• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 448 Views, 2 Comments

My Little Pony Equestria Girls The Crystal Girl - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Twilight and her only friend, Star Universe met a very special girl in a crystal gem.

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Chapter 18: Let's the Magic Research Begin

The next day, Star and Rainbow are in Twilight's lab in the shed to talk about what they seen last night. Eversince the strange phenomenon, Star and the girls can't stop thinking about it, and have a bit of trouble getting some sleep. They know that the event from the sky is very impossible to be true, especially Rainbow Crystal, because she recognized the feeling of it. The three friends are sitting on the floor having some lunch, and Spike is sleeping on his bed.

"Okay, so let's go over for what we saw. We know that we saw two strange light coming from the sky, and according to my machines, they seem to give off strange energy frequency," Twilight explains.

"It's strange alright. My gem recognized the energy anywhere. It's no doubt Equestrian Magic from my homeworld in Equestria. I Know that feeling anywhere," Rainbow adds.

Then Star asks, "But where did it come from?"

"And why was it here in the first place?" Rainbow adds, while scratching her head.

"That is something we need find out, and I already know where the came from. At least so far," Twilight says.

Star and Rainbow look at Twilight with a surprised look. about her statement,

"You mean you know where the magic was at," Rainbow asks, looking surprised.

Twilight nods her head, she then shows the two friends the map as she answers, "Yes. According to my notes and location on the map, it seems that the strange magical energy was coming from Canterlot High."

"Canterlot High, but that's just outside of the city," Star replies.

"Yeah, and why was it there to begin with? And I thought Rainbow Crystal was the only magical being we've seen," Twilight says.

Rainbow then thinks about something with a firm look, and says, "Not entirely true."

"What do you mean?" Star asks.

"I remember that a long time ago, Princess Celestia told me that there were three creatures that was banished to another world. They were known as… the sirens," Rainbow explains, thinking of that possibility.

"The sirens?!" Twilight and Star exclaims in a shock.

"The sirens were three beautiful but dangerous creatures who had the magic ability to charm ponies with their music, but to maintain their power, they had to feed on the negativity of others. The more of this negative energy they consume, the stronger their voices became and the farther they can spread their dark magic," Rainbow explains while using her gem to make images of the story.

Twilight and Star are amazed to see what Rainbow is using her gem, but hearing the story of magical creatures is making them a bit nervous.

Twilight gulps, and nervously says, "That sounds scary."

"If it wasn't for your magical abilities I wouldn't believe it," Star replies, looking stunned to hear it.

Then Rainbow continues as she shows the projection, "If the sirens had their way, they would have divided and conquered all of Equestria, but Princess Celestia friend, Star Swirl the Bearded wouldn't had it. Other than Princess Celestia, ponies hear rumors that he found a way to banished them to another world. One that he believed their dark magic will be lost forever."

"T-t-that's terrifying!" The two say in fear.

Rainbow notices this and sadly says, "Sorry guys, I… I didn't mean to scare you."

"That's okay. It's just the thought that those sirens being in this world is what worries me," Star says, trying to calm himself down.

"I don't think I want to think about it," Twilight replies while shaking in fear.

Rainbow comes over and says with a reassuring look, "I don't think any of you will be endangered, except for me of course."

"Why you say that?" Star asks.

"Well, the energy in this world isn't the same as Equestria, the sirens won't be able to gain that much power. However, myself along with who ever brought magic into this world will be the sirens' targets because we have real magic here," Rainbow answers.

"Whatever the case, I would really like to study these frequencies and see if we can learn more about the magic that's been brought here," Twilight says, sounding very eager.

"I agree, It's not safe to let something like that wondering around," Rainbow agrees.

Star stands up as he says, "So we all agree to do magic research."

"Exactly," Twilight answers, with glee.

"Well Twilight, I'm so in, I know about Equestrian magic better than anyone," Rainbow says, with a determined look.

"I agree," Star replies.

Then Rainbow suggests, "And it will be best to keep this magic research to ourselves. We can't risk causing a panic."

"That would be a wise decision," Twilight agrees.

However, Star asks, "But when do you think that strange magic stuff will happen again?"

"That I don't know, but it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on it," Rainbow answers.

However, Star suggests, "Still, maybe this is a one time thing, and not much we need to worry about."

"I guess that is also a possibility, but it wouldn't hurt to figure something out and we keep this under wraps," Rainbow says.

With that, Twilight, Star, and Rainbow decide to research on the strange magic that will appear at their school. Of course, they are also try their best to be discreet about it. Two months has passed and no magic fiasco or anything has happened. However one night while they are out, they see more strange phenomenon. This time, there are three sea creatures and a giant alicorn with rainbow colored hair. It blasted the three sea like ponies from the sky, and they both disappear into the night.

After that night, Twilight, Star, Rainbow, and Spike the dog are in the lab looking at the reading, and some of them have different results. They are very skeptic, and surprisingly because it happened at the same location. They know one thing, this is no coincidences.

"No doubt about guys, there's definitely Equestrian magic at Canterlot High," Rainbow announces.

"I agree, these reading don't lie. There are strange energy conformation from that school," Twilight agrees.

Star looks confused, and says, "But that still doesn't explain why there's magic to begin with, or how it got here?"

"That we don't know, but our only chance to learn about this magic is to go over to Canterlot High and find out what that is," Rainbow answers.

"And I know how we can do it," Star says, having an idea.

"What's that?" Rainbo asks.

"This," Star says, showing a poster.

Star present Rainbow and Twilight a poster showing a trophy cup with the CHS symbol and Crystal Prep symbol. It shows some athletic silhouettes and stars on it. The sign also says Friendship Games.

"That's the poster for the Friendship Games," Rainbow says.

Twilight realizes something and says, "And I found out that the games are going to take place at Canterlot High next year in the spring."

"And that's where we're going to find out the answer to our little mystery," Rainbow adds.

Star laughs and says, "Yeah, and lucky that one of us is high hopes on being in it."

"Who would that be?" Rainbow asks.

"You," Star answers pointing to Rainbow.

Rainbow laughs, "That's right, but I'm sure you and Twilight will be lucky to be in the games too."

"Don't know about that," Twilight says.

Then Rainbow says, "So until the Friendship Games, we'll keep doing some research on what we have, and when we go to Canterlot High, that's when we'll put all the pieces together."

Agreeing to the idea, the three friends decide to continue their research on what they have right now, and put everything together for the games. During the time, Rainbow and her friends study hard with their school work and atletic skills, and keeping balance with their personal research. What they are not aware is that the Friendship Games will end up turning into something they will never expect, and will change their lives.

Author's Note:

The End

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