• Published 8th Jan 2018
  • 1,634 Views, 62 Comments

Magical experiments and why you should avoid them - PlayerError404

Last time my sister opened that book she turned me into a girl. Now she opening it again. I am completely terrified.

  • ...

Why am I having this Conversation?

The next day was unusual. Firstly I was woken up by some who wasn't Dazzle or my Mom... at five in the morning, a mere two hours after I'd gone to sleep.

Unsurprisingly (at least to me) it was caused by the source of all my problems recently, Blooming Spectre.

Well, I guess technically it was an accident I got turned into a girl, I mean I could blame her as she was at the end of the path that lead to the transformation but... No. She was going to live here and I figured I should at least try to bury the hatchet for an honest accident.

That being said if she insists on getting drunk every night I am going to have issues.

We'd broken the meeting up downstairs at about 10pm when Dazzle passed out. The girl is many things and one of them is an eleven years old. The girl needs her sleep.

So Mom carried her to bed and I was left with Blooming... For about five minute's before she got board and said:

“Whelp, this is boring; I'm gonna head to Tree Hugger's party, get drunk and make out! I'll be back later.”

“Just don't bring them back here, okay, the last thing I want is strangers in the house when I'm like... this.”

“Ah don't worry about it, for one thing I'm not patient enough to walk back here before getting my freak on”

And then she left, specifically she left through a glowing pink portal she opened up with a wave of her hand.

“Is she gone?” Mom asked, surprised by the mage's absence.

“Yeah... Said she'd be back at some point.” I explained, wondering how she would explain the roses growing out of her hair to the bar tender.

“Well we better get the bed ready for her.” Mom said, indicating towards the sofa bed.

“Yeah...” I muttered, going to get the back to push it over.

Once that was done I elected to head up and play video games for the next few hours, a completely practical and worth while use of my time.


Anyway about half way through that my social media account alerted me to something that was going on.

“You have a friend request from 'Sunset Shimmer'” I said, looking at the notification, my inner thought process looked something like this:

Yay a girl wants to be friends with me!

Only because you got turned into a girl.

So, still a friend.

You've talked to her in real life before you twat!

Yeah but this...

Look just hit yes, she probably has something she wants to talk about.

So I listened to the voices in my head (So long as they weren't coming out of Pink Rabbits mouths I was fine with it) and clicked on the accept button.

SS: Hey Glare, this is you right? The picture was a bit...

LG: Taken before this?

SS: Yeah...

LG: Well I ain't changing it, last thing I want to do is admit this happened to people.

SS: About that

LG: Who the fuck else am I meant to tell?

SS: Your friends? Have you told them?

LG: Fuck no! As far as there concerned I've still got ma balls. If they come over I'm just gonna claim to be Spark.

SS: Who?

LG: My Cousin Sparkler; she mostly goes by Spark and I currently kinda looks like her and she never visits, I've seen her like once at a funeral.

SS: So you're going to pretend to be this Spark person while this is happening?

LG: Yup.

SS: That has so many ways of going wrong.

LG:Tell me something I don't know, but it was the only thing I could think of.

SS: that's fair, although there is someone else you've got to tell.

LG: Who?

SS: Principle Celestia, the Camp Everfree trip is coming soon and if you still want to go you're going to need to let her know... Plus... You might not get this fixed before school starts up again.

LG: Don't remind me, I take it that's what we're doing tomorrow?

SS: Yup, that was the plan.

LG: Fine, when you coming over?

SS: 11am good for you?

LG: I'd need to set my alarm but yeah, sure.

SS: Okay, Good night.

LG: Night.

With that conversation done I basically did what I do every night, Play video games and watch internet videos for far longer than I should be and eventually crawling to bed before passing out and waking up about halfway through the next day.

However there was a well endowed drunk problem with that, she was called Blooming Spectre and in her delirium apparently didn't realise that my room wasn't hers and while it may sound (to some extent) Awesome to be woken up in the middle of the night by a girl with massive boobs, well... No.

No it's really not, especially if boobs are the absolute last thing you want to think about at that moment in time having a massive pair of them rammed into your back with no warning is the exact opposite. (I should know, I asked Rainbow about it {Yes my face did go very red how did you know?} and she said it most definably wasn't, given how often that girl says the word I'm going to assume she knows what she's on about)

Anyway, if you're wondering exactly what was happening when I was woken up, well, this was what happened:

“Room good! Lovely room...” A very, very drunk Blooming muttered as she staggered in, hardly able to stand and the way she smelt indicated she wasn't as much drunk so much as she'd gone swimming in beer.

“Bed!” She cried, diving into the bed and grabbing me around the waist.

“Gah!” I cried, waking up properly as she squeezed me tight. “Blooming what the fuck!” I yelled, looking at the drunk mage as she muttered:

“Bad, pillow...”

“Argh!” I cried, to tired to pull myself free, but now too uncomfortable to fall asleep.

So it was when eleven am came around I was not exactly in the best mood, or rested, or anything.

Actually it was more when eight came around because Dazzle came to visit me, well specifically she was walking around looking for Blooming. She had a tactful response to seeing the predicament I was in (Human teddy bear was not a fun position to be stuck in)

“Pppmmmmmfft!” She snorted, looking at me and fighting off the giggles.

“Funny.” I muttered darkly, trying to wriggle free from her grip, now someone could see me I really wanted to get free, which I sadly couldn't do.

“Want some help?” Dazzle asked.

“I think I might need it.” I responded, looking at my Sister as she left the room. “You know when I said I needed help I didn't want you to just walk off and leave!”

“Give me a second!” She called back angrily as one of the taps in the bathroom started running before she walked back in with a glass of water. Before turning it upside down and dumping the contents on Blooming's head.

“Gahhh!” She gasped, spluttering awake as she looked around, specifically looking down at me (Who took the chance to escape and sprint away from her as fast as dead and tired limbs could.) and the fact she was in my bed.

“How drunk was I?” Blooming asked, looking around at the two of us.

“Extremely.” I responded, massaging my limbs as I looked at her in annoyance. “Care to explain why you thought my bed was a good place to sleep?”

“I don't know, judging by how much my heads hurting I'm guessing I drank about seven pints minimum.” She muttered, her voice dry and cracked as she rubbed her head.

She then looked around the room, turning to me and saying: “Don't suppose you have any aspirin here?”

“Think so, but on the grounds I got basically no sleep last night because of you you can find it.” I responded, enjoying my petty victory over her as she looked at me, her mouth agape.

“Oh come on!” She whined as I left the room.

Dazzle looked at me as I left, a grin on my face as I scoped up yesterdays clothing up off the floor so I could get changed in the bathroom.

After that I had breakfast and got to smile as Blooming walked into the kitchen and had to beg mum to tell her where the Asprin was kept.

I know its cruel of me to enjoy this victory... But I did so erm... Yeah.

Anyway before Sunset showed up I watched Dazzle's first magic lesson. It was, Interesting.

“Okay, so, what do you want to learn?” Blooming asked, looking down at my Sister as she flicked thought the book, stopping for a second to look up at her.

“Wait, Don't you know what to teach me?” She asked in amazement.

“Who do you think I am? And actual teacher? Trust me I'm really not, just tell me what you want to learn and I'll say if that's a really bad idea or not.” Blooming explained, grabbing the corner of the page Dazzle had open and decisively turning it over.

“Bad idea?” Dazzle asked, a small grin on her face as Blooming nodded.

“Extremely, trust me jumping to: raising an undead army always sounds fun but it has this bad habit of going insanely wrong insanely fast.”

“How do you know that?” I asked nervously from the side.

“Dumb bet with my first boyfriend I don't wanna talk about it.” Blooming said just as Dazzle stopped turning the pages and laid the book down flat so she could point to the spell she wanted to learn.

“Plant growth spell? Why on earth do you want to know that?” Blooming asked as the roses in her head opened up as she spoke.

“Well...” Dazzle started to say, however because of the frequent moaning from my little Sister (Fun fact, we bond over arguing who's school was worse, I think we were in agreement that all school were terrible)

“You just want to mess with Mr Sprout don't you?” I interrupted.

“Who?” Blooming asked, looking at me in confusion, so I elaborated:

“Her frigging English teacher.”

“How does plant growing fit in with an English Teacher? Isn't that more of a Herbologie thing?” Blooming inquired. I smiled, getting to see the gears in her head turning as I explained was quite funny to watch.

“Well you see, He's kind of a ginormous prick, see she was reading this book one day, something about fairies and this bell end said it was a stupid book and he expected someone of her talents to have a better choice of literature.” I continued.

“Okay, so I get wanting to spite him, but how the hell do plants come from that?” Blooming asked, her head tilted as she looked at me.

“She said she liked it for the magic and wonder and he called that stuff silly, her example was a bit where the protagonist escaped her perusers by ridding away on a giant Rose monster, and he called that silly, like magic and wonder is crazy or something!” I said, throwing my arms up into the air in annoyance.

“In all fairness you go to a school where magic literally exists, you have proof and evidence to back it up and everything.” Dazzle pointed out.

“On the other hand how the hell does someone teaching kids get away with slagging off their books? No duh a child's going to like childish things.” I explained.

“So in other words the first bit of proper spell work you want to learn is to scare the crap out of a teacher?” Blooming asked, her face going impossible to read.

“More like freak him out, not the same as scaring.” Dazzle said, looking up at Blooming, the confident grin on her face slowly fading away as she spoke.

“That's brilliant!” Blooming cried, her eyes alight as she quickly scrawled something down while saying: “Nothing gets the willingness to learn going like petty vengeance!”

“Do I want to know why you know that?”

“No, no you don't.” Blooming said, I noticed the roses in her hair moving as she said that.

“Does it have something to do with the flowers?” I asked.

“Erm... Kinda? Look please can we stop talking about this!?” She begged. It was at that point I noticed Sunset walking up the drive.

“Sure, I gotta go now anyway.” I said, getting up and walking towards the door, opening it at almost the exact time Sunset went to knock.

“Erm...” She said, looking at me as I stood there.

“Saw you coming up the drive.” I explained as we walked to her car... Except it wasn't a car.

“You ride a bike?” I asked as I looked at the bright Orange huge thing I was sure a high schooler wasn't legally aloud to own.

“Yup, 500cc, makes about three hundred and fifty horse power and can make one hundred and twenty easily.” She said, beaming as she rubbed her hands on the vehicle.

“I didn't think you were aloud a five hundred cc bike at our age?” I inquired, looking at the thign and noticing something attached to it that I was sure wasn't standard.

“It's, erm... 'Restricted'” She said with a week grin.

“When you say restricted...” I began.

“I have proof it was restricted, I have the kit attached and best of all it makes no difference because you cant tell the kits off unless I gun it, and I'm not dumb enough to do that around the cops.” She said with a grin, before reaching under the seat and throwing me a helmet.

“Might wanna put that on.” She said with a grin. “Also make sure you hold on tight.” She added.

“Will do.” I said with a grin as I pulled it on and walked towards her.

Author's Note:

Why do I take so long to write this stuff?

Anyway, sorry for the wait, Know I want to write this faster even if i can't.