• Published 15th Jul 2017
  • 848 Views, 179 Comments

Elements of Heroism: Season 3 - Bahamut0

Burst's life is pretty good. He's got a literal goddess for a girlfriend, and tons of great friends. However, a face from his father's past has now dawned. For now, another son of Aether has arrived.

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Episode 12: A Dragon's Sorrow, A Nightmare's Love

Burst's flight home was the equivalent of a crawl. The second he set foot on the ground, he sulked all the way back to his house. All of his friends gathered around him. Concerned for the emotional state of their friend. "Burst?" Inferno asked. "Hey...what's got you down man? You look so dead inside. Like your heart just got shattered."

"...It was." Burst said as he turned his head to look at Inferno. Burst's eyes were red from crying and the normal sapphire blue of his eyes looked more pale. "Celestia broke up with me to marry Shining Dawn." A bitter chuckle escaped from Burst's lips. "It's odd. I've gone against and beaten the worst villains in Equestria. Yet the one to actually wound me, the one who managed to truly make me feel defeated was the one person who held my heart." Burst's head dropped so that his bangs covered his eyes. "Heh. I guess that's what I get for being too close to the sun."

"Burst..." Steel said as he put a hand on Burst's shoulder. "Look. Things happen in relationships. You'll hit a rough patch or two along the way, but that's a part of love."

Burst swatted away Steel's hand! His face a mix of sorrow and anger. "You've never been dumped! None of you know what this pain feels like! To feel your very heart be ripped from you! Broken by the one you entrusted it to!" Tears started to stream from Burst's eyes. "None of you understand."

"Burst..." Twilight began. But Burst put his hand up for silence.

"All of you...please." Burst said as his voice trembled. "Just leave me alone..." And with that, Burst headed inside his house and locked the door. He removed his coat and sat down on the couch. "...Is this my fault?" Burst then scrolled through some pictures on his phone. In specific, he focused on pictures of him and Nightmare Moon. "Was it wrong of me to give her a chance? Was I wrong to be her friend?" Burst laid his phone on the table and groaned as he clutched his head. "First my heart is broken, now my mind's torn." He got up, and headed to his bed. Slowly slipping under the covers much like how he'd fallen into his sorrow. "Maybe things will be clearer once I wake up. Because part of me keeps hoping this is all a bad dream..." Burst drifted off into sleep, but his slumber was anything but peaceful.

Meanwhile, Moon had met with Burst's friends. "This isn't right..." Moon said as she processed the information. "Celestia would never break up with Burst!"

"Darling...I know this is upsetting." Rarity noted. "But what makes you deny this has happened?"

Moon narrowed her eyes. "Because Celestia and I just agreed to share him!" Needless to say, all of Burst's friends were shocked at the announcement. "Yesterday, I confessed to Celestia that I loved Burst. And because she knows the truth of me, because we bonded over Burst, she agreed to let the both of us love him. But then...why would she do this to him? She would never do something this hurtful. She could never be this cruel. Not unless-!" Moon gasped in realization. "Unless...she had no choice."

"Moon?" Twilight asked. "What are you talking about?"

"I think Celestia's been forced to put Burst in this position." Everyone could feel the anger starting to boil within her. "And I think I know who's responsible for Burst's suffering. Looks like Shining Dawn's got a dark heart. I could tell Burst and I were being observed. I tried to bring eternal night. So I know when someone's hiding or when someone's watching me." Moon's expression saddened. "But he'll have to be dealt with later. Right now, I must tend to Burst." Moon took her key out, and unlocked the door and slowly closed it. "Burst?" Moon slowly closed the door and locked it. She soon found Burst lying on his bed. Trying to use the sheets as a shield against the outside world. Moon saw Burst shivering. Tears had stopped flowing from his eyes, but he was shaking all over. The look on his face showed he was struggling. No doubt with the recent heartbreak. "Oh, Burst..." Moon sat down and gently ran one of her hands across Burst's head. "What is it that troubles your slumber? I'll know soon enough." Moon draped herself over Burst, and closed her eyes. Entering the dreams that were tormenting Burst.

Burst's mind had been replaying memories as he slumbered. Memories of happier times that he and Celestia shared, as well as the time he had spent with Moon. In his dreams, Burst was watching these memories play on. And they soon stopped at Celestia breaking up with him. Burst fell to his knees as her words rang out from all around him. They surrounded him, and amplified the great sorrow filling his heart. "It's not your fault you know." A voice called out. Burst sprung to his feet, and was shocked at the figure who was speaking to him. It was himself. "You're not to blame for Celestia breaking up with you. It was nothing you did."

"What...what're you talking about?" Burst asked.

The look-alike smirked. "Think about it. Who did Celestia say gave you so much time? Who did she say you were growing close to?" The look-alike then got not but three feet away from Burst. "Who was the one that shared a bed with you that fateful day you crash-landed in Celestia and Luna's old castle?"

"Moon..." Burst said almost breathlessly.

The look-alike smirked. "Yes." He then waved his hand, and an image of Moon appeared through a swirling portal. "She's the one you've been getting to be such good friends with. The Avatar that tried to bring about eternal night, and who you gave another chance. The one who spilled her true origins to you." The look-alike then sneered at the image of Moon. "And the same one responsible for Celestia leaving you. All because you were willing to let her into your life." The look-alike then turned to Burst. "You see? You don't need to take any of the blame. You don't need to hold onto the pain. All of it is because of her." The look-alike watched as Burst slowly got to his feet. "Just say it's her fault, and then all the pain, the guilt, will wash away. It's so easy."

Burst walked up to the image of Moon. His face remained completely for a full two minutes before his eyes narrowed in determination. "No."

"No?" The look-alike asked with a cross expression on his face. "What do you mean 'no'?!"

Burst took a deep breath before turning to face the look-alike. "Because it's not fair to her. I'm the one who gave her a chance. The one who stood by her when she wanted to be accepted by everyone. I was, and still am, her first friend. And I won't turn on her! She's suffered enough...and I won't put her through anymore pain!"

The lookalike scowled, and an aura of darkness exploded around him! Burst then realized who this was. It was a side of him that rarely spoke out. A side that was absent, yet always present. This was his dark side. And now, his dark side's appearance reflected that. Dark Side's skin had turned black, his wings looked sharper and fiercer, and his pupils became slits while the white of his eyes turned into a lighter shade of blue than his irises. "FOOL!" He then grabbed Burst by the throat, and slammed him against one of the invisible walls! "You could've made this so easy! Could have avoided all the pain! But no!" Dark Side punched Burst in the gut! "And all you had to do was blame it on her!" Dark Side pointed at the image of Moon. "She's the one responsible for your pain! Including the pain I inflict on you!" Dark Side then flew over to the image of Moon, and tried to press Burst's face against it! "Hate her."

Burst groaned as he used his arms to keep him from being pressed against the image. "Ngh....!"

"Hate her!" Dark Side shouted as he once again tried to force Burst's face against the image! "HATE HER!"

Burst slowly opened his eyes, and stared at the image of Moon. "NOOOO!" Burst screamed as he kicked Dark Side in the stomach! "I won't! Even if you beat me to a pulp...if I never wake up...I swear...I won't hate her!" Burst then slugged Dark Side right in the face! As Dark Side recoiled in pain, Burst continued to speak. "I know you were going to get some words in. Someday, I knew I'd have to face you. You're a part of me. I won't deny that. But you're not all there is to me. You're not what makes me strong. Not alone at least. We need each other." Unbeknownst to the two sides of Burst, Moon was watching the whole scene unfold. Her hands upon her heart as she heard every word Burst spouted to his dark side. "Come on. Let's get back to being whole." Dark Side's body then dissolved, and a black orb of essence floated in front of Burst. "You really wanted some time outside didn't you?" The orb seemed to nod. "You going to behave from now on?" Once again, the orb nodded. "Good." The orb then shot inside Burst, and a flash of light went off. "There we go. Feels like something's going on inside me. Like I got a boost or something."

"Well done Burst." Moon said as she entered Burst's dream. "No need to speak to me here. We'll talk in the real world as soon as I'm changed. But you'd best wake up."

Burst woke with a start, and found his face covered in sweat. He walked over to the kitchen sink, and rinsed his face before settling back on his bed. He then saw that night had fallen, and Moon was walking out of the bathroom. She was wearing the dark blue garment Rarity had made for her sleepwear. The moonlight seemed to bathe her in a silvery glow, the purple hue to her starry hair was made clear, and her eyes seemed to glow as well. "I...guess you heard and saw everything that went on, huh?" Burst asked as he averted his gaze.

"I did Burst." Moon said with a nod as she slowly turned Burst's head to face her. "Your element suits you. Not because of your training or physical power." Moon slowly placed a hand over Burst's heart. "Your heart has such great strength within it. No matter what, it always gives you a reason to keep on fighting." She then touched her forehead to Burst's. "It means so much to me that you were so willing to be my friend. Thank you."

Burst smiled, and then broke into tears as he pulled her close and buried his head against Moon's chest. "I'm sorry..." Burst wept. "I'm so sorry! Part of me wanted to blame you! Wanted to hate you! Part of me held you responsible for my pain!" Burst slowly looked Moon in the eyes. "But I couldn't. Once I got to know you...I couldn't bring myself to hurt you like that. You're so kind. And you were so happy. I-I just couldn't be the one to put you through more pain. You've already suffered so much. And now? Now I can't help but love you. You and Celestia are so alike, and I guess part of me grew to love you because of that. Now, all of me just wants to hope that you love me too."

"Oh, Burst..." Moon cooed as she rubbed Burst's back to soothe him. "I already do. I have ever since you first took me into your home. We have grown to love you over the time we've known you."

Burst ceased his crying, and managed a small chuckle. "Some part of the old royal tongue coming back to make this more romantic?"

"No Burst." Moon said as she shook her head. "I mean me and Celestia. Both of us hold you in our hearts, and we would never hurt you. Not intentionally. No, Celestia did this to you because she was forced to."

Burst sniffled before asking. "What do you mean?"

"Shining Dawn must have forced Celestia's hand." Moon said as she stroked Burst's hair. "No doubt he gave her an ultimatum that held someplace significant hostage. Most likely Canterlot. Celestia and I had agreed to share you, to have the both of us love you only yesterday. That being said, it looks like you have a wedding to crash in two days from now."

Burst chuckled before he found himself gazing at Moon. This time of day really made her beauty evident. "You know? When I first saw you, I couldn't deny that you were beautiful. Those eyes, that hair like the night sky, and those black wings of yours." Burst then smiled lovingly. "But here, in this moment, I can really see how beautiful you are. I've truly come to love you. For someone named Nightmare Moon...you've got beauty that surpasses any dream." Moon smiled lovingly at Burst's compliment. "And...you're about as unbearably sexy as Celestia."

Moon giggled before she released Burst and caressed her own body. "Sexy am I?" She asked with a seductive smirk. "I must admit, my attraction to you on our first encounter was purely physical. But this time we've spent, it's been so magical." She then leaned into Burst's ear, and whispered. "I've come to love you for who you are too. And I'm just dying to get a taste." Moon pulled away from Burst's ear, and planted her lips against his. Cupping his face with her hands. The two shared a tender, passionate kiss as the moonlight lit up their bodies. "Mmmmh." Moon purred as she pulled out of the kiss. "You taste so sweet beloved." She then wrapped her arms around Burst. "Holding you tight like this makes me feel complete."

"You know? I feel whole too." Burst said with a loving smile as he engaged in another deep kiss. "I love you...Dream."

Moon smiled lovingly as she then wrapped her wings around Burst. Using them as a blanket from the outside world. "I love you too my Precious Light." She then nuzzled Burst's face. "With all of my heart." The two shared one last kiss before snuggling each other as sleep claimed them. "Sweet dreams."