• Published 8th Jan 2018
  • 1,634 Views, 62 Comments

Magical experiments and why you should avoid them - PlayerError404

Last time my sister opened that book she turned me into a girl. Now she opening it again. I am completely terrified.

  • ...

In which the epic magical fight is mostly off screen

“Assistant…” Trixie called as we ran. “…What the fucking hell is going on!?”

“Run now talk later!” I responded as my feet slammed into the ground, my ankle objecting to the pain but thankful not stopping me from running. Lord knows I did not want to limp away from what was going on behind us. (though how I managed to run in high heels escapes me, maybe desperation overrode my brains lack of knowledge)

You might be asking, what was going on behind us? Well I’m not sure, neither of us were, we couldn’t afford to stop running, we had one tried to stop and look around but that plan got axed as the ground exploded behind us, a massive cloud of dirt exploding up from a blast of golden light.

“Are they trying to hit us!?” Trixie called out as we ran, ducking to the side as a shot of raging purple energy soared overhead, singing her hat.

I didn’t answer, mostly because it didn’t need to be said, Sombra might be aiming at us (Or possibly just Trixie) but it struck me as a lot more likely that all three of them were shooting magic at each other and occasionally missing.

Eventually we hit a mountain path and began running up it, occasionally climbing over rocks until we were safely a way up and able to catch our breath; A significant distance away from the fight.

As we recovered, we took a second to watch what was going on. It was intense to put it lightly; even if all we could see was coloured blurs and flashes. Celestia and Luna knew what they were doing, the two moved at blistering speeds darting around and dodging Sombra’s purple magic, seaming to work in perfect sync with each other to defend and counter while Sombra just seemed to be going for brute strength.

“Okay Assistant, what is going on.” Trixie said as soon as she had enough air in her lungs to talk again. (and we’d been able to drag our eyes away from the spectacular battle raging bellow)

Holding up a finger I breathed in deeply, not for the first time hating how out of shape I was.

“I don’t know, but as soon as you left me alone I did… something, it’s all fuzzy; I broke the sundial and, shit Sombra’s magic must have been trapped there!” I groaned, slamming my head into the cliff face. “Dammit they said it had burned out by now!”

“Assistant, Trixie has one simple question for you, the hell are you on about!?” Trixie screamed, a slightly mad look in her eyes.

“Look I don’t know the full details but apparently your Principles were monster slayers or fighters or some shit.” I said, waving my hand vaguely as Trixie stomped closer, only stopping when her face was barley a few inches away from mine. “I noticed something off about the dial and when I asked them about it, they said something about magic being kept in it; I’m guessing it belonged to Sombra.”

“That’s all well and good Assistant; But that still doesn’t explain why Sombra was able to get you to break the sun dial, care to explain?” She asked, a look of suspicion crossing her cute face as she stared at me.

“I don’t know…” I began to say before suddenly something hit me, a memory from not all that long ago flashed up. “The black figure…”

“The what?” Trixie asked, looking at me as if I was mad.

“That weird black crystal room in the cave.” I explained, trying to adjust the thong that was still digging into my ass (I knew it wouldn’t help much but I was desperate after running up a cliff) “Before I nearly drowned I swear I saw a shadowy figure in the water, Crap I bet it was Sombra getting in my head!”

Trixie didn’t move, she stood their processing everything I’d just said, before stepping back.

“Trixie thinks this relaxing summer camp is not the relaxing experience she was hoping for.” She eventually said as she leant against the rock wall.

“To think I wanted to get away from the magical crap.” I muttered, then noticing how dejected she looked I decided to add: “Call me crazy but I don’t think I could have fucked that goal up more than I have.”

Trixie gave a weak snort, not in a way that suggested what I said was funny in any way, but it was enough.

“Oh, Trixie doesn’t know, maybe you could have gotten turned into a Frog or something.” The Magician said, smirking as that image popped up into both our heads.

“Or a rabbit.” I said with a giggle.

“That’s actually not a bad idea darling, I might just do that.”

Me and Trixie both froze, turning around and staring. Standing in the air just off the path was the dark metal suit of armour and the surprisingly well-endowed wearer staring at us, her Cheshire cat like grin growing bigger as our eyes grew wide.

“Hello! You know Dolly you really shouldn’t run from me like that, am I going to have to punish you?” Sombra asked in a sickeningly sweet tone, wagging her finger at me as we tried to back up, stopping when we hit the wall, the realisation washing over us. As she began to laugh.

“Not the best place to try and run to.” Sombra said, running her tongue over her lips as she focused on me.

“But, the fight, it’s still going on!” I said shakily, leaning out to look at the clearing. Celestia and Luna were both still at, fighting against what was clearly Sombra, but Sombra was also here…

“Yes, I know, they really are giving my poor clone such a beating.” Sombra said, shuddering as a particularly loud blast of golden magic went off in the background. “Still it can do the job, those two really are rusty at their job aren’t they?”

“Trixie…” I muttered under my breath, desperately hoping Sombra couldn’t here me. “…Get ready to run; go find Sunset and the Rainboom’s, they’re the best chance we have to stop this…”

“Please tell me Dolly doesn’t think I can’t here what she’s saying.” Sombra said flatly as she stepped off her platform, weird purple energy flowing out of her eyes as she looked at me, a slight look of disappointment on her face.

“Trixie go, NOW!” I cried, really hoping my plan would work otherwise I was going to look really damn stupid.

My magic is unreliable at best, it never wants to come to me when I want it to; but it has come when I needed it to. And right now, I really needed it. The Rainbooms were the best shot we had, if I kept Sombra busy here I could give Trixie time to get the girls and they could rainbow blast her. So simple.

Thankfully magic seamed to agree with me when I said I needed it, it flowed into my legs and I blasted forwards, no real plan in mind beyond just ‘Knock Sombra out of here’

I slammed into her chest plate, pain immediately flaring up as my head made contact with the metal plating (My only saving grace being I wasn’t that worried about doing anything other than knocking Sombra away)

Anyway, my jump managed to send us off course, slamming down into the muddy ground off the woods at the base of the cliff. Spluttering I tried to force myself up, but my head was really hurting at this point and my stupid heals wouldn’t get any grip in the mud.

“That, was a mistake.” Sombra growled, standing up to look at me, a nasty frown on her face as she walked over to me. “And pointless, your little witch friend isn’t going anywhere.”

She then scrunched up her eyes, fists tight a pulse of purple magic rose out of her chest, formed into a roughly human shape and…



“Well Bugger.” Sombra growled. “It would appear my magic isn’t back to full strength yet.”

I smiled at this, then immediately regretted it as anger flashed in her face, which slowly morphed into glee as she spoke:

“I wouldn’t be too happy Dolly, another clone might be beyond my capabilities for now; but I can still do something about your outfit, honestly that spell must have lost its sense of style over the years, that’s no way for you to dress.”

Groaning I began to move back as best as I could, but it was hopeless, my very abused leg wasn’t capable of moving and everything was still spinning since the knock to the head.

“Hey now, don’t run; you might hurt yourself.” Sombra grinned, bending down looking me over before nodding. “Yup, I think it’ll look great on you.”

Her grin at saying that was one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen. I tried to move again but she was clearly sick of that as a purple magic field formed around me, lifting me off the ground and into the air. Not very high mind you, I was only a couple of inches off the ground, but it didn’t matter; I wasn’t going anywhere.

“Honestly what are those rags anyway?” Sombra asked as she waved her hand, ripping all my current clothing off (which was nice for me because good lord I was going to go crazy if I had to wear that thong any longer) Leaving me buck naked and freezing as the rain bucketed down.

“Oh, how rude of me.” Sombra said as a purple bubble formed around the two of us, stopping the rain from hitting us.

“It also keeps out the pests…” She said brightly, her eyes looking to the left where a flash of golden light exploded outwards. “…Now let’s get to work.”

I wanted to move, I wanted to get away, I’d rather be naked in the rain than in here with her. But I couldn’t move, she walked over to me and smiled.

“Firstly, we need something to cover you, theirs no way around it Darling, this is a butt made for thongs…” (I groaned at that, sure I was going to end up in another one of the stupid things) “…But that first one was all wrong, red, I mean honestly; that’s clearly not your colour.”

She smiled as a black garment began to form around me, riding up my but the thing solidified.

“Perfect!” Sombra grinned. “Though you’re still missing something, Ah I know!” She grinned, snapping her fingers as a semi-transparent dark purple loincloth sprang from the rim of my garment, failing to cover either my ass or my crotch properly but certainly made it so you couldn’t miss it.

“Please don’t…” I said very quietly as I tried to move. If Sombra heard me she didn’t acknowledge it as she looked down at my feat, taking one and bringing it up to look at it more thoroughly.

“I tell you my spell is near perfect, probably one of my best creations.” She said conversationally, as she tapped my toes one at a time, deep purple varnish spreading across each nail as she did so. “I know I’ve already said this and I’m probably spoiling you; but you are just adorable!”

I just collapsed as my feat dropped back, barley taking the time to glance at the new set of high heels forming over them (Silver sandals like top with a black base and very tall very narrow heals.)

At the very least if she’s focused on me, she can’t go after Trixie

That was probably the last reassuring thought I got as a thin glowing silver chain formed between the two heals, something told me that no matter how delicate it might look I wasn’t breaking it.

“There, you should still be able to walk around but you won’t be doing any of that pesky running off you seam so keen on doing. Honestly Dolly I’ve never met a slave so uncooperative. My submission field should have kicked in ages ago.”

My looked up at that, she seamed to notice my questioning look as she conjured a surprisingly simple black bra to wrap around my chest.

“Oh, just a little something I do to keep my toys in line, speaking off which be a dear and hold out your hands.” Sombra explained, smiling as my hands jerked out. “Thank you.” She said happily as two silver bands formed around my wrists, linking up with a similar silver chain to the ones around my ankles. She then took my fingers and tapped each nail in sequence, soon I was sporting more nail polish.

“Eeeeeh!” Sombra squeed in a way that reminded me a bit too much of Rarity. You look so cute, just a couple more things then we’re done; well I also have to beat down those two pests outside but that shouldn’t be too hard once more of my powers have come back.”

Wait, she’s lower on power than I thought…

That hopeful thought got shot down when I remembered Sombra’s armour. I would take the hit every time someone did damage to it; Sombra sure as hell wasn’t letting me go anywhere right now; and she was smiling as she ran her fingers though my hair, god I hated that smile… Wait a second.

Her head, there’s no helmet. Just her thin crown; Luna and Celestia had beaten her before hadn’t they; and if the helmet wasn’t there then maybe that’s how they’d done it, taken the helmet off and hit her there. Still I couldn’t do it now, I wasn’t going anywhere yet; but Sombra would have to bring me along for the fight, if I could do something at the right time I could buy Luna and Celestia enough time to deal a finishing blow to her head.

Plan in mind I played along, noticing the tickling down my back for the first time.

“Do you like your new hair? I feel it’s so much better longer; and actually treated, seriously darling do something to keep it nice, it’s a waist.” She said, reaching up as my new longer hair bound itself into a tight braid, held in place with a silver metal band.

“I…” I said, faking resistance as I looked her in the face. “I won’t”

“That’s okay, I know you will.” She said, grinning happily as she touched my face.

“We’re very, very close to being done. We just need a couple more things doing.” She explained as two tiny black crystals formed next to her head and floated over to my ears. “Sorry this might hurt a little bit, but I think the results will be well worth it.”

I didn’t get a chance to ask what she was doing as both crystals shot through my ear lobes, piercing both of them so a pair of Black crystal earrings could form and hang in them. She also wasn’t wrong, it did hurt, I can only assume something to do with magic was stopping me from bleeding over from the rough job.

“Ah, near perfect, just one last detail.” Sombra smirked, her face a hell of a lot more catlike than it had been before as she summoned a black leather band out of the air, a silver ring coming from its centre and oh fuck me that’s a collar isn’t it?

Yeah it was. She carefully stuck her hand under my chin and lifted it up so she could affix the new addition around my neck. The thought occurred that if it wasn’t being forced on me by a Dark Lord of evil it might have been kind of hot… Maybe if it was Rarity; or Trixie… or Sunset… or any girl ever, even that weird green haired girl I’d seen earlier.

Wow I was board, I could tell the magic battle was still going on outside the bubble due to the flashes of light, but I couldn’t hear anything in the bubble other than Sombra’s voice and I was sick of it.

Speaking of the bubble; it was shrinking. Specifically around me, I was then lifted into the air (I would say my modesty was compromised but I looked like I was wearing a Goth version of Princess Leia’s slave outfit; I didn’t have any modesty left) and floating, tethered to Sombra by another silver chain connected to the collar I was now wearing.

Well at least I’m going with her.

Sombra looked like she was about to walk over to the fight between her clone and the principles when the need to do that suddenly disappeared.

The Clone was slammed into the ground from up in the sky, crashing into the ground at blistering speeds, in all honest a fall from that hight should have killed it alone, but apparently Luna wanted to be sure she was dead as a split second later flew down from the sky and drove her sword right through the clones face.

“Your construct is gone Sombra.” Principle Celestia said, floating in the air with golden wings, landing and pointing her Halberd. It was a cool image… Ruined slightly by the fact she was still wearing her purple camp outfit. “Now let him go before we make you.”

“Once again you two don’t seam to grasp this situation…” Sombra said, in that maddening tone your primary school teacher does when she’s explaining why you don’t shove crayons up your nose. “…You can’t hurt me, I’m not vulnerable to any of your cheep tricks this time.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked, grim determination on my face as Sombra turned around to face me, seeing my leg pulled back. “What about mine!”

I struck out as hard as I could, shattering the purple bubble with a powerful kick, my eyes burning with energy as my stilettoed foot connected with Sombra’s face; right across the eyes.

The scream of pain Sombra let out might be the best thing I’ve heard in quite a while; and it proved me right; My head did not feel like it had a magically propelled stiletto go into it (thank crap for that)

“ARRGGH!” Sombra cried, staggering back and clutching her face; blood trickling down from her right eye.

“Good work Glare, now get out of here.” Luna said, giving me an approving nod as she readied her sword. “We can handle her now.”

The laughter emanating from the Dark lord when Luna said that was… disturbing to put it lightly.

“Ha, haha… Really, you think this has beaten me; well it hasn’t. Even if you strike me down now, I’ll get back out, I lured one camper to my den; I can do it again just as easily. You haven’t won, even if you kill me you haven’t won, you can shatter me as much as you like but I will never be stopped, do you hear me; Never!” She screamed, a mad look in her eye as she conjured her scythe, swinging it around madly.

Then I noticed something happening to Sombra’s armour, it was slow but something was definitely happening; something that might make the fight easier on the principles (as if kicking her right in the eye with a high heal hadn’t been enough)

“Hey Miss Evil, Dark Lord lady...” I called in the most sweet and girly voice I could manage. “…Aren’t you cold in that armour?”

“I assure you girl I’m just fine.” She said menacingly, growling at me through her fangs, still apparently not noticing what was happening to her, oh well; she would soon.

“Really?” I giggled, watching as her eye twitched (I guessed it wasn’t as fun if I was doing the cute girl thing willingly) “If that’s the case why does your armour now look more beach appropriate?”

“What!?” she snapped, glancing down at her torso and freezing. The armour had changed, a lot. Instead of the practical full body suit it had once been; it now resembled something you might find on the cover of a Conan the Barbarian book; incredibly skimpy, not even covering her breasts fully, leaving plenty of exposed, not protected skin; incredibly high heals that forced her balance off.

“What!? But how…” She gasped, looking down at her new outfit in horror.

“It’s your spell Miss.” I explained; deciding to keep the girly voice up; the way it pissed her off seamed too good. “Did you forget about it?”

“What, but I didn’t; I left it out when I formed… how did I!?” She gasped, panicking now as she looked in horror, running her hands up the now very skimpy armour set.

“Maybe Glare kicked you with her magic she gave you more than she expected.” Celestia began as Luna finished:

“And what she’s given you is a lot more unprotected areas.”

The Vice Principles grin was almost creepy… if not for the fact it was aimed at someone I currently hate; that made it… satisfying.

“Urgh, I…” Sombra began before she was forced to deflect an incoming sword strike from Luna; deflecting with her scythe.

“Fine…” She growled, twirling her scythe before lunging at Celestia. “I’ll take you all on!” She screamed.

What followed was a lightning fast mess of slashes and stabs; magic spells being thrown everywhere; tree’s falling from attacks I didn’t see coming as they became blurs of magic, flashing and exploding around the place, it was all I could do in my stupid slave girl outfit to stay out of the attacks, running on all fours to stop the heals getting out of the way.

At first, I tried to dart towards the forest, but that was quickly written off as Celestia swung her halberd; sending a blast of golden light across the treeline, every tree within its range exploding and sending splinters raining down.

“Nightmare…” Luna cried, deep blue energy building around her swords blade. “…Strike!”

She lunged forward, a creator forming behind her as she ran forwards. Annoyingly the long charge up meant Sombra saw it coming and was just about able to dodge out of the way of the lunge; meaning the built up energy exploded upwards, blasting a hole in the cloud layer; meaning their was at least one spot where it wasn’t raining.

Suddenly realising just how forgiving of me falling asleep in class the Vice Principle was I made a dive behind a big rock, figuring it’s comforting grey surface would give me some protection.

Unfortunately, this plan fell through when Sombra formed a large cluster of black crystal under the rock, sending it flying up into the air before swinging her scythe and sending it flying towards Celestia.

I gasped as the rock slammed into Celestia, sending her flying back and slamming into a tree before falling down, slumped over.

“TIA!” Luna cried before rounding on Sombra; her pupils slit like as she advanced on the skimpily dressed dark lord. “You have made a terrible mistake.”

“Really, have I!?” Sombra screamed, mad eyes looking at the increasingly more demonic looking Vice Principle. “Because it doesn’t look like that to me, it looks like I’ve won, I have the advantage, I…”

“Should have looked behind you; Girls now!” Luna cried, her pupils returning to their normal round state as she looked behind her.

I looked around, almost crying when I saw what was happening.

They were here, the resident magical girls lifting into the air, the familiar rainbow of magic flying into the air.

“I, what; no!” Sombra yelled, trying to run before suddenly getting stopped as her cloak refused to move; looking down she saw a blue sword driven into it, the Vice Principle grinning.

“You were right.” Principle Celestia said, standing up as Sombra desperately tried to free her cape and run. “Killing you wouldn’t do anything; so, we came up with a different plan.”

“Noooo!” Sombra cried, unable to escape as the rainbow slammed down onto her, raising her into the air as she screamed, the sound of crystals shattering echoing around the woods as her screaming stopped.

“Please tell me that worked.” I groaned, staggering to my feat and walking towards the crater the rainbow had made; carefully leaning over I looked down into the smoke rising up, desperately hoping the Dark lord wasn’t there.

Well unfortunately; she was. However, there was something a little bit different about her. Something that made me burst out laughing as she scowled up at me, gritting her teeth as I fell on my ass, rolling over and giggling like crazy.

See there were too major changes to Sombra as a result of the Friendship Rainbow. One was the horn on her head, it was gone, not even a mark on her forehead to mark where it had been.

The other thing though was the funny one, you see even with her now much too large cape covering most of her body, there was no getting around the current situation. Sombra, creator of the curse’s that were currently affecting me, evil lord who had apparently needed to be kept imprisoned in a magic sundial… Was now a very small, very cute looking; six year old girl.