• Published 17th Jun 2017
  • 11,300 Views, 301 Comments

Emperor of Light - Scorpion1313

Walter was a cosplaying as Volthoom when he saw a perfect replica of the Travel Lantern and the Phantom Ring for sale in a convention. The owner of the stall seemed to be cosplaying as the Merchant from Resident Evil 4. This is a displaced story.

Comments ( 37 )

Damn it! Cliffhanger :flutterrage:

I can't wait to see what happens next :pinkiehappy:

What took it so long man Also WTF they called him/her aunty?.

Keep falling for them

they are calling amore aunty

i wonder why the rolyor sister called amore anut?

I shall proceed to like, favorite, and follow you now.

I don’t care if he looks noting like me I’m content

Yeah, I just had the Sky Father and Earth Mother archetypes in mind when I was thinking about possible names for the princesses' parent, their appearance came after the names were chosen.

Cant wait for the next chapter

I'm enjoying this story greatly, the protagonist is not over the top suit up displaced, it only have one franchise as a character the rest is human knowledge and memories.

A story with a different species of changeling is unique and a breath of fresh air, best for me is that the changeling aren't the baddies here.

I shall await for the next chapter to come out even I have to wait many wolf Moon's

When is the next chapter

Don't know, I'm kinda busy IRL, the free time I had to write I'm using to work on my Thesis. Worst case scenario would be a year but I'm slowly writing the next chapter.

take you'r time so you don't burn out we can wait:twilightblush:

Amazing!! This one of the best stories I’ve read in a long while! Hell, the Changeling society alone is the best I’ve seen, entirely! I would read a story if it was entirely centered around your representation of the Changeling society! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks, I tried to make them more unique and making their shapeshifting and emotion energy siphoning be factored in how their society developed, so I took some inspiration from DC's aliens but I had recently played Zelda BotW at the time I started writing so that was also an influence.

When can we expect an update? I just read through some of the other comments and saw that you are working on some other stuff IRL, namely your Thesis (I know how long that can take and how time-consuming it can be from when my Mum did hers). It's nice to know that you haven't forgotten this story (as many who had things appear in their lives have) and are slowly working through it.

Good luck with your Thesis!

I don't know when I'll update but I'm slowly writing the next chapter.

hey I know it is late for me to say this but don't feel rushed to make this we wold much raver have a good chapter that takes a long time to make then a bad one that takes five seconds

P.S amazing story

So is the next chapter almost done

Is this story going to be updated or is it cancelled and I should stop Hoping for more.

hey this is just your friendly reminder to keep it up, this is a amazing story and I can't wait to read the next chapter but remember to take your time if you have writers block/ focusing on a different story/ if you are just busy IRL or if you aint feeling it just take your time and just remember that this is your story and if people start to push you to upload more often because you are "taking to long" (I am not saying any one is I so far have not seen any I mean in the future) then that shows that they don't deserve to read your story's

any way I hope you enjoy your day

This is my reaction to realizing the story is stuck on a cliffhanger right now just when shit was getting good too.

Is the next chapter nearing completion

Yes but I stopped to focus on my graduation thesis for the moment.

Are you still continuing this story? This is in my opinion a good story so keep it up!

Kinda, it's on hiatus for now so I can focus on IRL stuff that has been going on.

Is there going to be more?


Not really, at least, not in the foreseeable future.

Look like he cancelled some of his story’s not surprising he probably don’t have time to write stories with work and he haven’t be updated them for a while

Comment posted by FrIgIdToStY deleted Sep 1st, 2022

Damn...I'm really sad this story is cancelled it was my favorite one the author made.

How would this story have ended?

I don't know, I didn't have a ending in mind when I wrote it.

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