• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 449 Views, 2 Comments

My Little Pony Equestria Girls The Crystal Girl - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Twilight and her only friend, Star Universe met a very special girl in a crystal gem.

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Chapter 15: Together with Music and Faith

A few days of school has go by and saturday is here, and Star is very excited. After Star eat his breakfast, and take a quick shower, Star make sure to pick some good clothes for him to wear on his day with Rainbow Crystal. Star is wearing some normal yet, casual clothes. He feels like he is ready to head out with Rainbow and have some fun, and also bring his guitar with him.

He knocks on the door, and asks, "Rainbow are you ready to go?"

"Ready," Rainbow answers through the door.

Rainbow opens the door so she can head out with Star. Rainbow is wearing a light blue blouse, with a light teal skirt, black flats, and a blue bag. She has her hair in a braid, and wearing a black hairband. Star blushes to see Rainbow looking very pretty.

"Wow, you look… really nice," Star stutters while blushing.

"Thanks," Rainbow replies.

Then Rainbow says, "I see you brought your guitar with you."

"What do you expect, I love to play," Star says, holding his guitar.

"I know how you feel, I love to sing while I go out," Rainbow replies with a smile.

"We should get going, the movie starts in and hour," Star says.

"Yes," Rainbow agrees.

With that, Star and Rainbow head to the mall so they can go see the movie. When they reach the theater, Star buys the tickets and snacks for the movie. Rainbow is amazed to see everything going on in the theater, since there's no movie theaters during her time on Equestria.

Rainbow looks around the theater as says, "Wow, the movie theater looks amazing. I haven't seen anything like it."

"Glad to see you're interested in it. I hope you like the movie too," Star replies, with a smile.

"Well, you and Twilight made Daring Do sound like an amazing woman. For a moment, the books that I've read and your discussions about her, I thought she was unstoppable," Rainbow says with glee.

"So let's go, the movie will be starting very soon," Star says.

With that, Star and Rainbow head to the theater where the movie will be playing at. Rainbow is very excited and is going to see a movie in the theater the first time. The watch the Daring Do movie that is about an hour and thirty minutes. Rainbow likes the excitement, adventure, and seeing the different travels Daring Do face in the movie.

Sometime after the movie, Star takes Rainbow Crystal to get some lunch, and head to the park to have some fun. As they are enjoying their lunch, Rainbow is glad this place is always peaceful, and doesn't have to work too much about magic and mysterious troubles all the time. She feels that she can relax all day long, even though she still has school work to do.

"Going the park to have our lunch is a good idea, Star," Rainbow complements.

"I agree, I thought it will be a good idea to have lunch outside today. It's not so hot outside, and we get to simply relax," Star says with a smile on his face.

The two then continue to have their lunch. Star can notice the notebook Rainbow's been writing in today. Whenever Rainbow has something on her mind, she writes it down. However, Star is not sure what Rainbow is writing in the notebook of hers, but can tell it must be something special.

Star asks, "By the way, what you've been writing in your notebook?"

"Just trying to finish some of the song we can do for the school dance," Rainbow answers.

Rainbow opens to her notebook to one of the pages, and says, "This one I written just for myself."

"Can I see?" Star asks.

"Sure," Rainbow answers with a smile.

Rainbow passes Star her notebook, and Star takes a look at the song. Star reads the song, and starts to smile. Rainbow can tell that Star likes the song because of the expression on his face. What Rainbow is not aware of, is that her gem is starting to change into a light pink color, and her cheeks are blushing.

Star turns to Rainbow, and says, "I think it looks great, I'll bet I can come up with the music tone for it."

"Sounds wonderful," Rainbow replies.

It doesn't take long for the music tone to come up for both of them. They both put their heads together for the song and the kind of music the song should be. Star plays his guitars trying the match the tone while Rainbow writes the notes and scale that matches the lyrics. An hour later, Rainbow and Star are finish with the scale that the song should be, and they both want to try the song out.

Rainbow turns to Star with a smile, and asks, "Ready to try the song out?"

"Yeah," Star agrees with a grin on his face.

With that, Star starts to strum his guitar and plays a calm and relaxing melody. Hearing the que of the music, Rainbow starts to sing the lyrics to her song.

Rainbow Crystal:

Rainstorm over the ocean

Sunshine after the rain

Clouds rise up from the water

Nature's endless chain

As Rainbow sings and star plays his guitar, everyone hears the song and decide to take a look. For some reason it makes people happy hearing the song and how happy the two players are.

Rainbow Crystal:

The world keeps on spinning

From day into the night

From season to season

From darkness to light

While singing, Rainbow's crystal gem starts to glow yellow, meaning that she is happy and love to sing and be with Star a lot more.

Star Universe and Rainbow Crystal:

Our lives keep evolving

Through hope and despair

I can take all the changes

Knowing you're there

We're like the rivers

that join at the sea

Knowing you'll be there

Rainbow Crystal:

It's enough for me

It's enough for me

When Rainbow finishes singing, Star strums the last strings of his guitar. When the two finish playing their song, everyone around them start to clap with smiles on their faces. The two are kind of surprised because they haven't notice the crowd around them. They both smile and glad that the people love the song they play.

After their time together, they both walk back to Star's house. The two are very happy to have this wonderful time together. Star feels a bit nervous and think it will be a good time to give Rainbow a present and ask her his very important question. After some time walking they reach Star's house, and he knows it's the right time to ask Rainbow is very important question.

Star takes a deep breath, and shyly says, "Hey Rainbow."

"Yes Star," Rainbow replies.

Star feels like he is sweating bullets and is feeling like he is going to pop if he doesn't say something.

He then takes a box out, and nervously says, "I… I have… a present for you."

Rainbow smiles seeing the box and says, "That's sweet Star, you didn't have to do that."

"Well, I did wanted to," Star replies while his cheeks are blushing.

Star gives Rainbow the box, and she grabs hold of it. Rainbow opens the box to see a lovely bracelet that has a replica of a white water lily on it. The bracelet is a thick light blue strap of beads, and has a dark green lilypad under the flower.

"Oh Star, it's beautiful," Rainbow happily says.

Then Star says, "And there is something I really want to ask you."

"What is it?" Rainbow asks.

Star still feels nervous about asking, but it's now or never because of the event at their school will be happening very soon.

Star calms himself down, and asks, "Rainbow, I want to know… if you will go to the school dance with me?"

Rainbow is surprised to hear Star asking her out on a date to the school dance.

Rainbow shows a small and glad type of smile, and answers,"Yes, I would love to go to the dance with you."

Star smiles hearing Rainbow's acceptance. Rainbow then takes the bracelet out of the box and puts it on her wrist. Then the two give each other a comforting hug. It looks like the love between the two is starting to bloom even more. Now they are going to the school dance together, and can't wait to have a wonderful time together.

Author's Note:

It's Enough for Me by Fred and Daphne from Scooby Doo Stage Fright