• Published 15th Jul 2017
  • 847 Views, 179 Comments

Elements of Heroism: Season 3 - Bahamut0

Burst's life is pretty good. He's got a literal goddess for a girlfriend, and tons of great friends. However, a face from his father's past has now dawned. For now, another son of Aether has arrived.

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Episode 13: Dragon Unbound

The next day, Burst and all his friends bore witness to Twilight's ascension. She had written her own magic, friendship, and became an avatar. As the lavender wings upon her back now suggested. She'd even seen Celestia congratulate her. "Welcome to the club." Moon said with a smile as she hugged Twilight.

"Burst?" Twilight asked. "Celestia asked if she'll see you at the wedding. Something about making an entrance?"

Burst smirked. "Trust me Twilight. I'll definitely be making an entrance." The rest of Burst's friends wondered what he meant, but decided they'd find out tomorrow.

Shining Dawn's mansion

Celestia had just received a message from Luna via magic. Shining Dawn's army of Dawn Treaders had just camped right outside of Canterlot. And then who should come in but Shining Dawn himself. "You know that wasn't our agreement." Celestia said sternly.

"Call it an insurance policy my dear." Shining Dawn said with a wicked smile. "Besides, I didn't attack Canterlot yet."

Celestia scowled. "You know you won't get away with this."

"Please." Shining Dawn scoffed. "I have your city held ransom, I've got your hand locked down in marriage, and..." A cruel smile crept onto Shining Dawn's face. "...I have crushed Burst Stream through you. And once we are bound, I'll have the right to claim my godhood." And with that, Shining Dawn left. Only for Cadence to come see her aunt.

"Oh, auntie.." Cadence sighed as she hugged Celestia. "Luna just told me about the army outside Canterlot. I sensed the love in Shining Dawn's heart. He has none. I knew you wouldn't leave Burst unless you had no choice."

Celestia sighed. "True enough. But I'm not worried." Celestia went over to her bed, and picked up the Optimus Prime plushy that Burst had given her those many years ago. "Because I know he's not even begun to fight yet."

The next day, Burst awoke and took a deep breath before slipping into his clothes. He stood clad in his iconic outfit, and holstered his Duelist Arms. "It's time." He was about to leave when he saw Moon clad in her armor. "Looks like you've gotten dressed for the occasion too."

"Different destination." Moon said with a smile as she slipped on her helmet. She then pulled Burst into a hug. "Don't you dare come back without her."

Burst smiled lovingly. "And don't you dare lose either." The two shared a kiss, and flew off in their separate ways. Moon landed in Canterlot, and noticed all the people were nervous about Shining Dawn's army. She steeled her gaze and walked calmly out the front gates of Canterlot. Nova Flare noticed Moon, and bolted to her feet!

"You! Accursed Avatar of the dark!" Nova Flare cried out! "What business do you have with us?!"

Moon took a deep breath. "I'm here to give you a first and last warning. Pull out your forces and leave Canterlot. Or else I'll deal with you accordingly. Know that whatever happens next is on your conscience."

"I shall never yield to one from the dark!" Nova Flare cried out! "Dawn Treaders! Eliminate her!"

Moon sighed as the soldiers charged at her. "Very well." Moon summoned her broadsword Lunar Eclipse, and cleaved the five Dawn Treaders that had charged at her. "Forgive-?!" Moon noticed that the Dawn Treaders' bodies faded in a flash of light. Leaving only their armor. "...Me?"

"Sorry. But your bloodlust won't be quenched today." Nova Flare said with a smirk on her face. "The Dawn Treaders are all golems Lord Shining Dawn created so that he may never risk losing a life in battle!" However, the chuckle coming from Moon wiped the smirk off of Nova's face. "What...what do you find so amusing?"

Moon smirked at Nova Flare. "No. This is good. This is really good." Moon then got into a fighting stance. "Now I can truly show you why they call me a nightmare. And it'll still be PG-13." And with that, Moon threw herself at the Dawn Treaders! All of the guards standing watch looked on in awe as she tore her way through the Dawn Treaders! She struck with such power and moved with swiftness and grace, it was almost like she was dancing on the battlefield! Many Dawn Treaders fell to her blade. And any that did not were soon destroyed by her magic! No remains, save for armor, remained once she was through with them! Moon kept going at them with no mercy. The battle, if it could even be called one, was over in a matter of minutes. One of Moon's hands had smoke trailing from it with the last magical attack she'd used. A confident smirk on full display as she gazed at Nova Flare. "Perhaps now you'd like to reconsider your options?"

Nova flare was trembling in fear as she reached for her sword. "N-Never...NEVER!" She charged at Moon with her sword only for Moon to simply lean out of her way. Nova kept swinging wildly, and eventually pierced Moon's chest! But to her shook, no damage was done! "But..but how? My sword burns the evil darkness!'

"Maybe it's not as evil as you believe it to be." Moon said with a frown. "Pure light and pure darkness are equally blinding. Let me illuminate you." Moon's hand glowed with magic as she pulled the sword from her body. Her wound instantly healed, and she gripped Nova's head with the hand glowing with her magic. "Sleep." Nova Flare then fell to the ground unconscious. "She'll be fine." Moon said to the guards as she removed her helmet. She then found all of Canterlot cheering for her. "So anyone want to help with clean up." A squadron of guards came to sweep up the armor that laid across the battlefield while two guards took Nova Flare into custody. "It's all you now Burst."

Burst had just arrived at Shining Dawn's mansion, and texted Inferno if the pastor had said the 'Speak now' line. Inferno replied saying it was almost time. "Perfect." Burst threw the doors open the second the line was spoken! "Yeah. I've got an objection or two!" Burst then pointed at Shining Dawn. "He doesn't love her. And he stole her from me!"

"Bravo Burst." Shining Dawn said with a smirk as he snapped his fingers. A remaining squad of Dawn Treaders surrounded Burst. "It's true. I only wish to make Celestia my bride so I may lay claim to being a true avatar. Though Aether did play a part in my birth, my magic is pitiful. So I sought to lay claim through the most binding form. Marriage. And who better to marry than the beloved Princess Celestia?" All the guests were in shock at this revelation! "But you were in the way. So I had to make sure you were removed. You shouldn't have come here Burst. Now Canterlot falls!"

Burst smirked. "I wouldn't be too sure about that." He then pulled out his phone to reveal a recent text. "Moon just texted me she's wiped the floor with your army." The crowd was once again shocked, but not before Celestia started to laugh as she turned to face Shining Dawn.

"Gotcha!" Celestia said with a smirk. The audience was confused, so Celestia decided to explain. "I knew you'd have something like this planned Shining Dawn. But I also knew that Burst wouldn't stay down for long. He never gives up. So I 'broke up' with him just so he could storm in and object to this marriage as much as I do. Did you really think you could get away with threatening Canterlot on my watch? And now you've just blabbed your plan for everyone to hear. Because you were so sure you'd won." Celestia then gave Shining Dawn an epic thumbs-down. "But it's game over for you." Celestia was about to teleport to Burst's side, but she couldn't! She then saw the ring on her finger glowing. It was cancelling out her magic! She then saw Shining Dawn about to strike her when a blast flew by them! Celestia saw one of Burst's blasters smoking from the recent shot, and the squad of Dawn Treaders was nothing but armor on the ground.

"You won't lay a finger on her." Burst said coldly. "Your fight's with me." He then looked to his friends. "Guys? I suggest you clear everyone out. Things are gonna get crazy." The remaining Elements of Heroism and Elements of Harmony set to work evacuating the wedding guests. Soon, it was just Burst and Shining Dawn with Celestia bearing witness to the imminent clash. "I told you that I wasn't trying last time." Burst then activated his Chaos Form armor! "Now I am."

Shining Dawn sneered. "As am I." The two charged at each other, and their fists collided! A massive shockwave rang throughout the room! Both of them began trading blows! However, Burst was concerned as their battle waged.

'There's no way he could get this strong so quickly! When I first sensed him, his power wasn't even on Twilight's level! So what could boost him this much so fast?!' Burst thought as he continued firing blasts of chaos energy and unleashing a series of kicks and punches at Shining Dawn!

"I think I'm done toying with you." Shining Dawn said with a sneer as a red tinge became evident around his pale gold eyes. A massive blast of magic knocked Burst into a wall! Shining Dawn then flew to Burst, and unleashed a merciless flurry of punches against Burst! Burst's Chaos Form armor started to flicker on and off due to Shining Dawn starting to overpower him! Burst soon landed on his feet, and his armor had de-materialized. "I'm not done yet." A black bolt of lightning shot from his hand! Burst screamed in agony as the bolt hit him! "This spell is supposed to make you writhe in agony." Shining Dawn said with a cruel smile as he zapped Burst again when Burst tried to take flight. "What made you think you would get the girl? Don't you know how the fairy tales end? The dragon is always slain." Shining Dawn then revealed the Avatar Amulet from under his shirt. "Of course, the slayer must be properly equipped. Now where was I?"

Celestia watched in horror as Shining Dawn continued to torture Burst with the same spell. Her heart ached when she saw Burst slightly scorched from the multiple times the spell struck him! "STOP!" Celestia screamed. "You've made it clear that you've won! Just, please, don't hurt him anymore."

Shining Dawn slowly removed the Avatar Amulet. "You're so right. And you dear brother," Burst's eyes shrunk when he saw a blade sticking through him. Shining Dawn smiling wickedly. "It is about time to put you out of your misery." Shining Dawn watched with satisfaction as Burst fell to his knees. Blood starting to trickle down from where he'd been impaled.

"BURST!" Celestia screamed as she flew over to Burst's reaching hand. Only for a barrier to get in her way. "No..please no..."

"So close, yet so far." Shining Dawn said with a sneer as he grabbed Celestia. "And now my dear, I shall teach you a lesson as well. One you will not soon forget."

Burst's vision was starting to blur, but he could still make things out and hear clearly. And what he saw and heard angered him. He staggered to his feet and charged up as much magic as he could muster. He couldn't let Shining Dawn hurt Celestia. He wouldn't! "NOOOOOO!" Burst screamed as he fired a blast of white lightning that shattered through the barrier! Striking Shining Dawn dead on! Burst then felt a surge of power flow through him. Similar to the presence his dark side had in his dreams. But now? Now Burst owned it. And it would now be unleashed. Burst's pupils turned into slits while the white of his eyes was tinged with a lighter shade of blue. "RAAAAAGH!" An aura of blue energy engulfed Burst! Forcing both Shining Dawn and Celestia to brace themselves as the waves of power went crashing down! When the waves ceased, a cloud of dust stood before them. They heard barely audible footsteps. "You know? I always wondered why the dragon was slain in all those old stories." Burst's voice came from the cloud. However, it sounded more mature. "Now I think I know why." Two white dragon wings shot out from the dust cloud, but the looked sharper and fiercer. "Because when something precious, their treasure, is taken from them, they'll never stop searching for it." Twin glowing orbs of blue seemed to shine through the dust as the footsteps drew closer. "And they'll suffer any pain, or fight any enemy just for the chance to reclaim what they hold dear! Because a dragon's spirit-" Burst's form broke through the cloud for all present to see. Celestia's eyes went wide. Burst appeared more muscular than his original form, but that wasn't what had shocked her. What shocked her was that Burst's skin was now black. "IS INDOMINITABLE!"

"Impossible...impossible!" Shining Dawn fumed! "You're a False Avatar like me! How did you gain such power?! You're no better than me using dark power like that!"

Burst chuckled. "Because I was born out of a mutual love my parents had. And because I love Celestia." Burst shot a glance at Celestia who blushed slightly at Burst's new form. "Besides, the Avatar Amulet didn't corrupt you. That heart of yours is as wicked as they come. Sure. I've got a nightmare form now. But my heart's not changed a bit. Where the power comes from doesn't matter. It's how you use it that counts." Burst then drew his sword. "And I'm gonna use this power to kick your ass!" Shining Dawn barely had any time to move before Burst rushed him and scored a slash across his chest!

"Wh-What are you?!" Shining Dawn gasped as he clutched his chest will desperately getting the Avatar Amulet around his neck.

"Your worst nightmare." Burst said flatly. The two then let the silence speak for them as their gazes locked. Shining Dawn's now red eyes thanks to the full power of the amulet screamed no mercy. While Burst's slit-pupiled eyes defiantly proclaimed no surrender. The two power houses clashed! Locking blades! "Well I'll be. You're actually a decent opponent now." Burst quipped as his Bahamut Edge clashed with Shining Dawn's sword!

Shining Dawn glared at Burst! "I underestimated you last time. And I knew I could never match your power! But the amulet will give me the strength to destroy you! And only I can remove it! My sword, Dragon Slayer, will be the marker of your grave!"

"Then I'll just have to remove you and the amulet!" Burst shot back as he slipped out one of his blasters, and shot Shining Dawn point blank! Shining Dawn was sent reeling from the blast, and skidded to a halt! scorch mark present from where he'd been blasted! "I'm not through with you yet!" Burst dashed up to Shining Dawn, and unleashed a series of powerful strikes that launched him into the air! "First I set you up...!" Burst then took to the air and continued his assault! "Then I knock you back down!" Burst sent Shining Dawn crashing to the ground with one powerful swing! He then sheathed Bahamut Edge, and drew his other blaster pistol. Burst charged both blasters, and fired a charged blast stream at Shining Dawn! When the smoke cleared, Shining Dawn was on one knee and in a crater made from the blast. He was about to charge, but Burst shot out a stream of magical lightning from one of his hands! "You keep getting up, I'm just gonna keep zapping you." Shining Dawn paid no mind and foolishly tried to charge at Burst again! Burst once again let a stream of lightning flow, and Shining Dawn writhed on the ground! Burst nodded when he saw that Shining Dawn was slipping in and out of consciousness. He then turned around to face Celestia.

Celestia's mind was frantic. She didn't know whether to be happy that Burst was alive, frightened by the power he now possessed, or attracted to the new form he had. She was about to back-peddle, but lost her balance! Only to see a black a blur race by and catch her. Celestia found herself being carried bridal-style by Burst. "I didn't expect to see you in a wedding dress so soon." Burst joked. When she looked Burst in the eyes, all fear melted away. His body may have changed, but it was still Burst. "So you knew I'd come for you?"

"You promised didn't you?" Celestia asked with a loving smile. "And from what I've seen you always keep your word." Burst smiled lovingly as he made his way to the exit. However, his exit didn't go unnoticed. Shining Dawn's vision began to clear, and he glared hatefully at Burst as he exited. Burst had just made it outside and saw that Moon had joined his friends in waiting for him. Some of his friends were nervous around his new form at first, but instantly abandoned their doubts when they saw Celestia resting her head against Burst's chest. However, the celebration was interrupted when a loud crash was heard! A lone figure floated in the sky. Shining Dawn was covered in a blood red aura as the Avatar Amulet's gem started to crack!


Burst narrowed his eyes, and got into a stance! "THIS HEART OF MINE IS BLAZING WITH FURY! ITS FURIOUS BEAT TELLS ME TO DEFEAT YOU! TAKE THIS! MY LOVE! MY RAGE! AND ALL OF MY POWER! WHITE LIGHTNING!" Burst charged up his signature magic attack, but at the same time he began to pour his energy into another attack in the center! "KA...ME...."

Shining Dawn scowled! "....CANNON..."

"HA....ME...." Burst continued!

"FIRE!" Shining Dawn screamed as a blood red blast of magic shot out from his hands!

Burst snapped his eyes open! "HAAAAAAA!" A beam of energy fused with white lightning shot out from Burst's hands and collided with Shining Dawn's! Shining Dawn tried to match the power of Burst's attack, but the gem of the Avatar Amulet cracked and shattered! Instantly cutting off the beam! Burst noticed, and poured more energy into his attack! The White Lightning Kamehameha engulfed Shining Dawn completely! A silent scream escaping the villain as he was completely obliterated! When the beam died down, only a wisp of smoke remained of Shining Dawn that immediately wafted away. Burst lowered his arms, and breathed a sigh of relief. "And that was the fall of Shining Dawn." Burst then saw his friends cheering for him, and soon got rushed by Celestia and Moon. "C'mon. My new form doesn't look that attractive, does it?"

"I beg to differ." Celestia said with a giggle as she kissed Burst and wrapped her arms around him. "I missed being back in your arms."

Moon giggled. "And I bet he missed holding you." She then put her arms around Burst too. "All this makes me wonder when our special day will come."

"It'll come soon." Burst said with a smile. "But if you two will excuse me..." Burst reverted to his regular form, and fell asleep in Celestia and Moon's embrace. The two goddesses smiled down at Burst as they flew back to Canterlot with him in tow. Night fell soon enough, and Celestia caressed Burst's sleeping face as he rested upon her bed.

"He looks so precious when slumbering doesn't he?" Moon asked as she entered the room. "You had quite the plan set to expose Shining Dawn."

Celestia smiled. "Thank you. For defeating Shining Dawn's army. And for mending Burst's heart. I regret that I had to put him through pain like that for the sake of Canterlot."

"It just shows how strong you are." Moon said with a kind smile as she sat down next to Celestia. "You had to consider the best interest of the many. Much like you did when you banished Luna and me. And you've grown even stronger since then. It's what I admire about you. I don't know if I could ever make the call you made even if it was life-or-death."

"And I admire the confidence you have." Celestia said. "How sure you are in your decisions because you know your heart is in them."

Moon beamed as she put her hand on Celestia's. "Thanks. You know? When you mentioned Burst and I contrasted nicely, that got me to thinking." Moon then gazed into Celestia's eyes. "You and I contrast quite nicely too. There's another reason why I look so similar to you. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery."

"Where's this coming from?" Celestia asked.

Moon giggled. "A thousand years on the moon really teaches you how to appreciate both sexes. Especially prime examples of attractiveness from either."

"Then it's a shame Burst's not awake to see this." Celestia said with a giggle. "If you're wondering why I'm not freaking out about this, lets just say the royal harem I used to have had the best of both sexes too."

Moon blinked before smirking. "Maybe he's the one who needs a wake up kiss." Both Moon and Celestia kissed Burst, and saw him stir before opening his eyes. "I take it you liked your wake up call?"

"You have no idea." Burst said with a smile as he pulled them closer. "Now this is what I call a happy ending."

Celestia giggled. "Oh it's not over yet. The rest is waiting for you tomorrow. But right now...." Celestia and Moon both grabbed onto Burst. "...I wouldn't mind feeling safe in your arms for the rest of the night." Burst smiled as he soon found himself between two literal goddesses and making out with the both of them before sleep once again claimed him.

The next day, Burst found a note telling him to head for the throne room. When he arrived, he was shocked to see his friends and family waiting for him. Celestia beckoned for him to come towards her. "I give you Burst Stream! The Prince of Heroism!" The whole crowd cheered! "This moment more than crowns you." Celestia said before she and Moon embraced Burst. Burst just smiled. This truly was a happy ending.