• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 893 Views, 6 Comments

Darkness Surrounding - Sigil Flare

Three humans are tranported to Equestia in it's time of need

  • ...

Chapter 9

“Sigil what are you doing?” asked Silver curiously “The palace is this way”

“I can't go Silver” said Sigil with a sigh

“Why not?” asked Silver

“Look at what I have caused Silver” said Sigil flailing his hoof “Ever since I showed up in their lives bad things have been happening. It's like I am cursed to be alone”

“You don't seriously believe that do you?” said Silver angrily “Without you Twilight would be dead right now!”

“At what cost?!” yelled Sigil back “At the life of an innocent. A dear friend even?” Sigil punched a building in frustration “Was it even worth it?”

“He volunteered himself willingly” said Silver “It was an honorable sacrifice. One worthy of praise and remembrance”

“Was it necessary though?” asked Sigil “Would it have happened if I had never showed up here?”

“I can't answer that” said Silver shaking his head “But I can tell you that everything happens for a reason. You were brought here for a reason Sigil”

“Was I brought here just to make everpony's life a living nightmare?” asked Sigil pacing back and forth in the alley they were standing in They were in between two buildings in the industrial district of Canterlot.

“No It is my belief that you are a good pony Sigil” said Silver “You were brought here to look over these ponies”

“Then why bring you here Silver?” asked Sigil angrily “You are a mage hunter and a sell sword. Why bring a mage hunter here if not to hunt a mage?”

“I do not know why I am here” said Silver nodding “This is true, but neither do you. Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions Sigil”

“How can you stand there and lecture me about this?” asked Sigil “You have more blood on your paws than I do”

“This is also true” said Silver “Which is why I know that somethings are out of our control. You need to do what needs to be done and face the consequences of your actions”

“That's real sweet coming from the son of The Fallen” said Sigil

“I'd rather you leave my father out of this” said Silver growling “That's a ghost long since buried”

“Whatever” said Sigil “Hate me too everyone else does” He ran off down the alley and into the street disappearing into the crowd “I'll keep my promise regardless” was his final words


Steam yawned as he awoke. He could feel warmth up against his stomach as he tightened his grip on the Alicorn laying next to him in bed. She let out a pleased sigh as she nuzzled his neck and tightened her grip. Steam could feel a slight breeze coming in from the open window and smelt the soft scent of morning dew on the wind.

“It's time to get up Tia” said Steam nuzzling her gently

“I don't want to get up yet” said Celestia with a yawn laying her head on Steams shoulder “I think morning can wait a bit more”

“Aren't you a princess Tia?” laughed Steam bopping her on the nose “Don't you have a job to do?”

“Says the laziest Stallion I know” giggled Celestia “Honestly you can be so cheesy sometimes”

“Why do people keep saying that” asked Steam confused

“I'm sure a smart colt like you will figure it out eventually” said Celestia kissing him on the cheek “I can't thank you enough for staying with me last night”

“It was no problem Tia” said Steam “What are friends for?”

“Yeah...” said Celestia sitting up with a sigh “Friends...”

“Tia are you alright?” asked Steam laying a hoof on her shoulder

“Does she love you?” asked Celestia laying her cheek on Steam's hoof

“Yes” said Steam “Thank you for mentioning her to Shining for me. It must have been hard for you”

“I wish things were different Rusty” said Celestia “She's not the only one who loves you”

“It would never work Tia. You know how lazy I am” said Steam scooting in closer to hug her from behind wrapping his hooves around her stomach “I couldn't handle that much responsibility”

“Why do I have to be a Princess?” asked Celestia putting her hooves on Steam's

“Because you are the correct one for the job Tia” said Steam giving her a squeeze “It's as simple as that”

“Your too sweet sometimes?” said Celestia with a chuckle“Do you know that?”

“You should tell Spitfire that” laughed Steam “She'd love to hear that coming from you Tia”

“I'm sure she would” said Celestia getting out of bed Steam stepped off the bed as well.

“Shall we go great the others” asked Steam walking to the door and opening it

“Yes Rusty let's great them together” said Celestia walking out after him and closing the door with a flash of her horn

They walked down the hallway together in silence for awhile. As they turned the corner Celestia extended her wing over Steam and pulled him closer to her.

“This won't be our last meeting Tia” said Steam “I'll be coming back to visit”

“I know I just wanted to give you something before I have to see you walk away again” said Celestia stepping in front of him

“What do you...” said Steam He was cut off when he felt Celestia press her lips to his. He tried to turn away but felt himself unable too . Even though she was his friend he couldn't help but feel something for the Princess.

Celestia pulled back with a smile and said “There you go”

“Do you do that for all of your friends?” said Steam with a chuckle

“Nope Rusty just for you” said Celestia nuzzling him Steam stepped away quickly and replied

“Well thank you old friend” he said with a smile “I'm sure I'll find some way to repay you for your kindness”

Twilight and Spitfire walk around the corner and trotted up to Steam and the Princess.

“Hello Princess” said Twilight happily nuzzling her mentor “Good morning Steam”

“Good morning Twilight” said Steam with a nod of his head “Hello Spitfire did you sleep well last night?”

“I had a good rest” replied Spitfire giving Steam a quizzical look “How did you sleep?”

“I had to share some memories with an old friend” said Steam with a smile “Nothing for you to worry about”

“Alright” said Spitfire trotting up to Steam and giving him a kiss “I know you wouldn't lie to me”

“The rest of them are waiting out front” said Twilight “we shouldn't keep them waiting”

“Let's get going” said Steam urging them onwards “Goodbye old friend. It was good seeing you again.”

“I agree old friend you should come by more often” said Celestia looking away as they turned the corner She didn't want them to see the tears in her eyes.

The three made their way outside and picked up the others. Once a head count was done they set out across town to Steam's warehouse. They were escorted by four royal guards two in front two in back. It was more for show than protection. As they walked past ponies stepped aside and let them through.

Rainbow loved the attention waving as if she was famous. Fluttershy on the other hoof tried to hide behind her exuberant marefriend. Vinyl was bouncing with each step her headphones over her ears. Octavia was having a formal conversation with Spitfire about how their mornings have gone. Steam was trying to answer Twilight's barrage of questions with little success.

“So where did you go for so many years? Why are you back? How many things have you invented?....” rambled Twilight wanting to know a little too much

“One question at a time please” begged Steam rubbing his forehead

“Oh sorry” said Twilight blushing from embarrassment “It's just your a famous gear-smith”

“is that what they're calling me these days?” laughed Steam “I'm just a normal pony like you. Just calm down and ask your questions”

“Alright” said Twilight nodding “Firstly where did you go for so many years?”

“All over the place actually” replied Steam “I was constantly on the move. I wanted be alone. I didn't care where or how. I ended up staying in Manehattan for two years before I bought an abandoned warehouse back here in Canterlot. Been there ever since.”

“Okay” said Twilight taking mental notes “Why did you leave in the first place? I heard it was an accident”

Steam let out a sigh as he walked “It happened four years ago. There was an explosion at my dormitory in Canterlot University. Octavia was inside it looking for me when it happened. She had heard about a bomb planted by a group called the Nightmares and had come to warn me. Unfortunately for her I wasn't there I had run out of scrap metal for my latest project and went to get some more from my shop teacher.”

“What happened then?” asked Twilight interested

“On my way back I ran into Vinyl. She was in a frenzy screaming that Octavia was in trouble. We hurried over to my dormitory but it was too late, the bomb went off. Fire coated what was remaining of the dorm. Vinyl was frozen in terror at the sight. Against my better judgment, I went inside the flaming building.”

“How bad was it?” asked Twilight a studious look on her face

“The inside of the building was a mess. Support columns were laying around and flames were spreading quickly. I ran through as fast as I could getting singed a little in the process screaming if anyone was there. I heard Tavi whimpering from inside one of the rooms.”

“Was she okay?” asked Twilight looking back at Octavia pleasantly chatting away

“She had been hit in the initial detonation.” replied Steam shaking his head “Her eyes had been seared. She was blinded. I picked her up and carried her out. On the way a pillar fell from the ceiling. I used my wings to catch it and fling it to the side. Doing so I caught my wings on fire. I didn't have time to put them out, nor the means to do so. I just bolted for the exit. Once I got outside I dropped off Octavia and tried to put out my wings”

“Is that how you got your metal wings?” asked Twilight curiously

“Yes” answered Steam nodding his head “After passing out from the pain, I woke in the school infirmary. They told me they had to amputate my wings, they were too damaged to repair even with magic. I was devastated. Later when I was on the go I met a traveling physician. He told me that the nerves my wings connected to still lived. So I built these to replace them.”

“What happened to Octavia?” asked Twilight practically begging

“Her eyes were burned beyond repair” said Steam looking back at his friend with his sightless gaze “The news destroyed her. She is a musician not just by trade but in heart. I couldn't let her lose her dreams because she was looking out for me.”

“What did you do?” asked Twilight lightly

“I gave her my eyes” said Steam pointing to his bandage

“Wow...” said Twilight looking down at her hooves “I didn't know all that. I'm sorry I asked”

“Nah It's no big deal” said Steam with a comforting smile “It happened four years ago. What's done is done. Never wish to undo your past, just try to fix your future.”

“I just don't get one thing” said Twilight confused “I know all this stuff happened too you, but I just don't see why if you would give your friend your eyes. Why would you just leave?”

“Because she took something I felt I couldn't live without.” said Steam looking at Twilight “Bones can mend and buildings can be rebuilt, but friendships and trust. These things are more difficult to repair. That is why I left. I needed a break from it all. I wanted to be alone so that no one could ever hurt me again”

“Its strange” thought Twilight “Even though I know he's blind I can't help but feel he can look straight through me. What else don't I know about this pony?”

“Why did you come back then If you wanted to be alone?” asked Twilight

“Because I finally realized that even though friendships can be a pain in your arse at times” said Steam “It are those friendships that make you strong enough to overcome what life has throw at you. All it took to get me too realize that was a little help from a special somepony.”

“Spitfire?” asked Twilight poking Steam with a hoof

“Yes” said Steam with an adoring sigh “She made me see things with a new light. I could never thank her enough for all she's done for me”

“Well you could always try” said Spitfire with a giggle trotting ahead to join Twilight and Steam

“Glad you could join us” said Steam smiling

“I'll always be at your side Steam” replied Spitfire “besides someone needed to tell you we're here”

“Ah yes” said Steam slowing his pace down rubbing the back of his neck with a hoof “I was too involved in conversation to notice. Thank you Spitfire”

“No problem” she said walking away to join the others near the entrance to the warehouse

Steam was very proud of his warehouse despite it's horrible appearance and cluttered interior. He had spent a good amount of time doing incredible things inside it's walls. One of which was now illuminated as if on display. It stood 35 tail length's tall and dwarfed the rest of Steam's inventions by a landslide.

“Steam is that?” asked Vinyl confused

“Yes Vinyl it is” answered Steam sitting back and sighing his sightless gaze scanning over his creation

It was a massive ship. It was 250 tail lengths wide by 300 tail length long. It seemed to be made out of plated brass and aluminum. Twilight looked closely and could see the rivets connecting each plate on the hull.

“Steam I thought you were never able to find the crash site?” asked Octavia looking at Steam “How ever did you find this”

“I never did” sighed Steam “The Falconer is still lost. I built this one in four years. It was much easier the second time.”

“Excuse me Steam” said Fluttershy quietly “but if it's not asking to much, what is this thing?”

“Everypony I would like to meet the Albatross” said Steam gesturing to the massive ship “It is an Airship of my own invention. It travels on the sea and in the air.”

“How does it do that?” asked Rainbow confused

“It would take way to long to explain” laughed Steam “Just have a little faith in the Albatross. I promise she won't disappoint”

“If you say so...” said Rainbow

“Everyone go on inside” said Steam pulling a lever on the side of the hull Everypony could hear the massive gears turning on the inside of the side as a staircase descended out of the side of the hull. Everypony besides Steam, Twilight and Rainbow climbed on inside. Vinyl and Octavia could be heard directing Spitfire and Fluttershy around the interior of the ship.

“Any reason you two stayed out here?” asked Steam

“Yeah” said Rainbow taking a few steps closer to Steam causing him to take a step back “Why is it that you and the Princess were all buddy buddy? I've never heard anypony call her an old friend before”

“I'm her most trusted student” said Twilight proudly “Even I don't call her that. I would like to know too”

“I've known the Princess for a very very long time.” said Steam casually “Probably longer than you two have been born”

“How long?” asked Twilight curiously

“Let me ask you this” said Steam slyly “How old do you think I am?”

“Maybe 30 years old?” said Rainbow thinking “Maybe 32”

“Thank you for that wonderful compliment Rainbow Dash” laughed Steam “but you are quite a ways off”

“Well then maybe you should tell us how old you actually are?” suggested Twilight

“What good would that do anyone?” said Steam with a smile “besides who doesn't like a little mystery now and then”

Before Twilight and Rainbow could get anymore out of him, a storm began to rage above their heads. It came out of nowhere. It looked as though a tornado had appeared on top of the Albatross. It began swirling around faster and faster shooting lightning off as it did so.

“That's no normal storm” said Rainbow “I've never seen anything like it”

“I have” said Twilight “It looks exactly like the one that brought Sigil here”

“Come on” said Steam spreading his wings As he did so the metal feathers he had separated and a third set unfolded extending his wings to full length. “We need to get to the deck and check it out. Twilight hop on my back”

Twilight hopped on to his back and wrapped her hooves around his neck. As Steam took off buffeting the air with his wings, the sheer force of the take off was like hitting a brick wall. Twilight struggled to stay on as he soared up to the deck. Through her squinting eyes Twilight saw Rainbow landing beside them as they hit the deck.

Twilight released her grip praising Celestia as her hooves hit the floor. The three looked up at the storm over their heads. It began to change into a dark purple color as it swirled faster. A glimmer caught Rainbow's eye as an object was launched from the center of the storm. It flew end over end as it fell towards the Albatross. It hit with a sickening crunch as it plunged itself into the deck.

“What is it?” asked Steam curiously stepping in to get a quick sniff It smelled metallic but it was not a metal he was familiar with.

“It's a sword” said Twilight startled “but it's bigger than any sword I've ever seen”

“Hey the storm is disappearing” said Rainbow pointing with her hoof The storm began to dissipate and soon disappeared as if it had never been there at all. They all looked at the sword with wonder. It stood 6 tail lengths tall with 3 more buried into the deck and it had to be half a tail length thick and a tail length wide.

“Who would use a sword this massive” asked Twilight critically “It seems a little ridiculous to me”

“Because you can't see how awesome this thing is” said Rainbow trotting over to it “Just look at it. So cool” she reached out and touched it's hilt with a hoof She instantly pulled it back screaming in pain. “Ouch that hurts” cried Rainbow shaking her injured hoof

“What just happened” asked Steam concerned “Are you all right Rainbow Dash?”

“Yeah I'm fine” said Rainbow casting her glance at the sword again “I don't know what just happened I touched the sword and it felt like fire was flowing over my hoof”

“I'd bet that that sword is cursed” said Twilight inspecting Rainbow's hoof “It didn't do any damage I can see, but I don't think we should try to touch that thing again with out figuring out more about it”

“Good thinking Twilight” said Steam scratching his muzzle with a hoof “But how are we going to get it out of the deck. We can't just leave it there, that would just be asking for trouble later.”

“I could see if I could levitate it out” said Twilight cautiously “I wouldn't physically be touching it”

“I wouldn't do that if I were you” said a snowy white stallion emerging from the shadows under the stairway behind them

“Who are you” asked Rainbow taking a defensive stance

“Wow Rainbow it's me Silverstreak” said the stallion “don't you recognize me?”

“Nice try but last time I checked Silverstreak is a wolf” said Rainbow

“Oh I almost forgot” said Silver facehoofing “A friend of yours cast an illusion on me to make me look like a pony. Couldn't be walking through town scaring everypony, you know?”

“He's telling the truth” said Steam catching his scent “He smells of meat. Tell tale wolf smell”

“How do you know a wolf Rainbow?” asked Twilight

“Silver is the same wolf that helped me fight that hydra back in Ponyville. Fluttershy helped him with his wounds after the fight.” replied Rainbow

“Ah you must be Twilight” said Silver looking at the violet unicorn with a smile “Sorry I didn't get the chance to introduce myself back in Ponyville. You left before I got the chance. Hey is there anyway you could get this illusion of of me?”

“Um.. sure let me see what I can do” replied Twilight unsure she wanted to She had read stories of wolves before, they weren't exactly happy endings. Her horn glowed and Silver began to shimmer and in a few seconds he was back to his normal Wolf self. “There you go. Which one of our friends did that Illusion? It was very well layered”

“Sigil Flare helped me out with it” said Silverstreak looking himself over “I have to say though I'll take being a wolf over a pony any day”

“You don't sound like any wolf I've ever met” said Steam “Who are you really?”

“Who is this?” asked Silverstreak curiously “A new friend?” He tried to look inside the stallions mind to only find a wall blocking him off from the ponies thoughts.

“You can stop trying to read my thoughts Kurt” said Steam with a sly smile “It's not my first encounter with a telepath.”

“You read my thoughts?” asked Silver shocked

“I can see your confused” said Steam with a chuckle “You see Silver when you try to read a “person's” thoughts as you believe you actually extend your mind to touch theirs and view their thoughts. So it was fairly easy for me to catch some of your mind when you attempted to read mine.”

“There is more to you than meets the eye isn't there” said Silverstreak with a smile

“Did you say person?” asked Twilight “Silver you wouldn't happen to be a human as well would you?”

“Not entirely no, but I am part human yes” replied Silverstreak “Why do you ask?”

“I wanted to ask you if you knew that Sigil was a human as well?” said Twilight's

“Yes I knew that Sigil was a human” said Silverstreak licking his paw “Probably by the way he didn't run in terror when I talked to him.”

“Did you know him before he was a pony?” asked Twilight curiously

“You could say that” said Silverstreak licking his paw swiftly “I was just talking to him a moment ago.”

“Do you know where he is now?” Twilight asked

“No I'm sorry I don't. He ran away from me. Said something about keeping his promise as he was running off” said Silverstreak “I didn't give chase because this caught my attention” He pointed a paw at the sword dug into the deck

Silver walked over and went to grab the sword's handle in his mouth.

“Silver don't touch it!” yelled Rainbow trying to stop him “It's cursed”

Silver chomped down on the handle of the sword and heaved it out of the deck. He seemed unphased like he wasn't even effected by the same pain that hurt Rainbow. He swung the sword a few times experimentally before laying it down on the floor at his paws.

“It's not cursed Rainbow” said Silverstreak calmly “At least not for me”

“That's your sword isn't it?” said Steam “That's why you aren't affected by it's enchantment”

“Another brilliant deduction” said Silverstreak with a smile “I'm starting to take a liking to you. What's your name?”

“I am Steam Gear” replied the rust haired Pegasus with a curt bow

“Why does your sword do that to other ponies” asked Rainbow angrily “It really hurts”

“This sword was forged nearly 1500 years ago by the greatest sword smith ever known. It's power was so feared that a group of magician's cursed the blade to only be able to be wielded by one person.” said Silverstreak

“But certainly your not 1500 years old” said Twilight “How did you get it?”

“I got it from killing it's previous wielder” said Silverstreak “And it will go to whomever kills me. That is how it works”

“Does your sword have a name?” asked Rainbow excited “Surely if it's so powerful it will have a really awesome name!”

“This swords original name I couldn't possibly pronounce even if I tried” said Silverstreak running a paw down it's blade “I call it The Oathbreaker”

“That is so cool!” said Rainbow staring at the sword

“So what are you going to do now Silver?” asked Steam “You have your sword”

“I was sort of hoping I could hang with you” said Silverstreak “I don't really know anypony else around here”

“Sure thing Silver you can hang with us it'll be awesome to have you on board” said Rainbow giving him a hoof to paw bump

“As Captain of this ship” said Steam authoritatively “I would like to welcome you aboard the Albatross”

“I hope I can be of some help” said Silverstreak shaking Steam's hoof

“Come on everypony” said Steam ushering them below deck “We should join the others before they wonder where we've gone”

They went down below decks Steam in the lead. As they descended the spiral staircase the got to see some of the internal workings of the ship. It had a ton of steam blocking the heart of it's workings from view but what they could see blew their minds. The gears that were turning were bigger than some of the houses of Ponyville.

“How did you build this?” asked Rainbow jaw dropping

“It wasn't easy let me tell you” said Steam with a chuckle “but I'm stronger than I look”

“You just get more interesting every minute” said Silverstreak “glad I could stick around”

They passed down another floor and were met with a vast hallway of the same riveted brass and aluminum as the outside. It had doors going down it on each side. Looking down to the end of the hallway they saw their friends. As they approached they were given very awkward looks.

“Um.. okay” started Vinyl “Any reason you have a bucking wolf behind you with a ridiculously over sized sword?”

“This is Silverstreak” said Steam patting the wolf on his shoulder “He will be joining us on our voyage”

“I hate to say this Steam” said Octavia “but are you sure it's a good idea to bring a wolf on board a ship with a bunch of ponies?”

“Silver isn't really a wolf” said Twilight “He's a human from another world”

“Oh not this again” said Vinyl “I thought It was just Lyra who was crazy, but now it's the Princess's own student too!”

“I'm not crazy!” said Twilight “It's the truth”

“Vinyl that was very rude” scolded Octavia turning a soft expression on Twilight “I'm sorry about that I'm sure your quite right. It's just that Vinyl's friend Lyra keeps going on and on about humans”

“Well I'm sorry to burst your bubble everypony but I am a human and a Wolf” said Silverstreak

“Your what?” asked Rainbow confused “how is that possible?”

“I am the last of a species called the Tr'dal. We are half human and half wolf.” said Silverstreak

“Still think It's a bad idea” said Vinyl loudly“He eats meat. We're meat!”

“I don't eat only meat” said Silverstreak “Besides I've never liked the taste of pony. To chewy”

“He's practically saying he's eaten a pony before!” said Vinyl a worried look on her face “Your letting him stay on board after that?!”

“Silverstreak?” said Fluttershy poking her head out of a doorway

“Fluttershy” said Silverstreak with a smile “How good to see you again”

“Did you really eat a pony?” asked Fluttershy looking up at the wolf a fearful look in her eye

“Yes” said Silverstreak “Where I come from ponies don't talk. They don't build houses or fantastical flying airships either. They are just an animal for us to eat like cows and chickens.”

“Oh...” said Fluttershy looking down at her hooves

“But I have to say now that I have talked to some ponies” said Silverstreak “I will never eat another pony ever.”

“So you have eaten a pony!” yelled Vinyl in triumph “Steam please tell me your kicking him off the ship now”

“Vinyl” said Silverstreak walking over to her Vinyl's head only came to Silver's shoulder. He towered over her a blank expression on his face. “Let me ask you a question. Your hungry, out of money, wounded badly. If you don't find something to eat you are going to die. The only thing close by for you to eat is a pony. What would you do?”

“I...I don't know” replied Vinyl taking a step back from Silver

“I hope you never have too” said Silverstreak walking back to sit beside Steam

“Well I'd say after that performance we all need something to eat” said Steam clacking his hooves together “Everyone follow me to the dining room and we can get lunch started”

“Alright food” cheered everypony except for Vinyl and Octavia They stayed behind as the rest of them walked off towards the dining room.

“Are you okay Vinyl?” Octavia nuzzling her marefriend worriedly

“I'm fine Tavi” said Vinyl shaking her head getting a grip on herself “I just wasn't ready for that sort of thing you know?”

“None of us were Vinyl” said Octavia comfortingly “But come on it's time for lunch”

“I don't think I'll be able to eat much right now Tavi” said Vinyl trotting alongside her marefriend

“No worries” giggled Octavia bumping her marefriend's flanks with her's “I don't think anypony would blame you”