• Published 8th Jan 2018
  • 1,633 Views, 62 Comments

Magical experiments and why you should avoid them - PlayerError404

Last time my sister opened that book she turned me into a girl. Now she opening it again. I am completely terrified.

  • ...

The Universe Hates Me

Why is it that whenever I really want something the universe seams determined to keep it away from me?

I mean… Trixie, our schools resident magician. Why am I stuck rooming with someone, who A: doesn’t know what’s going on with me (and never will if I have anything to say about it) and B: is obsessed with magic.

Well, maybe it would be okay, I mean she's cute and was only a stage magician; its not like she has actual magical powers or anything…

Deciding I could do this I moved forward towards her, an amazingly forced grin on my face as I approached her.

“I’m the one with the Quartz card.” I forced out though my clenched teeth (never try to talk and maintain a smile at the same time)

“Then you have the grrreat honour of rooming with the…”

“I know, my cousins mentioned you.” I interrupted, I’ve heard enough of her ‘Great and powerful’ stic in the halls, I don’t need to hear it again.

“Well your cousin has very fine taste to have told you about the Grrrreat and Powerful Trrrrixie!” She declared, throwing her arms into the air and sending sparks everywhere.

“How did you do that?” I asked, looking around confused as the sparks disappeared into the air.

“Oh you silly mortal, a magician never reveals her secrets.” Trixie said, leaning forward and flicking me on the nose before turning around calling: “Now come on, Trixie requires help with her unpacking.”

Well as tempting as that offer was… I still went because I had nothing better to do. Everyone else was sorting there stuff out and I might as well do the same thing.

Once I was inside the tent I did seriously begin to wonder if I was the only one who noticed the whole ‘Pack light’ bit of the brief. Seriously Trixie had four large and heavy suitcases she needed dragging in. by comparison I had one hiking backpack (Which up until now has been acting as a foot stall in my room) and I'd easily managed to get everything I needed in it.

Not very well admittedly (as should be evident by the fact I had to extract my shower gel out from one of my short legs) but still, I got everything in such a small amount of space, why was every other member of the female population having such difficulty with this?

Wait did I just say…

“Now the power to see through time will be mine!”

Thank you! A distraction.

Eagerly taking advantage of that fact I turned to look at Trixie, who appeared to have thought a glass football was worth bringing along on a trip to a summer camp.

“What’s that?” I asked, pointing at the orb.

“It is Trixie’s crystal ball.” She explained. “With its powers I can see through space and time.”

“Is that what you think or what you tell your audience?” I asked, knowing the answer; living with Blooming Spectre for a while is really helpful when it comes to telling the difference between actual magical artefacts and fakes (I learnt very quickly to stop touching her stuff no matter how bazar a location I found it in after I tried to get her bra out of the toaster, trust me on this it is not a pleasant experience to get a high power magical shock sent through you for trying to clear something up.)

“The details do not matter.” Trixie responded, looking a little bit defensive as she spoke. “What is important is what I can see in it.”

“Okay, sure.” I muttered, not believing a word of it.

“Well I wouldn’t expect one such as yourself to understand the subtle art Trixie practices.” She shot back at me, a defiant look of annoyance in her face as she spoke.

“Well all I can see in it is the floor, so forgive me if I’m a little sceptical.” I responded, heading out of the tent and praying it wasn’t covered in too much magical crap when I got back.

“Very well, but Trixie warns you, in ten seconds duck.” She said, putting on her mystical talk that I (and every other CHS student) was far to used to hearing.

“Yeah I’ll remember that.” I said back, then added much quitter. “Delusional b…”


“Argh!” I cried as I was knocked to the floor, a sharp pain ringing out form the side of my head. “The fuck…”

“Sorry!” A voice cried. Much like Trixie declaring herself to be great and powerful everyone at CHS knew that voice apologising about something. “I just don’t know…”

“Derpy you threw a ball at her head, it’s pretty evident what went wrong.” Rainbow Dash retorted, retrieving the offending piece of sporting equipment and offering me a hand up. “Sorry about her, she’s got great pitching power but her lazy eye…”

“It’s fine.” I muttered, gently rubbing the side of my head (which felt like a truck had hit it, but we’ll ignore that little detail)

“Yeah that’s a head injury, it’s probably not. Hey Fluttershy!” She called, causing the pink haired girl to jolt and look around at Rainbow Dash slightly nervously. “This girl took a ball to the head, does this look bad to you or what?”

“What’s that?” A different worried voice called. Gloriosa Daisy (looking very haggard as she sprinted out of her cabin.) came running towards me as another large man came walking out of the cabin behind her.

“I got hit on the head, it’s fine really…”

It was then when I remembered that to most people head injuries were a big deal. Most people haven’t had to run away from there own Sofa trying to eat them admittedly and have someone magically un break their foot after it got stuck in the mouth of said sofa. (did I mention that was absolutely horrifying?) so they probably didn’t have the same perspective as me.

“Let me see that!” Gloriosa cried, moving closer to look at the large lump swelling up on my head. “That looks bad, I think you should go to the first aid cabin; I’ll go call Timber.”

“Okay… where is the first aid cabin?”

“Well the good news is it doesn’t look to serious.” Timber explained to be as I sat on the side of the bed as he finished examining my injury. “You should be fine by tomorrow, but I’d advise you not to do anything to strenuous for the rest of the day, IU’d go back to your tent and find something relaxing to do.”

“Well that Barroth isn’t going to kill it’s self…” I muttered, thinking to my games console lying in my bag that was just waiting to be used.

“That’ll do.” He said with a smile, causing me to stare at him. “What? I know video games, Monster Hunter, right?”

“Erm, yeah….” I muttered, something about the way he was talking was rubbing me the wrong way.

“They’re fun, we should go on a hunt sometime…”


“Erm, yeah how old are you?” I asked while backing up as fast as I could.

“Huh?” He asked, suddenly realising why I was backing up (Well half the reason anyway, something tells me if he knew the other reason why I was squicked out he wouldn’t have done that in the first place.) “I’m seventeen? why are you asking?”

“Okay with that age no, but your missing a couple of things I tend to look for…” I said with a week grin.

Timber (who now looked more confused than anything else) asked:

“What do you mean?” He asked. It was then I realised I was dealing with someone who was very big on their masculinity and trying to be as smooth as possible, so I might as well be as blunt as possible.

“Missing thing number one and missing thing number two.” I said, grinning as I pointed to each of the girls one at a time.

“Ah… well that makes sense.” He said. “Although I wasn’t flirting. I was just asking if you wanted to go on a hunt sometime.”

“Oh! Crap! sorry about that… Well I’m not but you know.” I said, feeling slightly bad about my assumption. “Thank god you weren’t… that is the last thing I needed right now.”

“Hard time at home?” He asked with a sympathetic tone.

“You could say that…” I muttered, thinking about the Mimic we now had instead of a sofa (in the end we had to pacify him by feeding him bacon sandwiches and promising to disenchant it as soon as we could find a way to relieve him of his hellish existence.)

“That sucks, I get what it’s like having people wanting you to do something you don’t want to.” He said with a small smile.

“What do you mean?” I asked. I wasn’t completely stupid, I knew what was going on in relation to me, he’d assumed I’d come out and it hadn’t gone well, but what was wrong with him?

“Well lets just say running a summer camp wasn’t my first choice for what I wanted to do with my life, never really gone that far away form it before actually. Lots of things I intend to do as soon as I’m older and can leave this place…” Timber explained. “I’m not like my sister, nature is not my thing…”

“I get that.” I said, looking out of the window at the tree line and grass. “Nature really isn’t my thing and I always try my best to ignore it when I can.”

“Things must be really bad at home for you to come here instead.”

“You would not believe it.” I muttered dully, glad this bed had no chance of receiving an unwanted large breasted visitor.

“Yeah... anyway I'd better make sure my sister isn't running herself ragged.” Timber said as he got up.

“And I'm sure a dark blue haired dork has nothing to do with it.” I added, unable to help myself.

“That is also true.” He responded with a grin as he left.

I rolled my eyes and got up, ready to spend the rest of my day relaxing...

It was then that I got back and remembered I had one of the most exuberant and outgoing girls in the school as my tent mate.

“Welcome back foolish mortal!” Trixie declared as I pushed my head back through tent door.

“Hello again.” I muttered as I walked over to my camp bed. I flopped forwards and let my body hit it with a satisfying:


“You cannot seriously be planing to spend your first day at camp in bed?” Trixie said in disbelief as I clumsily reached out for my bag with my hand and pulled out my games console.

“I took a ball to the skull.” I retorted, flipping open the screen and turning the devise on. “I hold the right to laze around for one day.”

“Well that's fair, but you cannot be planing to spend your entire day in here looking at that screen.” Trixie pointed out.

“Just watch me, this game gives you hour time limits per hunt for a reason.” I retorted.

“Well Trixie does need some time... Very well, however Trixie demands you come out in an hour!”

“Erm... What for?” I asked as she walked out, dragging two of her cases as she left.

With no answer I elected for operation 'Fuck it' and got to work trying to reduce that Barroth to carvings in my inventory.

“Trixie demands her audience!” Came a call about fifty minutes later. I say fifty minutes because that's how long it took me to finally bring that thing down, it would have been quicker but I kept getting mobbed by cats and smaller mobs every time I started to make an impact... so here I was.

“Fine.” I muttered darkly as the body disappeared now I'd gutted it. Flicking the screen shut and walking out of the tent.

Thankfully no one else was really around the tent at the moment (The less time I spent around other people the better) so it was just me watching Trixie's... God dammit! Why didn’t the hat and cape tip me off!

“Behold, the spectacular feats of... Hey!” She called as I went to head back into the tent before she grabbed me.

“You said you'd watch!” She whined.

“No I didn't” I responded as I tried to get free.

I wish I could say I was able to break free, but I couldn't. I tried to get away but seeing her face made me unable to push past her. (That and hormones, Stupid adorable Trixie)

“Fine...” I muttered darkly as I turned around and plonked myself down in front of Trixie's make shift stage.

“Good! Now bear witness to the most incredible feats of magic ever witnessed by human eyes!” Trixie declared as she shot more sparks out of her hand and beamed as her performance began.

Well I didn’t do that, mostly because I had an actual magic sister (And could apparently do some myself… although at the moment all I’d managed was sending one jerk flying) and a mage living in my house.

That being said; I’m not sure I would have enjoyed her show as much as I did if I hadn’t had said people living in my house.

Knowing the biggest risk, I was going to suffer during this display of magic was perhaps getting a paper cut from a stray strand of confetti made the whole thing infinitely more enjoyable to me.

That and some of her tricks were actually kind of impressive… For example, I really don’t want to know where she was hiding all those doves (if they where rammed up her sleeve I’m sure that counts as animal cruelty.) Or on that point where she got all the pyrotechnics from…

“Well, are you amazed!? Are you blown away!? Have you felt the power and mysticism of Trixie!?” The overly eager magician cried. Beaming as she got slightly to close to my face for comfort.

“Erm… sure… the tricks we’re good… although I feel you might benefit from an assistant…” I muttered, trying to break eye contact as Trixie backed off.

“What do you mean?” She asked, sitting inside her duck taped rectangle that was her stage.

“Well you had to keep running to get stuff and that was a bit distracting… plus you don’t have the same presence while rummaging around in a trunk…” I explained, suddenly wondering where her band mates were.

“Trixie is not sure that is a good idea…” She muttered as she looked around. “Trixie’s past attempts with an assistant have not been… Good…”

“What happened?” I asked, feeling bad for the magician (something I thought the last week or two would have rendered impossible)

“Trixie is apparently… Difficult to work with…” The silver haired magician admitted, looking down at the ground in annoyance.

“Really?” I asked in moc surprise. Knowing full well Trixie could be difficult from having bumped into her in the corridor a few times (and that one time when the vending machine was out of peanut butter crackers… Trixie was not a happy girl when that happened)

“Yes, apparently it is a problem for Trixie to take her art so seriously.” She muttered, hitting the ground in annoyance.

“Wait what?” I asked in confusion.

“Yes apparently asking for regular practises and to wear outfits actual stage magicians wear is asking to much.” Trixie growled.

“Why what were you asking them to wear?”

When I asked that I expected her to pull out her phone and google an image… I did not expect her to reach into one of her trunks and pull out the garment.

“Wow…” I gasped, going red and trying to ignore what was going on between my legs.

“It is rather good isn’t it.” Trixie said, complimenting her choice as she brushed it out.

“Maybe they didn’t want to be ogled?” I suggested, I mean the outfit was hot and all but as someone who’s been very self-conscious recently I can totally get why you wouldn’t want to wear that thing…

Trixie to my surprise grinned.

“I require use of the tent.” She said, pulling something else out of the trunk and walking disappearing into its fold. Only emerging to say: “No looking at Trixie until she is ready.”

“Okay…” I muttered, wondering what she was going to do…

I got my answer when she called: “You can come in now.”

Wondering what harm could come from looking in I got up and stuck my head through the tents doors and…


Trixie was planning on wearing that… on stage… I, it looked like something my second curse would create… that thing was just so… so…

“Durrr…” Was all I could say.

The outfit looked, well… well it looked like a suit on top, an incredibly tight fitting blue suit, but still a suit. That then went into a blue swimsuit thing… (I don’t know what its called but the point is the outfit had no skirt or legs) combined that with the thigh high boots and her cape and hat… well she was going to be successful at hogging the spotlight lets put it that way.

“I see you like Trixie’s outfit…” She said with a grin.

“Yeah a little bit…” I said with a goofy grin on my face as proper words finally started to form again. “You must be brave to go on stage dressed like that…”

“You think?” Trixie asked, tilting her head to look at me as I plonked myself down on my bed.

“Yeah… I’d never wear something like that.” I explained. “I feel creeped out enough in a tight T-shirt, I cannot even begin to imagine what that’s like.”

“Trixie finds it liberating personally.” She said offhandedly as she leant back in her own bed.

“Seriously?” I asked in disbelief… How could she just…

“Well of course.” She responded. “Trixie is not ashamed of herself and is not worried about what others think, and if looks good then why shouldn’t I show it off.”

“Because it’s embarrassing?” I suggested, causing her to laugh.

“Life is far to short to let little things like that worry you.” She said as she looked at me as my eyes dropped to the floor.

“What about… you know… guys? Aren’t you worried about what they think when your dressed up like that.” I muttered darkly.

“Of course, I am.” She responded, grinning as she adopted the ‘French girl’ pose on her bed and smiled at me. “I want their full attention, plus if they’re distracted it helps my tricks, they can’t see how they work if they’re not looking for it.”

“Yeah but… what about…”

“This isn’t exactly casual wear.” Trixie responded with a week grin as I looked down at the ground again.

After a few seconds she said:

“Has something happened to you?”

“What?” I asked, jolting slightly, the few seconds of her not talking having tricked me into thinking the conversation was over.

“Well, you act scared about them and I just wondered…”

“Nothings happened like that… Okay I think I’ve had one guy put his hand on me without asking… he got sent into a wall…” I muttered, thinking back on it and realising the worst thing that had happened to me was one guy being to touchy with my hair and a few creepy looks I’d been guilty of before this happened.

“So, you’re more than capable of defending yourself and you’re still scared of what could happen if you stepped outside your door wearing anything other than a sack?” Trixie asked, looking at me as if I was mad.

“Yeah… Sounds silly when you say it like that…” I muttered, looking up at the ceiling sadly.

“It’s not silly.” She responded. Shocking me slightly. “I mean, the fact you seam against anything sexy is worring…”

“How would you know? We just met today.” I pointed out.

“We met today, However Trixie was looking for trainers when you went looking for… well it seamed like an entire wardrobe to be honest.” She explained.

“Oh.” I said dully, realising she must have been at the mall the other day. “Yeah, well… The airport lost my clothes.” I invented wildly. “You know how it goes… can’t trust them with anything.”

“That Trixie agrees with.” The silver haired girl nodded, her purple hat swaying on her head as she moved. “I lost my second favourite cape on a flight once.”

“Ouch, sorry to hear that.” I said, feeling genuinely bad for that.

“It is okay, I only lost my second favourite cape.” She said. “Although Trixie appreciates the concern.”

“No problem.” I said with a week grin.

“That’s not a problem… However, Trixie feels it would be okay for you to wear something other than T-shirts and shorts.”

“Erm… that’s the camp uniform remember?” I said, wondering if anyone other than me had actually read the damn letter.

“Trixie is not getting in trouble at the moment.” She responded with a grin.

“Yeah… but we’re inside the tent at the moment? Remember?” I said, gesturing to the fabric around us.

“Yes, yes we are.” She responded.

We then sat there awkwardly for a while before saying:

“Why are you so against dressing sexily?” She eventually asked me.

“Take your pick.” I responded, rolling my eyes as I looked at her. “Low self-esteem, not comfortable with my body, not wanting others to see me…”

“Well that’s dumb, you have a very good body.” Trixie said, adjusting her position so she could see me better.

“Trixie are you hitting on me?” I asked, causing her to go red.

“No.” She said simply. “I just think it’s a great waste.”

“Well it’s not like I have anything else to wear right now anyway.” I pointed out, somewhat worried about what would happen if Dazzle’s counter curse wore off while I was wearing a camp uniform. Booty shorts? Tank top?

Why am I thinking about this so much?

Trixie just raised an eyebrow.

“What?” I asked, looking at her as she reached down into an open case and lifted the assistants outfit into view.

“No.” I responded, backing up as she raised her other eyebrow.

“You sure?” She asked with an enormous grin on her face.

“Why would I?” I asked as I hit the canvas of the tent.

“Well Trixie has been giving you a free show all this time…” She responded as her eyebrows returned to the normal position on her face.

“Okay, One: I never asked for that! Two: I thought you weren’t hitting on me…”

“I’m not, it’s just that no ones worn this before.” She explained. “I hopped wearing my outfit might be encouraging…”

“Well, I mean its good but… I…”

Come on! Just say no! How hard can it be!

But come on! She’s been dressed like that for ages, how bad could it be!

We never asked her to wear that!

But why does that matter? She’s still been wearing that all this time? Besides it would just be for her.

We are not!

But you still want to wear it… don’t you?

A little… I mean no! No!

You already said it.

But, but…

You know it can’t hurt right? I mean, doing it once in front of one person wouldn’t hurt.

But, but… my masculine…

Your masculine pride is currently in another body. Come one, just once, it could be fun…

But… dammit.

“Give it here…” I muttered, my face going red and my chest contracting as I said it.

“Can Trixie come in now?” She called from the outside of the tent.

“Yu… Ye… Yes!” I blurted, my face going red as I struggled to not think about what I was wearing.

Trixie burst in, grinning as she saw me.

“You look great! Truly an assistant worth of the Grrreeaaat and pooowwwweerrrrful…”

“I never agreed to that!” I blurted, the one-piece outfit and tiny mini skirt was not something I was happy about to begin with when it was just her, never mind in front of a crowd.

“Trixie considers that a great shame.” She responded as she pulled out her phone. “Oh well, get over here I want a picture.”

“No!” I blurted, I did not want this on record, I did not want this…

“Smile!” She beamed as she posed next to me as I tried my best to play along while she snapped the picture.

“Want to see?” She asked, grinning as she messed around with her phone.

“Might as well.” The image was preserved forever now, might as well see it. “Although if that goes online I swear!”

“It’s okay.” She smiled, grinning as she turned the screen around. “This is just for my phone.”

As I looked at the image it made me realise something, this was okay… I think I could handle stuff like this so long as it was me and one other person.

Which isn’t much of an improvement, but hey… I can think of a few things I’d like to try at least once…

Dammit Trixie, I wanted to hate this… now… okay I still hate it but… I might be able to have some fun with it.

Author's Note:

I have nothing to say other than Trixie's dialog is hard to write.