• Published 8th Jan 2018
  • 1,634 Views, 62 Comments

Magical experiments and why you should avoid them - PlayerError404

Last time my sister opened that book she turned me into a girl. Now she opening it again. I am completely terrified.

  • ...

This is both terrifying and amazing

"Wait wait, hang on, I'm how powerful?!?" Dazzle cried out after I finished explaining what Bunny had told me (It was far easier for me to call the weird pink rabbit thing Bunny instead of using a few other names with no consistancy.)

"If what she said is true, insanely so." I explained, ripping a bite out of my burger as I looked over at her.

"I can't believe this, to be that powerful you'd be, well I don't even think Celestia could match that kind of power!" Sunset exclaimed, the concept of Dazzles magical potential just breaking her mind.

"Why would out principle be a good comparison for magical power?" I asked, seriously she ran a school, how strong could she possi...

"She literally moves the sun around back home." Sunset said.

Well, I feel silly.

"Seriously?" Dazzle asked, looking at Sunset; doubt plastered all over her face. "Because I don't think that's how astro physics works."

"Not over here, got to be honest I was shocked to learn no one moved the sun over here." Sunset explained. offhandedly munching on her sandwich.

"But... How does gravity work over there? Like, is the sun tiny or does magic just protect the planet?"

"I have no idea, no ponies gotten close enough to check." Sunset explained. "Equestria doesn't really have air travel, last time I was over I think airships where the big thing when it comes to air travel."

"Like the one's that burst into flames if you're not careful?" I asked, trying to imagine a pony Hindenburg. It was both traumatising and adorable in a sick way.

"Yup, although I think they have fire repelling spells on them." Sunset commented as she finished her salad, then cringed when she saw me start on my chicken nuggets.

"Do you have to eat all that?" Rarity asked as I tore my way through the fith thing I'd ordered. Seeing as I was paying for it I felt it was justified and I'd learnt something about magic:

It made me really hungry.

"Sorry I'm with Sis." Dazzle said, gesturing over to me as she began her fish and chips.

Just to give you an idea of how much we where eating; Rarity: had a reasonably sized Salad, it wasn't huge and was mostly leaves. She was free to eat it but I would never touch the stuff. Sunset had a much bigger salad, she was apparently fond of lettuce (Despite the fact it tastes like nothing to me.)

Now that was fairly normal for someone to order upon eating out. here is what I had in front of me: I had a three-quarter pounder (three burgers stacked on top of each other.) with bacon and cheese between each burger. I also had a box of twenty chicken nuggets, some chicken legs and four sausages. All of these came with chips.

Dazzle meanwhile was indulging in her sea food obsession; she had a haddock, a cod. A side of prawns and a crab. She also had lots of chips. (For some reason she also had Naan bread, I don't know why she just loves the stuff.)

Point is we drew a few eyes when we ordered out food, the people who brought it out where sure their where more of us. A perfectly normal reaction too the amount we'd ordered admittedly.

"What I don't get is why you're only hungry now?" I asked, looking at Dazzle, I'd only... Well I guess cast (I'm not sure it really count as 'Casting' seeing as it had done it once completely by accident; in my book casting should be intentional) An hour ago, she's been casting them since the day before and I hadn't seen her eat much.

"I'm not, why do you think I was making breakfast, I went through two loafs of bread just eating, and most of the cheese and two blocks of butter." Dazzle said, listing the food ingredients of on her fingers.

"Hang on you ate that much toast?" Rarity asked, looking at my Sister in amazement.

"Yup, it's really good."

"It's toast. It's like on of the most basic foods ever." I shot back.

"And? When you're hungry it does the job well enough." Dazzle responded.

"Well I can't say you're wrong." I muttered as I went back to devouring my pig.


"So I tell you my little Sister can become the most powerful magic user ever... and your response is to go clothes shopping!" I asked, looking around in frustration as Rarity and Sunset picked things off the rack.

"Yes." Rarity said, holding something up to check it against my skin.

"It's not like we can do anything until this mage arrives, You still need the clothing in the mean time so... Yeah." Sunset said, picking something else of the rack.

I scowled at her.

"Don't even bother, I aint wearing that." I said flatly. Sunset put the skirt back on its rack.

"You know no one would care if you wore one right?" Dazzle pointed out. I rolled my eyes.

"I'd care; I'm someone, ergo someone would care." I said simply.

"You could still try it." She grumbled.

"Not happening." I shot back.

Dazzle looked up at me, expanding her eye's to their biggest and attempting a puppy dog look.

The problem with this is plan was: I don't give a shit about dogs.

"No." I said, turning away as scowling at Rarity.

"i'm not budging on that by the way."

Rarity scowled, muttering something about it being a waste as she returned her most recent selection to the rack.

"Don't get started with me, I just want stuff that fits right." I responded, leaning against the back wall.

"Can I help you?" A store assistant asked hopefully. She then flinched when I made eye contact... it wasn't intentional, I was just pissed and my eyes where set to death glare.

"Our friend here is a bit of a tomboy..." Sunset began.

"Very tomboyish." I added.

"...Yes, Look can you help us find something that would look good on her that isn't the tiniest bit girly?" Sunset asked. Her tone conveying a: I know she's an enormous pain but could you please help us out with this? Sort of message.

"Yes I think I know some things." The Assistant said, returning to normal to look me over.


"Urgh..." I groaned as we finally left the store latter that afternoon.

"Oh quite complaining." Dazzle said, scowling at me as we headed towards Rarity's car.

"Dazzle, do me a favour and shut up." I respond, the Scowl that had been making a home on my face for the last two hours still in full force.

"Well at least you don't have to do this again, that's worth something isn't it?" Sunset said optimistically as she opened the boot to Rarity's car and we began to load stuff into the car.

"I guess." I muttered disgruntledly, only putting the bags I was holding in the car with care because I was the one who'd paid for it.

"Well that's something isn't it." Rarity said happily as we sat down and she drove off.

Maybe I was crazy, but for a second I looked out at the front of the store, standing outside was a very weird girl.

Well kind of. She appeared to be talking to someone I couldn't see, her mouth moving frantically as she made bizarre gestures with her arms before getting fed up and flicking off the patch of air next to her.

We where moving away quickly so I could have been wrong about this, but she didn't seam to be wearing anything on her feet and she appeared to be bare foot.

The main thing about her that made me look on way her then proceeding to shove the air next to her aside and run into the mall at top speed.

"You're going to have to put one on when we get back you realise?" Rarity said from the drivers seat.

"Yes I know." I said, folding my arms and trying to ignore the new parts they made contact with as I did so.

"Trust me you'll stop noticing it after a while.."

"If I'm lucky it wont take that long to fix me and I wont have to stop noticing it." I thought, really hoping this was going to be the last of my troubles that day...


Guess what? It wasn't.

The first thing that made my problems worse was the car sitting in the driveway when we got back.

"Fuck!" I swore, I knew that car.

"What is it?" Sunset asked.

"That's our Mom's car." Dazzle explained, looking at the figures stepping out of it.

"I thought she wasn't meant to be back for ages yet!" I gasped, panicking like crazy, She'd left a few days ago for a long trip, what where they doing back now!

"Well something evidently changed, maybe it has something to do with that case she left behind." Dazzle said coolly as she got out.

"Wait! What are we going to tell her!" I said, my eyes darting around like crazy as I panicked.

"Erm... The truth?" Dazzle said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"But..." I said, looking down at my chest again.

"Look." Dazzle said, putting her hand up to my mouth. "We can't stop this, she's going to find out at some point anyway, so lets axe the pretence and just tell her, I have magical powers, I can prove it to them easily."


"I've been saying this all day and I'll say it again; Grow the hell up Glare." She said, giving me a very good death glare as she said it. "I get it's embarrassing, but the way you act it seams more like you want to engage in a pity party rather than do anything about it. I'm not going to waste the breath explaining why that's garbage, so come on let's just tell them."

She then got out and turned to look at me. I hesitated for a second.

"I think she's right, I mean... It's not going to stay hidden..." Sunset said, smiling encouragingly.

"You'll feel better once it's out, at least to them." Rarity added.

I sighed and resigned myself to my fate as I clambered out.


I was on edge as I entered the house. Dazzle took the lead and yelled:

"We're home!"

"That's nice dear." Mom called from the living room.

"Is that Dazzle?" A voice I'd never heard before asked.

"Yes that's my daughter, I must say I'm interested in seeing what she can do." Mom said.

I blinked, wait, did he know...?

"Erm..." Dazzle said as she stuck her head into the living room. "...Who are you?"

I moved to look into the room. Mom was sitting on the sofa drinking tea while someone new was sitting on my favourite arm chair.

She looked young, I'm not sure how old she was, but university age sprang to mind. She was relatively tall for a girl, her chest... Well they put my well endowed chest look tiny in comparison. Her hair was a light red colour with what appeared to be roses growing out of it.

"Hi! My name is Blooming Spectre, I'm here to teach you about magic!" She said, beaming as she looked at my sister.

"I, you're already here?" She asked, slowly walking into the room to look at the woman.

"Yeah! I'm magic, Sorry I meant to be here the first time you used a spell out of the book... But my Gate was slightly off. On the plus side I did meet you Mother." Blooming said, happily pointing to Mom who smiled in response.

"Oh it's okay, it's not every day you learn your little girl is magical after all, come on in dear and Glare too... Where is he anyway?" Mom asked as she looked around the room and peered out into the hallway, Causing me to jump back down it so I couldn't be seen.

"Erm, yeah about Glare..." Dazzle said, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly.

"Dazzle have you done something silly with him?" Mom asked, her eyes narrowing somewhat as she looked at her.

"Erm... Yeah basically." Dazzle admitted, looking around sheepishly.

"What did you do?" Mom asked, a resigned edge to her voice.

"I, well, Glare can you just show her?"

"Fuck no, you got your the one who did it you explain." I shot back, forgetting that the new body came with new vocal cords.

"Hey no swearing to your sister Glare. also your voice sounds weird, did she mess it up?" Mom asked as she got up to walk to the hallway.

"I messed a lot more than that up..." Dazzle muttered as Mom walked past her and saw me.

"Glare?" She asked, looking down at me.

I nodded as I went red.

"You appear to be a girl."

"I noticed." I said slowly, wishing I could turn invisible at this point.

"Those appear to be Bra's down their." Mom said, pointing to the bag I'd dumped in the hall.


"Good to see you're being sensible about it, now come on in, I brought Pizza on the way back."

"I, what?" I exclaimed, looking at her as she went back to the sitting room.

"Come on it'll get cold soon!" She called back.

Dazzle summed up my thoughts with her next statement.

"Your Son is now a Daughter! You could at least pretend this is odd!"

Author's Note:

I am so sorry this took so long, I kinda lost the plot and had no idea where to go with this... Now I do... Somewhat, Point is I'll try to make the updates faster than this afterwards.

Also because I feel my description of Blooming was lacking: