• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 894 Views, 6 Comments

Darkness Surrounding - Sigil Flare

Three humans are tranported to Equestia in it's time of need

  • ...

Chapter 7

“I told you I'm fine” replied Steam waving a hoof

“You are many things Steam” replied Spitfire with a smile “But a good liar is not one of them. I can practically hear the gears in your mind screaming”

“Your exaggerating” said Steam trying to change the subject “Why did you bring me here anyways?”

“I brought you here originally to clean you up” said Spitfire with a shake of her head “but I can see now that your mind needs some cleaning out too”

“My mind is fine” said Steam “i don't need your help”

“Now is not the time to be turning away help Steam” replied Spitfire “You of all ponies should know by now that sometimes you can't do it alone.”

“Why do you care anyways?” asked Steam trying to make her the bad pony

“Because I'm your friend Steam” replied Spitfire warmly “I want to help you”

“If you wanted to help so much then where were you 4 years ago?” yelled Steam wanting to hear anything but the truth

Spitfire's ears drooped as she replied “You know where I was 4 years ago Steam” She looked straight at him as she added “I was trying out for the Wonderbolts in Filydelphia”

“Why didn't you come and look for me once you heard the news?” asked Steam still drilling her for info “I'm sure Shining told you”

“I got a letter 2 weeks after the incident” answered Spitfire opening a drawer and pulling out a tattered piece of paper “It said you had been injured in a warehouse fire and then disappeared from the hospital. That's all I got, I tried to come and look but if I had then I would have been kicked out of the Wonderbolts. I would have missed too many practices in my absence”

“So you stayed and lived your dreams and left me to rot alone?” Steam said sitting up and looking in her direction “yet you still call yourself my friend?”

“Hey!” yelled a voice from the other room “Stop yelling at her!” A large Stallion came in from the other room. Steam hadn't noticed him in his conversation with Spitfire. As Steam heard wings flap, a hoof was driven into his chest sending him tumbling backwards. Steam did a back flip and regained his balance on his hooves standing up.

“Soarin!” said Spitfire shocked “When did you come in?”

“Right on time” replied Soarin gearing up for another punch “Just who is this pony and how hard do you want me to beat him?”

“If you may” said Steam reaching into his saddle bag “let me get ready first. I am blind you know” Taking one of the wrapped parcels out of his saddlebag and unwrapped it with a swing of his hoof. It resembled a large brass colored metal rod interchanging with two silver rods and a half moon. Steam took it and banged it on the floor once and it unfolded itself into a rather grisly looking scythe.

“Now,” said Steam gripping the scythe's shaft in his mouth and getting into what can only be described as a hunter's crouch “I'm ready”

“Steam stop it” yelled Spitfire throwing herself between Steam and Soarin

“Steam?” asked Soaring confused grabbing Spitfire in his hooves and flying quickly out of range of Steam's scythe “Your Steam Gear?”

“What if I am?” asked Steam through the scythe “What is it to you?”

“I just came here because I heard our Captain had quit so I wanted to make sure she was okay” said Soarin explaining “But now that you are here I can see why she quit”

“What are you talking about?” asked Steam suspicion creeping into his voice “Spits what's going on?”

“I quit the Wonderbolts” Spitfire said slowly forcing the words out she hid her face behind Soarin

“Why the hay would you do that?” asked Steam confused “I thought being a Wonderbolt was your dream?”

“It was my dream” replied Spitfire still hidden behind Soarin “but now I have a new dream”

“What are you talking about?” asked Steam bringing the scythe up to point menacingly at Soarin's throat “Did you do something to her?”

“I haven't done anything” replied Soarin defensively swallowing the lump in his throat “You are the one that made her quit.”

“What?” asked Steam the scythe falling from his mouth as it swung open in shock

“For the last couple years she's been with the Wonderbolts Spitfire has been disappearing for a few days whenever we come to a new town. She always shows up for practice but then poof she's gone” said Soarin “We asked where she had been and she always replied looking for an old friend”

Steam's mind shattered. It felt as if a hole had punched through his chest. Here he was again scorning his own friends just because he was feeling sorry for himself, because he had believed himself to be alone for so long. In truth he was only alone because he decided to be. Steam couldn't be with other ponies for fear of what they would do to him in the end. He couldn't have his heart broken again.

“When Shining told me that he had found you I was so happy” said Spitfire finally coming out from behind Soarin “After all the years of searching I had finally found you again”

“Spits...” mumbled Steam his mind swirling with his new revelation

“She has been looking for the whole time dude” said Soarin

Spitfire trotted slowly over to the dazed Steam and sat directly in front of him. “I have wanted to do this for so long” Then she leaned in and kissed Steam on the lips

Steam's mind instantly cleared as he felt the tenderness in that single kiss. For a moment he could have sworn he saw Spitfire sitting in front of him the sunlight shimmering on her golden coat. It was at this moment he realized how he felt for Spitfire. She was not only his friend but, maybe she was something more as well.

“Well it looks like I can go now” said Soarin letting himself out “I'll tell the team that you want a extended vacation. There will always be a spot on the team for you captain!” with that he shut the door behind him leaving Steam and Spitfire alone.

“Spits... I....” started Steam not knowing what to say

“It's okay Steam” said Spitfire a tad of sorrow in her voice “I didn't expect you to kiss me back”
She began to stand up, but was stopped by a hoof on her cheek.

“Spitfire...” said Steam pulling her head down towards his again “You should always expect the unexpected” With that he kissed her. He put all the feeling he could into it trying to make it last as long as he could. Reluctantly he had to pull back for air.

“I'm sorry” said Steam lowering his sightless gaze to the floor “I am such a fool”

“Steam you have nothing to be sorry for” soothed Spitfire lifting up his head with her hoof “I love you. You are no fool”

“Why do you say that?” asked Steam absently “look at me”

“I am looking at you Steam, but it is not for that reason you are not a fool.” said Spitfire pulling her hoof back taking a deep breath “It is because of what you said to me all those years ago, something that has driven me to this day.”

“I was lost and thought the very thought of me ever joining the Wonderbolts was hopeless. I was ready to give up altogether.” said Spitfire in a very quiet voice closing her eyes remembering how she felt that day “In fact I was on my way to drop out of Canterlot University when I bumped into a rather goofy stallion. As I apologized and offered to help him pick up his scattered books he just put a hoof on my shoulder and smiled at me. He asked me what was wrong. It was as if he could read my mind.”

“Spits...” was all Steam could say before Spitfire continued

“Somehow I felt like I could trust this stallion he made me feel like everything was alright. As if being around him could make your darkest fears just go away. When I told him my problems he laughed at me.” said Spitfire with a chuckle tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes “He told me that it wouldn't do me any good to run away from my dreams. I asked him what made him so sure. I believe you know what he told me Steam.”

Steam closed his eyes and repeated from his memory “Your only giving up because you have lost your sight. Without sight we lose hope. Without hope we eventually fall into darkness. This is were you are right now in the darkness unsure of yourself. Let me be the one to light your path. The truth is that a light shines brightest in the darkness, and there is nothing, no force in all of Equestria, that can stop the will of a determined soul. If you can gain the courage to overcome the obstacles in your path then there is nothing holding you from your dreams. Trust me”

“That stallion was you Steam” said Spitfire opening her eyes tears flowing freely “I never told you how much that meant to me. You acted as if it never happened just patted me on the head and gave me the goofiest smile I had ever seen and trotted off.” She had to pause to wipe the tears from her eyes before she could continue “but that didn't stop you from helping me follow my dreams. It seemed from then on I would always bump into you and you would say something to lift my spirits and push me onward. Without you Steam I never would have had the courage to even try out for the Wonderbolts much less become Captain. I owe you my life Steam”

“Spitfire...” said Steam in a mere whisper He could hear her crying. Her tears spattering as they hit the floor. He saw a flash of light as if in a dream. There stood Spitfire in front of him her eyes streaked with tears staring at him. A ray of sunlight hit her coat igniting it in golden twirls of flame. Her wings partially unfolded to her sides. She looked like a weeping angel.

“On that day you gave me my life back Steam. You pulled me out of the darkness” said Spitfire rubbing her eyes erasing her tears and scooting closer to Steam “You are just as lost as I was that day. Let me be your light now when you need me most Steam. Find hope in me and take a step out of the darkness and into the light.” With that Spitfire caught Steam in a loving embrace.

Steam returned it without a second thought. It was almost as if he could feel all the pain and loneliness just wash away as a new feeling rose within him. One he hadn't felt in a long time. Tears began to wet his bandage as he wept. “Thank you” he sobbed into Spitfires mane “Thank you”

Spitfire only smiled and said “Welcome back” She let Steam cry until he tired out then she softened her embrace and let him pull back. “Feel better?” asked Spitfire giving Steam a soft bop on the nose with her hoof

Steam replied simply by kissing her deeply which she greatly enjoyed.

“I'll take that as a yes” Spitfire laughed

“Spitfire...” said Steam pulling a deep breath “I love you”

“I know” said Spitfire patting him on the head His hair felt grungy and stained with oil. “but you are very dirty and your bandages are soaked through. We'll have to clean you up before I take you to the palace tonight”

“Haven't really had the chance to shower lately you know?” said Steam with a chuckle “Sorry”

“No it's no big deal” said Spitfire thinking mischievously “We'll just have to give you a bath”

“What did you just say?” asked Steam confused

“I said “we” you can't find your away around my house without your sight” said Spitfire pulling him in the direction of her tub “besides I want to wash your back for you”

“Alright..” said Steam still unsure he should be doing this Spitfire lead him through what smelled like the kitchen, down the hall and into a nice smelling room. He sat down and turned his head as Spitfire walked over and turned on the faucet to draw the water.

“I'm going to need you to get in Steam” said Spitfire with a giggle waving him over to the tub
tapping the side of it with her hoof to give him a good idea where it is

Steam blushed a bit as he made his way slowly to the tub. He unslung his saddle bag from his shoulder and laid it against the wall. He then took off his jacket. Spitfire took it from him and hung it up on the wall. “You didn't need to do that” said Steam

“It was no problem Steam” said Spitfire cutely “Feel free to step on in the water is fine” She flicked the tip of his nose with her tail. Steam followed her tail up over the edge of the tub. He placed his hoof into the water finding it warm to the touch. He quickly placed all four of his hooves in the soothing water and sat down.

“This feels great” Steam sighed

“You needed this more than I thought” Spitfire said placing a hoof on his shoulder “You are so tense and worked up. Do you want me to give you a massage?”

“Could you?” asked Steam with a smile

“Of course Steam” said Spitfire stepping into the tub in front of him “I'd love to join you. That is if you don't mind?”

“I'd love for you to join me” replied Steam with a frown “I just wish I could see...” He didn't get to finish, Spitfire stole his breath with a kiss. She pulled back and said

“Don't finish that sentence” She nuzzled him before she said “Sight can fade Steam” she put a hoof on his chest “But feelings never do”

“You always know what to say” replied Steam hugging Spitfire nuzzling her

“Alright Steam” said Spitfire grabbing the shower head in her hoof “Time to wash you up” With that she sprayed him on top of his head. The water ran down his head and into his face.

“Augh” said Steam spitting some water out of his mouth “Spitfire you could warn me first”

“Sorry” apologized Spitfire with a small chuckle giving him a peck on his forehead “Here comes another one then” She sprayed water over his head again and ran her hooves through his hair , letting the shower head drop. “Is that better?”

“Almost” Steam replied grabbing the fallen shower head he sprayed Spitfire over the head. She squealed in delight “Now we're even”

“That wasn't fair” protested Spitfire playfully bopping Steam on the nose

“I know” replied Steam nuzzling her “I'm sorry”

“What am I going to do with you?” asked Spitfire nuzzling him back

“Well you did promise me a massage” answered Steam with a smile

“Alright” said Spitfire sweetly “I'll need you to turn around then” Steam turned around so his back was facing Spitfire. She looked at his rust colored mane as it cascaded down the back of his neck and smiled. Her smile faulted when she glanced at his brass colored wings. “These wings of yours how did you get them?”

“I built them three years ago” replied Steam spreading his wings out and ruffling them a bit “I'm a pegasus. I need wings to fly.”

“But it is so unnatural” said Spitfire tapping one wing with her hoof

“Once a pegasus always a pegasus Spitfire. Flying is in our blood.” explained Steam folding his wings back up “Imagine if you lost your ability to fly?”

“I don't want to imagine that Steam” said Spitfire with a sigh “Flying is in my blood”

“I'm sorry if they bother you” said Steam attempting to stand up Spitfire reached out a hoof onto his back right between his wings stopping him.

“No it's fine” said Spitfire with a weak smile “I'll just have to get used to them is all. I would never take anything away from you” With that she moved her hooves to Steam's shoulders and began her massage. “I want you to be happy” Her hooves worked themselves into the thick mouscles in Steams shoulders kneading them firmly.

Steam let out a relaxed sigh as he felt the massage start. He closed his eyes and let Spitfire's hooves work they're magic. He felt her hooves work down his back and move in circular motions around his wings. Steam felt the knots in his muscles tighten and then unwind. When Spitfire was done she patted his back softly.

“All done” she said stepping out of the tub

“Already” said Steam stepping out of the tub after her shaking his wet mane splashing her with water

“Take a towel” said Spitfire giggling pulling a towel out of a cabinet and handing it to him

“If you insist” replied Steam “Does that mean we have to go to the palace now”

“As much as I would love to spend the rest of the night with you Steam” said Spitfire with a sigh “I did promise Shining Armor you would be there”

“Alright” said Steam putting his jacket back on and throwing his saddle bag over his shoulder “but I'm not sure I can get to the palace myself”

“Don't worry Steam I'll be your eyes” said Spitfire nuzzling him “I won't leave your side”