• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 894 Views, 6 Comments

Darkness Surrounding - Sigil Flare

Three humans are tranported to Equestia in it's time of need

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Chapter 6

Twilight stepped into her old bedroom and took a deep breath. She hadn't been here since she left for Ponyville with Spike. “Spike...” Twilight thought with a sigh Not too long ago she had witnessed him give his life for her. She could still see the pained smile on his face as he said “Welcome back” Twilight shook her head and closed the door to her room.

At first she thought the trip to Canterlot would be an escape, but she soon realized that Sigil was coming along. Sigil, a pony she had come to admire. He had magic that could rival Princess Celestia herself, but what did he use it for? He knew magic that Equestria could not even imagine. A particular spell which Twilight had suffered personally almost killed her and cost Spike his life.

Twilight trotted slowly over to her bed dragging her hooves along the floor. In her heart she knew that Sigil had done the only thing he could to save her, but in her mind she couldn't forgive what he sacrificed to do it. Spike was like her brother. Without him Twilight would never have been accepted as the Princess's private student, would have never been sent to Ponyville, never have met her friends.

Twilight laid backside down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She closed her eyes as she remembered yesterday's events. After explaining her experience with Trixie in the Everfree, the Princess had left for Canterlot and asked us to meet her there in two days. Rainbow and Fluttershy left to go get train tickets for the next day, leaving Twilight and Sigil Flare alone in the Library.

At first there was an awkward silence. “Twilight don't scare me like that” said Sigil finally breaking the silence

“Don't scare you?” Twilight said upset mistaking his concern for scolding “Have you seen what you've done?” she pointed a hoof at Spike

“I know what I've done” said Sigil his ears drooping “You have every right to hate me”

“Why did you do it?” asked Twilight tears starting to form “Why?”

“Because I made a promise,” said Sigil looking into Twilight's eyes “A promise that I wouldn't let anypony I care about get hurt”

“Anypony?” yelled Twilight her emotions coming to the surface clouding her thoughts “Is that why you let him do it? Because he wasn't a pony?”

“No..” said Sigil defensively raising a hoof to shield himself if she decided to strike him

“Spike was more of a pony than you''ll ever be Sigil!” yelled Twilight shutting eyes against her tears

“Twilight...” said Sigil in a shocked voice backing away from her

“I don't want to hear anything more” cried Twilight through her tears “Get out of my house!”

Sigil gave a deep sigh and gathered his courage walking past the crying Twilight. He stopped at the door and without turning around said in a voice that froze Twilight to her core “Twilight...”

Twilight turned and looked at him. His back was turned to her but his shoulders were firm and his voice steady.

“I will keep my promise Twilight.” said Sigil with a wisdom that scared Twilight “There are many ways to live this life we are given. You can live it alone. With no friends, no family, no one to wake up to in the morning. Always wondering where your next meal will come from and with everypony shunning you and looking down on you. This is the life I lived before I came here”

“Sigil...” murmured Twilight her tears slowing

“This is not a life I chose” continued Sigil putting more effort into his words holding back his own tears “It was a life I was given. When I came here to your world I thought I could change that. I thought I could finally have friends, have someone to talk to that would try to kill me in the morning”

“What are you trying to say?” asked Twilight trying to understand her emotions turning to rage

“I can see now that I was wrong” said Sigil all of his pain over the years loaded in his voice “No matter where I go, I will always be hated and exiled.” He turned and looked into Twilight's eyes Twilight had never seen so much pain in her entire life. It hurt too much, Twilight had to look away from his gaze. “But that doesn't matter to me anymore. I don't care if I am hated and looked down upon. I will shoulder the load if its what it takes to protect those I care about.”

As Sigil turned and opened the door he waited for one second before saying a voice just loud enough for Twilight to hear “Especially the one I love” With those final words he walked out the door and was gone, leaving Twilight alone with her griefs. Twilight pulled herself together just long enough to bury Spikes body properly. With that done she closed the door to the Library and walked upstairs.

As soon as her bed was in sight she broke down and ran crying to her bed diving into it and covered her head in her pillow, muffling her sobs. Twilight began to cry as she laid in her room. In the last two days she lost two of the most important things in her life. She lost her number one assistant and brother Spike and she also lost Sigil, a pony which she had been developing strange feelings for over the last couple of days, her best friend.

Twilight was startled by a knock on her door. She took a pillow and threw it at the door and yelled “Go away!” The pillow bounced off the door and hit the floor, only to be pushed out of the way as the door swung open. Princess Celestia stepped into the room and looked at her student with a warm expression.

“Princess...” said Twilight immediately regretting her previous action “I”

“It's alright” said Celestia raising a hoof to silence the crying unicorn “I understand” She walked over to her student the door swinging shut behind her. Celestia sat down in front of Twilight meeting her eyes for a moment. Through the tears she could see pain and regret.

“Why are you here Princess?” asked Twilight trying to look for something “I don't have a letter for you”

The Princess reached out a hoof and turned Twilight's head back to face her. “Twilight I'm not here for a letter. I'm here because your brother asked me to come check up on you”

“Why would he do that?” asked Twilight sniffling

“Because” said the Princess using her hoof to wipe the tears out of Twilight's eyes “He told me that he had never seen my student with such a look of grief on her face. Shining told me he would rather fight a swarm of Manticores than see you like this”

“Really?” asked Twilight with a blush “He said that?”

“Yes he did” replied Celestia softly “Now what's wrong my little pony?”

“I don't know” said Twilight her head spinning “I'm so confused. Every time I try to think of an answer I can't come up with anything. My heart wants what my mind says it can't have. I've never read this in any books in my Library.

“Twilight you are my most gifted student” said Princess Celestia reassuringly “But sometimes you think to much. There are somethings you can't learn through books. If your believe it to be true in your heart, than you don't need to think about it. You already have your answer”

Twilight's jaw dropped as the truth behind the Princess's words sunk in. The world around her began to melt away as the answer hit her. In her heart she wanted more than anything to have Sigil back. A warmth flooded through Twilight as she rushed forward and embraced her mentor in an embrace. The princess just smiled and wrapped her hooves around Twilight.

“Thank you” whispered Twilight into Celestia's fur

“No problem” answered the Princess softly

Sigil dragged his hooves as he trudged along the road. He couldn't get her out of his head. Every time he closed his eyes he could see Twilight's face, tears streaming down her cheeks. “She hates me” thought Sigil “My first and closest friend and …. she hates me” Sigil's ears drooped as he sighed

He had been walking for a day and a half now. He had been forced to build a makeshift shelter last night. Sigil still had leaves sticking all over his fur from sleeping on the ground. Sigil took the map of Equestria he bought before he left Ponyville out of his saddle bag. Looking at it he guessed he had another half a days trot until he hit Canterlot.

Sigil's hooves hurt with every step. He had been pushing himself to the limit the entire way. He was going to keep his promise. “Even if he I can't be with Twilight” said Sigil to himself picking up his pace “It doesn't mean I can't watch over her” He cantered on for about a half an hour before he had to take a short break to rest his tired hooves.

Sigil laid down in the cool grass, the sun burning itself into his fur. His ears twitched as he heard a bird give an alarm call in the distance. He sat up and perched himself on his front hooves.

“Halt” said a voice in his mind “Come no further”

“Who is this?” asked Sigil out loud he got no reply “I am just a wary traveler” Sigil continued

“I know who you are other worlder” said the voice echoing in his mind “You thoughts are made known to me”

“If you know who I am then why do you stop me?” asked Sigil out loud “Show yourself. At least give me a face to talk to” Sigil stood up on all four hooves as a silver furred wolf at nearly twice his size stalked out of the bushes. He remembered talk of wolves near this road with his talks with fellow travelers, but they never said anything about telepathy.

“I show you my face Lloyd” said the wolf in his mind “I tell you once more, leave”

“I cannot and you know it” said Sigil firmly “I have a promise to keep”

“As do I” replied the wolf “I have been asked to keep you away from Twilight”

“Who would ask you to do that?” asked Sigil curiously

“That is no concern of yours” said the wolf crouching as if to pounce on Sigil

“I would like to know who asked you to do this wolf” yelled Sigil angrily

“Fluttershy asked me to do this” replied the wolf “and my name is Kurt not wolf”

“Kurt?” asked Sigil his eyes widening “Kurt Wolfe?”

“Ironic seeing as I'm a wolf I bet?” said the wolf in his head with a laugh “You've heard tales of me then?”

“I have” replied Sigil swallowing the lump in his throat “I've heard you are a sword for hire, who will do anything for gold. You don't care what the job is or how many people you have to kill to get it done.”

“Seems someone has done their research” said Kurt with a toothy smile

“What is a monster like you doing in Equestria?” asked Sigil stamping his hoof “How many ponies have you murdered already”

“I am offended Lloyd” said Kurt mockingly sitting down putting a paw over his chest defensively “To think a mage believes that I am a monster”

“I may be a mage” said Sigil angrily glaring at Kurt “but at least I have a heart!”

“Oh you have pained me” mocked Kurt again “A job is a job mage. I just have a very dirty one”

“Is that how you justify killing people?” asked Sigil mouth agape

“Honestly I don't particularly enjoy killing people” said Kurt with a yawn “To tell you the truth I kind of tired of it. But if word gets out that a mercenary has gone soft it becomes difficult to get any of the high paying jobs”

“Is all you care about money then?” asked Sigil wondering now if he could talk his way past Kurt

“Not really” replied Kurt “It's just something to pass the time”

“Your sick” said Sigil

“Perhaps I am?” answered Kurt with an inquisitive look “What do you plan to do about it?”

“I plan on killing you” replied Sigil pointing his hoof at Kurt “and then I'm going to find Twilight and make sure she's still alive”

“You kill me don't make me laugh” said the wolf flexing his claws into the soft earth under his paws “you haven't the skill or the energy”

“Maybe your right” replied Sigil his horn glowing “I haven't the energy” The earth under Kurt's feet began to rumble. “But I do have the skill!” yelled Sigil as the earth under Kurt's feet erupted into a spike. Kurt leaped backwards and landed on all four paws as another spire shot up underneath him. Kurt jumped higher this time and dug his claws into the trunk of a tree.

Sigil stamped his hoof and a boulder shot out of the ground in Kurt's direction. Kurt dropped off as the boulder hit the tree tearing a hole through it.

“Well the mage has a few magic tricks” Kurt sneered “but play time is over” He broke into a sprint running to fast for Sigil to follow with his eyes. Sigil gathered magic into his hooves raising them up. He lit them on fire with a glow of his horn and crashed them to the ground. A shock wave was sent out around Sigil with an explosion of flame. It caught Kurt mid jump knocking him backwards through the air into a tree. As Kurt fell to the ground, Sigil laughed panting.

“I thought you said play time was over?” asked Sigil

“It was” said Kurt dusting the soot off of his fur, restoring his silvery shine “that is until you decided to use a cheap shot”

“All I did was a magic trick” said Sigil acting innocent

“Good to see you have a sense of humor” said Kurt appearing in front of Sigil in the blink of an eye Kurt rammed his paw into Sigil's stomach lifting him off his hooves and catapulting him backwards. He hit the ground with a heavy thump and skidded in the dirt to a halt.

“It helps make this more fun” grunted Sigil getting back to his hooves, sucking in a breath of air

“You know your not that bad” said Kurt thinking “Maybe I won't kill you”

“Then let me pass” yelled Sigil “I must keep my promise. I won't let anything stand in my way”

“Are you sure?” asked Kurt seriously “Is she worth that much to you?”

“I would rather die than to give up now” said Sigil “I must see her again”

“Then take it back” said Kurt calmly all hostility gone

“Take what back?” asked Sigil confused

“Calling me a monster” replied Kurt simply

“That's it?” said Sigil deadpanning

“Yup” said Kurt with a toothy smile

“In that case I take it back” said Sigil taking a step towards Kurt “Can I pass now?”

“Of course” said Kurt with a laugh “I'll even come with you”

“What?” asked Sigil in disbelief “Why?”

“Well to tell you the truth” said Kurt in explanation “I never promised Fluttershy to keep you away. All I wanted to do was confirm for myself that you really do care for her”

“So it was just a test?” asked Sigil face hoofing

“Yes it was” replied Kurt setting out at a brisk pace gesturing Sigil to follow him “and you pass with high marks”

“Are you really Kurt Wolfe?” asked Sigil curiously looking at the wolf beside him

“I sure am” answered Kurt with a laugh “Remember what I said about the whole reputation thing. Let's just say some of it was exaggerated.”

“So you don't actually kill people?” asked Sigil stepping over an overgrown root in his path

“No I still kill people” said Kurt “but on my terms and honorably. I do not kill those who do not deserve to die”

“How can you tell?” asked Sigil

“I can read minds remember” said Kurt in Sigil's head “I know who deserves it”

“What about that town you burned down?” asked Sigil

“The town was empty” replied Kurt with a laugh “Some bandits had run them out 2 days prior to my arrival”

“Really?” said Sigil wondering if all the stories he'd heard about this blood thirsty killer were fake

“I actually hunted down the bandits and took back what they stole from the villagers and gave it back to them” continued Kurt “they were very happy to see it believe me”

“What happened to all the seriousness and talk about killing me?” asked Sigil

“Well I can't go around killing all my friends” replied Kurt punching Sigil in the shoulder playfully “If I did that who would by me a drink?”

“You sure do have an odd way of making friends Kurt” said Sigil glad to not have to fight this wolf anymore

“I guess I do” said Kurt with a smile “but while we're in Equestria it's Silver Streak alright?”

“Alright Silver” said Sigil nodding agreement “Let's hurry on to Canterlot”

Silver slowed down and stopped just inside the forest line. Sigil noticed this and stopped too .

“What's up?” asked Sigil

“I can't go with you beyond this point” said Silver

“Why not?” asked Sigil not understanding

“Think about it” said Silver “I'm a wolf. What do you think would happen if I walk into a town full of ponies?”

“Good point” said Sigil with a laugh “maybe I can help with that”

“What can you do?” asked Silver “You can't turn me into a pony”

“No” Sigil admitted “but I am pretty gifted with illusion magic. I can make it so when ponies look at you they see you as a pony”

“Really?” asked Silver excited

“Hold still” said Sigil igniting his horn He began waving his hooves weaving magic around Silver. When Sigil finished he was no longer staring at a wolf he was starring at a silver furred stallion with gray hair and a sword for a cutie mark. “All set”

“You sure it works?” asked Silver looking at himself “I don't feel any different”

“Trust me” said Sigil “unless you are usually a silver stallion, its working”

“Thanks” said Kurt high hoofing Sigil

“No problem” said Sigil “Let's go find Twilight”