• Published 17th Aug 2016
  • 868 Views, 67 Comments

Screw it, Applejack Gets A Harem! - Gpizano

Why? Because Applejack is best pony/human! COME AT MEH BRO!

  • ...

Courageous Castle Crashers -or- The Harem Finally Kicked In, Let's Party!

Deep within the bowels of the castle of the two sisters, a certain hapless blonde farmer was finally starting to regain consciousness. She found herself with her arms and legs chained to two pillars, finding her bonds enchanted and her struggles futile. It was then that she felt a presence, dark and sinister watching her from the shadows.

Nightmare Moon.

The woman's blue eyes glowed in the darkness before the rest of her emerged from darkness, an ancient being whose body was still taut and had all it's curves. She eyed the farmer like a hungry, mighty lioness would eye it's prey as she stalked closer to Applejack. The blonde tried to edge away to no avail as Nightmare Moon reached out and with one, skilled swipe of her hand, undid all of the buttons on the blonde's shirt with one motion, revealing more of that delightfully tanned skin. Then her hand reached lower to the Macha woman's belt buckle and-


GAH! Shadowfax DAMMIT Pinkie Pie! How'd you get in here?!

DUH, through the door silly! It was unlocked!

... that joke was bad and you should feel bad.

Nee-yope! Anyways, gotta' tell you to ax this scene.

Really? You'd stoop so low as to be the one to get into Applejack's pants you'd come bother the narrator? Ugh, come on! The only way we're going to get better ratings is if things get sexier! I mean, there's a couple fanfics with Applejack shipped with Princess Luna and those got popular, this'd sort of be the same thing...

Nope, nope, nope! Besides, we've only got a Teen rating and I'm pretty sure Rarity used up all our lee-way in her chapter! Plus the writer doesn't do smut or M rated work cause she's kind of a prude like that!


Hey, I don't have a problem with sex! I'm just not going to write it out!

Cause you've never actually done it...

You know it's VERY easy to get a new narrator.

Oh please, and who else could you hire to read this dreck?

Oh! OH! Me me me me me!


Shadowfax dammit, Pinkie Pie! Get back in the damn forest with the others and narrator, do your damn job and read what I wrote for you! Otherwise you're going to fade from existence since you only exist while this story goes on!

Oh! Oh! That's how you want to play it?! You're really getting metaphysical with this, huh?!


Well FINE then! Be that way!

So Twilight and the others go through the forest and do the things. Nightmare Moon causes an rock slide, they survive. They face a manticore, Fluttershy pulls a thorn out of it's paw because fucking kindness and lack of imagination, Steven Magnet and jokes about mustaches, loyalty to friends and tapping AJ's ass so Rainbow Dash turns down the fake and NOT AT ALL evil looking Shadowbolts, oh yeah and Pinkie Pie's singing number that starts off all THAT musical thing so we have future songs whether they're needed or not...

HEY, I expect you to actually READ what I give you!

Oh piss off! You're not even trying with this fic anyway or you wouldn't of dumped all the lore in the first chapter that chased people away and you wouldn't of gone with that stupid title! You're just going to rehash the other shit from the TV show except make it so the girls come together for the common goal of wanting to sex Applejack and don't nobody want to or got time for that shit when they want to get to the main part!

... well FINE then. I guess we'll just skip over all that possible character building and get to the main part! HAPPY?


After facing many trials, learning to trust one another and realize that despite their own desires to possess the heart of the same woman that they should work together and be friends once more, the five women made it to the castle of the two sisters. Despite the dangers flung their way, Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic, Rainbow Dash, future Wonderbolt, Rarity, fashionista extraordinaire, Fluttershy, the kindly animal caretaker, and Pinkie Pie, a kick ass party planner, had arrived. All were determined to save the woman they loved/lusted for and followed Twilight into the crumbling castle, up the stairs and towards the area where the elements of harmony were supposed to be kept.

Upon a pedestal were six solid granite orbs, looking much different than what had been described in the history books but Twilight knew this was only because they lacked a spark to bring them to life again. All five girls gasped softly upon seeing that Nightmare Moon was there, along with Applejack! The poor blonde apple farmer was chained to a pillar with magically constructed chains, leaving her unable to use her amazing strength to break free! Still battered and bruised from her fight with Nightmare Moon earlier in the night, she truly looked to be a miserable mess and it lit a fire in all five woman seeing her this way. Yet their hearts also fluttered as she looked to them and nobly thought of their own safety first

"Run! Git outta' here!"

"Those ladies wonneth't runneth. Not at which hour the key to their vict'ry is right h're, and thee 'long with t."

Scoffed Nightmare Moon, running the back of her fingers along Applejack's cheek affectionately, which earned her five sets of eyes glaring daggers at her. Along with a frustrated groan from Rainbow Dash.

"Seriously, can anyone understand what she's saying half the time? Cause it's like... really hard."

"She's sayin' ya' won't run cause Ah guess those things r' important an Ah'm here."

"AJ, how can you understand her?"

"Considerin' how thick tha' accents are in mah family, kinda comes natural like."

"... wait, what?"

"Rainbow Dash, later."

With total seriousness and focus, Twilight Sparkle stepped forward, magical aura sparking around her hands as she moved to face Nightmare Moon.

"Thee wouldst square me again? Then thou art a bigg'r blinking idiot than I bethought! A pity since thee wouldst of madeth a fine mage to s'rve me."

Tittered Nightmare Moon, smirking as she stepped forward as well, her own magical aura coming to life with the power of a storm as it swirled around her. As much power as the Dyaus had, Twilight swallowed her fear and charged forward, sending blasts of magical energy flying towards Nightmare Moon, who simply dodged and then countered. The battle was more fierce than the last one not but mere hours ago! Twilight fighting tooth and nail, distracting Nightmare Moon as the other four girls hurried past to get to both Applejack and the elements of harmony.

"Shadow fucking fax! I can't get these to budge!"

Complained Rainbow Dash, her and Rarity trying to get Applejack out of the magic chains while Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie moved the elements off of their pedestals.

"I don't know what I really expected to do, my meager magic is no match for a Dyaus's!"

Rarity lamented, casting a glance back and seeing that Nightmare Moon was gaining the upper hand once more over Twilight Sparkle, the princess trying her best to keep up the fight and falling short. Then a final, powerful blast sent Twilight Sparkle skidding back across the ground to them, the woman coughing as some blood escaped the corner of her mouth, the young Dyaus holding her side as she glared up to Nightmare Moon.

"To square 'gainst me and to expecteth a diff'rent outcome. How brave. How futile. And as f'r those elements of harmony. . ."

Holding her hand like a gun, she fired off six shots, each hitting their marks dead center in the middle of each element of harmony, shattering them!

"Eke futile!"

"No... those were... our only chance."

Finding the energy to push herself up to her feet, Twilight looked helplessly between the shattered remains of the elements, to her friends, to Nightmare Moon and then to Applejack. It had needed a spark... but what spark? They had all five of them worked together in harmony! They had shown all of the elements tonight except! ... except honesty. Sure they were honest with each other, but they weren't honest with Applejack, were they?

Whether or not this worked, and even if it didn't, when else would Twilight have the time to say this? So with a gulp, she took a hesitant step towards Applejack, the blonde highly concerned for what would happen to them but also a bit confused by what Twilight was doing.

"Applejack... I... before we possibly die I... I wanted to say that I... love you."

Cue dramatic gasp from the girls, Applejack and the audience.

Twilight couldn't look up to Applejack, furiously fiddling with her fingers as a blush came to her face.

"I... I know we haven't shown each other long but... but you're amazing. You're so kind and easy going, you're a hard worker and you're always trying to be your best. N-Not to mention very beautiful. What I feel for you is just... magical."

Giggling at that joke, Pinkie Pie stepped spoke up as well.

"Me too! When I'm around you I just.... feel so happy, I can't stop smiling cause I feel so good being around you! It's like the best party ever!"

Then Fluttershy.

"You... you're always so kind and patient with me. I can't help but feel the same way."

Even Rainbow Dash even worked up the nerve to say her true feelings.

"Yeah... you always got my back and that's cool... and stuff. So I'd want to stick around you. I guess."

"Mm, you're all those things and more to me as well, Applejack. Knowing how much you mean to all of us, it almost makes me wish we could all just share you."

Rarity. The tart. Of course this made one or two women blush and Pinkie Pie chuckled while Twilight had a look that clearly showed she thought the idea was somewhat scandalous.

"Rarity! While I know polygamy and the like was always a big thing in Equestria's past, it's not quite as in vogue these days!"

"I know darling, but still, it seemed that would be the easiest solution!"

"Art all of thee quite done? I am losing patience!"

All having forgotten for a moment that Nightmare Moon was there, the woman tapping her toe while in the air, the five women smiled sheepishly before looking back to a stunned Applejack, Twilight being the one to speak up.

"Sorry, I know this is a lot to dump on you right now."

"S'kinda bad time fer it."

With a lopsided grin, Applejack would of rubbed the back of her neck if she could move her arms.

"Look, Ah dunno what ta' say... but if'n Ah had ta' be honest, Ah'd say y'all are a group a fine ladies. Ah'd be right honored to be with any y'all."

Before things could get any more mushy and romantic, they all noticed that Nightmare Moon was charging a great big ball of magic, ready to obliterate all of them! Twilight turned, preparing to try and throw up a shield as the other four women moved in front of Applejack protectively.

"Y'all get outta' here! NOW!"

"No! We don't leave you Applejack! We'll fight to the end!"

However, what the six women didn't see was the shards of the elements of harmony starting to glow. They flew out to create a magical shield that completely nullified Nightmare Moon's blast, the woman looking on in shock and horror as the elements got rid of the magic chains binding Applejack and surrounded all six of the women. All six of the elements formed into gold rings on the right ring finger of each woman, each with a gemstone that took different shapes and colors depending on the woman wearing it. Twilight a magenta star, Fluttershy a pink butterfly, Rarity a purple diamond, Pinkie Pie a blue balloon, Rainbow Dash a red lightning bolt, and Applejack an orange apple.

By their powers combined-!


Fine, not like commenters weren't going to make the same joke anyway...

As they floated, the five women were in a circle with Applejack in the center, a bright light before a rainbow laser blast shot out and hit Nightmare Moon! The woman trying very hard to shield herself but ultimately it was futile as she was engulfed by the light! She fell to the floor, prone as her body began to warp and change back to Princess Luna.

"We did it!"

Cheered Pinkie Pie as they all floated back down to the floor, all five women ecstatic and happy as they flung themselves at Applejack, hugging the blonde farmer who was a bit overwhelmed by the attention.

"Well done everyone."

"That voice-!"

Began Twilight, pulling away from Applejack to see a ball of light float through the window before turning into Princess Celestia. The woman was tall and tanned, a very regal and pretty looking Dyaus and who could have very well been compared to the goddesses of old. Her hair which was the many hues of a sunrise seemed to billow without wind, pink eyes staring kindly as the five woman and she was in a dress of pure white and sandals and accessories of gold.


Twilight had squeaked, the other five women moving to bow but stopped by a motion to not do so from Celestia.

"I am glad you all succeeded. I knew Twilight, that activating the elements of harmony was the only chance to stop Nightmare Moon, I knew you had won since upon Nightmare Moon's defeat I was released from my prison."

"I'm so glad you're okay!"

Twilight rushed forward to give Celestia a hug, the woman returning the gesture but surprised when she noticed the ring on her former pupil's finger. Then a coy smile came to her face as she glanced at the other five women.

"Which one is it?"


"The one you love?"

"Oh! Um... A-Applejack..."

Blushing furiously and wondering how Princess Celestia new, she glanced back and saw the farmer step forward, removing her hat from her head to try and be even more respectful to the woman.

"Ah'm Applejack, ma'a-er, princess."

"I see... well congratulations, I wish you and your new partners happiness."

"Uh, beg yer' pardon?"

Applejack looked confused whereas Twilight Sparkle's eyes widened.

"C-Celestia... you don't mean?"

"Whut's she talkin' 'bout Twi?"

"I... I think we're... you're um... spouses now Applejack."

".... WHAT???"

Author's Note:

Whenever i need to just write but not be serious, I always love coming back to this one. :trollestia:

Comments ( 4 )

Eh, this chapter left me disappointed. Like there wasn't not really any will and effort to write it. The final part wih Applejack at the center of the magical orbital friendship cannon and now with five wives is good, but the rest of the chapter put it off.

7558224 *shrugs* Hey, duds happen.

The elements as rings is a nice touch, had me giggling for a solid minute, knowing Celestial was probably gonna comment on it XD

8441999 Wow, someone actually commented on this story. XD

Yeah, I figured it seemed appropriate for a harem anime-er, I mean fanfic. XD

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