• Published 15th Jul 2017
  • 847 Views, 179 Comments

Elements of Heroism: Season 3 - Bahamut0

Burst's life is pretty good. He's got a literal goddess for a girlfriend, and tons of great friends. However, a face from his father's past has now dawned. For now, another son of Aether has arrived.

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Episode 11: Longing

Nightmare Moon woke up with a smile as she stretched. Oddly enough, the Avatar that tried to bring eternal night was quite the morning person. Of course, she now had plenty of reasons to wake up. She'd told the truth of her origins, people were beginning to accept her, and she had become friends with the same six girls who had bested her. And to top it all off, she was living with the person who had made it all possible. Burst Stream had become a large part of her life.

"Morning Moon." Burst said with a smile. "Guess what? It looks like you won't have to worry about getting blasted by the Elements of Harmony anymore."

Moon cocked an eyebrow. "Why's that?"

"Turns out, Discord had a back-up plan when he was first defeated." Burst said with a shrug. "He'd planted these things called Plunderseeds that would have stolen the energy from the Tree of Harmony. The only way to restore the tree was for Twilight and the girls to return the Elements of Harmony to the tree. Twilight and the girls were pretty torn up about it though."

Moon smiled. "The Elements may have brought them together, but those six are bound by their friendship."

"Nice words. But Discord wound up making them a set of synthetic elements so that way they can always have the memories." Burst said with a smile. "Speaking of friends, they want us to celebrate with them. You interested?"

Moon nodded. "I'd love to." As she watched Burst, Moon started to recall dreams she'd been having about him. Burst had been her first friend, but something was sparked within Moon when she held him close that night he'd crash landed in the old castle. She found him attractive, but then she got to know him more. She'd spent more time with him. And he'd given her so much in such a short time. And in her dreams, she saw herself and him together. A dream, which she hated to admit, couldn't be real. 'I won't ruin his happiness when he's already given me mine.' Moon thought sadly. 'But I can't deny this fact. My heart wants him.' Sure enough, the time came to meet with the rest of Burst's friends. But the sight before Moon made her realization solidify. Rarity and Inferno, Steel and Rainbow Dash, Akage and Pinkie, Tyrannus and Fluttershy, and North and Applejack. The five couples all looked so happy together. So content. So complete. Something Moon knew she couldn't have with the one she wanted. And watching them built the pressure to the point where she couldn't take it anymore. "Excuse me, but I have to go." Burst had no time to ask what Moon meant before she took off flying.


Celestia sat upon her throne with a serene look on her face. Her court was almost over. Or at least, it would be if a guard hadn't informed her about one last person who needed to speak with her urgently. "Send them in." Celestia was shocked to see who needed to talk to her so urgently. "Leave us." Celestia looked Moon right in the eyes. Her face holding the serene look it usually displayed. "So what seems to be your problem?"

"It's Burst." Moon said with a sigh. "He's the whole reason I've come to speak with you."

Celestia blinked. "Well, what could be the-?" She was cutoff by Moon.

"I love him." Moon said before heaving heavily to catch her breath from her declaration. "But at the same time...I can't. Not if it means making him unhappy." She then held herself as unpleasant memories started to return. "Not if it means hurting him like you and Luna. I...I can't stand to see anyone know pain like that." Moon sighed. "I...I just needed to vent all this. You deserved to know. You're the one who holds his heart as he holds yours."

Celestia took a deep breath, stood up, and walked over to Moon. Putting a hand on her shoulder. "Walk with me." As Celestia started to move, she noticed that Moon was hesitant. "What's wrong? I'm not going to exile you or anything."

"Then why do you want me to follow you?" Moon asked. "Aren't you mad?"

Celestia shook her head. "No. But if you come with me, I'll explain myself." A small smile graced Celestia's face as Moon started to follow her. "So. When did these feelings for Burst start to stem?"

"I guess you could say...it was love at first fight." Moon said with a faint smile. "When Luna and I returned, Burst was the only one who tried to talk to me. To reason with me. He...saw me as a person. Not a monster." A small chuckle escaped her lips. "Of course...it also helps that he's quite adorable. And when we met again, he regretted that he assumed I was just Luna's dark side. Then there was when he helped me become accepted by Twilight and her friends. Burst was by my side every step of the way. Even when everyone still eyes me cautiously, he stood by me. As I got to know him more, the more I found myself wanting him to be with me. When I'm with him...I don't feel alone. He-"

Celestia giggled. "Completes you?"

"How...how did you know?" Moon asked in shock.

Another giggle escaped the princess of the sun's lips. "He makes me feel the same way. In some ways, I guess you could say you and I love him for the same reasons. I first met Burst when he was a child. He'd heard about the story of you and Luna, and he couldn't stand the ending. So he made a promise to me that he'd one day give that sad story a happy ending." A musical laugh escaped Celestia's lips. "He told me about his promise when he first met me, and he had no clue he was talking to me. Then he gave me a plushy Optimus Prime because he said I looked like I needed it. Sixteen years later, I met him again after your return. He'd grown so much, and he'd followed through on his promise. He always keeps his word. When I saw him again, I couldn't believe what he'd accomplished." Celestia then blushed. "And how handsome he'd become. He also didn't see me as royalty or a goddess. Just as a person. So...I decided to get to know him better. I invited him over to the castle a few times just so I could speak with him more. And in our battle against the Nightmare Forces, I realized something else. Burst's someone who will never give up on his friends. No matter the danger or the risk. He'll keep on fighting for even the chance to save the people he cares about."

Celestia then smiled fondly. "And then, at the Grand Gala, he confessed that he'd been harboring feelings for me after we shared a dance. And then..." The co-ruler of Equestria blushed as the next memory played in her head. "...then I gave him his first kiss. It was probably the most romantic and magical moment I've ever had. And from there, we started dating. On our first date, a bunch of photographers soon showed up and started snapping pictures. But Burst was determined to show me a good time. He protected me from my own doubt that time. Then there was the wedding incident. Heart Eater was about to attack me as I charged up my magic, but Burst sent her flying through a wall and held onto her. All while firing many shots from his Twin Burst blaster right in her face. Both times, he made me feel safe. And because of that and his wings, I call him My Dragon Knight."

"I guess...you could say he makes me feel safe too." Moon said with a smile. "With him, I always feel accepted. Like when the world seems against me, I can always find him. That he'll always be there for me. A light in the darkness for me. That's why I call him My Precious Light."

Celestia giggled. "He does look rather cute when he's asleep. I should know. The two of us shared a bed during Hearth's Warming." The two Avatars shared a laugh. "It's odd. I know what you really are now, and I still know so little about you."

"I guess now's a good time to rectify that." Moon said with a genuine smile. "I love the night like Luna does. But I'm especially fond of dreams. They're the one place everyone can be happy. And they give people a good reason to wake up. I've also become quite the gamer ever since I got my hands on the consoles Burst has in his house." Her smile soon saddened a bit. "But above all, I love this world. The banishment was tough, but at least Luna and I had something pretty to look at. When Luna and I returned, the first thing we did before capturing you was take in the air." She then looked over to Celestia. "I know why you didn't resist when we returned. And I'm glad that you didn't."

Celestia blinked. "Yes. Because Luna returned with you. But why are you glad that I didn't put up a fight?"

"Because I saw you Celestia." Moon said sadly. "I saw you all the way from the moon. Luna was mostly unconscious, so I decided to see how things went on. And I've never seen a more painful smile than the one you had to wear so Equestria would be at peace. I saw your tears, and when you'd stare at the moon at night. I knew your pain. Because I was alone too. Luna wouldn't talk to me, and she kept mumbling that it was her fault she was banished. She missed you so much." Tears fell down Moon's face. "I already caused enough pain for you and Luna. No physical harm could ever wound you as deeply as that isolation." The two shared a meaningful gaze. "And to take Burst from you would be even worse."

Celestia smiled at Moon. "I guess it's my turn. I'm the beloved co-ruler of a kingdom. I've got a major sweet tooth. And I love my subjects and my family." Celestia's own smile then saddened. "And I've also made mistakes that have hurt the people I love. Luna was the first. You weren't wrong when you asked if my own light blinded me. I thought as long as I loved Luna, that if she had at least me, then she wouldn't need everyone else. But I was wrong. Something your second return made very clear. I won't lie. I still held some prejudice towards you when I saw you then. But now that I know your actual origins, I can see you for who you are." She then surprised Moon by pulling her into a hug. "A kind soul who only wishes for the happiness of others. One who cares greatly for the ones she loves. And one who I'd be honored to share the one who completes me the same way he completes you."

Moon gasped. "Wait. You mean..."

"I do." Celestia said with a warm smile. "I must admit. You and Burst do contrast nicely in terms of color."

Moon face then broke into a smile as she returned the hug. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome." Celestia said with a giggle. "You know? I always wondered why you look like a dark version of me."

Moon beamed. "Well, Luna was picturing your figure in her mind when she was making me. She wanted what you had, and a friend who could be there when you weren't. I guess that's why I look the way I do."

"True. But you can pull off a suit of armor better than I can." Celestia said with a smile. "I enjoyed getting to know you more."

Moon smiled as she hugged Celestia goodbye. "Me too." Moon flew off with a joyful smile on her face. Seeing her fly so happily made Celestia smile in return as she watched Moon leave. However, her mood soured a bit when Shining Dawn came in.

"Celestia." Shining Dawn said with a bow. "I believe that Nightmare Moon harbors feelings for Burst." He then produced photos from the folds of his coat. "Nova's been taking photographs of them together, and I must say that it looks like she's winning him over."

Celestia smiled. "I just spoke with her about it. And I'm fine with it. In fact, we're more than happy to share the one who completes us."

"Interesting." Shining Dawn said with a nod. "But I do have something at my estate that I believe you must see. You wouldn't mind accompanying me, would you?" Celestia hesitantly nodded. "Wonderful. I've a ride prepared." The two soon arrived at Shining Dawn's mansion, and he led her to a large door. "I think you'll be quite impressed." Shining Dawn opened the door, and a whole army met Celestia's gaze. All the soldiers were covered in armor colored similar to the feathers of Shining Dawn's wings. "I call them the Dawn Treaders. My own army. Armed, efficient, merciless, and ready for the coming battle."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "What battle would that be?"

"Why...our march on Canterlot of course." Shining Dawn said with a dark smile. "I've come for your hand Celestia. And I will not be denied. However, your attachment to Burst posed a problem. I can't marry a taken woman. But if such an attachment were to be severed, I think I could come around." A wicked smile then spread across Shining Dawn's face. "Break Burst Stream's heart, or see Canterlot crumble. I hope you make the right decision."

Canterlot. The next day.

Burst was confused as to why Celestia summoned him, but decided it would be best that he find out for himself. He soon found himself in the throne room. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes." Celestia was doing her best to keep her calm demeanor intact. "Something's come to my attention. You have grown close with Moon."

Burst scratched his head. "Well, yeah. We spend a lot of time together and she's fun to hang out with."

"That's why I'm leaving you." Celestia said. And as much as it hurt her to say it, she had to. For Burst and Canterlot's sake. "She's giving you what I couldn't...and I realize that I can't do the same for you. It's made me rethink Shining Dawn's proposal, and I've accepted it. I don't want you wasting your life on me when I can't spare even a whole day for you."

"Celestia...no!" Burst cried out! "You're wrong about Moon! I love you! You're the thing in this world I can't see myself without!" He then fell to his knees and grabbed onto Celestia's hand! "Please! Don't do this! You're everything to me!" Burst's eyes began to tear up. "Please...don't leave me..."

It took everything within Celestia to hold back her own tears and keep her voice stable. "I'm sorry. But this is best for everyone. I must go. My future husband awaits me." Celestia left the throne room. Trying desperately to hold back the tears. But she wasn't prepared for the most painful sound she'd ever heard. Burst screaming in sorrow.