• Published 8th Jan 2018
  • 1,634 Views, 62 Comments

Magical experiments and why you should avoid them - PlayerError404

Last time my sister opened that book she turned me into a girl. Now she opening it again. I am completely terrified.

  • ...

The fallout of the off screen magical fight

It was a really good feeling to not be the butt of the joke for once. Like, after everything that had happened to me recently it was a nice feeling to suddenly not be the one dealing with magical crap (Goth slave outfit not withstanding)

“Did we do it?” Sunset asked, her and the rest of the girls running towards the crater.

“You sure did.” I said; my grin actually threatening to escape my face as I looked over to the small girl still struggling to free her cape.

“Erm, is that who we needed to stop, might just be me but ah I don’t think she could be that much of a threat.” Applejack commented, adjusting her trademark Stetson to get a proper look at the small girl.

“Yeah, the way Trixie and the Principles were going on about it I was expecting someone a bit more…” Twilight said, looking around as if she was going to find the right word on one of the nearby trees.

“Threatening.” Rainbow Dash said, glancing down at kid Sombra. “I mean seriously, this squirt doesn’t look capable of harming a fly.”

“How dare you!” Sombra growled in a way which completely failed to be intimidating due to the fact she was tiny now. “I am Lord Sombra! Conqueror of the Crystal Empire, slayer of Princess Amore; I am the living incarnation of shadow and…”

“Cute as a fucking button.” I said, poking her in the nose and almost giggling when her face scrunched up.

“Sparks darling, you really should swear in front of a child.” Rarity said, frowning disapprovingly.

“I am not a child!” The child Sombra screamed; growling at us in a way that would have shown off her fangs… if she’d still had them; instead all it was doing was showing us she had very white teeth.

“You are now cutie.” I said, lifting the edge of the still adult sized cape. “And you really shouldn’t be sporting the armoured bikini look; it’s extremely inappropriate for someone your age.”

“Argghh!” Sombra screamed (In an adorably high pitch) and lunged at me, only to get caught on her cape and yanked back.

“Spark, do you have to be so mean to her?” Fluttershy asked, looking over at the small girl sympathetically.

“Yes.” I responded bluntly as I walked over to the Principles. “You two okay?”

“We’ll live.” Vice Principle Luna stated, stretching her arms as she did so. “I will admit it has been a while since I had to use my skills like that; I seem to have fallen out of shape; though thankfully not as much as my sister.”

“Oh, shut it Lulu; just because I like to indulge in the occasional cake it does not mean I’m fat.” Celestia snapped, before looking over at the small girl (who was currently trying to bite Sunsets ankles whenever the teen got close) “Anyway, what are we going to do with her?”

“Leave her to die in the woods?” I offered.

“No, I don’t believe that would be the most effective solution.” Celestia said, with a slight smile at my comment (even if the rest of her face was screaming ’You’re not funny’) “Hmm; Luna any suggestions?”

“I don’t know, I don’t really know why the rainbow did what it did.” The dark blue haired Principle admitted “I mean… why would it turn him, her; into a child? I cannot see the logic in doing that.”

“Well… It mostly seams to de power people…” I said quietly, getting the two adults to look around at me. “Just saying what I’ve seen; de powered Sunset, depowered the sirens and Twilight.”

“Hmm… We really don’t understand these Elements of Harmony that well…” Celestia admitted. “I really should have asked more about it while we had the other Twilight here.”

“I could probably convince her to come over.” Sunset said, having walked/hopped over to us rubbing her ankle gingerly. “Still it wouldn’t be for a while… I left the book back home.”

“Yes, that could be a problem.” Celestia said, looking over at the small girl. “Still, why would it turn her into a child?”

“Not really sure.” Sunset admitted. “Never heard of the Elements doing that to someone before.”

“I mean…” I said gingerly. “She wasn’t the most mature adult I’ve ever met when she put this crap on me.” I gestured down to my stupid new outfit. “And she kept calling me ‘Dolly’ Maybe, maybe she got her magic at a young age or something and when she got depowered, she reset to… well that.”

‘That’ finally seemed to have gotten tired and was panting for breath, wrapping herself in her cape for warmth (Skimpy outfits did not provide much in the way of warmth… Wish I had a cape now) It was almost cute… actually scrap that it was cute.

“Hmm… Sombra has never stuck me as the most grown up evil lord.” Celestia admitted; looking over at the little girl. “Okay, we’ll figure out a long-term plan for her later. For now, we’ll claim she’s our niece dropped off on me to look after unexpectedly. That way we can keep an eye on her; though we really need to get that curse off of both of you.”

Looking down at what I was currently wearing I couldn’t help but agree.

“Dazzle knows a counter spell; I can probably call her but she’s most likely gonna be asleep at the moment…” I was going to say more at that point, mostly about leaving her a message and getting it fixed in the morning; but as luck would have it, I didn’t need too.

A bright pink circle of light sprang to life and a very drunk looking Blooming Spectre staggered out; her eyes half focused on me.

“I’m here!” She blurted, staggering forward before hitting a tree, gripping it for support. “Crap, sorry.”

“Blooming…” I began, looking at the rose haired mage as she tried to stand up straight (‘Tried’ being the operative word) “…the fuck are you doing here?”

“I’ve been trying to warp to you for the last 20 minutes; theirs a large amount of dark magic here and I…” She then looked around, at Celestia and Luna, the rainbooms and finally Sombra. “…Fucking missed everything didn’t I?”

“Yeah, you did.” I said flatly; looking at the drunk mage who groaned.

“Arggghhh!” She slid down the tree she was holding onto. “Fucking hell why am I so useless!?”

“You spend most nights black out drunk; you teach my sister whatever spell she wants without thinking about what it really does, your average wake up time is like, 3pm…”

“Make a girl feel welcome why don’t you.” Blooming muttered, her face down in the dirt.

“Well if it helps there is something you can do.” I said, bending down and lifting her head up so she could see me properly. “You wrote the anti slutty dress spell, right?”

“Yes; why do you need it recasting?” Blooming asked, her eyes half focusing on me (seemingly noticing what I was wearing for the first time)

“Yeah, and so does Sombra over there.” I said, pointing over my shoulder at the dark-haired girl.

“Wait, that’s Sombra? Like the dark lord writer of a good chunk of my spell book?”

“Yup. He fell victim to one a couple of his own spells, and as funny as it was when she was a busty woman it’s really disturbing on a little kid.” I explained as I helped Blooming up (Though with her drunk state and my stupid heals it was a very wobbly exercise where we both ended up supporting each other)

“Okay… I think I can cast it on one of you right now… I’m a bit out of it; don’t have two disenchantments in me.” Blooming explained as she tried to stand properly.

“Off course you don’t.” I said darkly. I could be rid of this stupid spell again; I could not have to worry about it but… I wasn’t.

I didn’t like Sombra, but I wasn’t leaving that spell on a little kid; even if she wasn’t technically six it didn’t make much difference. Besides I could live with the usual sexy outfit… but not this one.

“Can you disenchant Sombra…” I gritted out, slightly hating myself for saying it (even if I knew it was right)

“Yeah think I can do that.” She said, struggling to walk towards Sombra, only to lose her balance and get caught by Celestia.

“Hello Blooming.” Celestia said kindly, looking down at the young girl, who’s eyes went wide when she saw her.

“Hi, Celestia…” She said slowly, forcing herself back to her feet.

“Hello Blooming. I see you still like your alcohol.” Celestia commented, helping her to her feet.

“I, well; yes.” The pink haired mage admitted. “But I got a counter spell to perform so…”

“That’s fine, we can catch up later.” The Principle said, smiling as a flustered Blooming walked off.

“You know her?” I asked, looking at Blooming as she began to recite the counter spell.

“Yes, we do, poor girl was having such difficulty with her magic when she was younger.” Celestia explained as we watched Sombra’s armour return to a fully body affair. “We’re gonna need some more appropriate clothes for Sombra soon.”

I couldn’t help but snort at that.

“Oh no, how will we ever find new clothes; Hey Rarity!” I called out, looking over at the purple haired teen who turned to look at me. “Sombra’s gonna need some new clothes, think you can make something?”

Rarity thought for a second, looking over Sombra’s sleeping form before walking over and nodding.

“Yes Darling, I think I can make something suitable; though did you say her name was Sombra?” Rarity asked, her brains gears clearly working behind.

“Yup.” I answered, suddenly becoming very aware of how exposing my current outfit was as Rarity eyed it.

“Hmmm… that was the name of the person who created the spell effecting you wasn’t it.” Rarity said slowly.

“Yup, though given she’s now stuck with it I’m slightly less annoyed… Slightly.” I admitted, watching as Rarity focused more clearly on my outfit and how little it covered.

“And am I to understand she’s the reason your dressed in your current attire?” She asked, scowling slightly.

“Yup.” I said, trying to lift my legs properly as I did, noticing how little my legs could actually move while they were stuck on. “And I have a nasty feeling magic means it isn’t coming off without some help.”

“Yes; truly a deplorable person.” Rarity muttered as she closely examined the outfit. “Still, I think I have an idea of the sort of outfit an adorable little girl like her should be wearing; in fact, I think I’m going to go get her measurements and start right now.

“How are you going to get her sizes, she’s asleep.” I pointed out, to which she simply laughed.

“Oh darling, I can tell easily enough for a child like her, especially while she was stuck in that bikini armour mess. Honestly that curse just goes for instant gratification, it has no respect for subtlety or the art of being sexy.” Rarity critisied, looking me up and down. “Although it apparently does a good job with make-up.”

“That was Sombra.” I commented, looking down at my nails in a slightly board way. “Not sure how I feel about this stuff though.”

“Well your face is a bit garish I’ll admit; but those nails do look nice.” Rarity said kindly, suddenly causing me to snap my head upwards.

“My face?” I asked, looking at her in confusion. “The fuck happened to my face?”

To answer she reached into her bag and pulled out a compact, giving it to me to have a look. It was a weird feeling, looking in the little mirror and not recognising my own face.

Part of it was my hair, the pulled back braid took away most of my fringe and the hair that usually fell to the side. Seeing so much of my own face was… weird.

Then there was the stuff actually on my face, it was… a lot subtler than I was expecting; with a soft pink lipstick applied and a slight darker shade for eye shadow. I think I had mascara on, in all honesty it was hard to tell but my lashes were definitely larger… huh, I actually kind of liked that look; wonder how you pull it off normally…

Wait, what? Am I… Fuck I’m turning into a girl, aren’t I?

Deciding to ignore that potential problem I decided to see if I could get the earrings out, I might not be able to get out of most of this stupid outfit, but I was getting these out at least.

“Want some help Darling?” Rarity asked, smiling slightly as I struggled with the stupid things.

“Yes please.” I said, letting her get close and remove the stupid things. “Argh, god I hate those.”

“They go well with the outfit, but I can’t say the outfit goes well with you.” Rarity admitted, blushing slightly. I; well I thought about it for a second.

“Yeah, not like a guys gonna radiate sex appeal is it…” I said, looking down and suddenly realising I really wanted a T-Shirt or something to cover up with.

“That is not what I meant; your body is plenty attractive. You just don’t strike me as the kind of girl to flaunt her body so openly or someone submissive enough to enjoy the chains look.” Rarity explained, smiling warmly at me. “I was working on some things for you I think you’d like…”

“I, What?” I asked, my head tilted to the side as I looked at her; causing her to flash bright red.

“Yes, I well; Sorry I know you’re probably not interested in helping but I couldn’t help it. You know I’m putting on the fashion show at the end of camp?” She asked; looking at me as I nodded.

“I think I heard something like that.” I said uncertainly. “Gonna be honest I was completely switched off for most of the initial talk, but I think you said something to do with fashion…”

I elected not to mention Rarity talked about fashion a lot and it was a pretty good guess that anything involving her would have fashion come up at some point. While true I doubted, she’s appreciate it.

“Yes, well I’ve been making outfits for it between activities and well, I couldn’t help myself and I might have made you some garments… It’s okay if you don’t want to take part in it!” She blurted very hastily, waving her arms frantically. “It’s just, well I thought you might appreciate having some decent clothes that fitted you properly. Though given what’s happened to you today I don’t blame you if you want to just wear a burlap sack for the rest of your time here.”

I hesitated; I really wasn’t sure how to respond to this bit of news. On the one hand yes: I really was done with girly clothes for a while (especially fucking thongs!) But… well it was Rarity, she was there for me at times and well; even I knew she was good at making clothes having been in a few of the schools productions. Also; there was Trixie’s show, I had already agreed to embarrass myself in that. Did I really want more people looking at me after that?

Eventually I decided how to respond.

“What day is the show on.” I muttered, my teeth refusing to separate as I said it.

“You’ll do it!” Rarity cried, beeming happily. I shook my head violently.

“No! Well, Maybe; when is it? I’m already committed to Trixie’s show and…”

“It’s on Sunday, if my memory serves me correctly Trixie is performing on Saturday.” Rarity said, grin still on her face; bouncing up and down in a manner I didn’t normally associate with her.

“Okay, If I get through Trixie’s show and I’m not that horrified then… Yeah sure; I’ll model. Can’t be any worse than tonight.” I muttered, thinking about how crappy today had been for me; from fucking up my ankle, nearly drowning, to letting Sombra out and finally this fucking slave girl outfit.

“I assure you darling that you’ll just love it!” Rarity beamed. “But before then I believe I have outfits to make for a naughty six-year-old.”

I couldn’t help but adopt a grin myself.

“Yeah, can’t wait to see what you make tomorrow.”

Rairty then adopted a similar look to Sombra when she was about to dress me up. It was a somewhat disconcerting look to see on the face of someone I liked…

“Dear, who said anything about tomorrow? I have to get started right now; lord knows we can’t have her walking around in that excessive armour tomorrow.” She explained.

I think my face was starting to hurt from all the grinning it had been doing.

“What are you thinking, we kinda got off track when you mentioned it earlier.” I said, suddenly very curious about what she had planned.

“Oh well, you know. A young girl like that; I believe she should wear something appropriate; why I remember all the adorable dresses Sweetie Belle used to wear before she got to old for it. I don’t know about you, but I think Sombra needs a reminder she is still just a little girl. So I was thinking something Pink, frilly; Something she would just love in the way you like her outfit choice for you.”

Okay my face actually was hurting now.

“Rarity, would you like a hand getting this ready, I assure you it would be a pleasure.”

We didn’t stop much on the way back, Rarity only stopped to let the Principles know what we were going to be doing that night, and I only stopped to let Trixie know I was fine (I respect that girls restraint for not laughing at my outfit, though that might have been because she was worried about whether or not I was okay)

Soon though we were in her workshop (a disused wood cabin she’d commandeered shortly after arriving at camp and stuffed full of suit cases of fabric and ribbons) and we were working on an outfit for the tiny dark lord.

Well, Rarity was, my role was mostly getting her fabric or tools when she needed them. It made sense, I had no idea how to make clothes, or sew or anything helpful (other than suggesting ways to make the outfit more embarrassing for the evil lord.)

I was also getting an impromptu crash course in how to walk in high heels. Now that the danger was passed my bodies balance had gone back to being shit and suddenly, I was failing at mobility.

“Oww…” I muttered, rubbing my backside again, having just picked myself off the floor… again.

“Darling I’ve explained how you walk in those shoes multiple times now.” Rarity said, a slightly frustrated expression on her face as I held onto a nearby shelf for support.

“I know…” I muttered, blushing slightly. “…I just can’t do it.”

“You could if you weren’t actively resisting moving your hips every time you took a step.” Rarity commented.

“I know; but I feel self-conscious enough in this stupid get up without worrying about making my ass even more noticeable.” I muttered, rubbing my butt; another large blush on my face. I had tried taking it off, but the chains got in the way, yes I could take the bikini top off; but I couldn’t get anything else past the chains; the same thing stopped me from getting the stupid loin cloth off and the heals. And as for the collar…

There wasn’t a clasp, or seam or anything really, it was just around my neck. One wrecked pair of scissors had led me and Rarity to conclude I’d need magic to get it off. And my control was wonky at best, sure I had a good grasp over how I could get my body to hit things hard or jump far; but I didn’t know any specific spells for breaking enchantments.

Also, I had tried; but the collar was on too tight, I couldn’t get my fingers under the leather. And the chains just hadn’t given; so, for now I’d given up. I’d just ask Blooming when she woke up. Meaning I was stuck in this stupid get up until at least 3 in the afternoon… if she felt like waking up early.

“Yes, it does rather.” She said before returning to work on Sombra’s outfit; thankfully it was nearly done. Looking out the window it was very nearly sun up and frankly I wanted Sombra’s misery to begin as soon as possible.

As soon as it was done we set out through the throngs of tents to make our way to the Principles; despite this being a new campsite further away from the main area we were able to find it quickly enough; which was good. This slave outfit was not something I wanted anyone to see me in and it was way to early at the moment for anyone else to be awake; even by camping trip standards.

“Principle Celestia, Vice Principle Luna, we’re here; we brought Sombra some new clothes.” Rarity said, hesitantly outside the Principles tent.

“Coming.” Celestia said, poking her head outside of the tent. “I’ll bring her out; my sister is not a morning person and we had a busy night.”

Soon she was clambering out, carrying the sleeping Dark Lord; who’d been wrapped up in a red bundle I recognized as her cape.

“You got her armour off?” I asked in shock, realising its sharp angles and bulk couldn’t be seen through the red fabric.

“Oh yes, it’s simple enough while she’s under a sleep spell.” Celestia explained, smiling at the sleeping girl. “Though I’m glad you made her something; where is it?”

“It’s in my workshop.” Rarity explained. “We left it here, so it didn’t get dirty before she got a chance to wear it.”

“Good thinking.” Celestia said with a smile, carrying the young girl over her shoulder as we walked towards the ‘workshop’

“We going to wake her up before we get her dressed?” I asked, kind of liking the sound of both ideas.

“Yes, I think that would be best.” Celestia responded as we stepped in and she got a look at Rarity’s creation; she let out a small snort as she remembered the figure Sombra had been. Tall, dark; handsome. Muscles that bulged behind a cold grey suit of armour, the man who had wiped the Crystal Empire off the map; who had bent and broken so many minds for the fun of it.

“Oh yes, I think she is just going to love it!”

“I am going to kill each and every one of you. Slowly.” Sombra growled, fists clenched in the Fabric of her new outfit.

“Dear that’s very rude of you, they spent a lot of time working on this outfit for you; now apologise.” Celestia said, the smirk on her face implying she was enjoying getting to play mom just a little too much.

Sombra glared at her, frankly I didn’t blame her. With only one-night Rarity hadn’t been able to go quite as far as she’s have liked… but that didn’t stop her making a damn good effort.

Currently Dark Lord Sombra was dressed in a checked dress made of pale pink and white squares. With a poufy shoulders ending in a ring of white frills. The look completed with white frill rimmed socks and black marry jane shoes.

Sombra had not taken seeing the garment well and had been even less pleased when she heard that she either wore it or got her body destroyed again. While she could have reformed later it sucked having no real form and Sombra really wasn’t up for more of that for a long. So, with a great deal or reluctance (and Celestia’s unwelcome help) she’d gotten changed into her new dress.

“I…” Sombra began, clearly wanting to spew out a long train of swear words; but she wilted under the look Celestia gave her. “… Urgh, thank you for the dress.”

“Now darling that’s not a proper thank you.” Celestia said, a motherly smile on her face. “I believe you know the proper way to thank someone for a gift like this, you were very big on making people apologise in a specific way, come on you can do it.”

Sombra looked like she was gonna explode in anger.

“Sombra; this is far more lenient than you deserve.” Celestia said firmly. “Now thank Rairty properly or do you want to be incorporeal again.”

Sombra’s face rapidly switched between anger, fear, denial before eventually it gave in.

Scrunching up her eyes tightly she bent low, crossing her legs and curtsying, adorable smile on her face before she stood up again, adorable smile on her face and she said:

“Thank you for my lovely dress Miss Rarity, it’s very pretty and I love wearing it.”

The two actual girls in the room ‘Awwed’ while I enjoyed a small smile. In some ways I sympathised with Sombra being stuck in an outfit she hated; however, seeing as it was her who stuck me in the outfit, I hated I considered us kind of off even.

“Thank you, sweetie.” Rarity said, crouching down and smiling at the thoroughly embarrassed Dark Lord. “I know you’re just going to love the other outfits I make for you; I might even make something for you to wear in my fashion show at the end of the week… If you’re okay with that Principle.” She hastily said, looking up at Celestia who responed with:

“Rarity that’s a wonderful idea, I’m sure she would just love to take part, wouldn’t you Sombra?”

“I… no, I… Yes, Miss Rarity; I would love to be in your show.” She said, her fists clenched tightly while she gave a smile that didn’t actually reach her eyes.

“Wonderful!” Rarity beamed. “I’m going to need a lot of material for this, and proper measurements so you’ll have to drop by at some point, then I might have to get more fabric in and…”

I wont claim I wasn’t enjoying watching Sombra’s steadily growing look of horror as Rarity talked because lord knows I was, Sombra had been responsible for a lot of the problems in my life recently and I did not like being puppeted around against my will and there was no way in hell I was going to try and stop what was happening to her. But I will admit, a tiny; insignificant part of me couldn’t help but feel a little bad for her; even if I knew I shouldn’t.

She’d brought this on herself, it was her spells, her curses that were affecting me now, and what she’d gone on about did not portray her as a nice person before now. But, still; I still sympathised… a tiny bit.

Comments ( 5 )

Sombra actually looks adorable

Comment posted by hive vs machine deleted Feb 18th, 2021

:trollestia: just in case. I'm joking
:pinkiehappy: insert evil laugh here
:pinkiecrazy: "it was me! I hack your computer and steal your notes and post them on Equestria daily
:pinkiecrazy: insert evil laugh here

Really like your writing style, Hope you haven't stopped writing

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