• Published 15th Jul 2017
  • 848 Views, 179 Comments

Elements of Heroism: Season 3 - Bahamut0

Burst's life is pretty good. He's got a literal goddess for a girlfriend, and tons of great friends. However, a face from his father's past has now dawned. For now, another son of Aether has arrived.

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Episode 10: Chaotic Tolerance

Celestia gazed at the statue of Discord, and memories started to flow from Burst's past battles. "Maybe...he deserves a chance too." And with that, Celestia ordered that Discord be moved to Ponyville with the Elements of Harmony. "I just hope that I'm making the right decision..." Celestia soon arrived in Ponyville, and announced her plan to reform Discord. "I would like Fluttershy to oversee Discord's reformation. I have complete faith in you my subject." Twilight and the girls reluctantly agreed, but their doubts were put to rest when Celestia informed them that she had cast a protection enchantment on the Elements of Harmony. "Besides..." Celestia noticed Burst and the Elements of Heroism had summoned their Duelist Weapons. "...I think you'll have the worst case covered thanks to Burst and his friends."

"My fist's ready to slug him." Burst said as he cracked his knuckles.

However, Tyrannus put a hand on Burst's shoulder. "If she truly believes Discord's earned this chance, I say we at least give him a chance." That didn't stop Burst from slugging Discord the second he was free!

"OW!" Discord whined as he fell to the ground! "This is going to be a running gag with you and me, isn't it?"

Burst shrugged. "Only if you give me a reason."

"Well, take this!" Discord fired a beam of magic, and Burst was in his Chaos Form Armor! "Consider this a goodwill present. I've toned-down the chaos in it so that you can transform anytime you wish. Plus, it really does go well with that arm cannon of yours."

Burst reverted to normal and eyed Discord suspiciously. "Thanks. I guess..." Discord was then taken to Fluttershy's cottage with Tyrannus watching him very closely.

"Say..." Discord said as he scratched his chin. Closely inspecting Tyrannus. "Aren't you the one who squished me when I took the form of a butterfly?"

Tyrannus nodded. "My name is Tyrannus Thunder. Call me Ty."

"Well, that incident is in the past!" Discord said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "So put 'er there pal!"

Tyrannus frowned. "We're not friends." Tyrannus retreated to the couch, and went about reading his manga. "I thought you should know, I'm pretty mad at what you did with Fluttershy back when you broke free and set that trap in the labyrinth."

"Odd." Discord said as he once again inspected Tyrannus. "You certainly don't look angry. And is she that good a friend of yours?"

Tyrannus sighed. "She's my girlfriend if you've really gotta know."

"Oh." Discord's face went pale. "Oh no....no no no!" Discord then slapped himself on the face! "I MESSED UP! I MESSED UP BAD!"

Tyrannus cocked a brow at the behavior that was odd even for the Spirit of Chaos. "Um...what are you freaking out for?"

"Even during my reign, there were certain areas that I made sure NEVER to tamper with!" Discord said a frantic tone! "One of which was making sure to never kill anyone. And the other was to never, under any circumstances, mess with someone's love life!" Discord clutched his head in distress.

Tyrannus blinked. "Well, you've got about four others to apologize to. Some of us Elements of Heroism are boyfriends to Twilight and her friends." And with that, Discord took off and promptly apologized to Pinkie and Akage, North and Applejack, Inferno and Rarity, and Steel and Rainbow Dash. Sure enough, Fluttershy began her work in reforming Discord. Tyrannus stayed at home to make sure Discord didn't go too far. Discord teasing Angel wasn't too bad. However, Discord then put the whole cottage on rotate! Everything was spinning around! Yet despite the chaos ensuing, Tyrannus kept a calm demeanor. Much to Discord's befuddlement. "I'm built as tough as I look Discord. Besides, that was kind of fun."

"You're serious?" Discord asked with a frown. "I thought for sure you'd be driven crazy by me uprooting Fluttershy's house."

Tyrannus shrugged. "If she's got a good reason to trust you, then I do too. Besides, I'm sure you're mainly planning on messing with Twilight and the other girls." Discord just rolled his eyes and floated back to the couch. Later, Discord held a dinner party and pulled all manner of pranks on Twilight and the other girls all while Fluttershy still defended him. He was shocked to hear that Fluttershy actually thought of him as a friend. He was further surprised later when Tyrannus looked on indifferently when he made Fluttershy promise not to use her element. A final realization came to Discord. Despite all the words coming from her friends, Fluttershy kept her promise to not use her Element of Kindness.

"I'd lose the only friend I'd ever had..." Discord said sadly as he looked at the pair of skates he'd conjured up for Fluttershy. He then panicked as he saw ice start to crack under Fluttershy's feet! Fortunately, Tyrannus spotted it and quickly leaped into action! Scooping up Fluttershy and sliding across the ice over to the others! "That was a close one! Good thi-" Discord was cut short when he noticed the stare Tyrannus was giving him. For the first time since his fight with Burst Stream, Discord felt scared.

"A word. Alone." Tyrannus said flatly as he led Discord. As he and Tyrannus went over to the other side of the river, Discord had a nervous look on his face as Tyrannus took a deep breath. "Don't worry. I'm not angry. I'm just disappointed."

Discord blinked. "You're...not? I thought for sure all the chaotic things I did today would have set you off."

"Nope." Tyrannus said as he shook his head. "Not in the least. I'm the Element of Tolerance for a reason Discord. Ever since I was little, everyone labelled me as a bully or thug simply because I was bigger and stronger. But I paid no mind to it because I knew I was nothing like that on the inside. I tolerated it, and became stronger as a result. Slowly, that led me to understand the people who were calling me names. Through understanding, I got to know them better. And by knowing them, we became friends. It's why I put up with your antics Discord." A small smile spread across Tyrannus' face. "Because I'd hoped I could become friends with you like Fluttershy has." Tyrannus then let out a sigh. "But the one thing I won't tolerate is having the people I love put at risk. Something you did today even if it was unintentional. I know you can't die Discord..." Tyrannus then punched a hole in the tree next to him! "...But that doesn't mean I can't make you wish you could. Just remember this if you're not paying attention to what I've said. Every action has a price. Always ask yourself if you're willing to pay it."

Discord was honestly touched by Tyrannus' words. A grateful smile crept across his face. "Your element chose well indeed Ty. And I don't think Fluttershy could ask for a better boyfriend."

Tyrannus smiled. "Then welcome to the fold. My friend." Suddenly, he was engulfed by a ball of light! When Ty opened his eyes, he found himself in a cosmic area! "What is this place?"

"One known only to myself and the princesses." A voice said. Tyrannus turned around, and saw a man who looked like an older version of Burst! "Nice to meet you in person Ty. My name is Aether. I'm Burst's dad."

"So...what am I doing here?" Tyrannus asked.

Aether smiled. "You are here because you've devoted yourself to your element. By tolerating the antics of the spirit of chaos, and doing so in the hopes to truly befriend him. Your time has come." Another orb of light surrounded Tyrannus! When Ty opened his eyes, he saw that his hands were covered in a green magic aura and that he'd sprouted pterodactyl wings!

"Ty...you're an Avatar!" Burst called out! "You've lived up to your element!"

Tyrannus smiled, and chuckled when Fluttershy leaped into his arms! "I'll always watch over you."

"I know you can now." Fluttershy said as she nuzzled Tyrannus. "My Guardian."

"Ohhh! GROUP HUG!" Discord shouted as he scooped both Fluttershy and Tyrannus into a hug! Everyone shared a laugh at the odd trio before them.