• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 894 Views, 6 Comments

Darkness Surrounding - Sigil Flare

Three humans are tranported to Equestia in it's time of need

  • ...

Chapter 3

This is a chapter featuring a lot of emotional tension between Rainbow and Fluttershy ending in some flutter dash shipping. just letting you know in advance. I'd like to hear some comments though.

Fluttershy yawned as she opened her eyes. Blinking them a few times to get rid of the drowsiness. She threw off her covers and got out of bed. Trotting down stairs she spotted Kurt still sleeping soundly on her floor next to the unlit fireplace. She walked over and inspected his bandage. It seemed to be holding on nicely but she might have to change the wrappings later in the day.

“Good morning” said a familiar voice in her head

“Good morning Silver Streak” replied Fluttershy using her name for the snowy wolf “did you sleep well?” she put on a smile as the wolf rolled over and smiled up at her with his usual toothy grin

“Yeah I did” he said rubbing his stomach “That massage you gave me did wonders for me” after this he sat up and eyed Fluttershy who was walking to the door “Where you going?” asked Silver

“I'm going to check up on Dashy” replied Fluttershy simply grabbing her saddle bag in her teeth and throwing it over her shoulder

“Ah I see” replied Silver laying his head on his paws “Am I to be left home this time as well?” he asked rather lazily

“Well I'll only be going to the hospital this time” said Fluttershy checking what her chores for today she had listed on her calendar “but when I get back I'll take you over to Twilight's for some introductions alright?”

“That's fine with me” replied Silver rolling over “more time for me to sleep.” he was snoring before Fluttershy even got outside She didn't bother locking it anymore. With Silver watching her home it wasn't really necessary anymore. She trotted her way into town passing a familiar park bench on her way to the hospital. On it sat the all to familiar mint green unicorn and her friend the candy colored earth pony.

“Hello girls” said Fluttershy as she walked past them

“Why hello Fluttershy” replied the earth pony nudging the unicorn with her hoof “say hello Lyra”

“Alright Bonbon geez calm down” replied Lyra poking her friend back “Hey Fluttershy have a nice day alright?”

“You to girls!” replied Fluttershy continuing on her way to the hospital She reached it in no time at all. Walking up to the front desk she rang the bell with her hoof. A white furred pony came out and said hello asking her what she needed.

“Oh I'm just here to check up on Rainbow Dash” replied Fluttershy with a smile “What room was she in again?”

“She's in room 212” replied the pony in a friendly tone “Tell her to stop stealing all the rolls while you drop in alright?”

“Okay” said Fluttershy with a laugh “That's my Dashy” thought Fluttershy to herself as she walked to room 212. She opened the door to find Rainbow still asleep in her bed. She quietly stepped in and closed the door behind her. She walked over to the chair nearest Rainbow's bed and sat down.

“Fluttershy is that you” mumbled Rainbow opening her eyes rubbing them with the back of her hoof

“Yes Dashy it's me” replied Fluttershy quietly “Just here to check up on you”

“Thanks Pal” said Rainbow sitting up in her bed casting a glance at her bandaged wing with a frown “Man that smarts”

“Would you like me to give you a massage?” asked Fluttershy blushing a bit “I've been told I'm quite good”

“You know what?” said Rainbow with a smile “I'd like that”

Rainbow rolled onto her stomach as Fluttershy flew up onto the bed with her. Fluttershy sat down on Rainbow's haunches blushing a bit at their closeness. Rainbow however was completely comfortable with this kind of behavior. Fluttershy was her best friend after all, she'd never hurt her.

“Alright I'm going to start now” said Fluttershy gently working her hooves into Rainbow's back “Let me know if I should stop”

Rainbow fidgeted under Fluttershy as the knots were worked out of her back. Rainbow let out a long sigh of relief as the stress and worries plaguing her were lost to the warm hooves swirling into her back. Noticing this Fluttershy stopped.

“Is something wrong Dashy?” asked Fluttershy worried she'd hurt her friend

“No Pal” replied Rainbow laying her head on her hooves “please continue”

Fluttershy continued her massage careful to work around the injured wing. She felt the muscles under Rainbow's skin tense up then relax and unwind. Fluttershy felt a familiar crimson hue flush her cheeks as she heard Rainbow's pleasurable moanings underneath her. She lifted her hooves off of Rainbow when she was finished flying off of her friend landing next to the bed.

“That was awesome” said Rainbow getting up into a sitting position on her bed looking at her friend with a smile “I feel a hundred times better”

Fluttershy blushed as she replied “Thanks Dashy” then she decided to ask a question that had been knawing at her all morning “Hey Dashy do you remember me visiting you last night?”

“Yeah of course” replied Rainbow a little confused but a playful smile on her face as she looked at her friend “How could I forget my closest friend visiting me?”

“Do you remember me singing you a lullaby?” asked Fluttershy her heart speeding up a bit

“Yeah of course” replied Rainbow blushing a bit as she remembered that particular tender moment “I like it when you sign your lullaby”

“Do you remember anything after that?” asked Fluttershy silently praying that she did

“No sorry Pal” replied Rainbow trying hard to remember anything after the lullaby last night “I got nothing. Was there something I needed to remember?”

“Not really” said Fluttershy with a sigh “So what are you going to do when you get out of here?”

“Well now that I think about it” thought Rainbow “I can't go to my house cause I can't fly...” Rainbow stopped at this thought “I can't fly...” she repeated as the light left her eyes Her shoulders slumped and her head hung low.

Rainbow felt a warmth on her neck and looked down to see Fluttershy nuzzling her. Rainbow laid her head on Fluttershy's nuzzling her back her previous train of thought forgotten to her friends comfort. Fluttershy threw a hoof around Rainbow's shoulder and pulled her closer. Rainbow leaned into the embrace finding comfort in her friends support.

“It'll be all right Dashy” whispered Fluttershy in her friends ear softly “I know that you'd never let something like this stop you. I'll be right here beside you always”

Rainbow felt like she was flying right now. She felt tears come to her eyes at her friends kindness. Not wanting to see Fluttershy to see her crying she pulled back a bit whiping her eyes and said “No way am I going to let a broken wing stop me from my dreams”

“Now that's my Dashy” replied Fluttershy with a smile nuzzling her friend with a smile

“Hey Fluttershy” asked Rainbow nuzzling her back

“Yes Dashy” asked Fluttershy running a hoof through Rainbow's mane

“You think since I'm grounded for the next few weeks that I could stay at your place?” asked Rainbow loving having Fluttershy's gentle hoof playing with her mane

“I would love to have you come over for awhile Dashy” replied Fluttershy nuzzling her friend again “maybe while your over we could even have some snuggle time like we used to?”

“Oh I think we are long over due for some snuggle time” replied Rainbow nuzzling Fluttershy before pulling back and laying back down on her bed a familiar flush on her cyan cheeks “escpecialy now that I can't fly” added Rainbow grumpily

At this moment a doctor walked into the room. Noding to the two pegasi he cleared his throat.

“Miss Dash I am here to inform you that you can leave when you like. Your wing is healed enough for you to walk around. But don't try to fly or you may actually break your wing for good this time.” informed the Doctor looking straight at Rainbow as he said that last part “Your free to go just be careful and keep your bandages on. We'll need you to come in for the next three weeks to check on your progress of course”

As Dash was loaded into a wheelchair and carted throught the hospital halls towards the exit she turned to the doctor and asked “So how much am I paying for this?”

The Doctor smiled and replied “Your not paying for any of it Miss Dash”

“Say what?” asked Rainbow confused “Then who is”

The doctor pointed his muzzle in the direction of a cream colored pegasus at the front desk.

“Fluttershy?!” asked Rainbow dumbfounded “but why?”

“I don't know” said the Doctor at first “I think It's her way of making it up to you”

“What do you mean?” replied Rainbow not quite getting what he was hinting at

“Well you got hurt rescuing her” said the Doctor “She's paying you back in only way she can”

Rainbow looked at her friend with renewed admiration when the doctor chuckled a bit to himself causing Rainbow's attention to shift back to him. “Honestly Miss Dash of all the hooves you could have fallen into” he said as Fluttershy started towards them “I don't think you could have done better...”

“Hi Dashy” said Fluttershy smiling at the doctor first then looking at her friend with a familiar fondness in her eyes “Ready to go?”

“Always” replied Rainbow smiling at her friend Rainbow liked how Fluttershy always had such happiness in her eyes. She was actually rather jealous of that but she'd never say anything about it to Fluttershy or anypony else for that matter. She got up out of the wheel chair and walked out the main hospital door with Fluttershy beside her.

It didn't take long to get back to Fluttershy's cottage. Rainbow sat back as Fluttershy opened the door. Fluttershy let Rainbow go inside first before closing the door behind them. Rainbow let out a breath of relief when she sat down on Fluttershy's couch. Her eyes then immediately went to the rather life sized rug in the corner of the living room. Except it wasn't a rug, it was breathing!

“Why hello there Miss Dash” said a voice in her head “Fluttershy has told me much about you”

“Who's that?” asked Rainbow surprised at this invasion of privacy “Where are you?”

“I'm that rug in the corner” the voice said sarcasticly adding “and yes I'm breathing”

Noticing the look of surprise on Rainbow's face Fluttershy giggled a bit then said “Dashy meet Silver Streak” indicating the now sitting up snow pelted wolf in the corner of the room “I believe you've met already”

“Yeah we have” replied Rainbow with a frown thinking to herself “Why is that thing here?”

“Well this thing” said the voice in her head rather rudely “Is Fluttershy's friend. She did me a kindness by helping to heal the wounds I got saving you from that hydra a few days ago”

“Did he just read my thoughts?” asked Rainbow extending a hoof to Fluttershy

“Yes he does that sometimes” said Fluttershy glaring at Silver “though I keep telling him not to pry into other peoples personal thoughts”

“Sorry Fluttershy” replied Silver to both pegasus looking at Fluttershy “but she called me a thing”

Fluttershy couldn't help but laugh at this “Is that all?” when her laughter calmed down a bit she added “i think you two will get along just fine”

“Wait he's staying her too?” asked Rainbow in disbelief her eyes begging Fluttershy to say no

“Sorry Dashy” replied Fluttershy walking over to Rainbow and nuzzling her softly “but I couldn't leave him alone when he was injured.”

“Yeah I guess your right Pal” replied Rainbow nuzzling her friend back with a little bit of a blush

Silver stood up and made for the door. “Where are you going Silver?” asked Fluttershy in a questioning tone

He turned around and looked at both pegasi and said “I want to give the two of you that “snuggle time” you both are thinking about” when both pegasus looked at each other with a blush he added “and I wanted to grab a bite to eat anyways”

“but there's food in the kitchen?” said Fluttershy confused

Silver shook his head “I can't eat pony food” he gestured outside in the direction of the forest “I have to eat meat. I'm a wolf after all”

“Oh I see” said Fluttershy wincing at the word meat “Does that mean for the last few days...?”

“Oh no I didn't eat any of your furry friends Fluttershy” replied Silver putting a paw to his chest “not even that annoying little bunny Angel. I've been sneaking off into the forest for food while you slept.”

“Alright” replied Fluttershy half-heartedly “Just be careful okay?”

“I will try” said Silver opening the door and walking outside closing it behind him

Fluttershy looked over at her friend to see a warm comforting smile on her face. Fluttershy liked that smile. “So now that he's gone is it snuggle time?” she asked with a chuckle

“Yes it is” replied Rainbow as Fluttershy got up on the couch next to her

“Good” replied Fluttershy scooting closer to her friend on the couch laying her head on Rainbow's shoulder nuzzling into her

“I've missed this” said Rainbow nuzzling her friend back sighing “With all the training I've been doing for the Wonderbolts audition coming up next month, I've been to busy to come by as much as I should have”

Fluttershy pulled her head back and looked Rainbow in the eye nearly getting lost in those indigo swirls and said “Well we have time now let's make the best of it”

“Alright” said Rainbow falling onto her back her head in Fluttershy's lap “I had better make myself comfy then huh?” Rainbow smiled as she felt the familiar comfort of her friends lap beneath her head.

“Comfy?” asked Fluttershy giggling to herself as she looked at her friend as she smiled back up at her

“Yeah pal your lap is the greatest pillow ever” said Rainbow snuggling into her friends lap sighing contently

“Well I'm glad you think so Dashy” said Fluttershy running her hoof through Rainbow's mane Fluttershy loved snuggle time with her friend. She knew Rainbow liked it too, but Fluttershy loved it even more because secretly she thought of Rainbow as her special somepony. She'd never admit it though especially not to Rainbow. Fluttershy knew that she had said she would be her special somepony while she was medicated but she didn't count that.

Fluttershy wondered how Rainbow did it? How could she be so Tomcoltish and yet have so much feminine charm when it mattered. She didn't even need to try to stay beautiful it just came naturally. She had to fight off the urge to lean down and kiss her right there and now instead she brought her head down and nuzzled her friend on the nose.

Rainbow blushed slightly at Fluttershy's closeness. To anypony watching it would seem that they were in love. Lucky nopony ever does and truth be told they did this sort of thing all the time. They were foalhood friends and were perfectly comfortable being this close to one another. But man what Rainbow would do to get Fluttershy to lean down and kiss her right now. Rainbow had a playful Idea run through her head.

Rainbow reached up with a hoof and grabbed Fluttershy's mane pulling it down near her face. Fluttershy let out a giggle as Rainbow pretended to go to sleep taking the ensnared mane with her dragging Fluttershy on top of her. “Now look at that” said Rainbow with a laugh “You've gone and fallen all over me Pal”

Fluttershy's cheeks flushed crimson at these ironically chosen set of words and she replied “Well it would help if you weren't so awesome” then she pulled herselfonto Rainbow's belly and laid her head under Rainbow's chin. “Now who makes the best pillow?” she asked teasingly poking Rainbow in the stomach

Rainbow let out a rather girly eep at being poked in her belly but immediately hid it by saying “Well I can't help being awesome” said Rainbow “It's what I do, but even if I am 20% more awesome you still make the better pillow Pal. Although,” she added running her hoof through Fluttershy's mane “You do make a really great blanket”

Fluttershy nuzzled Rainbow leaning up to plant a sweet kiss on her nose before saying “I might be a nice blanket for you but I'm getting a little cold Dashy”

“I think I can fix that Pal” replied Rainbow wrapping her hooves around Fluttershy and nuzzling her back “There how about that?”

“I can think of a more awesome blanket Dashy” replied Fluttershy blushing a bit nuzzling her friend kissing her on the cheek “Your so soft and warm”

This caused Rainbow to blush a bit “Hey don't tell the girls that Pal” she nuzzled her friend before adding “I don't want them thinking I'm a softie”

Fluttershy giggled as she replied “I won't Dashy. I promise” She liked seeing this side of Rainbow. Rainbow was always kind to her. It was different when they were with their friends and around town, but here in her home Rainbow was at peace. It was a different side of Rainbow that nopony but Fluttershy ever saw.

“I know you won't Pal” replied Rainbow looking down at her friend with eyes full of admiration “You always keep your promises” then she decided to ask something that had been on her mind “Hey Pal can I ask something?”

“Anything Dashy, you know that” replied Fluttershy with a sigh breathing into Rainbow's chest fur

“back at the hospital I was there for three days and I was asleep for two of them correct?” asked Rainbow just confirming her suspicion

“That's right” replied Fluttershy looking up at her with worry in her eyes “Why is something wrong?”

“No” said Rainbow reassuringly “I just wanted to make sure is all” Rainbow waited for Fluttershy to settle back down before she asked “So how many times did you visit me while I was out those two days?”

Fluttershy's head shot up at this unexpected question. “Dashy..” started Fluttershy nervously

“I'm just asking” replied Rainbow running a hoof through Fluttershy's mane “You don't need to tell me if you don't want to”

Fluttershy knew that Dashy wanted to hear the truth so she took a breathe and replied “6 times the first day and the entire second day” as she hurridly finished her sentence she looked up to see Rainbow's expression To her surprise it had a smile on it.

“Oh you had a extreme patient to take care of all right.” Rainbow said nuzzling her friend causing her to blush “It was me wasn't it?”

“Yes it was” replied Fluttershy blushing fiercely now “Silver had almost entirely recovered within an hour of his first treatment so I decided you deserved my full attention in your time of recovery. I asked the nurse if I was allowed to stay after visiting hours to keep you company”

“That's really sweet Pal” said Rainbow nuzzling her friend and holding her a bit closer now “Thanks, but you didn't need to pay for it too”

“Well it's my fault you got hurt in the first place” replied Fluttershy remorsefuly looking at Rainbow's bandaged wing “When I heard you were still paying off your last hospital visit I just had to help. I know it doesn't make up for everything but it's all I could think of to... well... say thanks”

“Shy..” breathed Rainbow nuzzling her friend and pulling Fluttershy's head up subconsciously

“Yes Dashy” replied Fluttershy crawling up her friend blushing hard with what she hoped to come

“Your so kind to me..” said Rainbow closing her eyes pulling Fluttershy closer to her still

“I told you Dashy” said Fluttershy almost in a whisper leaning her head towards Rainbow's “I'll always be there for you”

Rainbow could feel Fluttershy's breath on her lips and she began to blush at what was about to come next. In the back of her mind came a thought. “What if Fluttershy doesn't want this?” It said to her clouding her mind “What if you are making her do this?” Rainbow didn't get a chance for another thought as a pair of lips met hers.

Fluttershy melted into Rainbow as she kissed her softly. She pressed her body against her friend feeling Rainbow's hooves around her release their grip. Rainbow's head was spinning as she tried to stay in control of herself. Fluttershy pulled her head back to catch her breath and look at Rainbow a look of worry on her face.

“Dashy I'm sorry I thought that you felt the same way..” said Fluttershy looking away shyly “I'm so sorry”

Rainbow shook her head once to clear it and looked at her friend. The face which she adored so much now wore a sad frown. It tore a hole in Rainbow's heart to see her friend that way. Rainbow reached out a hoof and brushed Fluttershy's mane out of her face revealing the tears in her eyes. Rainbow put a hoof under Fluttershy's chin and pulled her head up to meet her eyes.

“I never said I didn't like it Shy” said Rainbow with a smile Fluttershy's expression brightened immensely. “But, I'm afraid I don't know exactly how I feel. I know you are my best friend and I know I love snuggling with you and I want to spend as much time with you and possible. I'm just not sure..”

At this Fluttershy looked Rainbow in the face and said “Dashy I love you” Rainbow blush immensly at Fluttershy's straightforwardness it was so unlike her usual timid self. Fluttershy had expected this but hoped it wouldn't be a problem. Being a tomcolt for most of her life she had been teased constantly for being a fillyfooler. It was a dark part of Rainbow's past that not many knew about besides Fluttershy. “I know you didn't being liked being called a fillyfooler.”

“Shy...” said Rainbow stunned at the raw emotion Fluttershy was displaying. Tears streamed down her face in force and started to wet Rainbow's chest fur.

“I'm so sorry Dashy” cried Fluttershy between sobs burying her head in Rainbow's chest fur “I just hope we can still be friends. I don't want to lose you..”

“Shy” said Rainbow holding her friend in a tender embrace “I've already told you, Nothing will ever come between us. I will always have your back no matter what.”

“But I k-kissed you” said Fluttershy tears still flowing she wrapped her hooves around Rainbow and squeezed hard

Rainbow took a deep breath and asked “How long have you loved me Shy?” Fluttershy stopped crying long enough to squeak out

“Since 5 years ago” she squeaked “When you came to Ponyville for your weather job and I ran into you”

Rainbow was speachless. Five years ago. Rainbow remembered five years ago. She had just flunked out of flight school, to many rules was her excuse. The real reason was she did everything she could to fail. Ditch class, not study, didn't do homework. She had wanted to drop out but her parents wouldn't let her. So she had failed out on purpose and then her parents had kicked her out on her own.

They didn't want such a failure as their daughter they had said. They had told her that she could come back when she had become a success. She didn't even care. She had wanted that to happen. All because of a certain Filly from her foalhood. A cream colored ground loving pegasus who had left flight school a few years back to live a simpler life.

She would have thrown away her life to have been able to see that pegasus again. She had been her first friend and she had left her there all on her own in a strange town. Fluttershy was her name and she was not the greatest flier but she had the biggest heart Rainbow had ever seen. She had worked out a deal with her uncle to get her the job as a weather pegasus to cover her mysterious arrival in Ponyville.

Now here was the very same pegasus she had thrown away everything she had once dreamed about to be with pouring her heart out to her. “What am I doing?!” thought Rainbow furious with herself for her own self doubt She gently took Fluttershy's head in her hooves and lifted it off her chest. She brought it up to her own and kissed her friend passionately

Fluttershy felt her heart flutter as Rainbow kissed her. All the tears stopped as she melted into Rainbow loosening her grip on her to a soft hug. She thought she would faint right there. This was her dream, her one secret wish. For this moment in Fluttershy's mind Rainbow was not just her friend she was much more than that. She was her special somepony.

Rainbow didn't flinch away this time. All the doubt in her mind had left to be replaced by something more. A heat rose over here. A feeling she had never felt before. It wasn't a bad feeling. It felt... right. Rainbow never wanted this moment to end. She pulled Fluttershy closer to her a warmth rising in her stomach. She needed to breathe but took a sharp breath through her nose to keep going.
Acting on instinct Rainbow brushed her tongue against Fluttershy's lips.

Fluttershy gasped a little at Rainbow's urgency. Rainbow took no time rushing her tongue inside Fluttershy's mouth feeling around flavoring it. It tasted of salad and sweet spices, yet strangely the only word Rainbow could use to describe the flavor was a word: Fluttershy. Fluttershy pulled back a bit her comfort zone broken a bit by Rainbow's tongue play.

Rainbow pulled back as well taking a breath of air “Are you okay Fluttershy?” she asked putting a hoof on her friends cheek “Did I go to far?”

“Dashy” said Fluttershy blushing furiously looking Rainbow in the eye Fluttershy didn't know why she had backed out. It would be a lie if she said she didn't like it. It was just all happening so fast. “No you didn't go to far” Fluttershy said reassuringly nuzzling her friend affectionately

“Just to fast then?” Rainbow said with a laugh nuzzling Fluttershy back “Sorry Shy”

“Being fast is part of who you are Dashy” replied Fluttershy giving her friend a peck on the cheek “I wouldn't want to change ever. I just need to ask a question. Does this mean we are going out now?”

“Does this answer your question Shy?” said Rainbow planting another light kiss on her new marefriends lips

Fluttershy giggled in delight and nuzzled into Rainbow laying her head on Rainbow's shoulder “I'll take that as a yes” She let out a content sigh and shut her eyes falling fast asleep in her marefriends safe embrace. Rainbow eyed her new marefriend with loving eyes and soon drifted off to sleep herself.