• Published 17th Aug 2016
  • 868 Views, 67 Comments

Screw it, Applejack Gets A Harem! - Gpizano

Why? Because Applejack is best pony/human! COME AT MEH BRO!

  • ...

Heartfelt Harassment -or- Love is a Battlefield

... oh wait, this isn't dead yet? Why?

.... ohhhhh, this chapter is for one of the popular ships.

Um.... so yeah, we open up a couple days later after we left our clueless heroine Applejack, recovering from a manticore attack.

Under the odd care of Pinkie Pie and her friends dropping by, Applejack was on her feet and ready to get back to work! That morning she woke up bright and early, washing up before wolfing down a hearty breakfast of flapjacks before heading out into the fields to buck some apple trees. The blonde woman was whistling a happy tune as she lead Chester through the trees, the horse pulling along a cart filled with baskets. When they finally reached an area that sorely needed bucking, Applejack got a few baskets from out of the cart, whistling a happy tune as she laid all of the baskets out before analyzing the tree.

While some thought she merely 'kicked trees', any hard working Macha farmer knew it was more than that. It was a magic all it's own as one reached out by instinct, searching for the right spot to kick on the tree, using the right amount of force in a kick, not to soft, not too hard, sending a burst of magic to all the apples that would make them fall into the baskets perfectly and being protected from most bruising on the fall. Fancy smancy high falootin' dandies in the big cities might of scoffed, but for Applejack it was an art form.

After finding the perfect spot, Applejack pushed against her chin, first towards the left, then the right, eliciting a satisfying crack from her neck each time before she stretched her arms above her head and shook out her legs. Once she had limbered up, the blonde got into a ready stance, suddenly turning into a full round house kick and ready for her boot to make contact with the firm bark of the apple tree.

Only to find herself spinning like a top as something sped by, catching her leg just before she hit her intended target and pushed so that she would start spinning around. Applejack found the world kept on spinning right after both of her feet were planted into the ground, her legs shaking as she wobbled over to the tree she had been about to kick and leaned against it for support, fighting down the bile trying to climb it's way up her throat.

"Got you good, farm girl!"

"Dang it- hurk!... Dash!"

The athletic Arion woman was hovering in the air, arms crossed and smirking to Applejack before she gently floated down, her might, sky blue wings folding behind her as she strutted over to Applejack.

"Heard today was the day you were going to feel better. Thought I'd come by and see for myself. Although I gotta' say, laying around seems to have softened you up. Too many sweets from nurse Pinkie?"

Giving Rainbow Dash a half-hearted glare, Applejack pushed away the finger poking at her stomach (to which Rainbow Dash could feel hadn't gained an ounce of fat when Applejack was laid up).

"C'mon Dash, Ah got work ta' do, so if'n ya' don't mind Ah'd like ta' get back to it!"

"What, afraid I'll whip your sorry butt?"

With a roll of her eyes, Applejack turned away from the other, trying to ignore Rainbow Dash and go try to kick another tree... when suddenly a very familiar article of clothing was missing from the top of her head! Applejack immediately whipped around, a fire in her eyes as the shorter woman began strutting away, twirling the stetson around on her finger.

"Rainbow Dash..."

Ignoring the warning tone in Applejack's voice, Rainbow Dash looked back with a smirk and put the hat on top of her own head.

"Why don't you try to take it, cowgirl?"

In the next split second Applejack charged forward, attempting to bull rush the Arion and reach out to take her hat back! But proved too slow and was rewarded with an elbow in her stomach, knocking some of the wind out of her. Rainbow Dash followed up by doing a flawless back flip, wings extending as she attempted to land a kick under Applejack's chin but the blonde managed to raise her hands in time, catching the tip of Rainbow Dash's foot in her palms to shield against damage but unable to grab hold as Rainbow Dash flipped back and landed in a crouch, wings flared, hat still on her head, and with that Shadowfax damned smirk on her face.

As for Rainbow Dash, a familiar chill went down her spine seeing Applejack's eyes, a fire lit in those eyes, born of anger but warping in meaning as she saw the blonde smirk as well now.

"Gonna' be like that, eh?"


With wild abandon they were at each other once more, throwing punches, elbows, and kicks, trying to throw and pin each other down but either Applejack broke free or Rainbow Dash slipped away at the last second. Every second was a thrill for the Arion, knowing that each and every time she had to be on her toes since the farmer could be so damn surprising. But there was something more to it as well, beyond the thrill of a fight, beyond being able to secretly feel up Applejack's body. Rainbow Dash was by no means good at expressing the more 'whimpy' feelings as she had named them, cultivating an image of cool that never allowed for her to show such vulnerability. But every time she fought with Applejack, it was like everything she needed to say was expressed and the farmer always accepted what she had to say, helping her work through her problems.

All except for one.

Why... why couldn't she show her? Why couldn't she just tell her?!

Frustration reached a fever pitch, making Rainbow Dash slip up and be pinned against a tree, the rough bark scraping against her skin and her arms held behind her back. Both of them were panting and a sweaty, dirty mess, but Applejack was smiling as she plucked her hat off of the top of that rainbow colored head.

"Not bad Dash, but Ah gotcha' this time."

Receiving no reply from the other woman, Applejack started to feel a bit concern and released her grip... only to be taken off guard as Rainbow Dash suddenly launched herself at her! With enough force she lost her balance and they fell to the ground, rolling about and wrestling until the winged woman finally managed to pin Applejack beneath her.

Before she could admonish the other for 'playing dirty', Applejack's words caught in her throat as she looked up to the other. The look in those magenta eyes was something the blonde hadn't quite seen before. Frustration, anger, and... something else. They looked a little brighter too, almost like Rainbow Dash was ready to cry.

"... Rainbow Dash?"

The Arion opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, struggling before finally letting out a frustrated grunt and lying down on top of Applejack, hiding her face against the blonde's chest. Why couldn't she just say the damn words?! It seemed to get worse when she felt the farmer's strong arms around her, causing her heart to beat faster and jump up into her throat. No judgment, just comfort as the farmer waited for her to speak her mind. It was only when Rainbow Dash took a deep breath could she push herself up and look the other woman in the eye, steeling her words and forcing herself to speak.

"Applejack... I-"

A sudden crack of power a couple feet away made them both jump, with Rainbow Dash doing so quite literally as she jumped into the air and hovered, her surprise turning into anger at seeing the Princess of Magic standing there.

"Whoops, sorry! I just came by to see how you were doing Applejack, you should be healed up by now, yes?"

Turning, Rainbow Dash was about to take off when Applejack spoke up.

"Wait, Rainbow Dash! Are ya' gonna be okay?"

"... whatever, I gotta' get going."

Without another word the Arion took off into the sky, gone in a blink and leaving a confused farmer and a slightly guilty looking princess behind.

"Did... did I interrupt something?"

Watching the sky for a moment longer, Applejack sighed and pushed herself back up to her feet. As concerned as she was about whatever was bothering Rainbow Dash, she knew that the woman wouldn't be willing to talk about it right now.

Might as well get back to work...

Author's Note:

*takes a sip of Dr. Pepper with sunglasses on* It's back baby.

And in this story Applejack's hat is special and sentimental. Not something that gets messed up, thrown away and replaced. HASBRO WRITERS. :ajbemused: