• Published 8th Jan 2018
  • 1,634 Views, 62 Comments

Magical experiments and why you should avoid them - PlayerError404

Last time my sister opened that book she turned me into a girl. Now she opening it again. I am completely terrified.

  • ...

I'll ask again, why am I doing this?

I woke up properly the next morning, my house was normal and none of my friends (Well I guess Fluttershy's more of an acquaintance) turned into any kind of anthropomorphic woodland critters (I should know, I spent all of breakfast staring at Sunset and Rarity's heads for fear of seeing rabbit ears) And ultimately it was a good morning, Dazzle had made breakfast again (I slept though an impressive amount of yesterday) Rarity said she was glad it wasn't a liquid in a bowl like when her sister tried to make it. (I don't, how... Okay note to self, never let Dazzle and her cook together ever!)

So overall a good morning... Until Rarity pointed something out.

"Is that a new shirt?" She asked, looking down at the T-shirt I'd thrown on.

"Erm, yeah? Why is that Important?" I asked through a mouthful of toast.

"Well, maybe... Tell me how many shirts do you own?" She asked, looking worried about something.

"Like six? Why are you asking?" I said, tilting my head as I looked at her.

"Well, that's your third one you've been through in these last few days correct?"

"Yeah, Though I think I left my Daring Do one at your place." I said as I munched on more toast.

"Yes of course, you're welcome to keep that shirt I gave you by the way, however, I'm concerned about something." She explained as she looked at me, specifically my chest.

"And that would be?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, what are you going to do when you turn back? I mean are you sure your wardrobe will merge back?" She asked. I looked down at my chest, suddenly unsure about that.

"Erm... No, no I'm not." I said, looking down awkwardly at the table.

"Well, wouldn't it be a good idea to buy some clothing for, you know, your current body?" She asked.

I looked at her.


"Erm... How?" I was asked by Dazzle and Sunset in stereo.

"Okay saying it's not a good idea is wrong, but I'm not doing it."

"Why not?" Rarity asked. "you're going to need clothing for this, you can't afford to burn up all you're clothing before changing back and buying some new ones would be perfect."

"You're wrong on that." I explained, holding up two fingers. "Because one: I'm broke so I couldn't buy anything even if I wanted to and Two: that would mean walking into the girls section of a clothing store and actively looking at girls clothing and there's no way am I going to do that."

"You might have to." Sunset said simply. I looked over at her.

"And why would that be?" I asked, looking over at her.

"Because their are physical facts that come when you have boobs and you are defiantly going to have them." She said, glancing at my chest. I looked down, they weren't that big right?

"Yes Sunset raises a good point, you are going to need Bras at the very least, I'm sorry but you can't just wear the one I gave you indefinitely."

I glance down again, very happy that this shirt was thick so she couldn't see I wasn't wearing it.

"Come on Sis, you might as well, it's not like you're going to be able to do it again is it?" Dazzle said, beaming at me.

I looked at her, not sure how to feel over her use of the word 'Sis' but eventually I caved.

"Fine, I'll buy some dam underwear;' but I hold the right to leave out the shirts and shit if I can."

"Great! lets go once I've had time to freshen up!" Rarity said, beaming and pushing her hair back so she could barricade herself in the bathroom for the next hour.

My eyes fixed on Sunset and Dazzle.

"You were planing this from the beginning weren't you?"

"Maybe." Dazzle said, her grin betraying the answer Sunset proceeded to give.

"It's not like you could avoid it, trust me it bloody hurts." She said, looking down at her own rather ample chest.

"Wait you had a problem with that?" I asked. She was about to answer when she noticed the eleven year old at the table.

"Should we really be talking about breasts with you're sister at the table?"

I shrugged.

"Not a clue, was never really a problem before, as for now, well why not? She'd gonna get them eventually; so long as this doesn't become a porno it should be fine... it's not gonna become porn right?" I asked, suddenly worried now I had that idea in my head.

"No, no, nothing like that; it's quite simple really, I just had the one outfit when I first came from Equestria, the mirror makes travellers a set when they pass through." She explained, causing Dazzle to laugh.

"Ancient Mirror of PG!" She said in a silly deep voice before bursting out at her own joke again.

"Yes, well anyway; my knowledge on clothing was... Shall we say limited? I didn't realise what it was for and It made me more popular to go without it once it got out, well popular with CHS's male students anyway." She said, a look of shame on her face.

"Guilty as charged." I admitted, rubbing the back of my head awkwardly as I looked at her.

"Wait, serioussly?" She asked, suddenly looking shocked at me as her hands moved to her chest to cover them.

"Sorry, we where all idiots back then, but yeah when you're thirteen the prospect of seeing nipples through a shirt is like the most amazing thing ever." I explained, wondering if I should be explaining how shallow thirteen year old boys could really be.

"Urgh, well that was the idea anyway, can't blame you if it worked, however... yeah after my first PE lesson that plan got kicked in the head pretty quickly." She muttered darkly. I didn't know how that felt but I could imagine and it wasn't pretty.

"Ouch, If it helps I have sympathy for you... and it feels weird that that isn't weird anymore." I said, thinking back to how Sunset used to act.

"Seriously?" She asked, looking at me with an angry expression on her face. "Your not over the she demon thing yet!"

"I didn't say that, I said it felt weird that it wasn't weird, ergo I have forgiven you as it doesn't feel bad to think about it. And anyway, the She demon thing really was the tip of the iceberg really." I said looking over at her.

"I was awful back then wasn't I." Sunset said, not with any guilt in her voice, it was just a statement of fact.

"Yeah but your better now, plus you can shoot rainbow friendship lasers at people; That's awsome."

"Pmft, thanks." Sunset said giggling.

"No problem..." I said as Rarity finished up in the bathroom. "...Now lets head out and face my doom."


"I hate this."

"We're aware, you only said it about fifty million times on the way over." Rarity said, her hands gripping the wheel tighter as she parked her car.

"I'm just saying..."

"And you have, fifty million times." Dazzle shot from next to me as she got out.

"It won't be that bad." Sunset said, trying to lift my spirits.

"Yes it will."

I'll let you work out if it worked or not.

Anyway, Canterlot Mall... It's a place, with shops in it. I go there sometimes... barley. Okay if I'm completely honest with you I have barley ever been here. I mostly stick to the shopping district in town, it's usually cheaper and you can find the more niche stores that sell the stuff I'm looking for most of the time, so when it came to navigating I let Rarity lead the way.

"Okay, they sell better stuff, over theirs cheaper and I get an employee discount over their." Rarity said simply, pointing towards a variety of different shops in rapid succession.

I looked around, I wasn't sure what to think, they all looked the same to me; somewhere I really did not want to go.

"I, I don't know... The cheep one I guess?" I eventually said, figuring if this was going to suck for me I may as well try to spare my wallet in the process.

"Great, lets go!" She cried, grabbing my wrist and dragging me along with a speed I didn't know she possessed into the dam shop.


Things I officially hate about being a girl:

1: Being a girl in general.
2: Breasts; I love them on other people but on me they just got in the way.
3: Hair; I know I could cut it but I also kinda like having really long hair leaving me at an impasse.
4: Getting measured.

Turns out I might have been a little mistaken when I said I was modestly hot, my chest and butt proved to be far bigger than expected... I think, the actual measurement's and terms used confused me but Sunset helpfully translated it for me:

"Rarity Glare doesn't know or care what the sizes mean, just give her the details so she can pick something."

Thank you Sunset.

"You don't know she doesn't get it." Rarity pointed out. This left me confused, I didn't want to admit I had no idea what the hell she was talking about but... well I really didn't.

"I really don't, so you wanna tell me what to do?" I asked, looking at what she'd written down for me. I'll admit I'm not one hundred percent sure what 'D' meant although looking down I could make some guesses.

"Find something you like with those measurements written on the label, geese Sis it's not rocket science." Dazzle muttered darkly. I scowled at her.

"You do realise I'm going to hate everything on principle right?" I said, not noticing the person approaching from behind.

"And why would that be miss?" A harsh voice asked. I whirled around, looking at the person who'd just spoken.

"Miss Hemline!" Rarity cried out, suddenly looking like she wanted to be literally anywhere else. "It's so good to see you, you see, erm..."

"I didn't ask you Rarity." The woman said simply, scowling at her before turning to me. "I asked you, what do you have against my wears?"

"Erm..." I said, wishing my brain would stop screaming: Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap! And think up an actual answer.

"She's against the idea on principle!" Sunset blurted out. Hemline turned to her, opening her mouth to respond but Sunset didn't stop so she never got the chance: "She doesn't like the idea and has been putting it off for as long as possible, however the pains finally gotten to much for her and she has had to come get some but she's still not a fan of the idea so she's feeling resentment and is probably going to suffer from overly negative feelings towards them!"


"Yes, that." I said, pointing to Sunset and trying to pretend my brain wasn't trying to tear itself in half processing what she'd just said.

"I see, you find the idea of a bra a constricting idea and a massive double standard so you have fought hard against the idea of wearing one until now when the pain of dealing with your own chest finally became to much to bear?"

"Yes." I said with false confidence. I really didn't have any opinions on the subject of bra's... like, not a single thing. I was just left in the awkward position of needing something I'd never wanted and hated the idea of wearing but was going to have to because of the pains my body was going to start giving me...

Wow now that I think about it what she said was basically right. I don't know how to feel about that.

"Well I can admire your resolve. Dealing with that for as long as you must have is no small feet; however I must say I admire the fact you gave in more." She said simply, looking me up and down and checking the measurements on the paper.

"Thanks, I guess... Although I have to ask; How is giving up a good thing?" I asked as she lead me towards a rack with the dreaded things on them.

"Whether giving up is a good or bad thing is based purely on context. In this case you weren't stupid enough to ignore physical reality and keep trying to go with something that was going to cause you problems later..."

"I feel like you're trying to put some meaning into this that wasn't meant to be there, I just didn't like the idea; no big plan behind it." I said slowly, afraid of aggravating someone else in the shop. (I mean it was a Saturday, the place was reasonably busy.)

"I wasn't trying to, I was simply commenting on something, anyway go try these on." She said, shoving a handful of garments into my hands. I looked up at her. I really didn't want to but...


"Urgh... How do you do this every day?" I asked, groaning in frustration as I failed to get the stupid thing on... again.

"I thought you putting it on around my place was pushing it when it took you fifteen minutes to get on." Rarity said from the outside of the changing rooms.

"It's hard okay! I have no coordination!" I shot back as the thing failed to clasp again.

"Seriously Sis you suck at this." Dazzle said, giggling as I swore again as my grip slipped.

"Thanks for the insight, does anyone have anything helpful to say?" I shot back. Growling as I picked the thing up and tried again.

"Do what I do, just put it on backwards so the clasps in front of you and spin it around." Sunset responded.

"Then how do I do the arms?" I asked, not being terribly bright but I was frustrated at the time, I usually find most peoples brains don't work great when their angry and I was no exception to that rule.

"The same way you put on a swim suit." Sunset called back slyly.

I scowled inside the changing room, I couldn't yell back to that with Miss Hemline outside (I have no idea why the stores manager was so interested in me, maybe she saw the opportunity for a big sale as someone brought an entire wardrobe at once?) So I settled for just figuring it out. (It was very easy, a part of me is ashamed I even had to think about it.)

"Okay it's on."

"Great, let us see it fits properly." Sunset said happily, although her tone promptly changed as I pulled back the curtain. While half naked, modeling a bra... I am dumb.

"Gah!" Cried a much smarter Rairty who pulled the curtain back again.


"'Opps' is putting it lightly, now just pull it back a little bit so we can see." Hemline said simply. Blushing I did that and she looked in.

"That one's pinching, get it off and try the next." She said with barley half a seconds glance.

I delighted in the chance to get the thing off, a happiness which didn't last long because I then had to put another one on.

To save you a lot of tedious back and fourth I will simply give you the reaction each garment provoked. (I had to try a lot of them on, if I described everything properly I think I would literally go insane.)

"Too tight, get it off."

"How can it be too tight, aren't they all the same?"

"Different companies different sizes, now get it off."


"Good keep it."

"The things only a few strings..."

"I don't care it fits and will do the job, get it."


"That's a good look on you."

"Yeah, I figured you would, you picked them." I said, looking down at the pale blue striped garments I was wearing.

"Your shirt indicated you might like that style." She shot back, I glanced down, I guess wearing anime merch would give that impression.


"Was this picked for the same reason the last one was?" I asked, lookign down at the cat themed set I was wearing.

"Basically, it looks good, get it."


"That was surprisingly easy." Rarity said.

"I'm just done trying to resist." I shrugged.


"Pinching again."


"Too tight."

"You're telling me!"


And well those are the highlights, what can I say? Shopping has never been all that interesting to me and thankfully that hadn't change along with my body.

"You handled that well." Hemline said simply as I payed at the counter for my stuff, Rarity's discount not helping immensely, but hey, discount was a discount.

"Thanks, I think." I said simply as I looked at her.

"No problem, and you didn't run like crazy upon seeing me again, so that's nice." She said.

"Wait I've never seen you before, why would I run from you?"

"Well that's what you spent most of the day doing." She said simply.

"What are you on about?" I asked... before I noticed something.

Her hair had always been pink, however those ears...

"I thought you where limited to dreams..." I said, slowly taking my purchase and starting to back away.

"I never said that." The Pink rabbit said, smiling from behind the counter and leaving me wondering where the hell her clothes went. (Seriously that thing was disturbingly close to human anatomy with the exception of the ears, thank god for fur I do not want to see whats under there.)

"I, why is no one else freaking out?" I said, gesturing towards the rest of the shoppers.

"They can't see me, just this body I... Borrowed... Yeah lets put it that way."

"Great, just great, you can hijack body's and haunt me, as if I wasn't already terrified of you."

"I promises I won't do it that often, you where just taking forever so I elected to speed the process up a bit." The Rabbit explained.

"Great, just great..."

"Hey I know this wont help make you feel much better, but you're not alone in this mess." she said absentmindedly. I whirled around to look at her.

"What do you mean, someone else is stuck like this?"

"Yup, although she's handling the situation much better than you are." She said coolly.

"I'm sorry, are there just a lot of spell books available on Amazon or something?" I asked, looking at the Rabbit incredulously.

"No, she's being creative with it; this one was summoned from another world actually."

"I, what, why?" I asked. She looked at me hard.

"Because somethings happening, you don't have to worry about it your place isn't coming for a long time, in all honesty she's more relying on your sister for help than you."

"I, what... Who?" I asked.

"Blooming Spectre, she needs some help with something, that's why the other girls over here and should be heading up to sort out that mess in Sirens Cove, not that you need to worry about that of course." The Rabbit said quickly as she saw the shocked look on my face. "You're sisters a lot stronger than she looks, you both are actually."

"What are you on about now?" I asked, fairly certain this new body was weaker than my last one.

"Orange eyes is a rare trait to have, not many people can claim to have that and if it manifests over here it means great power awaits you."

"What?" I said, feeling like I'd said that far to many times in the last hour.

"Different things mean different things depending on where you are, this world and Equestria are unique in that they share the same point in space just in different reality's, being born a Day spark..."

"A what?"

"Day Spark, it's a naming scheme, something to do with the day followed by something sparkly; names in Equestira have great power compared to over here."

"So assuming I'm not nuts..."

"You're not."

"Talking to a pink rabbit, So what does a name do in Equestria?" I asked, trying to pretend I wasn't losing it.

"It helps form a destiny, people can still fight against it obviously but it will influence things, a Day Spark will be born with immense magical potential over there, here it's orange eyes... and your sister got both of them; and believe me that means a lot when your worlds exist in the same space."

"So Dazzle is going to become Dumbledore?" I asked, trying to wrap my brain around what I was being told.

"If by that you mean insanely powerful... yeah basically."

"And I have some power because of my friggin eyes?"

"Yup, if you learned to read the book and put some effort into it you could use every spell in it." She explained, leaning causally on the side of the counter.

"What do you mean put some effort in?" I asked confused.

"Well you know how I mentioned Dazzle was lucky enough to have both traits with her eyes and full name being Sunrise Dazzle?"

"Yes." I said simply.

"Well that basically means all she has to do is know the spell and she can do it with no difficulty."

"That's terrifying." I said simply, looking at the rabbit seriously for the first time.

"Yeah tell me about it." She said simply. "It's why Bloomings so scared, if she... Well... Look stay safe and keep Dazzle safe until Blooming gets here okay."

"She's coming?"

"Yup, Now Dazzle has the book she's gonna need some proper training with it."

"I thought all she had to do was know the spell?" I asked, my head starting to hurt.

"That is true, however theirs a difference between reading it and knowing it. Trust me I know. Also aren't you at all interested in learning some spells?"

"Can't say I'm against it, although you'd think I'd know if I had magic by this point."

"Not really, most humans go there entire life not knowing. Now go, I gotta report back and you've been up here way to long." She said, pushing me back towards the others.

"What where you two talking about?" Dazzle asked as we left the store. I looked down at her, now really didn't seam to be the right time to tell her...

"Oh it was just..."

"Well hello girls!" A voice called. I swore internally, I knew who that was.

"Zephyr... It's, so good to see you again." Rarity said carefully, it made sense; as Fluttershy's best friend she'd have experience with the guy. So did I, he went to CHS and... Argh he's insufferable.

"Rarity, so good to see you again, love the hair. Sunset darling what a delight and.. hello..."

Fuck he saw me.

"Who do we have here?"

"Li..." Rarity began to say before I blurted.

"Photo Flash!" I said, wishing I'd thought of a better name but give me some credit, I had like half a second to think of something.

"Liphoto Flash?" He asked, looking at me confusedly.

"It's foreign." I said simply

"Well, well, a foreign girl, well I must say it's nice to meet you..." He said, doing his usual thing of invading personal space and raising his hands to my hair. I went to slap his hand back...

Then I felt something surge inside me, my arm moved so fast it cracked like a whip and Zephyr was sent crashing into the nearest wall.

"How did you..." Sunset said, looking from my hand to Zephyr in the wall.

"Okay lets go somewhere else, I think you need to know what we where talking about." I said, taking the lead and looking for somewhere to eat, this was going to take a while.