• Published 15th Jul 2017
  • 847 Views, 179 Comments

Elements of Heroism: Season 3 - Bahamut0

Burst's life is pretty good. He's got a literal goddess for a girlfriend, and tons of great friends. However, a face from his father's past has now dawned. For now, another son of Aether has arrived.

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Episode 7: (Not) a date

Burst stirred from his slumber. The last two days had been pretty exhausting for him. His illegitimate older brother, Shining Dawn, showed up and insulted his parents and made a move on Celestia right in front of him. Then the creep pestered Burst about the duel. Granted that when Burst did accept Shining Dawn's challenge, he beat him easily. But the fact remained, Burst was through with excitement for at least the rest of the week. Moon noticed Burst's mood, and an idea came to her. "Hey, Burst?"

"Yeah?" Burst asked as he munched on a piece of toast. "Something on your mind Moon?"

Moon scratched her head. "Well, since you've got nothing planned today, would you like to hit-up the arcade? You don't have too many fighting games, and I'd like a chance to spend some time with you. Plus.." Moon smiled. "...You could use a little mindless fun after all the drama you've gone through the last two days."

"You know? I think that's just what I need." Burst said with smile. "We'll hit the arcade as soon as we're done with breakfast." That being said, it wasn't long before the two polished off their plates and headed out the door.

Moon smiled happily as she and Burst walked off to the arcade. 'It's nice to see Burst smiling again. He's done a lot for me, and I'd hate to see him miserable. Plus...' Moon blushed slightly when Burst smiled at her. '..That smile of his is so adorable.' Moon was snapped out of her thoughts when she and Burst arrived at the arcade. "So what should we play first?"

"I'm always up for a round of Street Fighter." Burst said with a smile as he led Moon to the machine. "Each character's special moves are listed under their picture on the screen. Just pick the character you want, and the round begins!" Burst selected Ryu while Moon chose Cammy. They opted to do the random stage, and their match was underway! Moon had only needed to ready each button combo for a few seconds to master all her character's special moves, but Burst had a slight edge with his greater amount of gaming experience. However, the special moves of Moon's character allowed her to dodge projectile attacks. The two went at it pretty hard with the first round ending with Moon being victorious, the second ending in a double K.O., and the third ending with Burst on top. One final round would determine who won the match. Neither Burst or Moon was giving the other any ground. Both were using any and all special moves possible until they were both down to little more than a speck of a life bar for their characters. One attack would settle the match. Burst's character jumped over Moon's and pulled off one final shoryuken! Winning the match for Burst. "I guess I should've expected that." Moon said with a smirk. "You DID kick my butt when I returned. Even if it was a little bit of a cramped space."

Burst smiled kindly. "Thanks. Though if you'd rather fight alongside me than against me, there's plenty of shooting games to play here too."

"I'm game." Moon said with a giggle. "This time I'll pick out the game." The two spent the last of the bits Burst brought so they could play, and soon went out for lunch. "So are you having a good time?"

Burst nodded happily as he took a bite out of his burger. "Sure am! Just what I needed to lift my mood from the past two crazy days." A content sigh escaped Burst's lips as he slouched a little in his chair. "Thanks Moon. You've really brightened up my day."

"Well, today was my way of saying thanks for what you've done for me." Moon said with a sincere smile. "Celestia's lucky to have someone like you as her special someone." Moon's smile then saddened for a bit. 'Makes me wonder...what it would be like if I had you.'

Burst smiled kindly. "You really don't need to thank me Moon. In fact, you don't owe me a thing." Burst put his hand on Moon's. "But, it does mean a lot knowing you like to make people happy." The two headed home and went about the rest of their day either reading, or playing videogames.

Meanwhile at Canterlot

Celestia sighed as she sat upon her throne. It had been far too long since she'd last spent some decent time with Burst. Sadly, the life of a ruler of an entire nation didn't leave too much room for free time. Today was on exception, but Celestia took comfort in the fact she had only one person left on the list who wished to speak with her. "Send them in." She immediately regretted saying those very words when she saw Shining Dawn enter with a woman who had white hair with pink streaks in it. "Might I ask what business you have here Shining Dawn? I've made it clear I've no intent on accepting your marriage proposal."

"Princess." Shining Dawn said as he bowed. "I am here to say that I am breaking off my plans for marriage. Just yesterday, Burst finally accepted my challenge and bested me. It is my hope that if we cannot be joined as spouses, then we can at the very least be friends."

Celestia was cautious at Shining Dawn's humility, and warily accepted. "It seems...you're one who easily finds fault in himself."

"There is yet another matter that I wish to discuss your highness." Shining Dawn added as he produced a newspaper from the folds of his coat. "It's regarding Burst. In specific, his guest as of late." He then pointed to the picture of Burst and Moon together on the front page. "Are you not the least bit concerned that she'll revert to her old ways? Or worse, try to steal Burst from you?"

Celestia sighed. "I won't lie. I am still wary of Nightmare Moon. But as for the first one, no. I can tell she has no intent on wasting her newfound existence on a doomed conquest. The latter however, does worry me sometimes. But I have faith in Burst. A faith that has not yet been betrayed."

"All the same," Shining Dawn said with a shrug as he pointed to the woman accompanying him. "I'll have Nova Flare keep close tabs on the both of them. Without being intrusive to their lives and to give you peace of mind, of course."

Reluctantly, Celestia agreed. "If it makes you sleep soundly...so be it."

"Thank you Your Highness." Shining Dawn said with a smile as Nova teleported off, and he walked away. 'All I need do is wait...'