• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 894 Views, 6 Comments

Darkness Surrounding - Sigil Flare

Three humans are tranported to Equestia in it's time of need

  • ...

Chapter 2

“Ugh I feel horrible” muttered Sigil opening his eyes squinting against the bright light of the room

“And you look terrible too” said a certain purple unicorn with a chuckle “Good morning Sigil”

“Twilight is that you?” asked Sigil his eyes adjusting to the light He noticed he was back in Twilight's house but on a different floor perhaps. He noticed more book cases and a staircase leading down. He also realized he was in a bed with a pillow under his head. “What happened?”

“You over exerted yourself trying to save Fluttershy from the hydra remember?” said Twilight putting a hoof on his shoulder “You were in no condition to even attempt a spell that powerful”

“If Fluttershy's alright then it was well worth the risk” said Sigil flatly “I try to put others before myself as much as I can” He looked up at Twilight to see her reaction

She looked into his eyes fondly and said “Well from the amount of time I've spent playing nurse for you seems like your getting the luxury treatment.”

“But I do enjoy it ever so much” said Sigil in a sing-song voice sitting up he added “So what have I missed?”

“Well after you failed to stop the hydra Rainbow had to step in to fight it” said twilight replaying the battle in her mind “She managed to give it a rather hard time before a strange snow colored wolf stepped in and aided her. It distracted it so Rainbow could finish it off with what she so proudly named the Sonic Rain- Kaboom.”

“Who got hurt?” asked Sigil a look of worry on his face as he starred down at his hooves

“Rainbow broke a wing and cracked a few ribs, but the doctor said she'll be fine in a few weeks” said Twilight “I have no idea where the wolf went and nopony else got hurt”

“Alright” said Sigil breathing a sigh of relief looking at Twilight he asked “So Nurse Sparkle, what is to be my prescription today?”

“Plenty of bed rest and relaxation” said Twilight playfully hitting him in the shoulder “This is the second time you've nearly killed yourself do to exhaustion”

“Well if your the nurse I get every time I do” said Sigil closing his eyes and taking a deep breath “I see one good thing that comes out of this” he drifted off to sleep as he let out a long slow calm breath

“You are such a tease” said Twilight staring at the peaceful look on Sigil's face while he slept “Get better soon Sigil” She walked down stairs leaving him to sleep “Spike” she called out as she neared the kitchen “Where are you?” She found a note on the counter. It read

“Dear Twilight when the hydra attack I thought it would be best to round up the Cutie Mark Crusaders and get keep an eye on them. You know make sure they don't try and be Cutie Mark Crusader Hydra fighters or something incredibly dangerous. Will be at Sweet Apple Acres if you need me. “

Sincerely, Spike

Twilight let out a sigh. She wanted to check on Rainbow Dash, it's been three days since she had left her there with Nurse Redheart. Twilight also wanted to stay and keep Sigil company. Also she would get a chance to read a few books she had been wanting to read for awhile. Reluctantly she shook her head “Rainbow's not going anywhere” she thought to herself with a smile “Besides if I went to go check up on her I'd only spook Fluttershy”

The cream colored pegasus had been spending almost all of her time for the last few weeks helping Rainbow with anything she needed to do. Twilight thought it was a little odd, but they have been best friends since they were fillies, so she let it slide as a coinceidence. Twilight walked back upstairs and found a book on her night stand next to the bed. Picking it up in her magic she walked back downstairs and laid down on her sofa.

Reading the cover of the book it said “A beginners guide to Romantic Relationships” Twilight blushed a little as she opened the cover. To think she never even considered she would need to read this book until just a few days ago.

Rainbow Dash felt light headed as she laid awkwardly in her hospital bed. “Hey Nursy?” Rainbow hiccuped with a grin “What's up with me today?”

The nice pony who was serving as nurse for today looked at Rainbow and said “We've increased your painkiller Miss Dash, you may feel a little loopy for a while but it will wear off after a while” With that she trotted out of the room to look at the other patients Rainbow stared up at the ceiling boredom setting in,when she heard hoofsteps outside her door.

The door swung open to reveal Fluttershy walking slowly into the room and closing the door. “Man” thought Rainbow to herself “Fluttershy looks really cute today” She smiled at that thought and said “Hey Pal come to visit me?”

“O-oh Dashy I wanted to sooner but I had a rather extreme patient to take care of” said Fluttershy walking up beside Rainbow her eyes lowered “I'm sorry”

“It's no prob Pal” said Rainbow with a goofy grin “you're here now and that's what counts” Rainbow had never really noticed how soft Fluttershy's mane looked

“I'm just glad visiting hours are still open” said Fluttershy nervously She hadn't exactly asked anypony if they were she was too shy, so she had snuck in.

“Actually, Pal” said Rainbow looking at the clock “Visiting hours are over” as Fluttershy's eyes went wide in over exaggurated shock Rainbow ran her hoof through Fluttershy's mane “Not that I'm asking you to leave Pal” Rainbow smiled to herself at how unbelievably soft Fluttershy's mane was.

Fluttershy blushed a little at having Rainbow touch her mane, but it felt so right she couldn't pull away from the advanced hoof. Instead she scooted a little closer to Rainbow and said “I can stay Dashy” she put on her cutest face and looked up at Rainbow “That is if it's okay with you?”

Rainbow put her hoof deeper into Fluttershy's mane as she scooted closer feeling the softness as she ran her hoof through it. “It's fine with me Shy” said Rainbow looking into Fluttershy's eyes those great cerulean orbs. “It's fine with me”

Fluttershy had to use every bit of will power she had to not kiss Rainbow right there instead she blushed furiously and asked “would you like me to sing a lullaby for you?”

“That would be so awesome Shy thanks!” said Rainbow withdrawing her hoof from her friends mane and snuggling up under her covers She shook a little bit as her machine administered anotherr dose of painkiller to her, numbing her thoughts even more. “man am I tired” said Rainbow yawning

Fluttershy took a deep breath and began her song

"Hush now, quiet now

It's time to lay your sleepy head

Hush now, quiet now

It's time to go to bed

Drifting off to sleep

The exciting day behind you

Drifting off to sleep

Let the joy of dream land find you

Hush now, quiet now

Lay your sleepy head

Hush now, quiet now

It's time to go to bed...

As she finished she noticed Rainbow faintly snoring as she slept. Flutteshy gave an adoring sigh as she saw the peaceful look on Rainbow's face. She leaned in and nuzzled her sleeping friend giving her a light kiss on the cheek before standing up.

“Fluttershy...” mumbled Rainbow in her sleep half opening one eye as she yanked her blankets
“Don't go I wanna tell you something. Something important”

Fluttershy whipped around and looked at her friend with intrest. She was obviously delerious from her medication Fluttershy was certain of that. But this was Dashy she was talking about! She would never lie to anypony unless she had a very good reason. “I'm here Dashy” said Fluttershy softly to her sleepy friend “What is it you want to tell me?”

Rainbow shifted in her sleep and wore a smug frown as she said “You know I think your kinda cute right?” then she let out a sigh and waited for a reply

Fluttershy was shocked speechless. Her dream mare had just said she thought she was cute. She had to find out if this was true or just a drug induced incident. “Dashy I had no idea you thought that way” said Fluttershy gently blushing a bit “but I do think your kind of cute yourself”

Rainbow grinned as she replied lazily “Yeah I know I'm awesome” then she took in a long breath and added “But I think you may be just as awesome Shy. Your so adorable and kind and you never turn down a friend in need. I like you a lot you know that right?”

Fluttershy's heart was racing now. “Did she just say that I'm as awesome as her!?!” thought Fluttershy her head spinning in euphoria “I wish she was telling me the truth”

“Fluttershy?” asked Rainbow beginning to twist and turn in her sleep looking for her friend “You there...”

“Yes Dashy” said Fluttershy a blush spreading on her cheeks “I'm here. I will always be here for you, you know that. But I.. um.. I like you a lot to Dashy. If you were awake right now and this wasn't all a dream I would tell you how much I like you for real.”

“Why can't you now?” asked Rainbow a expression of confusion drawn on her face “If this is a dream that would make it the best dream I've ever had”

“Alright then Dashy I will tell you how I feel, though I doubt you'll remember any of this when you wake up tomorrow” said Fluttershy taking a leap of Faith “I- I love you Dashy. I have for a while now and if you will take me I would like to be your special somepony.”

“Shy...” said Rainbow said with a smile on her face “Thank you” then she rolled over and the snoring grew louder

Fluttershy shook herself to calm down and then hurriedly exited the room and ran outside. She needed to tell somepony what happened. She needed advice bad. “Rarity is out of town. “Thought Fluttershy in a hurry “Applejack is Dashy's rival, Pinkie would be no help. That leaves Twilight.” Fluttershy trotted quickly over to the library and knocked on the door.

“Hold on” came a voice from the other side A deadbolt slide acrossed on the inside of the door before it swung open revealing a rather tired looking spike.

“Hello Spike” said Fluttershy trying to look as calm as possible “Is Twilight here?”

“She hasn't left all day.” complained Spike obviously jealous “She's been watching over that new stallion. I'm her number one assistant and she's totally ignored me since I got back from watching the Cutie Mark Crusaders”

“I need to talk to her.” said Fluttershy kneading the ground with her hoof “It's rather important” Spike took a step to the right and Fluttershy walked in the door as he closed it behind her.

“She's upstairs with him” said Spike waving his hand in the general direction of the stairs “Let her know that we need more rubies while your up there, she won't answer me” With that he walked off into the basement grumbling.

Fluttershy trotted quickly up the stairs. She saw that the new stallion was asleep in Twilight's bed. She looked to the couch on her left and saw the purple unicorn reading quietly. “Twilight?” asked Fluttershy quietly Twilight let out a yawn and continued reading not aknowledging Fluttershy's question at all.

“Twilight I need your help” said Fluttershy in a much louder voice stamping her hoof down Twilight's ears perked up and she immediately dropped her book as her eyes spotted Fluttershy.

“Wow Fluttershy what's gotten into you?” asked Twilight sitting up on the couch gesturing for Fluttershy to do the same “It must be something important if you did something so unlike you” Twilight watched Fluttershy as she sat down next to her. She started running her hooves through her mane before she spoke

“It's about Dashy” said Fluttershy twirling her hoof on the couch's cushion “When I went to visit her...”

“Fluttershy Rainbow will be fine” soothed Twilight putting her hoof on her nervous friends shoulder “The doctor said he was able to fix all of the damaged bones. Now all we have to do is wait for them to heal and the muscles of her wing to strengthen, and she'll be good as new”

“It's not that” said Fluttershy looking away from Twilight in her shyness “It's something more... personal”

“Well I am your friend Fluttershy if it's really important,” said Twilight taking in a deep breath You can tell me and I will try to help as best I can”

“Well when I was talking to Dashy at the hospital” started Fluttershy uneasily “I know she was probably loopsy from the meds she was on but, she started talking about me in her sleep”

“That's pretty awkward” said Twilight with a chuckle “but not uncommon. I read about a group of friends who shared each others dreams” this did nothing to help Fluttershy at all so she decided to continue

“After that I talked to her while she was dreaming putting my words into her dream” said Fluttershy a blush coming to her sheeks so she had to look down to cover it “and she said she really liked me”

“Is that what has you all flustered Fluttershy?” said Twilight with a nervous chuckle She hoped she was doing this right. One over her books had told her what to do in this situation. “She's your best friend. Of course she likes you a lot”

“Twilight she called me cute” said Fluttershy blushing even more “and she called me adorable...”

This took Twilight by surprise. “Why would Rainbow do that?” she asked herself mentally “Could it have been the meds? Or did the meds just let her say what she trully feels?” “So what did you do?” Twilight asked aloud looking around to make sure Spike hadn't come up stairs

“She asked me to tell her what I felt about her” said Fluttershy looking into Twilight's eyes she added “And I told her I loved her..” Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing “She loves Rainbow!” thought Twilight her mind racing “Well that would explain calling her Dashy all the time, but still It's her best friend!”

“What else?” asked Twilight wanting to know all the facts she could before she said anything more

“I might have told her that if she would take me I would be her special somepony..” finished Fluttershy still holding Twilight's eyes in her gaze Twilight's mind did a recap of the conversation. Fluttershy had went to a drugged up Rainbow Dash and accidentally spilled her heart out to her in a leap of blind faith and was now terrified that Dash was just rambling craziness and will some how remember what she said and reject her offer.

“What did she say back?” said Twilight once she had a better grasp on what had just happened

“She said thanks,” said Fluttershy taking her eyes off of Twilight and put them down on her hooves “then feel asleep”

“Well Fluttershy,” started Twilight stepping lightly with her words “It doesn't seem that Rainbow was upset by your confession” The cream colored pegasus looked up at Twilight

“But that could have just been the medication talking” said Fluttershy tears now very visible in her eyes “What if she doesn't feel that way about me?” Twilight was a little stunned this was Rainbow Dash Fluttershy was talking about, the mare she apparently loved, her best friend, and she was now believeing that that same mare which risked her life for Fluttershy and put herself in the hospital would ever do anything to hurt her.

“Fluttershy, Listen to yourself!” said Twilight a little harshly Fluttershy stared at her friend admittedly a little frightened at her outburst “This is Rainbow your talking about! She is your best friend, not to mention the element of loyalty itself! She risked her life willingly just a few days ago to fight that hydra that was after you. I'm sure I don't have to tell you of all ponies that she would never do anything to hurt a friend ever, least of all you. Yet here you are crying like a little school filly who just broke her neighbors window.”

Fluttershy broke into tears at hearing these harsh words from her friend. Twilight put her hooves around Fluttershy suddenly regretting her outburst. “Fluttershy I didn't mean to...” Twilight began but stopped to hear laughter She looked at the pegasus in her embrace to see it smiling. “Fluttershy was crying tears of relief and joy” thought Twilight with a sigh of relief

“Twilight your right” laughed Fluttershy wiping her eyes of tears “Dashy would never hurt me by lieing to me. Whatever she said no matter how loopy she was must have held some truth to it.” She jumped off the couch and trotted over to the window she opened it and said “Thank you for all your help Twilight” before she flew out into the night

After that episode she felt exhausted. She really didn't like the idea of sleeping on her couch though and her guest bed was still full of tree parts thanks to the sleepover she had had with Applejack and Rarity. She cast a glance over to Sigil still sound asleep in her bed. “Surely he wouldn't mind if I spent one night in my bed with him” said Twilight reasuringly “Not like he's going to try something on me while he's asleep”

Twilight walked over and let her self into her bed gently pushing Sigil to one side so she could crawl under the covers. She let out a sigh as she felt the softness of her bed. She put her back to Sigil and her head on the pillow and readied herself for sleep. Spike chose this moment to walk upstairs. As he saw the look of relaxation on Twilight's face a pang of jealousy knawed at his stomach. “I'm her number one assistant and she's sharing her bed with a stranger” he thought angrily as he trudged back downstairs to his bed

Sigil awoke with a yawn. He was still in bed he was sure of that. But it felt way to warm and comfortable, something had changed. It was at this moment he felt the warm breath on the back of his neck. He arched his head to see Twilight in bed behind him, her forehooves wrapped around him gently. Sigill had no idea what was going on, but judging from the look on Twilight's face she was enjoying herself.

He twisted in, careful not to wake the sleeping mare beside him, to look up at the ceiling. “This feels oddly familiar” thought Sigil thinking back to his childhood Her remembered his little sister would always come in his room at night and ask to stay with him, for fear of the monsters in the dark. Sigil always told her yes and let her share his bed usually ending up with him hugging her as she slept.

Sigil sighed as he looked at Twilight next to him. “She really does remind me of you Nicole” he thought looking around at the bookshelves “of course with her hugging me it's kind of nice for a change” Then he yawned and realized just how hungry he was He hadn't eaten in three days if Twilight was correct about how long he had slept. He hated to do it but he lightly poked Twilight on her nose with his hoof to wake her up.

Twilight opened her eyes sleepily not fully awake. She noticed a familiar face in front of hers. “Oh It's just Sigil” thought Twilight wanting to go back to bed Then it dawned on her where she was. “Sigil I can explain” said Twilight snapping awake unwrapping her hooves from around him and sitting up

“I bet you can” said Sigil smiling at her “but I'm terribly cold now that I've lost my unicorn blanket. Do you think I could get a warm breakfast? Maybe some tea?”

“Y-yes of course” said Twilight blushing furiously getting out of bed and making to go downstairs “I'll fix it for you right away” Sigil chuckled to himself at her flustered response to her obviously unintended snuggling. Although he did wonder why she had gotten in bed with him.

“There's no need to rush Twilight” said Sigil friendly “I don't plan on running off” He waited while Twilight walked downstairs into the kitchen. He could smell the delicious things she was making for breakfast. His food fantasies ended abruptly when a purple dragon walked in front of him. At first he was a little shocked that a dragon had gotten past Twilight unscathed. He decided to see if it was friendly.

“Hi” said Sigil as friendly as possible “Who are you?”

“I am Spike” the purple dragon replied proudly “Twilight's number one assistant. Who are you?” it narrowed it's brow at him

“I am Sigil Flare” he replied smoothly “but friends can call me Sigil. I'm a friend of Twilight, surely you know that” He looked as the dragon waved a hand at him nonchalantly

“Yeah cause Twilight sleeps with all her friends” said Spike sarcasticly “she won't even let me share her bed anymore” His face darkened visibly at this last remark

“Hey she's just taking care of me is all” Sigil said calmly “I was asleep when she crawled into the bed. Although I don't know why she did in the first place nothing happened. Besides she reminds me way to much of my little sister back home.” At this the dragon's face brightened

“So your just an injured friend thrown into a weird circumstance” asked Spike a little confused

“I think your thinking way to hard about this” said Sigil with a wave of his hoof “Me and Twilight are just friends” Spike nodded his head and smiled then he walked back down stairs. Sigil laid his head back down on the pillow thinking to himself “If that dragon was my number one assistant I think I would have taught him a bit more about situation like this”

Twilight came upstairs a few minutes later carrying to trays with her magic. As Sigil sat up she placed on in front of him. She sat down at her desk across from him placing the other tray in front of herself. Twilight couldn't bring herself to meet Sigil's eyes after the incident this morning. “What was that noise” thought Twilight looking up in the direction it was coming from. It was Sigil laughing.

“Twilight what are you doing over there?” asked Sigil laughing hysterically “It's not like anything happened last night right? It's fine really. It doesn't bother me at all or make me think any different of you in any way” at this Twilight's ears perked up a bit and she met his gaze as he added “In fact you remind me a lot of my little sister Nicole” stuffing what looked like a pancake in his mouth

“Really?” asked Twilight a little confused but relieved her snuggling hadn't freak out Sigil “How so?” She picked up a pancake in her magic and hovered it to her mouth chewing it before swallowing.

“Well when I was back home I lived with my little sister and my parents for a long time” said Sigil slowly thinking back over the years “With my dad usually working late and my mom always to drunk to stand, my little sister only had me to turn to. Nicole being 9 years old at the time was afraid of the creatures that lurked in the night you see.” A smile lit his face as he remembered his little sister

“I still don't see the connection” said Twilight a little confused and shocked at his off the hoof description of his parents She'd have to inquire about them later.

“You see when she got scared at night, Nicole would always come into my room and ask to stay with me for the night.” finished Sigil with a smile “So when I woke up to find myself in your embrace.. I don't know I kind of felt... right. A little opposite because I had to hold Nicole so she felt safe but still very similar in a key way.”

“Okay now I get the connection, but I still don't get how I'm that much like her” said Twilight with a wave of her hoof “I mean I am a unicorn, not a human” at this Sigil chuckled

“Very true, but you still love to read” Sigil said gesturing to the bookshelves surrounding the room “and your also smart, funny, and I'd be lieing if I didn't admit your cute as well.” with that he resumed stuffing his face with pancakes like nothing ever happened

“Thank you” said Twilight not knowing what else to say She had never been called cute before, not even by her own parents! “So what happened to Nicole?” Twilight asked She immediately regretted it.

Sigil stopped eating his pancakes and gave a huge sigh. He turned to look at Twilight with eyes full of pain. “I left her...” he squeaked out grabbing the blanket in his hooves “I left her there”

“What are you talking about Sigil?” asked Twilight reaching out a hoof to Sigil a little worried about him. This much stress could be bad for him in his current physical condition

“That night when my house was burned and my family slaughtered” said Sigil his voice growing deep his eyes opening wide staring into Twilight's illuminating an image in the back of her mind She could see what Sigil saw that day, almost as if she had been in his hooves. “I had caught wind of the attack and had been running back to my home that night. When I got there my parents were already slaughtered in the front room and the house set on fire. I ran up stairs calling Nicole praying she was still alive. She ran out from my room tears streaming down her face her dark brown hair frayed and wild.

I picked her up in my arms and ran down stairs to meet two soldiers at the front door. They took Nicole from me and knocked me to the ground. Using my magic I caused a blinding flash of light catching them off guard and blinding them. Not being able to think clearly do to fear I did the only thing I thought myself capable of. I ran. I ran out the back door and It wasn't until I was safely away that I heard something that would give me nightmares to this day. The sound of my little sister calling my name with her dieing breath.

I should have saved her” said Sigil tears streaming down his cheeks and falling into his food “but I ran like a coward” Twilight stood up and trotted over to Sigil putting a hoof on his shoulder she said gently

“It's not your fault Sigil there was nothing you could have done” She hoped this is what he needed to hear from what she had saw in her vision it was accurate Sigil rounded on her with tears of pain blinding his clouding his eyes

“I abandoned her. She trusted me to make everything okay and I failed her” He sobbed his chest heaving with the force of it all “All my magic all my 'natural talent' and I couldn't even save the most important thing in my life”

Twilight could take no more of this. She wrapped her hooves around the crying stallion and drew him into a warm embrace. She held him there letting him cry into her chest as he calmed down. Once he was calmed down enough that only sniffles remained she leaned back and tilted his head up to look her in the eyes. “Sigil It's okay” said Twilight “You'll never have to worry about losing anyone special to you ever again” then she hugged him again

Sigil drew in a deep breathe relaxing in the warmth and comfort of Twilight's hug before replying “I think I might have gotten you a little wet with all my crying Twilight”

“Good to know your sense of humor is back Sigil” replied Twilight ending their embrace “sorry I asked.” she added remorsefully “I don't think I fully understand what it would feel like to lose a sibling like that”

“I pray that you never do” said Sigil with a weak smile “but I'm glad you know about my little sister. And I wasn't kidding about the nightmares either. They have haunted me for so many years. I think last night was the first night that I didn't have any nightmares” then he rubbed his chin with his hoof in thought

“Well I thank you for sharing your story Sigil” replied Twilight putting a hoof on his shoulder “It must have been hard for you to cry that much”

“What a stallion can't cry when he needs to?” asked Sigil trying to fake anger as obviously as possible “Those were colt's tears!”

“Well if your going to get all defensive about it” said Twilight with a chuckle she punched Sigil teasingly in the shoulder and the mood in the room lifted “Hey if your done with your breakfast what do you say to helping me out today?”

“Alright Twilight I'm game” replied Sigil glad to be on a happier topic “What do you need help with exactly?”

“Well I am to write a letter to Princess Celestia when I learn something about friendship” said Twilight “but I haven't written her anything for a few days now. What with all the hydra attacks and new ponies appearing in storms and such.” She gave him a passing glance as she continued “I was wondering if you would be willing to write a letter to Princess Celestia about your events so far in Ponyville?”

“I'd be happy to Twilight” Sigil said nonchalantly “That is if Celestia wants to hear my ramblings” He exchanged a glance with Twilight and they both broke out laughing Twilight went down stairs to retrieve her quill and notepad and handed them to Sigil. He grasped them with his magic finding it easier than he thought and began his letter.

Dear Celestia,

My name is Sigil Flare. I am a newcomer to your realm. At first I was a little freaked out by your land known as Equestria but now I find it wonderful. The ponies here are very nice and friendly. I have met your student Twilight and I have to say she is becoming my best friend very fast. She has already taught me so much about your world. I don't know how to thank her for what she has done for me. She has taught me a lot about friendship these last few days. I have met a lot of her friends and they seem alright to me. I do wish that I had come on better times. We had a hydra attack a few days ago that wrecked the northern side of town. It's all better now though.

Sincerely, Sigil Flare

Once he had scribbled his signature he handed the quill and parchment back over to Twilight. She smiled at him and said thank you before trotting back down stairs. Sigil watched her leave his eyes fixated on her flank. He shook his head and laid back down on his pillow. “Why does she have to be so gorgeous” asked Sigil to himself “She's just my friend right?”