• Published 8th Jan 2018
  • 1,634 Views, 62 Comments

Magical experiments and why you should avoid them - PlayerError404

Last time my sister opened that book she turned me into a girl. Now she opening it again. I am completely terrified.

  • ...

What We Found in the Cave

“Tell me assistant is ‘Magical Stuff’ always this boring?” Trixie asked as we walked down through the cave. We were still following the glow as best as we could, the problem came from me slowing her down. With my left leg gone I was using her as a human crutch and understandably we weren’t covering ground very quickly.

“Normally I haven’t got an injured leg.” I pointed out, before adding. “Anyway, the glow is moving deeper into the cave. As far as I can tell this leaves us with two possible options for what’s happening here.”

“And what would those be, Oh faithful Assistant of mine?” Trixie inquired as she ducked to avoid a stalactite growing out of the ceiling.

“Well one, we’re being led to something important for our destiny.” I said, personally hoping we’d end up with some magical powers or artefacts as a result of this. Personally, I was holding out for artefact because A: I apparently already had magical powers (Even if I haven’t bothered to learn anything about them) and B: because I had the option of just junking an artefact when I was done with it.

“Trixie like’s the sound of that!” The magician girl said, grinning as she imagined… well I don’t know what, but my personal belief was that it involved her standing atop a mountain with lightning crashing down around her as she laughed maniacally.

“Yeah, it’s definitely preferable over the alternative.” I muttered darkly.

“Why? What is the other option?” Trixie asked, head tilted as she looked over at me as I let out a dark grin.

“The other option is that we’re being led into a trap and we’ll get torn apart by some magical demon thing. If this happens feel free to leave me behind as a distraction; lord knows I’m not running on this thing.” I said, gesturing down to my injured ankle as Trixie looked shocked at me.

“You, you don’t think that could happen, do you?” She asked, nervously biting her lower lip.

“What, encountering a monster or you are leaving me behind as a distraction?” I asked with a silly grin, before it dropped at the look on her face. “I, look I’m sorry…”

“Trixie will not leave her assistant behind.” She said flatly before flicking my nose. “Remember that!”

“Yes Ma’am.” I said, a smirk coming to my face as we continued down deeper into the cave.

This cave was weird. Admittedly that was obvious because of the weird magical glow at the end of it, but that wasn’t the only thing wrong with it.

For example, the rain. It had started coming down through the cave’s ceiling. We’d checked, it wasn’t like the roof of the cave was earth or anything, it was solid rock; water should not have been coming through it. So, in other words our efforts to shelter from the rain had achieved nothing other than getting us lost in a magic cave.

Other than that, there was the rock the cave was made off. It was black. This meant we could only see what the glow illuminated. Behind us was just more cave. We could literally only follow the glow.

“Trixie is starting to think we shouldn’t have done this.”

“Spark agrees with you.” I muttered, gently testing my foot again. It sadly hadn’t got any better and was still hurting like crazy.

“We should turn back, it’s clear we aren’t going anywh…” Trixie began to say, before the Glow suddenly reacted, flaring up and flooding the entire cave.

It was after the light died down that we saw what was happening. I went bright red.

“Assistant you appear to be glomping me.” Trixie observed, looking at me as I’d wrapped both my arms around her and pulling her tight. I let go very quickly, unfortunately falling to the ground when I tried to put weight on my injured foot.

“I’m sorry I panicked!” I blurted as I scrambled away from her as fast as it’s possible to do in a dark cave with a dodgy ankle.

“Well that’s understandable, this is why I am the Master and you the assistant. Though if you could refrain from doing that in future, I would be most grateful.”

“Got it.” I nodded as I pushed myself up against the wall of the cave; balancing on my one good foot I breathed heavily before limping over to Trixie, who was good enough to stick her arm out and let me lean on her again. “This doesn’t count as glomping.”

“This is only acceptable because we’re alone.” Trixie responded before we focused on the actually important thing that had just happened. “So… what do you think happened with the glow? Why’d you think it flared up?”

“No idea why, but I suspect if we go where it was, we might find out.” I said, gesturing in the vague direction. Trixie nodded, and we set off again; eventually exiting the tunnel.

“Holy shit!” I swore as we entered the cavern, looking around at the structure we’d just entered. It was freakishly out of place from the rest of the caves (Even if the weird magic rain was still pouring down from the ceiling) A tall structure partially made from the same black rock as the cave had been, however the other half of the room wasn’t; jagged black crystals grew up the wall and interlinked into a weird gothic structure at the top of the room. The room lit with red crystals that floated above our heads, predominantly focussing their light on the structure in the centre of the room.

“Is that a throne?” Trixie asked, head tilted to the side as she pointed at the structure. It was made out of the same black crystals that covered the rest of the room, formed into the rough shape of a chair, actually smoothed where you would sit in comparison to the rest which looked to be an effort in seeing how many sharp points a single chair could have.

“I think so?” I murmured, not entirely sure what I was looking at. My mind drifted back to what Celestia had told me about someone they’d defeated here at the camp a while back; maybe this had belonged to him. Lord knows this place didn’t scream ‘Friendly’.

“We need to get out of here.” Trixie said, her eyes wide as she looked around the room. I was with her; we needed to get the hell out of this place.

“Right, let’s turn back; we can come back later with Sunset and her friends…” I began to say, before I realised something important about the door we’d come in from.

“Erm… Assistant; where did the cave go?” Trixie asked, having seen the same thing I had; specifically, the smooth expanse of black rock that used to have a door in it.

“I don’t know.” I said flatly. “Remember when I said that glow might be leading us into a trap?”


“I think we just sprang it.” I explained, looking around. Why just lead someone into a room, more specifically why lead someone into a throne room? What was the point of leading them to your front room?

“Well what do we do!?!?” Trixie cried out, looking around nervously, sprinting around and banging on the walls (presumably trying to here a secret passage behind the wall) Unfortunately for me she forgot she was my crutch and I fell to the floor with an awkward thump, cutting open my arm on a part of the wet floor, cringing as I looked at the bloody cut.

“Well for a Start you could maybe not drop me.” I said dully, examining the cut. Thankfully it was away from any major arteries; lord knows I wouldn’t want Trixie trying to find a way out while I just lay their dead on the floor.

“And then what!?!” Trixie cried out, not picking me up off the floor and instead continuing to bang on the walls.

“I don’t know!” I called out as she ran further away form me. “But for the love of crap could you please stop banging on the wall’s! It isn’t helping!”

“But we’re stuck down here!” Trixie called out loudly, looking around nervously as she finally came over to me to get me off the floor.

“We need to think… although we don’t have as much time as I thought…” I muttered, looking down at my clothing, suddenly aware of a little detail about the room that made me start panicking.

“What do you mean!” Trixie asked, her eyes wide as she looked around. In response I extended my right hand and extended my index finger, pointing down at the floor. Remember how I said it was raining in this room? Well I think I figured out why.

The floor was about an inch deep in water… and it was getting deeper.

“What are we going to do!” Trixie gasped, looking around, she looked like she was going to bolt again so I grabbed a handful of her shirt, desperate not to fall to the ground again.

“Get me nearer to the wall!” I said, suddenly wishing I’d actually bothered to study any spells. Still I had an idea; if I could send a douche flying into a wall with a slap, I might be able to crack rock.

I’m aware it wasn’t the best plan ever, in fact it would be hard pressed to think of a plan worse than ‘Just sort of hope this works’ but as that one guy said ‘When only one option is available go with that one’

Okay I might have made that up but in my defence, I was trying not to think about how much this was going to hurt if this went wrong.

I pulled my fist back, wishing I knew how to call upon my magic and drove my fist hard into the wall.


“This was a mistake!” I cried out, shaking my hand and wondering if I’d done any more serious damage to myself today. Knowing my luck, I probably did.

“That was your plan!?!?” Trixie screamed, waving her arms frantically.

“Hey, I’m not out of idea’s yet!” I yelled out, pulling my other fist back and driving that one into the wall.


“Okay now I’m out of ideas!” I said, looking down at my red hands (trying to ignore the angle some of my fingers were sticking out at)

“Well now what do we do!?” Trixie cried out as I looked around desperately.

“I, I…” I looked down at my hands as an idea sprang to mind, I brought my hands forwards and placed my palms against the wall, balancing on one foot as Trixie began to run around again.

I didn’t know why I was doing this, I didn’t know what I expected to happen just by leaning my hands against the wall… but, for some reason I did, I don’t know how. I just couldn’t let Trixie be stuck here, I had to get both of us out. And that was the thought going on in my head as I put my hands against the wall.

An orange glow began to flow through my fingers, illuminating a network of complex lines, crisscrossing and intercepting until the wall imploded sending out a brilliant flash of white light; leaving a white void behind.

I looked down at my hands, they were crackling with black energy for a split second before they returned to normal.

Unfortunately, the room didn’t return to normal (not that it ever was) but the rain was still pouring down, and it was getting faster. We’d gone form an inch of water to over a foot within the few minutes I’d been hitting the wall and it was speeding up. No longer was it raining, now it was pouring water, a near constant downpour from the ceiling.

“Trixie come on!” I yelled, frantically gesturing towards the white void. I didn’t know where it would lead but it had to be better than drowning.

Trixie nodded and sprinted towards me (or as best as she could given the floor was flooded.) By the time she’d made it over the water had gotten deeper, much deeper; as in it was up to my neck.

I took the deepest breath I could before diving under the water, more of the black energy forming around my body as I entered the water completely. I didn’t know what it was doing but my body was reacting to the energy, badly, it felt like my energy was being drained from me, despite the massive adrenalin rush I was experiencing I could barley move.

I wanted to move, I needed to get out, I was going to drown in here! Then my back arched, forcing me to double over and gasp in pain. Bubbles streamed out of my mouth as I gasped for air, only allowing water to flood into me; I could bearley move. Then it hit me. I was going to drown. I was going to drown lost in a cave, maybe Trixie would tell everyone what happened to me. I hoped so.

As I started to run out of oxygen the energy began forming, a vaguely human shape began to form as my vision began to fail, everything blurring as my focus vanished. I reached out as best I could, maybe the figure would help me.

Then I felt something grab my arm, yanking me forwards and pulling me through the portal I’d opened.

I sprawled onto the ground in a flood of water, choking and spluttering as I expelled what was left in my system, while I also tried to inhale as much air as possible, I looked over as soon as I could. Trixie was lying next to me, she was coping better than me, she must have been able to hold her breath properly. Panting heavily, I looked over at her, forcing a week smile on my face.

“Thanks…” I panted before I rolled over, looking over and looking at Trixie, who forced an equally forced smile.

“You are Trixie’s assistant, you’re to important to let die…” She panted before her smile faded, she looked me in the eyes. “Assistant, what happened? How did you do that?”

“I, I don’t know.” I admitted. “I just didn’t want to die.”

“But… how? How did you open a portal on the wall?” Trixie asked, looking over at me as my breathing returned to something resembling normal.

“I, I don’t know… my sisters the one studying magic not me.” I admitted, before I suddenly started laughing like crazy.

“Assistant, Trixie believes you might have lost it.” She said, looking at me as I burst out laughing again.

“More than you fucking know!” I gasped before sitting up, brushing my sopping wet hair out of my face to look at her, calming down before asking: “Erm, don’t suppose I could get a lift, my ankle still looks busted.”

“Very well Assistant, Trixie supposes she could.” She smiled as she clambered to her feet, pushing her sopping wet hat up so she could look at me… stopping before saying: “Assistant, have you always been wearing… those?”

“Wearing what?” I asked, looking down confusedly… before gasping. “I, I… what…”

My outfit was both the same thing I’d been wearing when we entered the cave and also not the same. My camp T shirt had tightened dramatically, hugging my new figure far to well for my liking along with being completely drenched in water… and apparently being made of thinner material than it used to be because I could see far too much skin through this! And that Bra… shit I hadn’t put that one on! That thing was way too frilly for me! I looked down at my shorts, the relatively modest pair I used to be wearing had shrank into something that even Daisy Duke would have thought was to skimpy.

My final thoughts went down to my underwear, I’d been wearing boxers this morning, but I could tell by the way they were riding up they definitely weren’t the same thing they used to be. My heart beat sped up again, because apparently, I hadn’t had enough terrifying experiences today.

“What the fuck is going on!” I cried, feeling my new outfit up and down, eyes wide as I looked around; was anyone else here!? What if I got seen! I needed to get back to my tent! I could hide in there for the rest of the week that would work!

I tried to get up and run but my ankle cried out in pain and I fell to the ground in a rather undignified manner, my ass pointed up to the sky… wait, where were we?

Heart still pounding I looked around nervously, blinking as I looked at everything around us. We were in the woods again, specifically sitting in a rather large puddle, no sign of the portal we’d come through… but more to the point there was no sign of anything recognisable around us!

So, to recap, today I had: Agreed to do something I really didn’t want to do, gotten lost in the woods with Trixie, injured my ankle, nearly drowned, apparently gotten my counter curse removed if my current get up was anything to go by and finally: Gotten completely and utterly fucking lost.

Today was not my day.

Author's Note:

Sorry it's been so long since the last update! I would say I wont let this happen again but it hasn't worked before now and I highly doubt it will this time.