• Published 18th Apr 2017
  • 3,435 Views, 559 Comments

Eigengrau - kudzuhaiku

Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing left to add—but when there is nothing left to take away.

Comments ( 77 )

Opposites attract. I'm not sure either of these two know just what they've signed up for. Dim, because nopony can know what lurks inside a Pie, and Blackbird because generally a gun is easier to point when you know which end the bullets come out of.

Alright, I'll admit it. I really wanted to see Dim blow his brains out (metaphorically speaking) but then, I like those kinds of stories sometimes. But that's not how the Weedverse works, so I don't think it's going to happen.

On the other hoof, I'm still holding out hope that he cuffs a few alicorns across their muzzles before this is all over.

(Yes, I'm sick. Don't send help.)

...oh i think these two are going to be perfect together. :pinkiehappy: contrasts make for the best of stories, often. And those two talking together was just pure gold.

Actually, i think that's probably your strongest suit: dialogue between different people, contrasting character interactions. That and magical fight scenes. More kickass Dim the mayhem incarnate, please.

Looking very much forward to the sequel.

I find Dim's mad ravings quite humorous.

Im shipping blackbird and dim.

8145392 The parallel I drew between Dim/Pie was Bothari/Cordelia Naismith from Bujold's series. Where Cordelia is a strong and smart woman, Bothari is a cold-blooded killer without restraint, something that Cordelia needs to survive brutal Barrayar. And in return, Bothari needs Cordelia to tell him what is right and wrong because he's so morally limited. Example:

"'You're no use to me at all, Emperor Vidal," said Cordelia frankly. "There are at least five thousand casualties in this war so far. Now that Kareen is dead, how long will you keep fighting?"
"Forever," he snarled whitely. "I will avenge her—avenge them all—"
Wrong answer, Cordelia thought, with a curious light-headed sadness. "Bothari." He was at her side instantly. "Pick up that sword." He did so. She set the replicator on the floor and laid her hand briefly atop his, wrapped around the hilt. "Bothari, execute this man for me, please." Her tone sounded weirdly serene in her own ears, as if she'd just asked Bothari to pass the butter. Murder didn't really require hysterics.

The relationship is not totally one-sided. Bothari provides a certain practicality to Cordelia in times of crisis.

"Pull that plasma arc out of my holster and start firing," Bothari savagely directed Cordelia. Yes; Bothari had managed to retrieve it in the melee, probably why his body count hadn't been higher.
"You can't set fire to the Residence," Drou gasped in horror.
A fortune in antiquities and Barrayaran historical artifacts were housed in this wing alone, no doubt. Cordelia grinned wildly, grabbed the weapon, and fired back down the corridor. Wooden furniture, wooden parquetry, and age-dry tapestries roared into flame as the beam's searing fingers touched them.
Burn, you. Burn for Kareen. Pile a death-offering to match her courage and agony, blazing higher and higher— As they reached the door of the old Emperor's bedchamber, she fired the hallway in the opposite direction for good measure. THAT for what you've done to me, and to my boy—the flames should hold back pursuit for a few minutes. She felt as though her body were floating, light as air. Is this how Bothari feels, when he kills?

Four and twenty blackbirds, baked in a pie, this is getting interesting, oh me oh my.
Looking forward to the next entry in Dim's dark tale.

I can't wait for the sequel!!!

...start from the bottom.

Rest assured, this ain't over.


The end? Naauughhhh... blast it.

You tempt me kudzu, you tempt me terribly to retry "The Chase" and your other stories in this universe.
I stopped after it became clear to me that Bucky and all around him were going to suffer and be mutilated most horribly through the course of the story, with no guarantee they would even survive. I had no real desire to watch/read that so I just stopped reading at that point.

Damn pies are everywhere. Sies, they HAVE to be related to the apples. Apples are everywhere too.

Also i had a random thought. Have you thought of including that stallion from the comics, who had what looked like the love child of changeling, an alicorn, and evil itself as a descendant?

The Chase is not Weedverse, and does not share the same worldbuilding. This story is part of Weedverse.


Have you thought of including that stallion from the comics, who had what looked like the love child of changeling, an alicorn, and evil itself as a descendant?

I have not read the comic, please provide an image link from google search.

That was a nice ending, even if it leaves me wanting more.:twilightsmile: So when are going to stop teasing us with Hope and Sombra, because I can't wait to read your take on those two. :pinkiehappy:


They will remain as background characters, but more will be learned along the way. Dim does meet them though.

Fuckin' knew you'd pull this off, Kudz. Fuckin' knew.

8145766 You were saying that you would probably cancel the story because nobody liked it. The character was severely depressing and his origin story was horribly bleak. The first chapter turned a lot of people off due to its brutality and themes. You are quite possibly one of the few authors on this site to say "fuck it" and soldier on. That's cool.

Dim is an interesting character to me. He is quite far apart from many of your other Weedverse characters in a significant way. To tell you the truth, Eigengrau brought the spark back for me. It made me want to start reading the other Weedverse stories I was so behind on. I'm now comparing and contrasting the characters to Dim, wondering about various interactions and name-drops throughout the Weedverse. His close association with the dark also makes me wonder about the lantern and his impact on Grogar. He's most likely the best-equipped to understand Grogar and provide assistance to Tarnished and the other adventurers when evil gets eldritch.

Dim's character wasn't completely fleshed out, but you got the main points across and that's good. I eagerly await the continuation of Dim's character progression in the future. Thanks.

GODS FUCKING DAMN IT ALL!!! Another! when the hell is the sequel coming?!?:flutterrage:

Havr I missed something?
I do not recognise Blackbird

I don't know why this story isn't even more popular, I personally find the bleak and grating vibe that this story gives off to be rather refreshing, a break from the usual nonstop hugboxing that plagues this site. You get a thumbs up from me man

8146009 New character.

They poured out of doors, pushing and shoving one another, and those who could not reach a door lept out of whatever nearby window was available.

At this point , an earth pony captain at one table poring over his charts, hears a demonstration of Harsh's skill set is about to take place, stuffs his charts in his saddlebags and throws his pet rock, [edit note - my distant cousin] Rocher, he was using for a paper weight out through the nearest window. Thus making his own escape without slicing himself on the glass as several drunkards had done already. Scooping Rocher up into his bag on the way out, passing the bleeding drinkers, making his passage into the night hurt free.

(Had a rare moment of inspiration hit me.:derpytongue2:)

8145640 Lol dude, I can tell you now; Bucky is literally the only one to lose any part of his body.

as long as Dim is still with us i'm good... i need a dark OC in my life, not every OC should be good

Very nice while not overly upbeat there is HOPE. While Umbra might unravel him if Dim tries to kill that voice in his head others will END him before he gets a chance to try and there will BE NO place he can hide

8146059 maybe used his saddle bags to help knock the shards out of the way

I shall look forwards to the sequel!

A couple of thoughts:
Is there any significance to the Sea Witch's prehensile hair, as the only other place we've seen that is Lima Bean?
If names have magic, is being a Nameless Power of Magic a deliberate advantage, or a symptom of a what's killing/killed you?

8146096 Sentinel did lose an eye.:unsuresweetie:

8146247 Yes I'd hang around long enough to do that.....with Dim in the room.:derpyderp2:


A new character appears! She uses fascinate! It's super effective!


Many zebras have prehensile dreadlocks, we just haven't seen them yet. Sort of like how Pinkie can do stuff with her mane.

The Nameless One lost her name when she lost what made her special. What was her name? I can't tell you. Twilight and Sumac will be meeting her and I really need to get around to writing that short story.

8146348 That's pretty much what I guessed about the hair, and an interesting detail for the name. Thanks.

My name is Blackbird Coffyn, I’m looking for my mother

... alarms are ringing...

And did i miss Hope's partner being sombra? I don't recall this.


It's been hinted at a few times. Like in Masks.

8146398 ... i need to finish that...

8146401 okay, I don't even recall hope being in that one.


That's not my fault. :derpyderp1:

8146403 no, I suppose not.

8146315 Sugar.

I forgot.. but it was only one eye. Remember, it could have been worse..

HYPE I can't wait to see the Nameless One!! :D
(How has no one said anything about this yet?)

Edit after reading most recent Skyreach chapter: YESSSSS

I am a depraved degenerate, but I am no motherfucker,” Dim whispered in reply.

:rainbowlaugh: This line is awesome. Pure gold.

This fic is even awesomer. I hope we can see more of Dim's journey soon :pinkiehappy:

That was such pleasant awkward honesty

YES that's all I need to say I think

I ponder more of Blackbird's history

Fshew, what a read.

Dim Dark and Blackbird Coffyn, and for those of us that recall the discussion of Pie geneology from earlier Weedverse stories "Coffyn" was another word for Pie in the Grittish Isles

That pink voice ... how a voice can be Pink ... Pinkie :facehoof:


Do you see Pinkie in the character tags? That's not Pinkie. :pinkiecrazy:

my question then would be how Cadance could identify a Pie, especially one that's a crossbreed, on sight alone ... though by the point of her being able to communicate to Dim mentally, via astral projection I guess the argument could be made that she can SEE whatever makes a Pie a Pie ...

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