• Published 15th Jul 2017
  • 847 Views, 179 Comments

Elements of Heroism: Season 3 - Bahamut0

Burst's life is pretty good. He's got a literal goddess for a girlfriend, and tons of great friends. However, a face from his father's past has now dawned. For now, another son of Aether has arrived.

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Episode 6: Brother of the Hero?!

A familiar scent lingered in the air of Burst's house. Stirring the Element of Power from his restful slumber and leading to him getting dressed. The sight that greeted Burst truly astounded him. "Moon?" Burst saw Moon in his kitchen, and a plate of pancakes and bacon on the table. "You made breakfast?"

"It's my way of saying 'thank you.'" Moon said with a giggle. "You helped introduce me to the girls and gave me six new friends to have. Not to mention how much you've been by my side during my time here so far. Heck, the girls are even willing to spar with me for weapons training."

Burst blushed lightly. "Gee. You didn't have to do this for me. It's not like I'm slaving over a hot stove to get our meals ready."

"All the same..." Moon kissed Burst on the forehead! "...I thought it would be something nice to do for you."

Burst blinked, and comprehended what had just happened before shrugging and polishing off his breakfast and checking the mail. "Huh. Didn't expect to hear from Celestia so soon." Burst filed out Celestia's letter from the bunch. They had each other's numbers, but Celestia felt it was more personal that she send him letters. A sentiment Burst greatly returned as he read her letter. "Can't believe I forgot to have her meet my parents. Well, I guess now's as good a time as any. Things have calmed down with the Changelings becoming friendly and integrating into society. Moon's accepted among Twilight and the girls. And Sombra's off on his quest to restore Princess Amore." Burst threw the mail that didn't pertain to him in the trash, and called out to Moon. "I'm headed to see Celestia. Try not to erase my console data!"

"Wouldn't dream of it!" Moon called out as Burst flew off to Canterlot! "I'll just start a new game in any extra save slots in his games." And with that, Moon set to work familiarizing herself with Burst's gaming library.

Burst soon arrived in Canterlot, and teleported to Celestia's throne room in a flash of magic! "Good thing you don't have to worry about looking nice." Burst joked as he greeted Celestia. "So is My Little Princess ready for a tour of her dragon knight's lair?"

"I did wonder what Aether's been up to ever since he left my mother's service." Celestia said with a giggle as she got up and approached her boyfriend. "I take it we'll be flying the friendly skies?" Burst nodded, and the two of them took off from the iconic balcony Celestia stood on to give speeches or make announcements. A few minutes later, they landed near Burst's house. However, they were greeted by a sight Burst hadn't thought possible. A group of reporters were swarming near the entrance of Burst's house. "Oh my..." Celestia said as she took in the gathered crowd. "I didn't think you'd get media mobbed like this. Especially since it's known we're already dating."

Burst sighed. "Well regardless, we're gonna have one heck of a time getting through them." Burst then held onto one of Celestia's hands. "Wouldn't want to get separated would we?" Burst and Celestia squeezed through the crowd, and eventually made it to the door. Their appearance only further exciting the media. "Better get in before we got swarmed!" Burst took out his old house key from his pocket, and quickly unlocked the door before scooping Celestia into his arms and slamming the door shut before locking it. He and Celestia breathed a sigh of relief at escaping the media mob. "That was close." Burst led Celestia to the living room. "Come on. My parents can usually be found...." Burst froze in his tracks at seeing his parents faced with a guy he'd never seen before. The guy had pale gold hair and eyes, white skin, and his wings had feathers all the colors of the dawn sky. And judging by the extravagance of his outfit, this guy was clearly on the level of royalty or nobility. A broadcast orb was floating by him. One that the guy had no doubt conjured up. The new figure turned, and smiled at Burst.

"Ah! At last we meet little brother." The figure greeted. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Shining Dawn."

Burst stood shocked at Shining Dawn's introduction, but he soon found a new focus. The enraged look on his father Aether's face. "I'm guessing Dad doesn't like to talk about you?" Burst asked with a frown.

"Quite so." Shining Dawn said with a frown. "Here I am. Trying to build ties with my father after a long absence of him in my growth, and he stares at me with the greatest of contempt." Shining Dawn faced Aether. "Did you not share a night with my mother? Radiant Dawn? Am I not the product of you and her union?"

Aether scowled. "You're a product all right. But there was no union." Aether stood up. "The second she knew she was carrying you, that witch broke off all connection with me. All so she could groom you into what you are now. I accept that you're a child I made." Aether steeled his gaze. "But I REFUSE to acknowledge that you're my son. Because while I bared all the love in my heart to your mother, she only wanted my blood to merge with hers. So how is that hag in a maiden's clothing anway?"

"Hmph." Shining Dawn scoffed. "If you must know, mother dearest passed on during my time as a young adult." He then cast a look at Burst, and then turned his eyes to Burst's mother Lumina. "But I see you've not let your encounter with her impact your love life. You've found quite a lovely wife, and produced an excellent son. I've heard about Burst's exploits in the paper and media. The Element of Power. It suits him quite well." Shining Dawn then smirked. "Even if he is a mongrel Avatar born of mixed bloodlines. And you sullying your pure Avatar blood by joining with a powerful sorceress from the Dragon Lineage. My noble Magi mother produced a far more acceptable offspring. Like you, I am an Avatar. Of course, a far superior one due to the joining of two pure bloodlines. All the same, I must applaud you for your accomplishments."

Celestia noticed Burst's eye twitch and his fists clench. However, a calm exterior was still held on Burst's face. She could tell Burst felt enraged by Shining Dawn's comments on Burst and his parents. And she could tell it was taking a lot for him to restrain himself from punching Shining Dawn's lights out right there, right now. All the same, she'd be lying if she told herself that she wished Burst wouldn't teach this arrogant snob a lesson or two. "I believe that we've all heard enough of what you've had to say on the matter." Celestia said sternly. "You've no right to criticize who Aether loves. Or the wonderful being their marriage wrought."

"Ah." Shining Dawn said as he turned around to face Celestia. "The lovely Princess Celestia. I must apologize." Both Celestia and Burst were put-off by the sudden humble attitude displayed by Shining Dawn. "It appears that once again I have let my blood go to my head. You're indeed an illuminating presence on matters. In truth, I've come to Canterlot because there is a proposal I wish to discuss with you."

Celestia had a puzzled look on her face. "I'm...impressed that you're easy to admit fault. All the same, I do find the remarks you made quite disrespectful. Also, what is this proposal you had in mind?"

"My dear princess..." Shining Dawn took Celestia by the hand. "I have long searched for a woman whom I could spend eternity with. One who knows what it is to rule. And such is the reasoning for my proposal." Shining Dawn knelt on one knee. "Princess Celestia. Would you honor me, Lord Shining Dawn, by becoming my bride and future queen?"

Celestia smiled kindly, and yanked her hand away. "Your proposal is quite generous." She then cast a loving gaze at Burst as she returned to his side and wrapped her arms around him. "But I'm afraid that my heart has already been claimed."

"I see." Shining Dawn said with disappointment laden in his tone. "Well then. I anticipated that response. Which brings me to the business I have with you little brother."

"And what's that?" Burst asked with a frown.

Shining Dawn pointed at Burst Stream. "I challenge you to a duel for Princess Celestia's heart! The winner shall walk away with the prize of her hand, and the loser shall have to search for another love to fill their heart. What do you say?"

Burst took a deep breath as he approached Shining Dawn. Stopping when he was roughly a foot away from him. Burst's sapphire eyes glared against Shining Dawn's pale gold. "No."

Shining Dawn blinked. "'No'?" He then burst out laughing. "AH HA HAH HA HA! Is the great Element of Power afraid to lose to an opponent who may be his equal? Or are you really just a coward wearing a hero's mask?"

"Neither." Burst said flatly. "I'm not dueling you because I'm not insecure." Burst crossed his arms. A gaze that held fury directed at Shining Dawn. "I know that Celestia is mine because she holds my heart just as I hold hers. There's nothing that I need to prove to her. And I've fought for her before back at the Canterlot Royal Wedding, my battle with Discord, and when I destroyed Night Terror. She's seen how far I'd go, and she'd do the same for me. And as long as I know that, I don't have to do a thing to prove it to her or anyone else. You've insulted me and my parents, and I think we could all do without your presence." Burst pointed at the front door. "The door is right there. Move, or be moved by me."

Shining Dawn let out a sigh and bowed. "I can see my presence is not wanted. But make no mistake. Our business is not yet concluded."

"Wise choice." Burst said with a nod. "Now get out of my home you bastard." Burst nodded in satisfaction as Shining Dawn left. "Good riddance."

Celestia smiled. "That was quite the display of restraint out there." She then giggled as she planted a kiss on Burst's cheek. "Still, some part of me wishes you had decked him right in the face. But was the cursing really necessary?"

"No." Aether said with a sigh as he shook his head. "He really IS a bastard." Another sigh escaped Aether's lungs. "It all started thirty two years ago. I was a late bloomer when it came to the dating game. So I foolishly put all of myself on display. Avatar status and all. As well as my title of Knight of Faust. My first few dates didn't go too well since most of them were just trying to see if they could get in my good graces and score a position in the nobility. Or some nobles trying to further enhance their status by bagging an Avatar as their partner. Soon enough, I met a Magi noble woman who had hair in the colors of the dawn. Radiant Dawn. At first, I thought she'd be just like the others. But she told me how disgusting it was that people would search for a partner for such pathetic reasons. We got along great from that moment, and we started dating. Sure enough, she convinced me to seal our love in a night of passion. And about nine months later, she told me she was pregnant. Followd promptly by her telling me that I was no longer necessary." Aether let out a bitter chuckle at the memory. "Heh. She said I was 'a means to an end'. All that she wanted was an heir who could stand above others. So what better way to achieve that than by joining with an Avatar?"

Lumina held her husband tightly. "It's true that she wounded your heart. But I suppose without her breaking it, I'd never have the chance to help you mend it once again."

"True enough." Aether said with a small smile as he embraced his wife. "And we wouldn't have our son." He then smiled. "And I do believe you couldn't find a more perfect girlfriend even if you tried Burst. It looks like you've inherited your old man's charm as well!"

Burst chuckled. "I guess my girlfriend needs no introduction at all since she's the most beloved person in Equestria. All the same, I'd like you to meet her. Mom and Dad? Meet Celestia."

"You've raised a fine son." Celestia said with a smile. "It's lovely to see you again Aether."

Aether smiled fondly. "You've really done some growing up Celestia. I remember when you ran all over the castle. You and Luna used to drive everyone crazy!"

"Those were the days!" Celestia giggled. "And it's thanks to Burst I have her back." She and Burst then shared a tight hug. "He's also the reason why I feel like I have so much more now."

Lumina giggled. "In that case, I think it's time you get to know how Burst's early days were." Lumina pulled out a photo album. She promptly showed Celestia Burst's baby photos. "Here he is snuggling with his favorite blanket."

"Awww~!" Celestia cooed. "You were so adorable!"

Burst smirked. "What do you mean 'were'?"

"Oh! Here's my favorite!" Lumina said as she pointed to another photo of Burst in his childhood years. "It was Burst's first costume. The Red Ranger! Oh, you used to run around the house with a toy sword and pretend to fight monsters! He'd set up boxes, and pretend to be trash them like Godzilla sometimes. "

Aether chuckled. "Let's not forget when Burst and I would have lightsaber duels."

"I still remember you milking the 'I am your father' line for all it was worth!" Burst chimed in. "Heck, you STILL did it whenever we'd watch Star Wars together!"

Aether smirked. "Coming from the one who knows every single Power Rangers theme?"

"What can I say? I'll never truly grow up." Burst said with a shrug.

"I guess that's another addition to your charm." Celestia said with a giggle. "It was lovely seeing you both, but I'd better return to the castle before the guards scour the city for me." Celestia kissed Burst goodbye, and took to the air as she exited Burst's family's house.

Burst smiled as he watched her fly off. "Can't wait until next time." He then turned to his parents. "You two call me if Shining Dawn stirs up anymore trouble. I'll come flying right over." Burst then flew back to Ponyville, and found Moon playing on his PS3. "I see you've familiarized yourself with my consoles."

"Uh huh." Moons said with a nod. "So how'd your time with Celestia go?"

Burst smiled. "Pretty good. I took her to meet my parents. With her wardrobe, she doesn't need to worry about looking nice." He then frowned and sighed. "But, there was an unpleasant surprise waiting for me. Apparently, I've got an older brother named Shining Dawn."

"Burst." Moon said as she paused the game she was playing and walked up to Burst. "Are you mad because he's someone your parents never told you about?"

Burst shook his head. "No. I'm upset because the creep insulted my dad for marrying my mother. That it 'sullied his pure Avatar blood.' He called me a mongrel because I've got mixed-up bloodlines running through me. But the worst part of all, is that he had the guts to ask Celestia for her hand in marriage RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. Immediately after he'd insulted my family and Celestia called him out on it!" Burst let a heavy sigh escape from his lungs. "Jerk even challenged me to a duel. But I refused because I knew he wouldn't be any trouble. I could sense he wasn't a real avatar. He had wings and magic, but whatever magic he has is pathetic."

"So...you're OP?" Moon asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"Not really." Burst said with a shrug. "In terms of magical power, I'd be above Twilight's level. Enough to hold my own against Avatars. The only difference is that I was trained in combat magic mainly, and I've had to use it more. Not to mention the Dragon Lineage and Avatar blood in me gives me a significant boost in strength, speed, senses, and durability. So in terms of physical strength, I'm definitely pretty strong."

Moon smiled. "I think the only strength you have that outweighs it is inner strength." Moon put a hand on Burst's shoulder. "Despite all the insults Shining Dawn hurled at you and your family, you kept control over your anger. No matter how satisfying you would have found punching his lights out. Not to mention proving you value Celestia as a lover and not a prize by refusing his challenge. Truth be told, that's one of the reasons I wanted to recruit you upon my return. Especially considering you managed to hold your own against me."

"Gee. Thanks Moon." Burst said with a small smile. "I didn't know you thought that highly of me."

"You're the first one to be my friend Burst." Moon said as she pulled Burst into a hug. "To me, you mean so much." Moon then looked into Burst's eyes, and felt something stir within her before releasing him. "And you've given so much to me in such a short time."

Burst chuckled. "Funny. Celestia said the same thing to me when she gave me my first kiss." Burst then stretched. "I don't know about you, but today's been emotionally exhausting for me." He then noted the slight red tinge on Moon's cheeks. "You alright Moon? You're looking a little hot."

"Oh! I-I'm alright." Moon said with a nervous smile. "Anyway, your console's all warmed up! I started a separate file on some of your games. You know."

Burst smiled. "I wouldn't have figured you for a gamer. Maybe next time you can be my player 2." As Burst picked up a controller, Moon couldn't help but smile at him before she went out to Twilight's library. Hoping to check-out a few books to get her mind off of Burst and the feelings toward him that she was starting to develop.

The next day came, but Burst was rudely awakened by a knocking on his door. Burst mumbled as he slid out of bed still in his pajamas, and headed to the door. Needless to say, the sight before him was none to pleasant. "Come on dude. Don't you have better things to do?"

Shining Dawn frowned. "I would say this counts as matter worth my time. You insulted me by calling me a 'bastard'. And now, I demand satisfaction from you. I also wish to challenge your claim to Celestia's heart. Thus, I once again challenge you to a duel!"

"Listen bud...this isn't the Medieval Ages." Burst said with a tired frown. "You either accept the fact that a girl likes someone else and respect it. Plus, you're not worth being an opponent."

Shining Dawn scowled. "And why not?!"

"Because..." Burst steeled his gaze. "I know a young drake who's more mature than you could ever be in a thousand years. That's all I've gotta say to you." And with that, Burst calmly closed the door and locked it. A sigh escaping his lungs as he slid to the floor. "Well, there goes my morning. Might as well get the day started." Burst got changed into his usual clothes, and ate a simple bowl of cereal before heading out. However, he noticed that Shining Dawn was still tailing him. All the while, he was pestering Burst about dueling for Celestia's hand. "You must have a pretty empty mansion or castle if you're wasting your time following me around. Just what does this duel mean to you anyway?"

Shining Dawn scoffed, but kept a calm tone. "I don't see why that concerns you so much. My affairs are my own. I need not explain them to you."

"Aren't you the thin-skinned one." Burst said flatly. "Fine. You want your fight? I'll give you one. Right here, right now." Burst summoned his sword, Bahamut Edge. "After you get equipped of course." Shining Dawn snapped his fingers, and a sword with a golden blade materialized in a flash of dawn-colored magic. "Bring it!" A crowd had gathered, and all of Burst's friends attended the spectacle.

Shining Dawn had a cocky smile on his face as he got into a formal dueling stance while Burst got into a regular fighting stance. 'Hmph! This should be effortless. The commoner has a stance more akin to a brawler than a duelist. I should be able to-?!?!??!?!?!' Shining Dawn saw a streak of white zip by, and the next thing he knew he was on the ground with his sword dropping out of his hands! Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Burst sheathing Bahamut Edge. "How...how did you beat me so fast?"

"Dad raised me." Burst answered as he turned to face Shining Dawn. "And he also trained me for five years with all kinds of weapons. All your fancy duel training pales in comparison in learning to take on enemies that make entire armies tremble in fear. Like I said. You weren't worth a fight. At least not one where I needed to try."

Shining Dawn got up, and bowed. "You have won this battle Burst Stream. Farewell." And with that, Shining Dawn left. Burst's friends came to congratulate him on winning the duel.

"So who was that guy?" Inferno asked.

Burst took a deep breath before answering. "You're all in for one heck of a story...."

Shining Dawn's Mansion

Shining Dawn sat alone in his room, and immediate slammed his fist on the table! A furious scowl present on his face and anger present in his pale gold eyes. "You have indeed won the battle Burst Stream. But the war for Celestia's heart is not over." He then spotted a picture of Burst and Moon in the newspaper. "And now, I do believe I've just found a suitable weapon..."