• Published 15th Jul 2017
  • 848 Views, 179 Comments

Elements of Heroism: Season 3 - Bahamut0

Burst's life is pretty good. He's got a literal goddess for a girlfriend, and tons of great friends. However, a face from his father's past has now dawned. For now, another son of Aether has arrived.

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Episode 4: Confrontation

Both the Elements of Heroism and Elements of Harmony awoke the next morning. All of them had one thing on their minds. They all had the exact same dream about Burst last night. And they'd all received black envelopes. "So we all had the same dream, right?" Inferno asked. "Burst being in the princesses' old castle."

Twilight nodded. "Yeah. All of us had the exact same dream. And then there's these envelopes. They're what worries me." Twilight picked up the envelope. It was black, and had a seal all to familiar. "Time to find out just what's in these things." Twilight opened the envelope, and read the paper inside. "To the Elements of Harmony and Elements of Heroism. You will be pleased to know that Burst Stream is alive and well. Currently, he is in my care in the Castle of the Two Sisters. He eagerly awaits to see you. As do I. Sincerely..." Twilight screamed at the top of her lungs when she read who had written the letter. "NIGHTMARE MOON?!?!?!?!" Everyone instantly flipped out when they heard who had sent the letters. "But...but how?! Princess Luna was purified by the Elements of Harmony! Nightmare Moon shouldn't exist! All the same, we've gotta get Burst back!" The group summoned their weapons. "But first, we're going to need some serious backup." Twilight got a scroll ready and began to write. In a flash of magic she sent the letter. A few seconds later Princess Celestia stood before the entire group.

"Where. Is. She?" Celestia asked coldly as she looked to Twilight.

Twilight hadn't seen Celestia look so angry before! "She's residing in you and Princess Luna's old castle. Also.." Twilight looked at the letter once again. "P.S. Bring both princesses. I have much I'd like to discuss with them."

"Trust me." Celestia said as she summoned her Celestial Arms. "Luna and I have more than a few words for her. Tonight, the nightmare ends. I'll wait until Luna's awake. If Nightmare Moon's returned, we'll need all the might we can gather." Night soon fell, and the group made their way to the Castle of the Two Sisters. Any monsters they met along the way were easily dealt with. But when they came to the ruins, they were greeted with a sight they weren't expecting. Most surprised by the vision before them were Celestia and Luna. "It can't be..." Celestia was gazing upon her old home. But instead of the ruins wrought by her battle with Nightmare Moon, the castle stood in its original glory. Luna snapped her sister out of her dazed state. "Right. We're here for Burst. And none of us are leaving without him." The group marched into the castle, but came to halt when they heard footsteps heading in their direction. All of them readied their weapons. However, the figure advancing toward them was far from hostile.

"Hey everyone!" Burst Stream greeted with a smile. "Took you long enough to get here." All of Burst's friendsgave cheers of joy and sighs of relief. Burst was about to move when he almost got tackled by Celestia pulling him into an embrace. "Whoa! Easy there Celestia! I'm still a little sore from my wounds!"

Celestia loosened her hold on Burst, but pulled him closer to her. "Oh Burst..." The ruler of Equestria let out a heavy, relieved sigh as she embraced her beloved. "Don't worry me like that ever again." Celestia then gripped Burst by the shoulders. "I swear if Nightmare Moon's hurt your or done anything I'll-"

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Burst exclaimed as he held Celestia's hands. "She didn't do anything to me. In fact, she helped patch me up. You all did get her letters right? She sent them to you all so you could pick me up. Oh. And she prefers to be called Moon." Needless to say, Burst's friends were shocked at Burst's response. Luna and Celestia however, were another story entirely.

"As if." Luna said with a scoff, and her wings flared out in anger. "Most likely, she's planned on imprisoning me and Celestia and sealing away your friends. And chances are she's using you! And call her what she is! A nightmare!"

Celestia put a hand on Luna's shoulder. "Calm yourself Luna." Celestia took a deep breath as Luna let out a groan. "You're unharmed Burst. And furthermore, Nightmare Moon has no interest in fighting as her letter suggests. But should this prove to be a trap..." Luna opened a case, and the Elements of Harmony were revealed. "We've come prepared. Now. Where is our host?"

"In the throne room." Burst answered. "She's been waiting for you." Burst led the group to the throne room, and let them inside. As they entered, they caught sight of Nightmare Moon. She was clad in her armor and gazing out through a window at the night sky. A peaceful look on her face as she stared at the evening heavens.

"A beautiful night. Isn't it?" Moon asked as she turned her attention to the group. "I see you all got my letters. To be honest, I didn't think any of you would actually come here."

Celestia stepped forth with a stern gaze. "You have my thanks that Burst is unharmed. But I have one question: How are you here?"

"Fair enough. But let me ask you a question in return." Moon retorted. "What do you think I am in relation to Luna?"

Celestia's calm held as she answered. "You're the worst of Luna. Her inner darkness given form and life." Celestia steeled her gaze. "A monster that took her away from me for a-"

Moon slammed her fist on the arm of the throne she was sitting upon. However, her face held no rage. All the same, a scowl dawned on her face. "Don't you DARE pin all of the blame on me Celestia." Moon got up, and stared Celestia directly in the eye. "Has your own light blinded you this much? Or have you simply forgotten since Luna was returned home? It was YOUR ignorance and neglect that made Luna feel isolated. All that attention you received while she was ignored and cast aside! It's your fault that I was made!"

"ENOUGH!" Luna shouted. "I won't have you assault my sister with your twisted views! I never made you! I became you! But you're not me!"

Moon flared her wings. "You're right. I'm not you." Luna was shocked at Moon's statement. "But you're wrong. You DID make me. Remember that project you made so long ago? About making a best friend for yourself through magic?"

"A foolish endeavor." Luna said with a scoff. "One that I made in a fit of frustration. One that I also aborted promptly when Celestia came to check on me. But only a few years later, I began to hear..." Luna froze with realization. "...your voice in my head." Luna backpedalled. "No..you can't mean...that being became..."

Moon nodded. A pained look in her eyes. "Yes Luna. I'm the same friend you tried to make those many years ago. You were so angry and jealous of Celestia that you wanted a friend who could give you the time you never could. To love the night just as much as you did." Moon seated herself on the throne again. "But what you didn't know is that where your magic failed to finish the process, your negative emotions more than compensated for the final stages. All that rage I had, all that jealousy came from you." Both sets of elements were in shock at hearing Moon's true origins. Save for Burst. "But when I was fully formed, I found myself inside your shadow. I was guided by the only purpose you gave me. To make you happy. I was the equivalent of an infant at the time, and your negative emotions heavily influenced me to find a way to carry out my purpose. I figured if Celestia didn't raise the sun anymore, then the day would never come. People would have to pay more attention to you. Everyone would love your night because you'd be the only princess. I swore I'd never do anything to hurt you." Moon hung her head in shame. "But in the end, I'm the one that caused you the most pain. I couldn't face you during our imprisonment, but I was still filled with the jealousy and anger you had when you first created me." Moon let out a sigh. "The fact is, none of us are innocent. We all hurt each other. But now?" Moon looked to the Elements of Harmony and Burst Stream. A small smile graced her face. "Now things have been made right."

Both of the royal sisters were stunned at this revelation. All this time, they'd thought Moon was little more than a darker side to Luna. And now? Now they knew that she was her own being. And they were filled with guilt. "So...how are you here now?" Celestia asked.

"I never did answer that, did I?" Moon asked with a small smile. "Getting hit with friendship magic hurts. A lot. But the pain is a part of the healing process. The Elements of Harmony can purify or imprison, but they can't kill. They opened my eyes to how much pain I caused, and I consciously let them separate me from Luna. However, the Elements of Harmony weren't done with me. I was little more than a pile of magical essence with a consciousness. However, I still had the ability to enter the dream world. Sometimes when Luna would finish her patrols, I'd inspect the dreams of those she visited. It was...the one place everyone was happy. Luna had gotten her happiness, so I figured I had to get a new purpose. And it was staring me right in the face. I think my proudest work was the dreams I crafted for the elements during Hearth's Warming. As well as that young changeling who Luna gave the vision of his true love to. And as I made people's dreams happy, I found myself becoming more complete. And after the events of the wedding, I stopped by Burst's dreams to give him my thanks. That night, I was made whole. And I also found something interesting in this old castle. In specific, Luna's old room." Moon reached out her arm, and summoned a broadsword. The blade looked like it was made from the night sky itself! "This weapon called to me. It's similar to your weapons and Luna's. I've named it Lunar Eclipse."

Luna stepped forward. "I was wondering why I no longer felt any connection to this Celestial Arm. Maybe it wasn't meant for me." Luna then inspected Moon. "Do you mind if I test something with this new body of yours?"

"Go ahead." Moon said with a shrug. Everyone was shocked when Luna unsheathed her katana, and struck Moon right in the heart! However, Moon didn't look fazed as she pulled the blade out! Not even a drop of blood spilled from her wound and a beam of midnight blue light shot out of it! Instantly, the wound healed. "That kind of stings you know."

Luna shrugged. "Don't be such a baby. You're immortal and ageless like me, Celestia, and Cadence now. It looks like the Elements of Harmony rebirthed you as an avatar." Luna then gulped. "One more thing I must ask. Do...you hate us?"

Moon blinked and let out a sigh. "Don't get me wrong. I was pretty upset all that time there on the moon. Upset that Celestia refused to admit the truth of that night. It filled me with more anger than I thought possible." Another sigh escaped her lungs. "But as I watched from our lunar prison, I found that I couldn't fault her. If she so much as showed any sign of weakness, she'd be torn apart by the nobles who desired to expand their power. She had to deal with leading an entire nation, and she had no one to confide in. She didn't have you." Moon's face saddened. "Seeing all that...really makes me regret all I've done."

"Nightma-...Er, Moon," Celestia said. "Did you call us here because you seek forgiveness?"

Moon smirked and stood up. "I regret my actions. But I don't seek forgiveness. Luna's happy, and that's all that matters. The rest of the world can go on hating me if it wants to. I don't care." Moon closed her eyes and slowly opened them. A confident smile was on full display. "I'll bear the sin if it means everyone else can keep on smiling."

"SO...AWESOME." Rainbow Dash said as she fainted.

Celestia managed a small smile as she returned her attention to Moon. "I suppose...I could 'reveal the truth' to the public. Have you make a grand entrance as I pardon you?"

"That would be nice." Moon said with a giggle. "I'll go along with your plan. But on one condition." Moon walked over to Burst. "I get to stay with him."

Burst blushed! "WHAT?! WHY ME?!"

"You're my first real friend." Moon said with a sweet smile. "And there's so much more I want to know about you."

Celestia frowned slightly. "I'll allow it."

"But can we get dinner first?" Luna asked. "I'm starving!" Everyone shared a laugh, and returned home. Eager to fill their stomachs.