• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 894 Views, 6 Comments

Darkness Surrounding - Sigil Flare

Three humans are tranported to Equestia in it's time of need

  • ...

Chapter 4

A lot of drama and emotions tossed around in this Chapter. You are Warned.

The sun was going down over the Everfree forest as Twilight cantered along. She wanted to find out where the hydra had come from that had attacked Ponyville. She had decided not to wake Sigil since he needed all the rest he could get, so she had enlisted the help of Applejack. At first she had been reluctant to go, but Twilight had done some tough negotiating and finally got her come along.

“Ay can't believe your holding that over my head again Twilight” whined Applejack from beside Twilight

“How else would I have got you to come along?” said Twilight in light tone “Besides that's not something you do at a slumber party”

“Tell that to Rarity” mumbled Applejack just loud enough for Twilight to hear “Anyways why are ya'll out here anyways?”

“I wanted to see what that Hydra was doing in Ponyville” replied Twilight “It had to have a reason”

“Well I reckon your right” said Applejack “Them critters never come near Ponyville”

“Hey Applejack come look at this” said Twilight pointing to a strange foot print on the ground “What do you think it is?”

“I'm not sure Twilight” said Applejack poking it with a hoof suspiciously “Definitely not Hydra that's for sure” A bird flew out of a tree just a few feet away letting out an alarm call.

“What was that for” complained Twilight covering her ears

“That was an alarm call Sugarcube” said Applejack getting worried She began looking around frantically “And it means there's something here with us”

“Like what?” asked Twilight trying to peer through the thick undergrowth of the forest floor

“I'm betting the thing that made that there...” Applejack got no farther A Manticore jumped out of the tree to Applejack's left catching her by surprise. It side swiped her with a massive forepaw launching her into Twilight knocking them to the ground in a heap. Applejack and Twilight rolled out of the way as the Manticore dived for them. It's teeth chomped down on air as Applejack pivoted on her front hooves and gave it a traditional Apple Family Apple Buck to the side of it's head.

It lost it's balance as it feel on it's side. Twilight didn't hesitate to use the opportunity her friend had given her. Calling on her magic, her horn flaring purple, she brought the roots of the nearby trees shooting out of the ground ensnaring the Manticore. It didn't want to give up without a fight though it began flailing around wildly trying to escape. Applejack ran up and did a pile-driver on it's skull sounding a resounding crack with her elbow.

The Manticore’s eyes rolled back in it's head as it lost consciousness.

“What the hey is a Manticore doing this close to Ponyville?” asked Applejack looking at her flank to see if that swipe had left any marks She let out a sigh of relief that it was just a scratch

“I don't know” replied Twilight “but it seemed to be in more of a panic than anything else”

“What do ya mean sugarcube?” asked Applejack finding her hat and putting it back atop it's proper place

“Well it was hiding from us in the first place” said Twilight thinking “then it ambushed us once it realized we weren't what was chasing it”

“Very observant of you” said a voice from behind Twilight

Twilight and Applejack turned simultaneously to see who said that. When they looked their jaws dropped. There standing next to the Manticore was a island teal unicorn with pale blue hair. She was wearing a magician's cape and hat painted black with gold stars.

“Trixie?!” both Twilight and Applejack screamed in unison

“Yes it is me the Great and All Powerful Trixie!” replied Trixie in mock applause “why are you so surprised to see me?”

“What are you doing in the Everfree forest?” asked Twilight backing up a little Something was off about Trixie but Twilight couldn't put her hoof on it.

“I'm just gathering a few fans” she replied walking up to the Manticore examining it closely “Is that so wrong?”

“I thought we ran your flank out of town already?” yelled Applejack remembering how she had out roped by the unicorn's tricks

“Oh I really should thank you for that” said Trixie with a smile on her face “but how can I?”

“You want to thank us for running you out?” asked Twilight confused

“Oh yes” said Trixie in an honest tone “Without you mares running me out of your pathetic town I never would have found this” Trixie reached under cloak into a saddlebag and pulled out a rather beat up looking book.

“Is that...” asked Twilight stumbling over her words

“Yes it is Twilight” Trixie said with a grim smile opening the book “It's the long lost spellbook of Star Swirl the Bearded”

“Applejack we need to run” yelled Twilight grabbing her friend by the tail “NOW!”

“It's no use” laughed Trixie evily her horn glowing in black light The trees around Twilight and Applejack began to shake and bend, interlocking their branches trapping Twilight and Applejack inside with Trixie and the Manticore. “You can't escape now”

“Twilight what's going on” asked Applejack in a fearful tone

“I don't know” said Twilight swallowing the lump in her throat “We need to get that book.”

“Oh don't bother” said Trixie placing her hoof on the Manticore A glowing ball of black flame enveloped it instantly. It shrunk over the Manticore and finally faded into a glowing emblem on the Manticore's forehead. The roots pinning it down burned away as the Manticore stood up and turned to Trixie. Twilight and Applejack gave each other horrified looks as the Manticore bowed to Trixie. Trixie raised her hoof and pointed at Applejack “Catch her but don't kill her”

The Manticore turned and launched itself through the air at Applejack pinning her under it's paws. Twilight tried to help her friend, but found herself hurtled into a tree by a fireball. She doused her flaming coat with summoned water and looked at Trixie who relpied “Your facing me this time Sparkle” she hurtled another fireball as she yelled “And this time I WILL WIN!”

Twilight dodged the second fireball and sent a chunk of ice flying towards Trixie in return. She simply took a step to the right and the ice flew past her. Twilight summoned more magic, her horn glowing, as she let of a powerful beam of magic at Trixie. Trixie did nothing to avoid it. She held up her hoof to the beam and it erupted into a spray of sparks upon impact. Twilight was powerless, her strongest spell blocked as if it was nothing.

Trixie disappeared in a flash to appear behind Twilight sideswiping her with a hoof to the side of the head knocking her to the ground. Trixie then grabbed Twilight by the throat with her magic and lifted her off the ground.

“Your not number one any more Sparkle” said Trixie with a dark smile “Although I really should thank you. If it wasn't for you beating me and kicking me out I never would have this power.”

“What do you mean?” choked out Twilight struggling to breath against her choke hold

“When you kicked me out I was all alone” said Trixie rage boiling beneath her coat “So very alone. I was wondering around for days until it found me. I do not know it's name but it called to me. I went in to the darkness to it and it gave me a way out of my loneliness. It gave me a reason to live again”

“What is that supposed to mean?” struggled out Twilight her vision blurring from lack of air as she was lifted higher

“It means this Sparkle” Howled Trixie in rage bringing Twilight down to meet her gaze she put a hoof on Twilight's forehead as she spoke “The Darkness is coming to Equestria. And there is nothing you and your elements can do about it. The Darkness is Surrounding. Not even the Princesses can save you now. From the Darkness you came and back to it you shall go”

Twilight felt something happening to her. It was as If all the happiness and joy was being drained out of her. Her hooves stopped flailing and she went limp. All the life was being sucked out of her. Her vision blurred and faded and she was thrown into darkness. No not even darkness just nothing. The last thing she heard was “TWILIGHT!” and then there was nothing.

Sigil opened his eyes blinking them a few times to get the grogginess to go away. He sat up and stretched feeling a lot more rested than yesterday. He looked around the top floor of the library and noticed something missing. “Huh?” he thought “No Twilight” He hopped out of bed and decided to trot on downstairs and see if anypony was there. When he got downstairs he froze.

In the middle of the room Twilight's body was heaped on the floor. She was surrounded by Spike ,who was crying into his elbow, Pinkie, who's hair was flat and drained of color, Rainbow and Fluttershy, Fluttershy was crying madly into Rainbow's chest but Rainbow kept a straight face as a obvious sign of respect. There was one other pony. She was bigger than all the others and had a multicolored mane. She also had a horn and wings, an Alicorn.

“Sigil” said Rainbow in a strained voice

“Sigil Flare” called the Alicorn in a gentle tone ushering him over to sit beside her “Come over here”

Sigil trotted over to the Alicorn and sat down not taking his eyes off of Twilight for a single moment. She didn't move.

“I understand your new to Equestria” said the Alicorn obviously trying to distract Sigil from the horrific situation

“Yes I am princess” replied Sigil not knowing her actual name “What happened?”

“Call me Celestia please” she replied in a friendly tone “We don't know. In all my years I have never seen anything like it”

“Celestia...” said Sigil trying to remember where he had heard that name before Then it hit him “You were her teacher...”

“Yes” replied Celestia with a drawn out sigh “She was my honored and most precious student”

“I can't imagine how you must feel” said Sigil

“Oh I believe you can” replied Celestia placing a hoof on Sigil's shoulder

“She was my best friend” said Sigil tears welling up in his eyes “My first true friend....”

“I know how you must feel Sigil” said Celestia levitating a piece of paper over to him “That's why I want you to read this letter”

“What is it?” asked Sigil taking it wiping his eyes with his hoof

“Just read it” said Celestia knowingly

Dear Celestia,

My name is Sigil Flare. I am a newcomer to your realm. At first I was a little freaked out by your land known as Equestria but now I find it wonderful. The ponies here are very nice and friendly. I have met your student Twilight and I have to say she is becoming my best friend very fast.....

“This is just the letter I wrote to you” replied Sigil shaking his head

“Look at the extension” replied Celestia pointing with her hoof at the bottom of the letter

Sigil looked at it and read

Dear Celestia,

Above is a letter from a new friend I have made. He's not from Equestria at all. He's so strange and different. But he is also nice and funny. I've never had a friend like this before. I want to spend more time with him than any of my other friends. Is it possible that I could have a favorite friend? Or is it something else? Anyways,

your faithful student Twilight Sparkle

“You know what she means” said Celestia seeing the tears flow down Sigil's cheeks “don't you?”

“She loved me...” cried Sigil tossing the letter away

“Yes I believe she did” said Celestia a sad tone to her voice “and we don't know why or how but she's gone”

“She told me...” sniffled Sigil trying in vain to stop his tears “She told me no one else I cared for would die”

“I wish we could all keep our word” said Celestia “but we are all just ponies after all”

“No” said Sigil rubbing vigorously at his eyes to wipe away his tears “I won't let it end like this” he stood up and walked slowly and determinedly over to Twilight's body “I will keep my word. I won't let anyone, anypony, I care about die. Not again”

“Sigil..” said Celestia in a gentle tone “She's already gone”

Sigil ignored her and kneeled down next to Twilight using his magic to delve into her mind hoping to find something, anything. He closed his eyes and concentrated casting his gaze wider until he found something. A small shimmer of light in the far corner of her mind. He tried calling out to it but got no reply. Coming back to his own consciousness he took a deep breath to calm his nerves.

“She's not dead” said Sigil in a monotone voice All the crying in the room stopped.

“What do you mean?” asked Celestia hope coming to her eyes once more

“She's not dead” repeated Sigil lowering his head “She's still alive”

“How do you know?” asked Rainbow in a serious tone “How do we know your not just saying that?”

“Because I've seen this spell before” replied Sigil grimly

“How have you seen it?” asked Pinkie confused “Even Princess Celestia hasn't seen it”

“Because this spell comes from my world” replied Sigil “It's forbidden”

“If it's from your world then how the buck did it end up here in Equestria?” asked Rainbow

“I must not have been the only human to have visited your world before” said Sigil “But I know this spell and I know for a fact that Twilight is still alive”

“How can you be so sure?” asked Celestia curiously but cautiously

“Because this spell is used by those who wield dark magic” replied Sigil “it is used to drain the life force out of a person, in this case a pony, until they are nothing but an empty shell. Twilight on the other hand, erm I mean hoof, was a very powerful unicorn. She had enough power to hide some of her consciousness away in the far corners of her mind”

“You seem to know a lot about this particular spell Sigil?” asked Rainbow drilling for information

“That's because..” started Sigil “I've used it before” the room went eerily quiet once again

“You used this spell before?” asked Celestia “I thought you said it was forbidden where you come from”

“It is” replied Sigil wanting to hide from the judging eyes of the ponies in the room “I was young and powerful and mad. I don't know what I was thinking. It was just he had done so much to hurt me and h deserved it”

“Who could possibly deserve a fate such as this” asked Celestia wanting an explanation

“The bastard that murdered my family!” yelled Sigil in fury and pain tears rolled down his cheeks as he continued “Is that what you wanted to hear? That I'm nothing but a murder who ran away from home because he has done things he could never escape?”

“Sigil” murmured Rainbow having no idea how to respond

“If there is one thing you pony's can let me do” begged Sigil stomping his hoof defiantly “Let me save Twilight while there is still time”

“Sigil!” bellowed Celestia

Sigil stood his ground as Celestia stood up at full height towering over him. He closed his eyes as she trotted over to him waiting for the beating he was about to get. It never came. Sigil opened his eyes to see the Princess looking down at him with soft eyes.

“Fear nothing Sigil” said the Princess giving him a soft hug “The deeds of your past do not bind you here. You are born anew here. If you can do anything to save Twilight, I know there's nothing anypony in this room could do to stop you”

Sigil's mind shut down at this strange arrangement of words. He gave himself a mental reboot as he sunk into Celesta’s hug. He knew what needed to be done all he had to do was ask. Stepping backwards Sigil clapped his hooves together to get every pony’s attention.

“I can save Twilight” Sigil said “But it comes at a cost. As I said she has had her life force drained dangerously low. She doesn't have much time left if we don't act fast.”

“What can you do?” asked Spike finally managing to control his breathing long enough to speak

“I can act as a conduit” explained Sigil “I can use my own life force to take that of another pony and move it into Twilight”

“Wouldn't that mean..” asked Celestia

“Yes I'm afraid so” answered Sigil sadly “there is a strong possibility that both I and the volunteer will die in the procedure”

“I'll do it” said Spike standing up and sniffling

“Spike” said Sigil in a warning tone “Do you know what your doing?”

“Twilight was like a sister to me” replied Spike wiping more tears from his eyes and putting on a determined face “She hatched me and cared for me my entire life. I owe her at least this much if not more” he looked at twilight at the floor and hardened his resolve

“Celestia?” asked Sigil nervously

“Spike knows what he's doing” said Celestia nodding slowly “Besides he's old enough to make his own decisions”

“Alright then Spike if your sure” sighed Sigil “Then give me one of your claws”

Spike took hold of his hand and bit his claw off cringing at the spike of pain. He then handed it to Sigil. Sigil took it in his mouth and cut his hoof with it. Using his blood he drew a sigil around Twilight with the claw and put two small circles on the edge and marked runes into the floor. He then sat in one circle and gestured for Spike to sit in the other one.

“I need everypony to stand back while the spell is in effect” said Sigil gesturing for everypony to take a step back “Are you ready Spike?” asked Sigil “This is your last chance to back out”

“I'm not backing out” said Spike determined “Twilight needs me”

Sigil took a deep breath as he willed the spell to commence. At once the sigil on the ground began to glow a dark crimson. As they all watched a faint blue transparent line began to emerge from Spike and began to twist into a small tornado above Twilight. Sigil reached out his hoof and grabbed it and guided it into Twilight. The strand of blue light twisted in mid air and began to worm it's way into Twilight's body which began to spasm.

Twilight opened her eyes, or at least she thought she did. She couldn't tell anymore all she saw was nothing. She couldn't remember how long she had been like this. She wondered if this was death. Twilight heard a faint noise coming from all around her. She turned around to see a light coming towards her. She reached out a hoof and touched it beginning to feel warmth run up her hoof. She was being pulled out of the darkness by this light.

What was this light Twilight asked herself. She tried to look at it but had to hide her eyes from it's bright glow. She heard a voice calling her name “Twilight” it said softly at first as she was dragged further it got louder till it was screaming her name “TWILIGHT!” then she felt weightless and warm and she was enveloped by the light.

Twilight opened her eyes feeling the lids scream protest. “Yeah she was alive alright” she thought to herself Her entire body was stiff.

“Twilight” said a familiar voice faintly She strained to turn her head in it's direction to see Spike with a pained expression on his face despite the obvious smile “Welcome back...” Then he let out one last breath and fell to the floor face first.

“Spike?” asked Twilight finding her voice returning “Spike what's wrong?” she could see a thin blue line coming out of him and floating up into the air.

“Twilight don't move” said a stallion from behind her “This isn't as easy as it looks”

“Sigil?” asked Twilight in a scared voice

“Yeah Twilight” replied Sigil panting “I'm here just sit tight and you'll be okay”

“Spike...” said Twilight a tear running down her cheek looking at her number one assistant The thin blue line stopped coming from him and disappeared into the air. The glowing sigil on the floor also faded to a bloody streak on her floor.

“Alright now you can move” said Sigil catching his breath “You may be a little stiff though, being mostly dead will do that to you”

“What?” asked Twilight picking up the lifeless body of Spike in her hooves “What did you do to Spike?”

“Twilight” said a all to familiar voice in a royal accent

Twilight turned to see Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Princess Celestia staring at her like she was a ghost.

“Princess” said Twilight all other words escaping her

“It's alright your back now” said Rainbow placing a hoof around her shoulders and drawing the unicorn into a friendly embrace

“Back?” asked Twilight confused “What are you talking...” Twilight's eyes grew wide as the memories of her recent experience in the Everfree forest came flooding back to her. She pushed Rainbow off of her as a thought struck her. “Where's Applejack?” asked Twilight scanning the room for her missing friendliest

“She's in the hospital” replied Fluttershy finally finding her voice realizing the worst was now over “She's pretty shaken up”

“What do you mean?” asked Twilight concerned “How bad is she hurt?”

“She's not hurt physically except for a few bruises and a cracked rib or two” replied Rainbow looking down at the floor continuing “But she's hurt on the inside Twi. She had to carry your body back through the Everfree all by herself. I wouldn't wish something like that on my worst enemy.” finished Rainbow shuttering in disgust

“I need to go see her” said Twilight heading for the door “I need to show her I'm alright” She felt a hoof bar her way turning she saw it was the Princess herself.

“that's not a good idea” said the Princess retracting her hoof leading Twilight back to the center of the room and sitting her down on her couch

“What do you mean?” asked Twilight a little angered by the Princess's interference

“She just got to sleep a little while ago” replied Celestia in a serious tone “They had to sedate her heavily before she could even think of sleep. Then she had terrible nightmares until I arrived and put her in a trance state. Whatever happened in that forest we need to know”

“Applejack didn't say anything about it?” asked Twilight grasping for information

“She hasn't said a word since she's gotten back” said Rainbow shrugging her shoulders “and we weren't about to force her”

“Alright then I'll tell you all what happened” started Twilight taking a deep breath