• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 894 Views, 6 Comments

Darkness Surrounding - Sigil Flare

Three humans are tranported to Equestia in it's time of need

  • ...

Chapter 5

Vinyl yawned as she got out of bed. She reached over to her bedside table the oak feeling cold to her hoof. Finding her target she grasped a familiar pair of Aviator goggles and placed them upon her head. Standing up on all four hooves she shook herself to get rid of the leftover drowsiness. She then walked into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror.

Seeing her white fur shine in the reflection of the mirror she smiled. She then ran a hoof through her frazzled blue hair getting it to fall in that hap-hazard way it always does. Satisfied with her appearance she gave a quick smirk at her double quarter note emblazoned on her flank. She looked over her shoulder as a groaning sound came from the other room.

Walking back into the bedroom Vinyl saw a lump under the sheets of her bed. Walking over she prodded it with a hoof. It rolled over taking more of the sheets with it only to pull some up over it's self and mumble something. Vinyl smiled at this.

“Hey wake up” she said again poking a bit harder this time This was met with more shifting of covers and another muffled response. The shifting of the covers had revealed to Vinyl a pair of ash colored haunches emblazoned with a treble cleft. “Take the bed out of your mouth” giggled Vinyl “Then maybe I can hear you” She took a seat on the bed next to her friend and pulled the covers off of her to reveal a pair of lavender eyes and a soft smile.

“Why do we have to get up Vi?” said the earth pony innocently “Why can't you come back to bed with me?”

Vinyl ran her hoof across her marefriend's cheek and replied “I really wish I could Tavi, but you know I have a gig today”

“But that isn't even till this afternoon?” asked Tavi putting a hoof around Vinyl slowly pulling her down towards the bed “It's not like you'll be late. Not that you'd care” Octavia giggled to herself

“What about that interview with Photo Finish?” asked Vinyl slowly moving her head towards Octavia's

“Oh Celestia forbid” over dramatized Octavia “Vinyl Scratch not showing up to a magazine interview. What is the world coming to?”

“If I didn't know any better I would think you were making fun of me?” said Vinyl her lips almost touching Octavia's

“No I just know my DJ” said Octavia as their lips met

All of Vinyl's thoughts about going early and setting up the equipment for her gig herself simply vanished. She brought her head down and turned it slightly as she met Octavia's passionate advancements. Octavia wrapped her fore-hooves around Vinyl and brought her closer. Vinyl shifted her position so that her haunches were between Octavia's.

“and I know my Cellist” said Vinyl breaking the kiss long enough to catch her breath before diving back in Vinyl was about to go further when the goggles fell off of her head in front of her. Staring at them she slowed her advances on her marefriend and sat up.

“Vi what's wrong” asked Octavia placing a hoof on her DJ's chest in concern

“Just thinking” replied Vinyl picking up the goggles and placing them back on her head

“About what?” asked Octavia sweetly running a hoof through her hair

“About four years ago...” replied Vinyl with a sigh

“We've been over this Vi” said Octavia with a sigh “It wasn't your fault, you did everything you could”

“I just can't help feeling I could have done something” said Vinyl a sad tone in her voice “I just felt so worthless”

“Your not worthless Vi” said Octavia sitting up next to her marefriend nuzzling her comfortingly “Your priceless”

“I guess your right Tavi” said Vinyl nuzzling her back “I just wish I could repay him”

“He knew the risks involved when he did it” said Octavia gently “It was his choice. He gave us our life together”

“That's true” said Vinyl a little happier She planted a kiss on Octavia's cheek before adding “Steam was never one to just jump into things he always thought them through first”

“There's the confidence I'm used to hearing” said Octavia with a adoring sigh She rested her head on Vinyl's shoulder as they sat there enjoy each others company. It was soon interrupted by a knock on their door.

“Who could that be?” asked Vinyl getting up to answer it Her horn glowed as the knob glowed. “Who is it she asked?”

“It's Fleetfoot” replied the Stallion outside the door As it opened he stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

“What's the matter?” asked Octavia curiously “I didn't know you did home deliveries?”

“I don't, but this is special” said Fleetfoot addressing them both “This message is from Princess Celestia herself”

“What does the Princess want with us?” asked Vinyl curiously

“Please not another garden party” prayed Octavia silently

“I'll cut to the chase you two” said Fleetfoot seriously “The princess requires your services not as musicians, but as soldiers once again”

“What are you talking about?” asked Octavia nervously “we were never soldiers...”

“Don't give me that crap” said Fleetfoot no humor in his voice “I know about the incidents in Canterlot University four years ago. I know that you two were involved and The Princess is asking for your assistance once again.”

“How do you know about all of that?” asked Vinyl angrily “we never told you?”

“That's not important right now” said Fleetfoot dismissively “What is important is that you come to Equestria's aid once more”

“We told the Princess that we didn't want to do that sort of stuff anymore” yelled Vinyl “How dare she disrespect us like that”

“Vinyl stop it your going to get us in trouble” said Octavia wrapping a hoof around her shoulders

“The Princess regrets asking you to do this but she has no choice” said Fleetfoot shaking his head “Equestria faces a threat the size of which has never been seen”

“Is it really that bad?” asked Octavia getting a little worried “What about the elements of harmony? Can't they do something about it?”

“The elements have been considered but even their combined strength will not be enough to stop the coming darkness” said Fleetfoot in a sad tone “I'm afraid you are needed now more than ever.”

“Man this sucks” murmured Vinyl thinking to herself “hold on you said you two. What about Steam?”

“We have tried to contact Mr. Gear but he will not answer” replied Fleetfoot “We were hoping you could do something about that”

“I wish I could” said Vinyl sadly “but, I don't even know where to begin to look”

“Last thing I heard” said Fleetfoot with a smile “Mr. Gear was locked up inside of an abandoned warehouse on the south side of Canterlot.”

“Are you serious?” asked Vinyl a glimmer of hope appearing in her eyes

“Yes Mam” replied Fleetfoot with a salute “I expect to see you all at the palace before sun down today” With that said he walked out the door closing it behind him.

“Tavi did you hear that?!” asked Vinyl excited “We know where Steam is!”

“Vi do you think it's a good idea to just walk in on him?” asked Octavia shifting uneasily on her hooves “He may not be happy to see us”

“This is Steam we are talking about Tavi” Vinyl shot back “He's our friend of course he'll be glad to see us” Vinyl walked to her door opened it and gestured for Octavia to go first. They stepped out into the street and closed the door behind themselves.

Vinyl kept close to Octavia as they walked down the street together, occasionally bumping flanks. Someponies gave them odd looks as they walked along, but it didn't bother them. It was a good hours walk until they found what they were looking for.

At first glance it seemed to be a giant stone building which hadn't been used in what seemed like years, but upon closer inspection the door was unlocked. The windows were also opened halfway. Some of the vines covering the stone walls on the outside had been cut away recently. Most important however was that a plume of smoke was coming out of the tall brick chimney on the top of the warehouse.

“This looks like the place” said Vinyl walking up to the door and knocking

“Are you sure?” asked Octavia nervously twirling her hoof on the ground

“Positive” replied Vinyl looking over her shoulder and smiling at her nervous companion “He just needs to answer the door” After waiting for about five minutes there is no reply. Vinyl decides to check and see if it's locked. Her magic surrounds the door knob and it swings open easily.

Stepping inside Vinyl starts to gag. There was a noticeable amount of steam in the air. It had a metallic smell to it that made Vinyl cringe.

“Vi” said Octavia weakly “I think I'll stay out here and make sure you can find your way out”

Vinyl was about to make a snappy comeback until she put on her goggles and got a better look at the interior of the warehouse. It was like a wasteland of dead and forgotten machines. Metal laid everywhere haphazardly with no real rhyme or reason. “Good idea Tavi” said Vinyl with a cough “I'll holler if I need help”

Vinyl stepped carefully through the rubble trying not to cut her hooves up on the loose metal scattered on the floor. It took a while but she finally found a staircase that lead up to a small room overlooking the main floor. She trotted quickly up the staircase and over to the door into what she now believed to be the old Foreman's office. She went to open the door but froze when a voice asked from the other side

“What do you want?”

“Steam is that you?” asked Vinyl hopefully

“How do you know my name?” asked the voice curiously Vinyl could hear hoofsteps from the other side of the door now.

“It's me Steam” said Vinyl “It's Vinyl Scratch”

“Vinyl?” asked Steam “What are you doing here?”

“Looking for you of course” replied Vinyl opening the door “I've wanted to see you....” Vinyl stopped in her tracks Standing in front of her was the same stallion from four years ago. The same rust colored fur except grease stained. The same red hair except it was much longer and looked unkempt. Two things she noticed were very wrong. Where his once bright blue eyes were was a dirty strip of clothe wrapped around his head. Also his feathery wings were replaced by metal ones.

“Oh did you really?” asked Steam sarcasticly sitting on his haunches “I wish I could see you”

“Steam what happened to you?” asked Vinyl confused

“I'm not surprised you don't remember Vinyl” said Steam nonchalantly “After all it was four years ago. When my workshop burnt down and “Octavia” he practically spit her name out “was caught inside I went back in after her. As a result she lost her eyes and I lost my wings”

“I remember that but..” started Vinyl starring wide-eyed at her old friendliest

“At the hospital when I awoke I woke up to find myself alone” continued Steam anger creeping into his voice “Where was my friend at. Where was my dear Vinyl Scratch? You were with Her!”

“What are you talking about?” asked Vinyl shying away from Steam a little scared

“I'm talking about you picking her over me!” yelled Steam losing his temper for a bit

“I told you Steam your like my brother” said Vinyl trying to calm him down

“I gave her my sight” said Steam darkly “In hopes that in appreciation you would pick me over her. I can see now I was wrong. That I was nothing compared to her.”

“Steam..” mumbled Vinyl not knowing what else to say

“I have lived in nothingness for so long Vinyl.” said Steam “The only thing that kept me going was my hope that one day you would come for me. I learned soon however that you would not. My heart broke on that day, and has since been wrought in cold steel”

“Steam I'm right here I did come for you” said Vinyl taking a step towards him

Steam stood up and walked over to the window overlooking the workshop floor. “Yes but you only came because someone asked you too” he said harshly “Isn't that right? You are here to persuade me to meet with you and “her” at the palace tonight correct?”

“Well ya, but...” admitted Vinyl

“Then your effort is wasted” said Steam cutting her off mid sentence “I see no reason I should help you fight the coming darkness. For I have no light left in me”

“Steam don't say that” said Vinyl in shock

“It's true isn't it?” asked Steam motioning to himself “I have lived in a void of nothingness for four years. FOUR YEARS! Even darkness has to have light Vinyl. All I have is nothing and it is what I will live with the rest of my life. Just look at me!”

Vinyl could not believe what she was hearing. Steam ,the stallion she had gone on so many adventures with, the one person who's motto was forgive and forget, to live and fight on, had given up. It tore a hole in Vinyl's heart. She looked at her friend for a moment before she removed her goggles from her head.

“My old friend gave me these” Vinyl said in a pained voice “He told me that no matter what happens. No matter what troubles arise or what other ponies say. Nothing can stand in the way of your dreams, as long as you are willing to fight for them”

“Words of a fool” said Steam not daring to look into Vinyl's eyes

“He also had another motto” said Vinyl placing the goggles on the floor next to Steam “He always said ponies deserve a second chance. That we should forgive them their past mistakes and try to help them improve themselves. I think it's time for you to forgive yourself Steam. Before it's to late”

With that said Vinyl walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. Steam heard her hoofsteps as she walked away. He reached down where the object had been laid next to him. Upon lifting it he found it to be familiar. He moved it around in his hooves and found it to be a piece of head-ware. Putting his hoof inside he could feel an inscription.

It read “Property of my best friend Steam Gear. I don't know where he is or if he is still alive. But I know this. Wherever he is, whatever he is doing, nothing will stop him from following his dreams. I know he will be alright, because nothing can keep him down. I won't stop looking for him, this promise I make to myself. I wish I could have been there for him when he needed me most. Your friend always Vinyl Scratch.”

Steam started to put it down when he heard an unfamiliar sound. It was like small drops of water hitting the ground. It was accompanied by huge intakes of air. The bitter taste of sadness and regret stung the air. Steam knew what this was. It was the sound of tears of a broken pony. The sound of it brought Steam no joy.

Vinyl cried into Octavia's chest freely, letting out all of her shattered hopes and dreams. Octavia wrapped her hooves around her marefriend and squeezed her gently.

“What's wrong?” asked Octavia nuzzling Vinyl warmly

“Steam is gone Tavi” mumbled Vinyl through her tears “He is not the pony we once knew”

“Oh Vi I'm sure he's still in there somewhere” said Octavia trying to cheer Vinyl up “Would you like me to go talk with him?”

“No” said Vinyl “He holds a grudge against you Tavi. He says that you stole me from him”

“That's ridiculous” said Octavia giggling “I cannot steal that which he did not possess.”

“What?” asked Vinyl confused by Octavia's use of big words

“It means that you're my DJ Vi” said Octavia giving the unicorn a kiss on the cheek “and always will be”

“Thanks Tavi” said Vinyl her tears ebbing and coming to a stop

“Now I will go have a word with our friend” said Octavia gently She released Vinyl from her embrace and walked into the warehouse. She found the path quite easily and trotted up the stairs to the Foreman's office. She neatly wrapped on the door.

“Go away” yelled Steam from the other side

“I'm here to talk” said Octavia “I want to see you”

“Oh well isn't it funny how you can see?” said Steam sarcasticly

“It's not funny it's dreadful” replied Octavia “I want to thank you for what you've done for me”

“It's alright I don't have anything left you can take from me” said Steam harshly

“I didn't take anything from you Steam” yelled Octavia “Your my friend”

“I live in agony because of you” yelled Steam “How can you possibly still consider yourself my friend?”

“Because I know you Steam” said Octavia “I know you love Vinyl. So do I. I did not take her away from you. She chose me on her own free will”

“Thanks that makes me feel so much better” said Steam sarcasticly

Octavia had had enough of this. Her temper was spiking and that's not good. “Steam listen to me Vinyl came here because she missed her friend. Her best friend. She has not been able to forgive herself for not doing anything to help you four years ago”

“She seems fine to me” replied Steam bluntly

That was the last straw. Octavia pulled her hoof back. “You can yell at me, you can tell me my music is bad, but if you do anything to hurt my Vinyl” thought Octavia as her hoof hit the door blowing it off it's hinges and slamming it against the wall across the room “I'll kill you”

“Now look what you've done” said Steam now sitting on a stool at his desk “You've gone and done broken my favorite door”

“What is wrong with you?” screamed Octavia her temper rising once more

“You're the one getting upset?” said Steam turning to face her

“Vinyl came here for you!” yelled Octavia holding herself back from bucking his head off his shoulders “She came here to see you and reunite with her old friend Steam. The one she had been fond of. The one she always talks about. The one she used to call brother”

“So she didn't come here to talk me into going to the palace tonight?” said Steam smartly

“You of all people Steam should know Vinyl well enough to realize she doesn't give a buck about that or anything else the Princess's want.” said Octavia angrily calming herself down “She came here for one reason only: to see you again”

“Then why are you here?” asked Steam curiously deliberately steering the conversation a different direction

“Because you are my friend Steam” said Octavia “But more importantly to talk some sense into you. You made Vinyl cry Steam. CRY!”

“I know” said Steam his ears drooping a bit then instantly fixing themselves making it seem to Octavia he's hiding something “But what I said is what I meant. She deserved no less than the truth”

“Do you feel nothing for her?” asked Octavia “She's is your best friend Steam surely you know that”

“Octavia” said Steam seriously “I have felt nothing for a long time”

“Steam..” said Octavia shocked

“I would like you to leave my home now” asked Steam politely “you have given me things to consider”

“I will leave” said Octavia turning to leave “but only because my friend asked me to” she threw back over her shoulder

As Octavia trotted away her hoofsteps becoming more distant, Steam sat at his desk his mind spinning. “Maybe I was wrong?” he thought to himself as he grabbed a blank blueprint off his desk and set it in front of him “Vinyl did choose who she wanted”

Steam stared into the nothingness as he battled his thoughts. He came to a conclusion once he started drawing his next machine. “I think I will go and see what will come of tonight. Maybe me going to the palace will answer my questions” he heard a kawkaw sound from behind him “Welcome back Talon” Steam said greeting his pet falcon. From the sound of it's landing he realized it was on his desk slightly to his left.

He reached his hoof out and patted the falcon's head. It nuzzled his hoof and then dropped a small metallic object on the desk.

“Is this for me?” asked Steam curiously hoofing over the device Talon let out a kawkaw and ruffled his feathers. Steam set it on the desk and pressed a small button on the side. A small click sounded and a voice came from the box.

“Dear Mr. Gear” the voice said “On behalf of our Princesses we do wish your presence at the Palace this evening before sunset. We do apologize for such an informal invitation but the situation is dire and we could find no other way to contact you. Your falcon was located and our message has hopefully been delivered. It is in this time of need we need brilliant ponies such as yourself to come to Equestria's aid once again.”

“Alright I don't need to hear anymore” said Steam about to turn it off

“Noting your “condition” we have sent you an escort. She is to meet you outside your warehouse 30 minutes before sunset. Wishing you well, Shining Armor”

“Shining Armor?” said Steam picking up the device in his hoof and tossing it in the trash can “I remember that name” Indeed he did. He knew Shining armor all the way back from his days at Canterlot University. He had been a class ahead of him, but he had been his roommate for two years.

Talon kawkawed again bringing Steam back to the present. “If Shining is sending an escort,” said Steam “There will be no hiding this time. He's not one to do half of a job” Steam trotted over to his workbench and picked up his saddlebag. He threw in some pencils, a dozen blueprints, and A bag of feed for Talon. He started fro the door but remembered something.

Turning around he took out a key from inside his jacket pocket and inserted into a bronze trimmed chest on the far side of the room. Inside there were three odd shaped metallic objects. He took them out and careful put each one into his saddlebag. He then took the goggles Vinyl had left on his desk and put them on his head. He felt a strange sensation doing this, it felt somewhat right.

Opening his door he walked on the catwalk till he reached twenty hoofsteps and then trotted down the stairs. He then wrapped his forehoof on the piece of metal to his right and waited for the echo to pass. He then picked his way through the room remembering where the differences in echo laid. Upon reaching the front door he took a long breath of air. It had been quite sometime since he'd left his warehouse.

He opened the door and felt the air rush in, a gentle breeze on Steam's face. He walked outside and found it to be a little cold. He felt an odd sensation on his fur. It felt as if he was being rained on with warmth. He could hear the small talk of ponies coming from farther down the street. Somepony stole an apple. Some other pony's hat doesn't fit. Steam sat down next to his door and raised his foreleg so that talon could rest his wings for a bit.

As he laid his head back against the stone wall. He heard hoofsteps coming towards him.

“Oh hello” said the Pony stopping and looking at him Steam didn't answer “Are you okay?” asked the pony taking a step closer

“I'm fine” replied Steam firmly

“Are you sure?” asked the pony in a gentle voice Steam heard a set of wings flutter, obviously this pony was a pegasus as well. Steam shuffled against the wall bringing his metal wings fully out of view “Do you need help getting some where?”

“No I'm just waiting for somepony” said Steam placing his free hoof behind his head

“It's just that I can see...” started the pony in an obviously feminine tone

“Yes you can see” said Steam harshly “That's wonderful for you. I may be blind but at least I don't try to make other ponies feel sorry for me. If I need help I'll ask somepony for it” Talon chose this moment to launch into the air. Seemingly escaping from the situation until it cools down.

“O-oh I see” said the pony beginning to retreat backwards “Well I guess I'll be going then”

“Hey Shy what's up?” asked a second voice more brash than the first one Steam hadn't noticed it coming when he was yelling at the pegasus.

“She was insinuating that I was helpless” said Steam nonchalantly

“N-no I didn't mean it like that” said Shy softly

“Hey just who do you think you are talking that way to my friend?” asked the other pony A pegasus Steam noticed by the ruffle of feathers.

“Who do you think I am?” asked Steam sarcastically “I don't even know who you are”

“My name is Rainbow Dash” said the second pegasus proudly “Fastest flier in all of Equestria. This here is my friend Fluttershy” Steam assumed that meant the other Pegasus

“Is that supposed to mean something to me?” asked Steam curiously as if he was looking for a medal of some kind “Do you have a badge?”

“Dashy” said Fluttershy putting her hoof on Rainbow's shoulder “Maybe we should just go?”

“Yes perhaps you should go and leave a stallion to rest” said Steam shifting to a more comfortable position

“What is wrong with you” asked Rainbow dumbfounded

“I'm blind” replied Steam with a chuckle “Or did you not notice?”

“I meant your head feather brain” said Rainbow taking a step closer

Steam looked to his left as he heard another pair of hoofsteps come closer. It was followed by a familiar scent. It smelled slightly of cinnamon.

“What's going on here” asked the new pony

“Spi-Spitfire?” said Rainbow jaw dropping “What are you doing here?”

“I could say the same for you Dash” replied Spitfire casually

“This feather brain was picking on my friend” accused Rainbow

“Feather brain huh?” said Spitfire with a laugh “This one?” Steam could only imagine the look on her face seeing him this way.

“Oh quiet Spits” replied Steam giving her the equivalent to a glare

“Spits?” mimicked Rainbow her jaw dropping “You know each other?”

“Yeah me and this feather brain go way back” said Spitfire trotting over to Steam and patting his head with a hoof “Although I don't remember him looking quite so grungy”

“Spits why are you here?” asked Steam batting away her hoof “It's been four years since we last met”

“Don't say it like that” said Spitfire in a fake hurt tone “After all you had a crush on me didn't you?”

“Spits!” yelled Steam standing up quickly his metal wings unfolding “You know that's not true!”

“Then why get so defensive all of a sudden?” asked Spitfire knowingly bopping him on the nose with her hoof “Also what's up with the new wings? I don't remember you having those”

“What the buck is that?” asked Rainbow noticing the metal wings as well They were sharp and definitely shaped to look like wings, but they seemed to be connected directly to his back there was no harness of any kind.

“They're called wings” said Steam angrily casting his gaze over all three of them “Do you have a problem with them?”

“Its just that they are um” said Fluttershy nervously

“Metal?” suggested Spitfire with a giggle

“Yeah” said Fluttershy “metal..”

“I am a pegasus after all” said Steam folding his wings back against his sides, locking them there with a click “Even a feather brain would know I need wings. Now can we drop the topic?”

“Sure but just who is this feather brain Spitfire” asked Rainbow

“This feather brain is non other than Steam Gear” replied Spitfire stepping in beside Steam wrapping her hoof around his shoulders

“The Steam Gear?!” asked Rainbow in shock “The same Steam Gear who made your wonder suits?”

“All I did was make them lightning proof” said Steam “I don't deserve all the credit”

“Yeah but that has saved my flank more times than I can count Steam” said Spitfire hugging Steam this admittedly made Steam feel a little weird. He could feel her mane on his face and smell that familiar cinnamon scent on her. He breathed in deeply getting a warm feeling in his chest.

“U-um Spitfire” asked Fluttershy shyly

“Hmm” replied Spitfire looking in her direction, doing so swept her mane out of Steam's face

“W-what are you doing here” asked Fluttershy lowering her gaze “If that's okay to ask”

“Oh I almost forgot” said Spitfire letting go of Steam “I have to take Steam to the palace before sundown for a meeting of some kind”

“No way” said Rainbow in disbelief “We have to go to the palace before sundown too”

“Seems like we're headed in the same direction” said Spitfire hitting Steam in the shoulder playfully “Though I suppose I should get Steam here cleaned up a bit before I take him to see the palace. He smells kind of funny”

“Now that you mention it he does smell kinda rank” said Rainbow placing a hoof over her nose

“You don't smell like sunshine either” grumbled Steam

“We'll meet you two later alright” said Spitfire pulling on Steam's jacket leading him away from the other two

“Alright Spitfire” said Rainbow wrapping her hoof around Fluttershy

“Goodbye” said Fluttershy waving goodbye

Spitfire and Steam walked in silence for what Steam assumed to be a couple blocks before she broke the silence.

“So how have you been Steam?” she asked

“I've been alright I guess” said Steam with a sigh

“Doesn't sound that way to me” replied Spitfire worry in her voice “Something on your mind?”

“Just thinking” answered Steam reassuringly

“You thinking” said Spitfire with a laugh “When aren't you thinking?” When Steam didn't say anything Spitfire lost her smile. “It must be pretty serious if it's bothering you this much”

“It's nothing really Spits” said Steam giving her a weak smile “Just thinking about some old friends”

Spitfire accepted that for now and stopped at their destination.

“Where are we exactly?” asked Steam curiously “The Wonderbolt headquarters?”

“Nah I brought us back to my house” replied Spitfire fumbling under the mat for her key Upon finding it she opened the door ushering Steam inside before coming in herself and closing the door. She walked over and sat down on what from the sound of springs squeaking Steam thought to be a couch.

“So Steam?” Spitfire asked coyly patting the cushion beside her “What is really on your mind?”