• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 448 Views, 2 Comments

My Little Pony Equestria Girls The Crystal Girl - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Twilight and her only friend, Star Universe met a very special girl in a crystal gem.

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Chapter 5: Musical Gem

The next day, Twilight and Star are out of school, and are ready to do one of the things they do best, their education in both learning and athletic education. Of course, as they do their own education, they are going to teach Rainbow Crystal the education, and to help her adjust to this world, and of have a good time. Of course, Star is planning on taking Rainbow to his band practice today, and then they are going to meet Twilight at the cafe to start her education for school.

Right now, Rainbow Crystal has just finished getting dressed. She is wearing some of Garnet old clothes, it's a simple blue colored dress, and black low heel shoes, and has a small handbag. She also has her hair in a pony tail. Rainbow feels glad to have met Twilight and Star, and is able to stay with his family.

Just then Star comes into the room and says, "Morning Rainbow, are you ready to hit the road?"

"Yes. I'm kind of interested to see your friends practice," Rainbow answers with a smile.

"Trust me, you are going to love it. We always rock at the Crystal Prep Fair," Star says with confidence.

Rainbow giggles a bit and says, "I'm looking forward to it."

Just then Star has an idea and says, "Hey, maybe you can sing a song, if you like?"

"I think I like that," Rainbow replies with a smile.

"Good. Let's hit the road before the others start to wonder where I am," Star says as she leaves the room.

Rainbow laughs a bit as she walk to the door, and says, "Okay."

After having everything ready, Rainbow and Star who is on his motorbike to his band practice at one of his friends house. He is kind of hoping that his friends will like Rainbow Crystal, since her mysterious appearance on the last day of school before summer vacation started. Then again, they always hoping something strange and exciting will happen, now seem to be their to see her.

Sometime later. Star and Rainbow Crystal are at their destination. Star knocks on the door, and then a boy opens the door. The boy has a brown tan skin, brown eyes, and teal blue hair. He is wearing a black shirt with a yellow thunderbolt on it, blue jeans, white shoes, and headphones around his neck.

Star says, "Hey Lightning, how are you doing, man?"

"I'm doing great. The others are getting their instruments read so you can come right in," Lighting says.

Then star says, "Rainbow this is my friend, and bassist of the band, Lighting Bolt. Lighting Bolt this is my new friend, Rainbow Crystal."

"Nice to meet you Rainbow," Lighting says.
"Nice to meet you too," Rainbow says.

Then Lighting says, "Come on in, we got music to make."

"You can say that again," Star replies.

With that, Star and rainbow enters the house, and Lighting is leading them to the backyard. They can see that two more people are at the yard too. There is a girl, who is at the drums. She has multi green color hair, a darker pink skin, yellow eyes with light blue eye shadow. She is wearing a magenta short sleeve shirt with green and yellow silhouettes of lemons all over it, light blue shorts, and pink tennis shoes. She is also wearing magenta headphones on her ears.

And a boy who is playing the keytar. He has light black hair, light bluish-gray skin, and he is wearing sunglasses. He is wearing a black shirt with a tie, black pants, a black belt with a three white star buckle on it, and black shoes.

The girls notice the three coming out of the house and says, "Hey dude, how's it hanging!"

"Great Lemon Zest. It good that we are off for the summer so we can practice some more," Star says.

Then he turns to the other boy and says, "Yo Neon Light,"

"Hey dude," Neon says.

Just then, the girl who is named Lemon Zest notices Rainbow Crystal, and asks, "Yo Star, who is she?"

Star knows who Lemon is talking about and explains, "Guys, this is Rainbow Crystal. She'll be staying at my house, and she'll be going to Crystal Prep with us at the end of summer. She is also going to be hearing us play. Plus if you don't mind I think you guys won't mind if she can sing with us."

"Rainbow Crystal, isn't she the one that mysteriously appeared at the school cafeteria?" Rainbow asks.

"Yeah. It caused quite a commotion at the school," Neon replies.

Star stares at them and answers, "Yes. She is. She's just a special girl from far away, so I expect you guys to be nice to her."

Lemon comes up to them and says, "Woah Star, I didn't mean to offend your friend or anything. I just want to say is that, she sure is a pretty cool girl to do something like that."

"You think that was cool?" Rainbow questionably asks.

"Well, we have to admit, this appearance surely caught us by surprise, but you sure know how to make an entrance at the school," Lighting replies seems impressed by it.

"Um, thank," Rainbow says looking confused.

Then Neon suggests, "How about we get to practicing and then we can talk about it from here?"

"Sounds good to me," Lemon says with excitement."

"I'm in," Star says.

After getting everything ready, Star and their friends are ready to play some amazing music. Rainbow Crystal is sitting on the table waiting for the band to play. She never see a band like this before, but she thinks it will be interesting.

Star informs loudly, "Alright, a one, two three, four!"

And with that, the band start to play some loud and exciting music. Rainbow Crystal has been listing to different kinds of music Star and his friends are playing. She seems to be interested in the music. She then grabs her notebook and starts to write some music lyrics on her own. Mostly for practice. After sometime, Star and his friends has just finished playing their music.

Rainbow claps with a smile on her face and says, "That was some fun music you played."

"Thanks. I'm glad you like our playing," Star says with a smile.

Lemon notice something on the table, and asks, "Yo Rainbow, what you got there?"

"This is just a song that i just wrote. I thought it might be a good idea to practice my writing while you play," Rainbow answers while writing on the paper.

"Let me see!" Lemon says while swiping the paper with eagerness.

Star, Lighting, Lemon, and Neon takes a look at the song Rainbow has written. They read the lyrics, and they seem to be interested in the song. They then have an idea about the song, and it's involved with Rainbow Crystal.

Star looks at Rainbow and says, "That's a great song Rainbow."

"Thanks Star, but I don't think it's too good," Rainbow says while blushing.

Lemon says, "Are you kidding, this song looks great!"

"Yeah. In fact, we just had an idea," Neon replies.

Rainbow is a bit confused about the idea the band member have in mind. Her question has been answers when she find herself with a microphone, and the others are with their instrument. Rainbow figures that she is going to be singing her song with the gang, but is not sure about it. Star also thinks it will be fun to record the music

"Guys, are you sure you want me to sing?" Rainbow asks looking unsure about the idea.

"Don't worry so much, you are going to rock," Lighting says with confidence.

"You'll do great," Star adds.

Rainbow smiles for receiving some confidence and says, "Okay, I'll give it a try.

Then Lemon Zest says, "Then let's play!"

With that, the crew start to play the song that will fit with the lyrics Rainbow had put together. Rainbow and Star stands close to the microphone and they both begin to sing.

Rainbow Crystal and Star Universe:

What can I do

For you?

What can I do

That no one else can do?

What can I do

For you?

What can I do

For you?

Rainbow Crystal:

Human man

You are so much fun

I hadn't planned

On finding you quite this entertaining

I like your band

Lemon Zest:


Rainbow Crystal:

And I like your song

I like the way

Human beings play

I like playing along


Rainbow Crystal and Star Universe:

What can I do

For you?

What can I do

That no one else can do?

What can I do

For you?

What can I do

For you?

After singing, Star start to do a guitar solo. Rainbow giggles a bit to hear him play and to look serious while doing it. Just then, Rainbow has an idea on how to make the video interesting. She starts to dance along to the music and her gem starts to make a rainbow blow. As the song continues, Rainbow Crystals gem glows so bright, that it causes her to become a shimmering crystal rainbow. Ad then continues to dance to the music.

Star and the others are astonished to see Rainbow's entire body is glowing just like a crystal, and it's coming from her gem. Rainbow continues to dance to the song. Just then the music ends, and Rainbow stops glowing right on que to see thyer one is in shock with their mouth wide open.

Star surprisingly screams with excitement, "I can't believe I got it all on video! What on earth was that?!"

"That is a special gem glow. I thought your video can use a little extra," Rainbow answers with a smile."

"Dude, that's like the awesomest thing I have ever seen!" Lemon shouts with amazement.

"Gotta say, you really are something else," Neon adds.

Just then Rainbow remember something and think ti will be a good idea to ask Star about it.

She turns to Star and asks, "By the way, what time are we supposed to meet Twilight?"

Star looks at his watch and answers, "Very soon, so we better get going."

"That's fine, we got a lot of practice today anyway," Lighting says.

"Yeah. I've got to meet the girls to at the skating rink anyway," Lemon Zest adds.

"Yeah. We better get going too," Rainbow replies.

With that, Star and Rainbow gather up their things and are heading to the cafe to meet Twilight. They sure have some fun at band practice today, and are really glad to have a great performance. Star can't wait to tell Twilight what Rainbow has done at band practice. Rainbow also like to talk to her about it too, and maybe to tell her more about her kind.

Author's Note:

What Can I do? By Tom Scharpling and Susan Egan: Steven Universe

Have to admit, this is one of my favorite songs from the series.