• Published 17th Aug 2016
  • 868 Views, 67 Comments

Screw it, Applejack Gets A Harem! - Gpizano

Why? Because Applejack is best pony/human! COME AT MEH BRO!

  • ...

Naughty Nurse Nonsense -or- Giggling All the Way

It would be about two day of blood transfusion, bed rest, and of course a little magic before Applejack was allowed to leave the hospital. Her brother had come by with another of the horses, Chestnut, and the cart to help haul her home. While the blonde was eager to get back to work she knew that it wasn't going to happen just yet. Between the owl bear and the manticore, it hurt her left side to move too much and she knew the doctor had informed her family, the doctor knowing just how stubborn Applejack could be. Which meant no one in her family would allow her to lift a finger until she was healed up.

The mere thought of that made Applejack groan softly, tilting her head back and gazing up at the blue sky above her. As hardy as Macha were, it would be a couple of days before she could get to work again. Her skin had healed over and her torn muscles had a jump start thanks to the magic, but her ribs would still need some more time. The last thing she needed right now was to be out of commission when there was so much to do around the farm!

When they finally made it home, the cart slowed to a stop and her brother Big Mac got off the driver's seat. He was taller than her and full of muscle, he was probably one of the strongest Macha around, second only to her and even then it was a slim margin of difference. His strawberry blond hair was short yet shaggy, his green eyes were just a shade darker than her own, and he wore a red plaid, button up shirt, beat up old work jeans and work boots.

The quiet man was as gentle as could be though as he helped his little sister out of the cart and began guiding her to the porch of the house... that was currently blocked by a pink and blue gift box that was larger than him! The Apple siblings exchanged a puzzled look before they both jumped as there came a loud 'pop'! Followed by a shower of confetti as the four walls of the box fell open, revealing a very energetic, and exciting looking Pinkie Pie! Wearing a light pink nurses uniform with blue accents that showed off ample cleavage, pink stockings with blue garter belts, and a pair of powder blue and white tennis shoes!

"IIIIIIIII am you're singing nurse today!

I plan to make you well!

Being hurt, it really sucks!

You're so down and I can really tell!

That Manticore beat you up

What a meanie!

So let me help!

No task is too teenie!

You want something?

I can go at any speeds!

So don't you worry

'Cause I can handle all your needs!

So Applejack you just relax

I'm ready to take my station!

No need to fuss so

Will you be my patient?"

By the end of the short ditty, she jumped into the air as the sound of another 'pop' and confetti seemed to come out of nowhere, showering the Apple siblings that simply stared at the energetic woman before them.

"Uh, Pinkie Pie. Ah appreciate the thought, but Ah ain't no invalid. Ah can take care a' mahself."

"... Ah think ya' should."

Looking up to her brother and silently asking why, he didn't verbally respond but his eyes did all the talking for him. And they seemed to say 'Look, Ah know how ya' feel n' Ah understand but yer more stubborn than Applebloom lookin' ta' prove she's all grown up. Dang that kid wants ta' grow up too fast. Anyways, the point bein' it'd be good fer her ta' look after ya' n' the more ya' rest, the quicker ya will be back up on yer feet. So just take her help.'

Honestly, Big Mac could be such a chatty Cathy sometimes.

Looking from him to the hopeful Pinkie Pie, Applejack found it hard to say no when the baker looked to eager. So with a sigh, the blonde smiled and nodded.

"Alright Pinkie Pie, yer on."

Jumping up into the air and giving a cheer, Pinkie Pie then rushed over and carefully took Applejack's arm.

"Right this way then! Where would you like to sit? The porch? The living room? Your bed?"

"The porch s'fine. Been cooped up inside too long."

Things had started off fine, Applejack sitting on the porch and relaxing while Pinkie Pie hovered nearby, rushing off to get something if Applejack wanted it and even fetching her things she didn't want! Lemonade was all well and good, but Applejack didn't need the other to prop up her feet or get her half a dozen pillows for her to rest against! When she was ready for lunch and brought to the kitchen, it had been too much with all of the food that Pinkie Pie whipped up! It was a good salad, sandwich and apple pie, but she didn't want a pecan pie, a large bowl of tomato soup, or all the grilled cheese she made to go with the soup! And while the games could be fun, Pinkie Pie worked herself up into such a rambunctious state that Applejack found it hard to relax, especially when Pinkie Pie grabbed onto her arm and pressed right up against her side! Didn't Pinkie Pie know her breasts were pressing right up against her arm?

However the final straw came that evening....

Since her skin was healed up, there was no need to worry about infection and Applejack had gone to the bathroom to take her evening shower. The bathroom began steamy despite the window being open a crack but it was just the way Applejack liked it. She undressed and stepped into the tub, tilting her head back and giving a soft, contented sigh as the hot water washed over her muscles. She liked to get it hot so that she could relax, then turn it cold at the end since that felt so refreshing. The blonde was so lost in the simple enjoyment of a shower that she didn't notice she wasn't alone.

"Time for the sponge bath!"


The farmer had jumped so bad she almost fell out of the tub but had been caught around the middle at the last second by Pinkie Pie. Applejack quickly covered herself as best as she could with her hands before turning around, her face red from both embarrassment and anger.

"What in the hells are ya' doin' in here?! N' WHY ARE YA' NAKED?!"

"Duh, I'm your nurse! Nurses give sponge baths! And you don't wear clothes in the shower silly! That'd be weird!"


The anger and just how loud Applejack was made Pinkie Pie flinch back, shocked that the other woman was yelling at her.

"Pinkie Pie Ah appreciate ya' wanna help but ya've been all over me all day n' this is the final straw! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Panting softly, Applejack felt a pang in her heart as she saw the other become increasingly sad and upset, to the point where she thought she saw tears in her eyes.

"I... I'm sorry..."

After Pinkie Pie slipped out of the shower, the door to the bathroom opened and closed a couple minutes later.

"... dammit."

With a sigh, Applejack turned off the water and hurried to dry off and get dressed.

Dressed in her nurses outfit, Pinkie Pie had left the house and was slowly trudging down the dirt road to leave Sweet Apple Acres. But then a shout reached her, making her stop and turn to look back in surprise.

"Pinkie Pie! Wait!"

"Applejack! You shouldn't be hustling when your ribs are hurt!"

The pink haired woman rushed over to Applejack's side and gently took her arm to give her support. The blonde had a hand to her left side and seemed to be taking measured breaths to bite down the little shocks of pain that ran from the area.

"L-Look... le's talk."

Motioning over to her right, Pinkie Pie escorted Applejack into the orchard and over to a tree. The farmer sat down at the base before patting the spot next to her, Pinkie Pie hesitating only a moment before taking a seat, although leaving a small space between them. For awhile they were silent, Pinkie Pie not having any idea what to say or what to expect from Applejack and thus sat, nervously twiddling her thumbs.

"... are ya' okay?"

That caught her off guard.

"Of course silly, why wouldn't I be?"

"Pinkie... ya' looked ready ta' cry when Ah yelled at ya'."

The blonde farmer scooted over, closing the distance between them as she placed a hand on Pinkie Pie's shoulder.

"Ah can't say Ah'm gonna apologize fer yellin'. But Ah don't want ya' goin' off thinkin' Ah hate ya' or somethin'. Yer' as sweet as those treats ya' bake and Ah'll always like ya'."

Finally looking up, Pinkie Pie felt her heart flutter as she saw that Applejack was smiling to her. Then the others expression became deadpanned.

"But seriously, please dun' jump in the shower with me no more. You jes' jumpin' in without tellin' me we'en't nice."

"Aw, okay AJ. I'll be sure to tell you before I do!"

"Uh, not exactly what Ah-"

But then Pinkie Pie carefully swooped in and hugged her, resting her head against Applejack's shoulder with a small, happy smile on her face. The sweetness of the hug made the rest of the protest die in her throat as instead, Applejack smiled and hugged the party planned back. It was one of the best hugs that Pinkie Pie ever had, it was so comforting, warm and kind. She could even catch some of Applejack's scent with how close she was! Some people thought she smelled like apples, but it was a more sweet earthy smell that calmed the hyper woman down and put her at ease.

"What on earth are you two doing out here?"

Or at least she was until Rarity had butt in.

They both pulled away and looked back towards the road to see Rarity there, dressed in a beautiful white dress that seemed as light as the clouds and reflected the moonlight beautifully. She had a white parasol in one hand (Rarity always did like to accessorize) and what looked to be a paper back in the other.

"Hey Rares. What you doin' out this evenin'?"

"Well darling, I had thought that since you would probably need to rest in bed for a little while that you must be absolutely miserable. So I decided to come cheer you up with some delightful confections from BonBon's shop. If you would like."

"Sounds right tasty. How 'bout it Pinks?"

As she nodded, Pinkie Pie stood to help Applejack up to her feet and give her support as they headed back to the road. Now that Rarity had a better look at Pinkie Pie, she looked the baker up and down with a raised brow.

"Quite an... interesting ensemble Pinkie Pie." 'You hussy...'

"Thanks Rarity!" 'Pshh, I know you've got naughtier things!'

The subtext completely lost on Applejack, the blonde simply talked with her two friends as they headed back to the house. Or noticing how Rarity was fuming when she saw Pinkie Pie's hand slide down the farmer's muscled arm and link their fingers. Pinkie Pie was sure she was being a bit mean but right now she was too happy to care. Applejack liked her so much and now she was holding her hand! A happy giggle formed in Pinkie Pie's throat, the woman all smiles for the rest of the night...

Author's Note:

I ain't much of a poet but I like to think I did a good job with Pinkie's song.

And I imagine she said the last line like Mr. Roger's "Would you be my neighbor?" :rainbowlaugh: