• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 449 Views, 2 Comments

My Little Pony Equestria Girls The Crystal Girl - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Twilight and her only friend, Star Universe met a very special girl in a crystal gem.

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Chapter 7: A Day in the Lab

It's been a month since summer vacation has started. Twilight, Star, and Rainbow Crystal have been doing all kinds of activities for their time. The three have been going to the park, to the mall, and sometimes stay at home playing games, and band practice. Today, on a hot and sunny afternoon, Twilight has invited Rainbow Crstal to her house, not just for a visit, but she needs help with something important. It involves her walking into her lab that is in the backyard of her house. Rainbow walks over to Twilight's house, wearing a simply light blue dress with a yellow star in the middle, a small purse, and black sandals.

When she reaches to the front door of Twilight's lab door, and knocks on the door and says, "Twilight, are you here?"

The door open to reveal Twilight Sparkle. She is wearing a light purple tank top, a dark purple skirt with a magnet six pointed star with five white six pointed stars on one side, and pink sandals. She also has her hair in a ponytail, and she is holding a fan with her right hand.

"Hey Twilight, trying to keep cool," Rainbow says with a smile.

"Yeah. I never expected to have a really hot day in the summer," Twilight replies.

Rainbow Crystal laughs a bit and says, "Well it is summer, so there are gonna be really hot days. So Twilight, so this is like a secret lab or something."

"Not too secret. My mom, dad, spike, my brother, Cadence, and Star know about it, and now, you do too," Twilight replies

"Cool," Rainbow remarks.

Then Rainbow Crystal asks, "So what do you do in here?"

Twilight twiddle with her hair and says, "I do a lot of research and studying, and it's where I keep alot of my equipment."

With that the two girls including Spike the puppy walk into the room. When they gone in there, they can see that everything that Twilight describes is in there. There are some equipments, machines, event a laptop. It's like Twilight has her own personal laboratory in the room.

"Cool," Rainbow replies.

Then Rainbow asks, "So what is it you need? You told me on the phone that it's something that only I can help you with."

"Funny you should mention it, but I'm asking if I can do a few experiments, recording, testing, and ask question on and about you," Twilight replies looking a bit skeptic and embarrassed.

Rainbow Crystal arch her eyebrow with a confused look and questionably says, "About me?"

"I know it's much to ask, but ever since the recording Star got of you, and what you told us… I'm rather curious to learn more about you," Twilight explains, showing a weak smile.

"Oh is that all. I don't mind helping, but this isn't going to hurt… is it?" Rainbow asks with glee.

Twilight smiles back and says, "I promise it's not going to hurt. I do also want to absorb that crystal that is a part of you and your magic."

"Sure," Rainbow says nodding her head.

Agreeing to the idea, Twilight begins her research project with Rainbow Crystal. As her special test subject. Twilight fist ask many questions about her home world, her time there, and her other personal interest. Then Rainbow Crystal show Twilight's her magic abilities, and her magical gem on her chest, especially her magical archery bow and arrows that appear from her gem. Then Rainbow explain to her about magic and how ponies can do many things that are different from this world, even the fact that weather has to be changed by ponis and not on it's own like this world. After a few hours of research and recording, Twilight is able to get as much as she can, but still don't fully understand Rainbow Crystal and her magical abilities.

"I have to admit, I'm still don't have much of a clue about you or your magic, other than the fact that you're from another world," Twilight says looking a bit tired and her hair's a mess.

Rainbow Crystal giggles a bit, and says, "It's alright Twilight. One little advice that will be good for you to know."

"What's that?" Twilight asks.

"There are something you just can't figure out. Sometimes, there are thing that are what they are not matter how much you studied," Rainbow Crystal answers.

Twilight looks a bit surprised and says, "Wow! Those are good words to live by."

"Thanks. My old teacher Topaz Dagger told me that. He also trained students like me to fight and use our weapons and magic. He also gave me advice when I needed help," Rainbow says with a smile.

"Sounds like you have a cool teacher," Twilight complements.

"Yeah. But he can be a bit crabby sometimes," Rainbow adds with a smirk on his face.

Twilight laughs a bit at the remark.

She then gather up her notes and USB Drive and says, "Now that I got what I like to know for the time being, you want something to eat."

"Sure," Rainbow says.

After gathering up Twilight stuff, she and Rainbow Crystal go inside the house to have a snack, and one that will help cool them off. Twilight's mom has just made a cherry pie, and serve the girls and herself one. She then give them glasses of milk, and a scoop of ice cream on each pies. When the girls start to eat it, they think it's delicious and the ice cream and milk help keep them cool.

"This pie is delicious," Rainbow says with a smile on her face.

"Yeah. My mom makes the best cherry pie," Twilight adds.

Then Rainbow asks, "So what does your parents do for their career?"

"My father is a professor at a college and my mom is a book author," Twilight answers. She then have another piece of pie.

"Sounds interesting," Rainbow replies.

Just as they are enjoying their treat, Rainbow hears a loud barking sound. She turns to see little Spike is starting at her, wagging his tail, showing is puppy eyes, and holding out his tongue. Rainbow puts the dog and continues to eat, but Spike is trying to get on the table.

Twilight comes over, grabs on to Spike and says, "Oh no, there's none for you Spike.

"Oh, is he not allowed to have sweets?" Rainbow asks.

Twilight shakes her head as she rubs her dog's head and says, "Nope. We try to make sure he doesn't eat anything that might get him sick, especially people food."

"I understand," Rainbow replies.

Twilight walks away with Spike in her arms and says, "I'll bet Spike's hungry and really thirsty from the heat. I'll give him some food and drink and be right back."

"Okay," Rainbow answers.

With that, she continues to take Spike to the kitchen to give her dog something to eat. Rainbow Crystal looks around Twilight's living room, and she can see some photos of Twilight winning some educational awards, and trophies. From the looks of it, Twilight seems to be very eduction, including her lab is proof of it, but can tell from her appearance and skill that Twilight doesn't seem to be the athletics type.

Twilight walks back into the room and says, "Hope I didn't take to long."

"Don't worry you didn't take very long at all," Rainbow replies.

"That's good," Twilight says with a smile.

Then Rainbow says, "I have to say, you sure have a lot of trophies and certificates in your house."

"Yeah. Those are the awards I won in math-a-thons, science, fairs, spelling bees, and anything that involves educational programs," Twilight says while her cheeks are blushing.

"Yeah, but I notice you don't much trophies and awards for athletic. I also notices from your physical appearance that you don't exactly have athletic skills," Rainbow explains.

Twilight starts to feel a bit embarrassed about it, and wonder how Rainbow can tell just by looking at her.

Before she can answer, a familiar voice Twilight knows says, "That's because my little sister is not the type to be into sports, or not very good with them."

Twilight face turns red and screams, "Shining Armor!"

Shining Armor also walks into the living room to see the girls. Rainbow Crystal can recognize him from the photo of the school. The one what was with Star's older sister when they're in their high school days.

Shining Armor says, "Come on Twily, I know that sports are not your thing, but you should try some physical classes, especially since your grade in that class was a little shaky."

Twilight sighs and says, "I know, but I can't do sports. I always end up hurting myself or someone else, and some of the students in the class don't like it, and they end up hitting me with the ball."

In a firm tone Rainbow Crystal says, "I'm starting to get a feeling that the students of Crystal Prep don't like you very much."

"Yes," Twilight answers, hanging her head in sadness.

"But why?" Rainbow asks.

"It's because I'm the smartest student at the school, even with my physical education is kinda low, I'm still at the top student, and no one seems to like it," Twilight answers.

Rainbow wrap one of her arms around Twilight's shoulder and says, "Don't worry, Star is your friend and so and I, and we'll help you with your problem with the other students. Plus, I think you also found yourself a special physical education tutor."

"Who? Twilight asks.

"Me!" Rainbow answers.

Twilight looks at Rainbow with a confused look and says, "You?"

"Yeah. Remember I was a royal guard so using your brain and athletic skills is a must. I can help you train for the summer," Rainbow explains with a smile.

"Are you sure? You need to study for the entrance exam, and to see what P.E class you're taking," Twilight asks.

Rainbow smiles and says, "Don't worry, I still need to get my athletic skills into shape and training you will help with that. Plus we can do this together with Star."

"That sounds promising. You three will be helping each other and you get to hang out together," Shining Armor adds.

Then Rainbow asks, "So what do you say?"

Twilight starts to think about Rainbow suggestion. She does want to do better with P.E class, but still worried about the other students. Then again, Star and Rainbow Crystal is going to be there, and it might be possible that either one of them will be in her class.

Twilight nods her head with a smile and says, "It's a deal."

Rainbow and Twilight give each other a hi five,and are glad to help each other out. Shining Armor is happy to see that the two girls are becoming good friend. Twilight doesn't have that many friends, except for Star. Since Rainbow Crystal comes along, those two have been hanging out together doing some shopping, studying together, and other activities. He glad that Twilight has a great friend who is eager to help her. Of course, he also decide to help the girls with their physical skills during the summer, especially he told them he invited Garnet, Star, and their parents to the beach. They're going to have a lot of fun at the beach next week during the summer.

Author's Note:

The two girls are becoming great friends, and the two will be helping each other.