what has happened. It is just so horrifying what's happened" She said, looking into Chris's eyes deeply. Chris sipped his tea. His hand was slightly trembling. He slowly nodded at Celestia. She continued.

"Twilight has told me how her friend Applejack found you in the woods on her farm. How long did you travel for?"

Chris put his tea down. "About two days..." he said, coughing a little. Celestia nodded her head, then looking away for a moment. She then looked back at him.

"Did you plan to come here?"

Chris shook his head. "I just ran..." he explained "I wanted to get away quickly, so I just ran. And by chance...I ended up here"

Celestia took in all of the information, looking at him with her pink eyes all of the time. She then spoke once more. "How long did you plan to stay here?"

Chris shrugged his shoulders. "Soon as it's all over I guess..." He said, looking back at the Princess. Then her eyes looked down, worryingly. Chris saw this and felt uneasy.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked. The Princess looked back at him, her elegant eyes now looked uneasy. "Yes, you see..." She paused for a moment. Then the princess picked up a remote on her desk, then turned on the large T.V that hung at the back of the room.

"I'm afraid things have gotten worse, since your escape..." The T.V then switched on straight to the news Channel.

Chris froze...

The channel showed videos of his town...or rather what's left of it. Smoke bellowed from burning buildings, cars and vans where flipped. The rebels happily stood on top of their work as they cheered and fired their guns madly into the air, even firing a couple at the helicopter that filmed the massacre. There was even one video, showing a row of people lined up against a wall, blindfolded...before being executed.

Twilight covered her mouth and gasped. Celestia sadly looked down onto her royal red carpet. But Chris continued looking at the scenes that was his once home town. He breathed heavily. He wiped off the sweat off his brow with his trembling hand. "No...no..." he whispered, trying to deny what he saw. Chris then started to feel dizzy and sick. He felt light headed...

Chris nearly fell off his chair, clinging onto the desk. Twilight held him to stop him falling any further. His sweaty and clammy hands gripped the desk. Princess Celestia then stood up from her chair. "Are you okay?" she concerningly asked.

"Jesus christ..." Chris gasped to himself.

"Would you like to get some air?" Offered the Princess.

Chris looked up to her. His skin has turned slightly pale and he started coughing badly. He gave a weak nod.

"Guard!" she called

A guard the walked into her office, ready to take orders.

"Take this gentleman outside for some air" She asked. The guard then nodded and helped Chris up. Chris then looked at the Princess. "I'm sorry...I..I just..." The princess cut him off.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. What you saw there would horrify anyone. Now go get some fresh air and come back when you feel ready" she said with her kind, gentle voice.

"Thank you" Chris replied. Princess Celestia smiled back at him. He then looked at the guard. The guard then led him out.