• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Monday



A future version of Rainbow Dash narrates a story about events that led her to be one of the last ponies in Equestria.

A tale of Tragedy involving Rainbow Dash, one of the few, if not only surviving pony in Equestria, learn about her story and what let to this disastrous event leaving Rainbow Dash alone in Equestria, to think about the events that occurred in her last days.

Authors Note: This is my first story that I'm doing without a comity telling me exactly what to write and were to write it, so it may be, not that great, its mainly an experiment of an idea I thought of one night, so be kind in the comments! (Though I would enjoy some, 'creative' criticism to help me better my writing style) I've rated it Teen because I'm not sure if I'm going to put adult themes in or not, I probably wont but I don't want to have to change it later.

Chapters (0)
Comments ( 6 )

Kinda of a Spoiler to the content upcoming in this story, and I'm gonna answer this question now.

NO, this is NOT some age regression story about Twilight Sparkle, (I can already see the hate coming from that plot point) So I am going to stop that train of thought now, I will have NO fetishes in my stories as I think those fetishes ruin the story, my ultimate goal with that plot point is to prove its possible to have that in a story without turning it into some weird fetish, so If you have only read chapter one (Currently the only visible chapter aside from the prologue), don't think that's what this is going to turn into.

Chapter 2 Will be up hopefully before Friday. And my goal is to put at least one up every week until I finish, Just an update/plan for those who are actually reading this story.

Thank you for that interesting comment :/ lol

Well like i said in the description if you read the whole thing, Its my first story I'm doing solely on my own, I.E. No editor, no comity telling me exactly what to write and when to write it, ect.
So I'm expecting the down votes, but i really think people should wait to down vote until its actually complete, I would also wish people would tell me what is so bad about it that it got down voted so i can make it better, but hey what can ya do :/

Late Edit: *Hint Hint* to those who down voted: I would like to know why so i can fix the problem *Hint Hint*

Chapter 3 is up, longest chapter yet! Also thank you to those who thumb's upped this story!

Little spoiler/update: For those of you awaiting Luna and Celestia, they will be in the next chapter, (So you all didn't think i miss labeled the characters in the story)

Also pertaining to the story, if anyone catches any spelling errors or typo's, PLEASE let me know.
Reasons for this: My auto corrector has been being weird, i just noticed yesterday that my username was 'Secrete_Shadows' instead of 'Secret_Shadows', I've corrected this, but I dunno if its 'auto corrected' (Or lack their of auto correction) anything else.

"Twilight?" Rainbow asked, she did not know what to do, she was starting to have second thoughts about what she was doing. She realized during these last moments that she was ruining her chances of ever Wonder Bolt, her mind was getting the better of her, she was deep in thought when Twilight spoke again.

I know you asked but I hope you dont think it rude of me to point a error out.

she was ruining her chances of ever becoming a Wonder Bolt

love the story so far cant wait to see how this event causes almost all the ponys in the world to die.

Thank you for the comment, and like I said its my first story that I'm doing alone without any help, so I will have some errors and bad story writing in it :/ Its more of a Story to help me develop my skills more than anything else, but I am trying to make it good.

And thank you, someone FINALLY pointed out an error like i asked. (Though I'm not really sure what error i made, probably because i just woke up)

I'll explain my reasoning behind this line of text though: I felt that I changed Rainbow's attitude to early in the story, I didn't really transition her into how she is now, and that line was basically a throwback to remind the audience that its still the same Rainbow Dash more concerned with her own personal needs (Or close to at this point in the story anyway) than she is of anyone elses needs, and the fact that having a foal would kinda hinder her ability to travel with the Wonder Bolts, But I do hope you continue to point out my errors (Even if I don't think its an error, because it is 99% likely that I'm just ignoring the actual error in that sentence, lol)

Wow long comment, anyway thank you for doing as I have asked :) And to spoil a bit, I don't really have a plan for the ending yet, I have a vague idea, but it might be, a little, not that great, lol, just keep that in mind when i post up the final few chapters (Though I'm hoping to write at least another 3 or 4 chapters before i get to the climax of the story, wanna build up the tension, keep people reading to find out exactly what happens) Also, if you or anyone else reading this has idea's don't hesitate to share them!