• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 894 Views, 6 Comments

Darkness Surrounding - Sigil Flare

Three humans are tranported to Equestia in it's time of need

  • ...

Chapter 8

“Calm down Dashy” said Fluttershy giving her marefriend an affectionate nuzzle

“It's almost time for the Princess to set the sun” whined Rainbow accepting the nuzzle from Fluttershy a little of her annoyance fading. They had been waiting in the palace throne room for quite some time now. “Where is everypony else?”

“Don't you remember Dashy?” asked Fluttershy hugging her marefriend and giving her a peck on the check “We came here early so we could spend sometime together”

“Oh yeah” replied Rainbow returning the hug blushing a bit “who would have thought I'd every be early?”

“That makes two of us” answers Twilight Sparkle entering the room from a doorway to the left of the throne

“Twilight..” said Fluttershy letting go of Rainbow a blush on her face “So nice of you to join us”

“Where the hay have you been?” asked Rainbow pointing a hoof in Twilight's direction accusingly

“I'm sorry Rainbow Dash” answered Princess Celestia walking into view from behind her throne “Twilight has speaking with me. I hope that's okay with you?”

“Of course Princess” replied Rainbow immediately much to Twilight's amusement Rainbow shot Twilight a dirty look.

“You seem impatient as usual Rainbow” said Twilight getting over her giggles

“It's just we've been waiting for you to show up for quite some time” said Fluttershy quietly “and we were wondering what we are here for”

“I'm sorry Fluttershy but you have to wait for the others to arrive” said Princess Celestia

“Probably a good thing I decided to show up then huh?” asked a white unicorn with purple shades walking in from the left. She had spiky blue hair and a pair of headphones around her neck

“Who are you supposed to be?” asked Rainbow loudly walking up to the mare

“Ah Vinyl Scratch how nice of you to make it” said Princess Celestia

“Vinyl Scratch?” asked Rainbow smirking

“Says the rainbow colored freak standing in front of me” replied Vinyl with a coy smile

“Who do you think you are?” yelled Rainbow losing her cool

“Only the best dj in all of Equestria” replied Vinyl tapping her headphones with a hoof

“If your so good then why have I never heard of you” asked Rainbow defiantly

“Probably because your head is always in the clouds” replied Vinyl starting to laugh

“Why you...” said Rainbow gritting her teeth She pulled a hoof back and sent it flying straight towards Vinyl's face. Vinyl ducked Rainbow's punch and backed away.

“Wow Color-Stream” said Vinyl coldly “You sure you want to do this?”

“Stop acting so cool” yelled Rainbow leaping at Vinyl “It's pissing me off”

“Alright have it your way” replied Vinyl dodging Rainbow's assault

Rainbow was on the offensive from the beginning throwing punch after punch. Vinyl kept on her hooves and dodged all she could having to block a few. Rainbow pivoted on her hooves and feigned a low jab. Vinyl took the bait. Rainbow instantly pooped back up and threw her other hoof in a sideswipe catching Vinyl in the side of the head.

Vinyl stayed standing but her glasses fell to the floor. She shook her head and looked back up at Rainbow. “Her eyes” thought Rainbow in shock “Their red!”

“Now look at what you've gone and done” said Vinyl angrily her horn glowing “Better watch your step Color-Stream. You might drop your bass!” with that Vinyl reared up on her hind hooves and slammed the ground. Everyponies ears in the room, even Princess Celestia's rang, as a wave of bass echoed out from Vinyl's epicenter. The force of it knocked Rainbow hurtling back through the air. Fluttershy flew up and caught her marefriend before she hit the wall.

“That wasn't fair” said Rainbow standing back up checking to make sure she could still hear

“Neither was your's” replied Vinyl levitating her glasses back into place

“What are you talking about” said Rainbow attempting to walk back towards Vinyl

A ash gray mare with an amazingly straight coal black mane walked in from behind Vinyl. She looked in Vinyl's direction caught the fading smile on the unicorn's face and sighed. Rainbow didn't notice the new pony till it was too late. She felt a hoof grip her throat as she was raised off her hooves and into the air. She stared into her new adversaries eyes and saw nothing but seriousness in the violet pools.

“Listen to me miss.” said the ash earth pony in a deadly tone “If you hurt my friend in any way I will break you” The mare shot a hoof out and punched a hole in the wall to her left. “Understand”

Rainbow just gulped. The ash mare let her down slowly then trotted over to Vinyl's side and hit her over the head.

“Ow what did you do that for Tavi?” whined the Dj

“I swear every time I take my eyes off of you you wander into some kind of trouble” said Tavi in an annoyed tone It was at this moment she turned to look at the rest of the ponies in the room and her eyes fell on Princess Celestia. She immediately straightened up and said “Princess Celestia I am so sorry for everything Vinyl caused”

“It's quite alright Octavia” said Princess Celestia chuckling “I've always wanted a door there anyways.”

“See Tavi everything is cool” said Vinyl throwing a hoof around Octavia's neck “Relax”

“You keep saying that” replied Octavia looking at her marefriend

“So Vinyl Scratch, Octavia” said Princess Celestia addressing them “Where is your friend, did you find him?”

“We found him your highness” replied Octavia looking down at her hooves “but he was different”

“How so” asked Twilight curiously

“He used to be my brother” replied Vinyl “he looked over me and protected me. I would do the same for him” Tears began to form in her eyes and she rubbed them away “That's was not my brother. It was like talking to a ghost”

Princess Celestia closed her eyes and nodded “You know Vinyl, sometimes we lose sight on what is important in our lives.” Vinyl looked up at the princess not understanding “It is at these times we fall into the dark. Sometimes in extreme cases the pain is too great and we don't want back out”

“So what your trying to say is that he is lost forever” screamed Vinyl tears streaming down her face “I refuse to believe that Steam would ever want to forget about his friends, I know him.”

“Vinyl...”said Octavia gently trying to comfort Vinyl who fell into her hooves crying into her shoulder

“Sometimes when your lost in the dark you can't see what's in front of you” said a golden pegasus with flaming hair

“Spitfire...” asked Rainbow confused

“and it is during these times you do things you don't mean too” replied a brown pegasus with rust colored hair. He had on a tan aviator's jacket and a bandage was covering his eyes. His hair was a rusty orange and he had metal wings.

“Steam..?” asked Octavia pulling Vinyl's head up to see

“Things that make us seem like horrible ponies. With light comes clarity and understanding. I can see now that you have tried to help me and I returned your kindness with hostility.” continued Steam stopping next to Spitfire

“Brother? Is that you?” asked Vinyl trying to look through her tears

“I would like to apologize for what I've said” said Steam remorsefully “I hope you can...” he got no further before he was tackled to the ground a pair of hooves wrapped around his neck

“Don't you ever do that again” cried Vinyl into his chest angrily

“Don't worry little sis” said Steam returning the hug “I have an angel watching over me this time” He turned his sightless gaze in Spitfires direction

“Steam I'm glad your back” said Octavia helping him to his hooves dragging Vinyl along with him “You've been missed more than you know”

“It's good to be back Octy” replied Steam with a regretful smile “Though I feel terrible for the way I've acted”

“It's not your fault Steam” said Spitfire putting a hoof on his shoulder “The dark is a strange place. It makes us do terrible things”

“Steam Gear it is good to see you out and about once again old friend” said Princess Celestia

“I'm not that old” replied Steam with a laugh “but I must say It's good to hear your voice again your highness”

“Wait Steam Gear...” said Rainbow “How do all of you know this featherbrain?”

“Dashy...” shushed Fluttershy cautiously

“Oh you must be the two mares I met outside my warehouse today” said Steam sniffing “I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you. Wasn't really myself you know?”

“If you say so...” replied Rainbow unconvinced

“Now we're only missing one member of our group” said a silver haired stallion walking in beside Princess Celestia's

“Shining? Is that you?” asked Steam his ears twitching

“Well if it isn't my old roomy” said Shining with a laugh “Come to get me to do your homework again have you?”

“Not today roomy” said Steam with a smile “I should thank you for sending an angel my way in my hour of need.”

“No thanks necessary old friend” replied Shining holding up a hoof “Call it repaying an old debt I owed. Besides Spitfire wanted to see you so badly”

“Shut up Shiny” said Spitfire blushing a bit

“Only you Spits would call me Shiny” sighed Shining shaking his head

“You said we are missing another member?” asked Twilight her eyes scanning the room “Who do you mean?”

“Why Sigil Flare of course” replied Shining “You've talked about him so much I thought I'd get to met him. When is he arriving Twilly?”

“Oh about that...” replied Twilight looking down at her hooves “I don't think he's coming”

“Why not you sounded so excited to bring him in your last letter?” asked Shining concerned
“Did something happen?”

“We had a fight” answered Twilight averting her eyes from her brother and her friends

“I see” answered Shining nodding “Well that's too bad”

“I think with that we can begin our meeting don't you?” asked Princess Celestia hinting to change the subject

“I agree old friend” said Steam nudging Spitfire “Let the meeting begin”

“A week ago my sister Luna went on a diplomatic mission to our southern border” said Celestia waving in a group of guards carrying a covered up frame. “She was abducted two days ago from her quarters. The only evidence left was this symbol carved into her wall.”

The guards withdrew the sheet from the frame revealing a strange symbol. It looked like a full moon with a unicorn's head in it.

“It can't be...” murmured Octavia “It just can't”

“I'd thought we had seen the last of those bastards” growled Vinyl angrily

“What is it?” asked Steam concerned

“It's the symbol of the Nightmare's Steam” said Spitfire giving him a worried look

“I was afraid of that” said Steam with a sigh

“So you know this mark?” asked Princess Celestia

“Oh we know it” yelled Vinyl her voice laced with venom “It has caused us nothing but grief”

“What Vinyl means to say is that we recognize this symbol” explained Octavia taking a deep breath “It's the symbol of a cult called the Nightmare's. The very same one Princess that was behind the event four years ago at Canterlot University”

“I see” said Celestia nodding “It must be bringing back some unpleasant memories for you four then”

“It's not a very pleasant topic no” replied Steam with a frown “But tell me old friend why did you show us this?”

“Because old friend I need you to go after these kidnappers and get my sister back” replied Princess Celestia

“No!” yelled Vinyl furiously “I don't care if you are the Princess! I am NEVER going back there!”

“Vinyl calm down” said Octavia hugging the Dj

“I know it is a lot to ask after all these years but we don't have a choice” said Princess Celestia with a sigh

“Shining surely you could do something?” asked Twilight hopefully

“Sadly Twilly the Princess is correct” said Shining regretfully “It doesn't matter how many soldiers we send after them. Not a single one has made it past the border and returned”

“I couldn't ask more ponies to risk their lives for the sake of my sister when they stand no chance” said Princess Celestia “That's why we need you old friend. You have been there”

“And look at what it has done to him!” yelled Vinyl “How could you possibly ask him to do anymore to save Equestria after what he has already had to go through?!”

“Scratch calm yourself” said Steam with a smile he looked at the Princess “Old friend I would be honored to help Equestria in it's time of need”

“Brother...” said Vinyl confused tears seen streaming down behind her shades

“It's alright Sis” said Steam “I'm not asking you to come with me”

“We're not letting you go Steam” said Octavia sternly “Not after we just found you again”

“I'm coming with you” said Spitfire nuzzling him

“Thank you angel” whispered Steam nuzzling her back

“If Spitfire is going I'm going too!” said Rainbow

“Rainbow what are you doing?” asked Twilight “Are you featherbrained? Stay out of it”

“Actually Twilly you were brought here for the same reason they were” said Shining “We need all of your help for this mission”

“Why us?” asked Fluttershy hiding behind Rainbow

“Because my little ponies” said Princess Celestia “You are the elements of harmony. You are the best we have”

“See guys it's our job to save Equestria” said Rainbow proudly “We're coming with you guys”

“I'm sure you'll be a great support you three” said Spitfire with a smile

“Are you all nuts?!” asked Vinyl glaring at all of them “Do any of you remember what happened the last time we went after these guys? They turned Steam blind!”

“Scratch!” said Steam loudly She cringed back a bit as he trotted over to her. “You need to see the bigger picture. You know the danger as well as I do. But this isn't just about us. This is for all of Equestria.”

“But brother...” said Vinyl

“I know sis” said Steam “But we are together this time. They won't separate us again I promise”

“Fine” said Vinyl nuzzling Steam “but if you leave again I'll buck your head off”

“I'll remember that” said Steam with a smile looking at Twilight, Rainbow and Fluttershy “Will you join us?”

“Of course” said Rainbow proudly

“I'll help if in any way I can” said Fluttershy

“I'm with you Steam” said Twilight “There are so many questions I want to ask you anyways”

“I'm truly thankful to all of you for your help” said Princess Celestia bowing her head “We will of course provide anything you need”

“Thank you old friend” said Steam bowing “We will of course require provisions and supplies. I will handle the transportation”

“How do you plan on transporting seven ponies that distance without a chariot?” asked Octavia curiously

“Let me worry about that Octy” said Steam “I think you'll like what the surprise”

“I thank you old friend for what you are doing” said Princess Celestia

“No I thank you” said Steam bowing “I know Shining wasn't the only one keeping track of me for these last couple years. Thanks for watching my back”

“I was merely paying back an old debt I owed” said Princess Celestia “When do you plan to depart?”

“I was hoping to leave as soon as tomorrow morning” said Steam rubbing his chin with his hoof “Can you send the supplies and provisions to my warehouse?”

“Of course” said Celestia “I suggest all of you go stay here at the palace for the night. So you can go with Steam in the morning. You are dismissed. These guards will show you to your rooms”

Everypony was escorted out of the room except for Steam and Princess Celestia.

“Was there something you wanted to say” asked Princess Celestia

“I wanted to thank you correctly” said Steam with a smile

“I was hoping you would say that Rusty” said Celestia getting down off of her throne and trotting up to Steam

“It's been a long time since I've been called that Tia” said Steam with a smile

“and it's been too long since I've been called that” said Celestia sitting in front of Steam with a smile

“To think that it's been six years since those days” said Steam with a sigh “I can still remember the feel of the mountains under my hooves”

“I would be lieing if I said I didn't miss those days Rusty” said Celestia wrapping her hooves around him

“We'll never forget them Tia” said Steam returning the hug “Thank you for always watching over me”

“Every Princess needs her hero Rusty” said Celestia tightening her grip “I couldn't let you go that easily”

“Thanks for never giving up on me” said Steam in a whisper “It means a lot”

“Would you mind sharing my quarters with me tonight?” asked Celestia releasing her embrace “For old times sake?”

“Sure Tia” said Steam with a smile “It's not the first time and with any luck it won't be the last”
Celestia smiled at him and put her wing over him pulling him close. They walked off together in the direction of the Princess's quarters.