• Published 15th Jul 2017
  • 847 Views, 179 Comments

Elements of Heroism: Season 3 - Bahamut0

Burst's life is pretty good. He's got a literal goddess for a girlfriend, and tons of great friends. However, a face from his father's past has now dawned. For now, another son of Aether has arrived.

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Episode 8: Thawing Ice's Heart

Ice hummed to himself as he packed his bag. He grabbed the train ticket he'd left by the main table in the house, and was about to head out the door when Ace and Shadow stopped him. "Oh....hey guys! What's up?"

"You sure look happy." Ace noted. He then spotted Ice's suitcase. "Going off on a trip? Because if another threat shows up that needs all of us, we'll need to hold out for as long as we can until you show up."

Ice rolled his eyes. "I texted Burst earlier that I'd be gone for a couple days. I'm headed for the Crystal Empire."

"Why would you-Oh man!" Shadow gasped in realization! "You're seeing that girl you met aren't you? Indigo Zap! Big Bro's got himself a possible girlfriend!"

Ice sighed. "And here I was hoping to leave before you two made a big deal out of it. That being said, it's too late for that last part. So if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get to my train on-time." And with that, Ice headed for the train station and hopped on the train to the Crystal Empire. He was thankful that the tracks headed inside the Empire where it was nice and warm. 'Good thing I don't need to worry about breaking out the winter clothes inside the Crystal Empire.' Ice thought as he stepped off the train. However, he soon had another weather problem to worry about. Rain started to pour down. No doubt the work of any Skyborn living here as the weather team. Ice raised his suitcase and tried to find some shelter. He didn't expect to run into the very person he was looking for.

"Dark Ice?" Indigo Zap asked as she soon landed. "What're you doing here?"

Ice smiled. "Just thought I'd come visit. See some sights." He then chuckled at his current situation. "Get rained on in the process of doing said activities."

"C'mon." Indigo said with a giggle. "Let's get indoors. My house isn't that far from here." Ice and Indigo soon found themselves safely indoors, and out of the rain. "You and your friends are pretty popular around here. What with that Burst Stream guy straight-up annihilating the Umbrum and the rest of you protecting the people from any Umbrum that got loose." She then smiled at Ice. "If you ask me, you were pretty badass with how you cleaved down any Umbrum that tried to get at me and my friends. Some of them STILL are freaking out over how hard you fought."

Ice chuckled. "Great. Now I've got fangirls." He and Indigo shared a laugh as the storm soon came to pass. "Hey, uh, are you wanna grab a bite? The train ride got my stomach chatting."

"I'm down for lunch." Indigo said with a smile. "I didn't get to grab anything before the rain, so I guess now's as good a time to head out as any." As soon as they arrived at the restaurant, Indigo decided to strike up a conversation. "So...how're things back in Ponyville?"

Ice shrugged. "More or less the same. I'm still living with my younger brothers, and they still like to drive me nuts from time-to-time. But hey. That's family for you." Ice then took a sip of his soda. "How about here? Shining Armor and Cadence doing a good job?"

"I don't think we could ask for better rulers." Indigo answered with a smile. "Chrysalis however is a bit shy. She doesn't leave the Crystal Palace very often, but she's pretty nice to everyone she talks to when she does venture out. Heck, Changelings are flocking here because of all the love. Oddly enough, most say they don't need to feed now and they look more friendly than from what their original forms were."

Ice let out a chuckle. "Trust me. I know how much a personal change can affect people." Less than pleasant memories started to come back. "I know all too well..."

"Did...something happen to you?" Indigo asked with a concerned tone.

Ice sighed as he set his drink down. "It's a long story. And there's plenty of sad parts." A small smile crept onto his face. "But at least it's got a happy ending." And so, Ice recounted the events of his past. Everything from the storm, to his recruitment by the Nightmare Forces, and to him awakening as the Element of Courage as well as the adventures he and his friends went through up to now. "So, here we are. Me spilling everything I know about myself all to one girl. Pretty crazy, right?"

"Ice..." Indigo said as she put her hand over Ice's. "...I wouldn't have guessed you'd gone through that. No wonder you took down the Umbrum so easily. You're probably not scared of anything now."

Ice smiled sincerely. "Actually, I was plenty scared. Scared of what might happen if my brothers got hurt." He then gazed deeply into Indigo's eyes. "Scared...if anything happened to you. But I used that fear to strengthen my resolve to make sure that didn't happen. Up until now, I've only fought because it was right. Now I've got a new reason." Ice then felt his face being cupped.

"I'm guessing that's me?" Indigo asked with a smirk as she planted a kiss on Ice's lips! "You're my first boyfriend in a thousand years. It'll be a bit of a long-distance relationship, but just be sure to visit me when you're not off saving the world."

Ice smiled as he put an arm around Indigo. "I think we'll make it work." And he returned the kiss with as much love as he could put into it. "You're the first girl to melt my heart."

Indigo just smiled as she nuzzled Ice. "Sweet. A little too sappy, but sweet."