• Published 17th Aug 2016
  • 870 Views, 67 Comments

Screw it, Applejack Gets A Harem! - Gpizano

Why? Because Applejack is best pony/human! COME AT MEH BRO!

  • ...

The Intro Chapter! - or - The Thing Most People Usually Skip in Games

Author's Note:

Edit: Still too lazy to change things, so if you want to read through the establishing chapter that goes into detail of how the girls look and such, fine. But if ya' ain't got time for a hot pancake of description to the face, you can just go on ahead to the next chapter.

I'm gonna admit, I may have taken a bit (a lot) of inspiration in the lore/origin from MariacheatBrony's Applescratch Saga stories. Which you guys SOOOOO need to look up and read because that guy is the BOMB with his stories! He's created all this lore and this world, it's some good high fantasy awesomeness! But yeah, I just took famous horse names for like, the god and races.

But anyways, like this story, hate it, it's purely for my entertainment and there ain't thing that can be done to stop me from keeping to writing if I so choose.

Although if other people dug it that would be a bonus too. XD

The town of Ponyville, a sleepy hamlet located in the countryside, a quiet-

"Excuse me! Can y'all hear me in there?"

A quiet-

"Ah gotta' deliver this batch ah apples, Ah can't be runnin' behind schedule!"




Or at least for the most part. At the moment there was a woman knocking on the door to a very large, magnificent looking tree house. Not to say it was a tree house in the sense it was a bunch of wood built into the branches of tree for kids, but rather it was more like a home had been built into a tree. And it was actually considered a castle. Although before that it had been the towns library. The point being it was now basically a tree castle, made so when the newly appointed Princess of Magic had moved in there about a month ago. Princess Twilight Sparkle had been a prodigy from a young age and hand picked by the Princesses Celestia and Luna to be tutored. It was only two months ago that the princesses had ascended Twilight to be a Dyaus and had moved her to Ponyville where she could slowly come into her new role while under their supervision. The new princess had been happy to be given the library, expanding it's collection of books to the point it was one of the finest in Equestria, second only to the Canterlot Library.

As for the woman currently knocking on the door, she was a local apple farmer of the town and the main character of this story.

.... what? You expected we would follow the story of a new princess as she came into her role as a new, powerful deity and learned meaningful lessons about herself and others? Who would want to see a story about that?

That being beside the point, the apple farmer had ceased her knocking when she heard someone call to her from the other side of the door. The farmer was a tall Macha human, born and raised in Ponyville who had worked her family's farm from a young age. Her body was lean, yet belied the true power packed in her muscles. Sun-kissed skin had been given through hours of working out doors, giving a nice contrast to the pale freckles across her cheeks, her hair was the color of straw, pulled back into a pony-tail that reached her shoulder blades, and her eyes were as lush a green as the leaves of the apple trees she tended to. Her clothing was more function over style, she never went anywhere without her stetson hat, always perched on top of her head, she wore orange and red-orange plaid shirt that was rolled up at the elbows, unbuttoned so that the black undershirt underneath could be seen. Her blue jeans were beat up, faded and a bit torn in areas but the material was thick and they had held up for many years, with a brown leather belt that had three red apples on the buckle, her brown work gloves hung out of the right back pocket, and she wore a pair of brown, beat up, steel-toed work boots to finish the ensemble. The look was undoubtedly country and rugged but it seemed to work very nicely for her, doing nothing to take away from a sort of handsome femininity she exuded.

... what was was going on again? Oh yes!

The apple farmer's patience was finally rewarded when the door opened, the woman giving a bright smile to the boy who appeared.

"Mornin' Spike. Twilight still not up yet?"

The young Scathian simply shook his head. Scathians, or the slang given name Drake, were beings born from the great wyrm Scatha and fabled foe of Shadowfax. Typically dragons only inhabited the wastelands to the south but upon passing a test to hatch his egg, Twilight had adopted Spike and raised him as her own son. He had grown into an upstanding boy, with a green faux-hawk, green eyes with slit pupils, and wore more casual clothes like t-shirts, purple hoodies, jeans and sneakers. So far his Scathian powers had been limited to breathing fire and sending messages, as he grew more of his power might show... his skin becoming as hard as diamond, summoning claws as hard as steel and fangs as sharp as daggers. He might even be able to increase his size and change his form to resemble the great wyrm of legend. But for now, he was still the boy that the town (for the most part) was fond of.

"Nah, she's wanted me to answer the door because for some reason. Last I checked she was busy looking in the mirror-"

"Thank you for answering the door Spike, I can handle this now!"

Soon the boy was whisked away and a fairly flustered looking Twilight Sparkle, a slightly sheepish grin on the Dyaus woman's face and her hands behind her back, although it seemed awkward for her to do so with the purple wings already there. The princess had yet to be comfortable with the idea of hiring servants so it was still just her and Spike living in the great tree castle, she had probably rushed down a lot of stairs since she seemed a bit flushed and out of breath. Today she was dressed in something the farmer had found to be the usual, a dark purple sweater vest with a star over the left breast which was over a longer, light blue blouse, followed by beige khaki pants and a pair of black and white chuck neighlor sneakers. Her long, indigo hair reached to mid-back and had a purple and pink streak through it and her eyes were a pretty shade of light purple, the bangs long enough to conceal the dark tattoo across her forehead, a mark all Hrimfaxi were born with at birth and each mark having it's own pattern unique to each Hrimfaxi. Since the book enthusiast stayed inside more often than not, her skin was more on the fair side.

"H-Hi Applejack, sorry I kept you waiting, I was um, busy."

"Shoot, it'll be fine 'Sug. If Ah hustle Ah'll be able to make it. Ah'll be happy to take yer' order inside if'n ya' like, s'alittle heavy."

Easily hoisting the basket under her arm, Applejack stepped inside and followed Twilight towards the kitchens. The main lobby of the library was very impressive, and bigger on the inside than the outside thanks to a bit of impressive magic on the princess's part. Three floors were arranged in a circle, with the desk at the center currently manned by Spike now that the Scathian had returned to his post. The kitchens would be in the main palace proper above the library and to the right, well stocked with top-line appliances, but success was hit or miss depending.

"Um... so, how's your morning so far Applejack?"

Not seeing Twilight grimace softly since she was in the pantry putting the basket of apples away, Applejack stepped out a moment later.

"Pretty good. Mainly gettin' this done 'fore Ah get home fer more chores."

"Mm-hm. That's good. Er, well the chores must be hard, maybe not good, um..."

"Ya okay, 'sug?"

Concerned, Applejack stepped a little closer and eyes Twilight, who glanced away and her face seemed to redden slightly.

"Ya' been gettin' enough sleep? Ya' seem a bit off."

"Oh yeah! Fine! Totally fine! Anyways, I don't want to keep you from the rest of your deliveries!"

After a nervous laugh, Twilight escorted Applejack to the front door, the blond following before giving a nod and a smile.

"Alright. Take care a' yerself Twilight."

Watching the farmer head back to her horse drawn cart, Twilight slowly closed the door before she gently began to hit her head against it.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

"Whoa there Chester."

Giving a gentle pull on the reigns, the large, shaggy white horse slowed to a stop on the street. In the land of Equestria, horses were of course treated with care and respect since they were the children race of Shadowfax. One simply did not "own" a horse, they had to be accepting of the human and choose to work by a human's side, even if they were born of horses who had already chosen to work with humans. Chester had been born eight years ago and had accepted Applejack along with the rest of the Apple family. When she got down from the cart, the blonde made sure to gently pat the white horse before retrieving three bushels of apples, each carefully stacked on top of the other and carried on one shoulder.

Her current stop was around the back of a bakery/cafe known as Sugarcube Corner where Mr. and Mrs. Cake, their twin children Pound and Pumpkin, and their apprentice/town party planner worked and lived. Before she even got to the door it burst open and the blonde braced herself as a blue of pink and light blue zoomed out towards her. She managed to catch said blur as a pair of arms wrapped around her neck, seeming used to such a thing as she expertly kept the basket of apples balanced.

"Hiya AJ! Right on time!"

"Hey there Pinkie Pie."

When the other Macha woman pulled back, Applejack was able to get a good look at her outside of all the pink, poofy hair that was kept in a short style. Along with a pink t-shirt that had three balloons on it, two blue, one yellow, she also wore a pair of light blue capris, sandals, and she had bangles and bracelets of many colors up and down her arms. Her skin was an attractive peaches and cream shade and her bright blue eyes always seemed to be full of mirth and light.

"Glad you made it with the apples! Lately the apple-ly things we've been making have really been selling! Which isn't surprising because your apples are so yummy and that's cause you work so hard so why wouldn't they be? And-"

"Whoa, slow down there Pinks. Ah appreciate all the praise, though it's a family effort ta' make all these apples good. Now where ya' wan' 'em?"

"Hee-hee, right! Don't worry AJ, I'll get 'em!"

Quick as a flash, the shorter woman grabbed the baskets and zoomed inside, seeming to not be gone for more than a few seconds before returning with a paper bag in hand.

"Thanks again AJ! And um, I know you work hard and stuff, so I back up something fresh baked today! It's a pumpkin cinnamon pecan nut muffin! They're supposed to be seasonal and fall still isn't here yet but I thought it'd be a nice treat! I didn't make it too sugary or too rich!"

"Aww, thank ya' kindly Pinkie. Ya' sure ya' don't want me to pay ya' or nothin'?"

"Nah, I just wanted to give you something yummy!"

Taking the paper bag, Applejack accepted yet another hug from the pink haired girl, giving her a pat on the back and a bright smile before getting onto her cart.

"Thanks again Pinkie, ya' have a good day now!"

"You too AJ! See you later!"

Waving and watching the farmer head off, Pinkie Pie smiled giddily before bouncing off back into Sugarcube Corner.

"Darling, you simply must let me make you a new attire. Now, I know you're not one for high fashion, but I've been um, studying, what you usually wear and I think I could come up with something that you like!"

On her trek finishing her deliveries, along the way Applejack had run into Ponyville's very own posh seamstress Rarity. The woman had skin almost like porcelain, her purple hair styled meticulously with it's usual curls, and make up applied expertly to highlight her rich, royal blue eyes and the elegant, almost cursive-like deep blue tattoo on her forehead. As was usual, she was dressed in beautiful, stylish clothes that she had made herself yet were simple and easy to wear for the summer weather. A cute white blouse, a knee-length purple skirt with three diamonds on the left side, knee-high black boots, and she even carried with her a parasol to shield herself, and now Applejack, from the heat of the sun.

While their tastes seemed to be the exact opposite more often than now, Applejack didn't mind the Hrimfaxi woman's company. Although lately she had gotten a little more clingy than Applejack was used to.

"Ah appreciate it Rares, but Ah'm good with what Ah got. Ah still got plenty a' clothes that're in good condition."

That caused the seamstress to pout softly and gently lean against Applejack's side, the blonde not saying a word but instead looking up to the sky as Rarity spoke once more.

"But Applejack, you would look so good in my designs! Why, when you were done with your chores, I would simply love if you came by my boutique and-"

Suddenly she was pushed away, the fashionista gasping softly and looking hurt... until a split second later Applejack raised her arms in an 'x' to guard as something came down from the sky, a colorful sneaker hitting right square in the middle of Applejack's guard. It didn't send the farmer flying but it did make the cart roll back about fifty feet, sending a few people on the street jumping out of the way as Rarity hung onto the cart for dear life.

"Hey Rainbow Dash."

"S'up AJ."

That was about the extent of the pleasant exchange, Applejack having a hold on Rainbow Dash's ankle right after the kick landed and soon after she tossed the Arion woman away from her. She landed about twenty feet away, wings flared out to help catch and stabilize her fall so that she landed on one knee. One of the more colorful residents of the town, captain of the weather patrol and training to be apart of the elite Arion stunt and task force team the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash really seemed to be a one of a kind resident and prided herself as such. Her hair was every color of the rainbow and reached mid-back, her skin bronzed from many hours in the sun, her runner's body filled with energy and her sky blue wings were some of the most powerful and grand ever seen in the present day. She wore a simple dark blue tank top with a red, yellow and blue lightning bolt coming out of a cloud on the back, dark grey jeans, and the colorful pair of sneakers Rarity had gotten a glimpse of. She had a nose stud on the right nostril and an stud above the left eye. When she looked up, fierce magenta eyes watched as Applejack got off the cart as a cocky smirk slipped on her face.

Without a word she launched herself at Applejack, throwing a left punch that the farmer caught before following up with a round house kick that Applejack promptly ducked. The blonde managed to be quick enough (or Rainbow Dash was taking it easy and slowed down enough) that she wrapped her arms around the Arion, pulling the woman's back to her chest in a firm embrace.

"Now ya' know Ah like a good rumble Dash, but Ah'mma have to take a rain check today."

"Tch, you just wanna call it off cause I was gonna kick your butt."

With a roll of her eyes and a smile, Applejack let the short woman go before turning and heading back to her cart.

"Right, 'course that's the reason. N' Rares, Ah'm afraid Ah gotta' ask ya' to get off. Ah only got one more stop 'fore I head home n' that'll be quite a walk for you."

"Oh. Of course, thank you for being so considerate, Applejack."

Seeing the other look downcast, Applejack moved around to Rarity's side and offered a hand to help her down. The Hrimfaxi looked slightly flustered but graciously accepted, daintily stepping down and giving the farmer an appreciative smile.

"Thank you darling. And please keep in mind, my offer for new clothing or even a quick fix is always open to you."

"Ah appreciate it Rares. Ah'll see ya' around. You too Rainbow."

The Hrimfaxi and the Arion watched the cart until it was out of sight.

"You know, you say you're a lady but I don't think ladies drool like that."

Hearing the quip, Rarity shot the other a scowl.

"Oh? And I suppose accosting her to get her attention is so much better?"

They both stared at each other for a long time, thinking of all the things they could fire back at one another but refraining. No, they wouldn't make a scene and they didn't want to do anything they would regret. Things had been kept civil and things would continue to stay civil so long as no one broke the truce. With that in mind, the two turned and headed off in different directions.

The last stop was actually near her home by Sweet Apple Acres, a small cottage near the edge of the Everfree forest where Fluttershy lived, having moved there about two years ago at the same time Rainbow Dash moved to Ponyville. The Arion woman was soft spoken and timid, but ultimately very kind, especially to animals. There were rumors that her kindness to nature and to the wild horses made Shadowfax smile upon her, keeping her home safe from the more dangerous creatures from the Everfree that could have easily wandered by and caused harm.

It had been a detour off the usual dirt road and the taking of another for a couple of minutes, Applejack parking the cart before reaching the small brook and walking up the rest of the way with a small basket of apples under her arm. Instead of her usual loud knock as she did at Twilight's castle, this knock was softer and she didn't shout out, not wanting to give the woman a start. It would only take about a minute or two before the door opened a crack and a wary, teal blue eye looked out.

"Oh, Applejack!"

Even though her voice was as soft as a spring breeze, Applejack caught what was said easily enough and smiled as the door opened fully. Compared to her athletic friend Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy was more sylphlike, with lightly tanned skin and long, light pink hair that reached her waist. Her wings were a warm cream in color and she was dressed in a pastel green sundress that had three pink butterflies on the right hip, sandals, and a bracelet that appeared to be woven out of all natural plant material if Applejack had to guess (no way would Fluttershy use something made out of animals!). The normally timid woman seemed a little more jittery than usual, fiddling with the bracelet on her right wrist.

"I-It's good to see you again, Applejack. U-Um, are you here to deliver the apples?"

"Right as rain 'Shy. Let me put these in yer pantry for ya'."

It took a little work stepping past all the various critters inside but with a little navigation and help from Fluttershy, the blonde had made it to the kitchen without mishap. As she set the basket away on a shelf in the pantry, Fluttershy seemed to be battling back and forth on something in her mind. Not snapping out of it until Applejack stepped out of the pantry.

"Alright, that's settled. Ah'll get outta' yer hair 'Shy."

"Um... okay. But um, Applejack?"

Looking curiously at the other woman, Applejack waited patiently for Fluttershy to say her peace, knowing not to pressure the other into hurrying up.

"Um... I was wondering, if you had the time that is... would you... like to join me for tea?"

"S'much as Ah would love to, 'Shy, Ah gotta' be gettin' back to the farm. Got a mess o' chores to do."


Seeing how down Fluttershy looked did get to Applejack, it was like she had kicked Winona! The blonde rubbed the back of her neck and went over her schedule in her head for a moment.

"But Ah won't be too busy Friday. Hows 'bout Ah have tea with ya' then?"

"F-Friday would be fine. Perfectly fine!"

With her mood now brightened, Fluttershy walked Applejack to the door and watched as the farmer returned to her cart before closing it. Then she promptly moved over to her couch and collapsed upon it, one hand over her racing heart and a small, happy smile on her face.

By the time Applejack made it back to Sweet Apple Acres it was lunch time and she could smell the squash and carrot soup all the way from the barn where she stored the cart! After she unhitched Chester and put him out to pasture, she was quick to get to the table, having gotten their first ahead of her siblings as her grandmother ladled soup into bowls.

"Hey there Jackie girl! How was yer day?"

"Oh same ol' same ol'. Anythin' happen while Ah was gone?"

"Pack o' owl bear wandered in from tha' Everfree."