• Published 19th Mar 2016
  • 1,390 Views, 30 Comments

Cupid Discord - NintendoGal55

When Discord succeeds in helping Fluttershy not only gain confidence, but closer to Rainbow Dash, he gets the idea to declare himself the new cupid. With hilarious results.

  • ...

Drop In

As Princess Celestia stared off at her paperwork, or right past it, her mind was elsewhere. She could barely even hear Kibitz speaking. Her eyes veered over to the magnificent stained glass windows, trained on Discord’s in particular. Not once, since she came home, had he left her mind. Had the arrows truly been that powerful? They seemed to be. It was just going to be a matter of figuring a way to alleviate whatever effects there were. But despite her loss in thoughts, she felt fine.

When she heard that Kibitz was finished speaking, she blinked and sat up straight. What had he just said? Something about meetings? A summit? Crystal ponies? Cake? Celestia looked at him and smiled sheepishly. “...Yes?”

“I can see that quite clearly,” Kibitz said dryly to the princess, “If you’re going to not pay attention to what’s being said, at least remember to deny it rather than admitting your lack of doing so.”

“What? Oh!” Celestia blinked, looking away, “I’m so sorry, Kermit. I’ve had so much on my mind today that it’s difficult to concentrate.”

“... Do I look like a talking frog to you?” Kibitz said flatly, “Or are you insinuating that my wife is a pig? Either way, I must disagree with your choice of words! I am not nor have I ever been a green creature that crocks with an expandable throat, Princess.” With his suit thoroughly ruffled, he smoothed out his tie best he could to regain some semblance of composure, “Now then, whatever could be on your mind that has kept you from your royal duties.”

Celestia sighed, looking at him guiltily, “You’re right, it really has. I just can’t seem to think straight. I’m not even sure why that is.”

Kibitz shook his head a little, “I’m afraid that I don’t follow. What exactly is causing you to ‘not think straight,’ Princess?”

“I… had an accident,” was all Celestia could say, “But you don’t have to worry. I just need a little time to clear my head, that’s all.”

“But what pray tell happened?” Kibitz questioned her a bit further, “You did take your afternoon outing a bit ahead of schedule, but I suppose even with that, you won’t confide in me what has happened, will you?”

“It’s nothing you have to concern yourself about, Kibitz,” Celestia assured, “It was just a little accident. I’ll be fine. Oh, my… is it hot in here?”

Kibitz blinked a few times, unsure how to respond, “... Princess, you’re the Consulate of the Sun itself; you don’t normally get hot. Not even in the Summer. But to answer your question, no, it’s not.”

“Oh, so it’s just me,” Celestia tugged slightly on the collar of her shirt, sighing, “Well! Let’s get back on task, shall we? Goodness knows I need a distraction from my...distraction.”

“A… distraction from a distraction? But would that in and of itself be a more pointless event than the event you’re trying to override?” Kibitz reasoned, “I’m afraid you haven’t the time for either though, Princess. You only have two hours before your day comes to an end and there’s still much work to be done.”

This was going to be a long afternoon.

When was the last time she ever felt like this? Celestia couldn’t even come close to remembering. All those centuries ago, perhaps? It seemed like the logical answer, but she couldn’t place it. Either way, it didn’t seem to alleviate.

All Celestia could think about was Discord, to the point that nothing else seemed to cross her mind. She felt strange, yet no different than before. Was this truly the effect of the arrows? Clouding your mind with thoughts of the one you loved? It seemed to be. Maybe the chaos magic only further heightened it, especially given how many arrows had touched her.

“Sister!” Came Luna’s voice from down the hallway, interrupting her thoughts, “There you are! I went to dinner and you weren’t even there! I heard from a few guards that you were out of sorts today. What in the world is going on?”

“Going on?” Celestia looked at her sister as she came running over, “Oh! Well, it’s a funny story, actually. The strangest thing happened today.”

“A strange thing, in Equestria?” Luna blinked, a little puzzled, “Celestia, you’re going to have to be more specific!”

Celestia nodded a bit, gesturing for her sister to follow her along, “Oh, right. Well, it had to do with Discord as you would expect.”

“...And now I really have to ask what in the world happened,” Luna responded, rolling her eyes slightly. She followed after her, crossing her arms over her chest, “What did he do this time?”

Celestia shrugged a little as she lead the way, “It’s rather hard to explain, but he claims that he found something new to do with his free time rather than cause trouble and believe it or not, he might actually be serious about it.”

Luna’s eyes went wide at this, “Are you serious? He is truly finding something to occupy his time? Well, what is it?”

“He seems to be pursuing a career in… matchmaking if you will,” Celestia said, but totally sure as if what she said was the exact thing he was doing.

Matchmaking?!” Luna repeated, her eyes going wider, “But that’s… Celestia, you can’t be serious! How in the world is Discord of all creatures knowledgeable in the ways of love?! He can’t possibly believe he’s qualified for that sort of work!”

“Well, it appears he is trying to take this seriously, as odd as that may sound,” Celestia giggled a little, “He’s even seems to be seeking advice from Twilight and her friends as well as Cadance.”

“...I haven’t a clue what to say to all of that,” Luna sighed, shaking her head, “Sister, are you certain? He treats everything as a game! Why, he hardly takes either of us seriously! How in the world can we expect him to do this job properly? It requires much more than simply just bringing two ponies together!”

“Or maybe that’s all there is to it in reality,” Celestia laughed a bit, “After all, sometimes all it takes is getting two ponies together and seeing where their own emotions take them. In that regard, he could be very good at this.”

“Sister, it isn’t that simple,” Luna pointed out, “But quibbling aside, what in the world was bringing this on?”

“I personally have no idea,” Celestia laughed once more, “But when has love ever been simple? It’s always so hard to understand, so who better than someone who embodies that spontaneous feeling that a Spirit of Chaos? In some ways, it does make sense.”

Luna sweat dropped, then rolled her eyes, “Then I suppose you feel less… upset about the fact he apparently stood you up the other night? Promise or no promise, it was still quite rude.”

“I am, but I’m getting over it,” Celestia said to her sister with a smile, “It’s at least starting to make sense to me.”

“I see,” Luna nodded slowly, “So, is that what has been getting to you today?”

“Nothing more than the usual, I suppose,” Celestia said calmly, “But maybe I’ve been allowing myself to daydream a bit more than I should.”

Luna looked at her with a raised eyebrow, then shrugged a bit, “I suppose. But that normally isn’t like you, Celestia. You don’t let your thoughts or daydreams interfere with your work. For as long as I’ve seen you rule, that hasn’t been a problem for you. At least not to the point of it making it difficult for you to concentrate.”

“Maybe I’ve simply been suppressing them for too long then?” Celestia suggested, “After all, it has been many a year since I’ve allowed myself to have fun like you do at times.”

Opening her mouth to respond, Luna considered this. She then sighed, nodding, “Perhaps that’s true, sister. You don’t take as much time to yourself as you need.”

“Maybe I will this evening though,” Celestia told her sister with a smile, “After all, I could use some personal time.”

“I suppose so,” Luna said offhandedly, “Speaking of the evening, I really should get going. There’ve been some disturbances over the Everfree Forest, so I’m going to see if Melvin will be needing any help.”

“All right, Luna,” Celestia smiled at her, “I’ll probably see you tomorrow morning. Depending what’s happening by then…”

Luna gave her an odd look, then shrugged. She waved at her sister and then headed down the corridor to begin her evening duties.

Celestia meanwhile went into her room, closing the door and heading to her nightstand. As she removed her regalia, a strange impulse came to mind. It made her giggle a little, finding it hard not to entertain the thought. Did she dare? It was hard to say.

“It might be the arrows talking,” she mused to herself as she brushed out her ethereal mane, “but maybe I do dare.”

Looking out the windows at the darkening sky, Celestia stood up, then went out onto the balcony. She gathered her magic, raised her arms, and then slowly lowered them. The sun dipped further and further into the horizon, while the moon was very slowly rising. After a few moments or so, the sun was lowered completely. She sighed in relief, taking in the cool breeze as her hair and dress danced along.

“Another beautiful night,” she murmured to herself. Turning around, she headed back inside and closed the balcony doors.

Now she found herself at a loss for what to do. She wasn’t tired, the night was young, and she didn’t have her duties until the next morning. Usually, around this time, she would catch up on some reading, look over last minute paperwork, or whatever else she felt like doing. Celestia looked about her room, feeling her mind, yet again, return to Discord. Sighing a bit, she looked out the window once more. No answers.

Sitting on her bed, Celestia took a deep breath, then lay back and closed her eyes. Her mind was free to wander, her daydreams were less inhibited, with no reason to hold back. She hummed, seeing the visions dance through her mind. Discord coming to her and asking her to dance. Right outside, in the garden, under the moonlight. They dance, he makes a phonograph appear to add to the atmosphere, and they get lost in each other’s eyes. He dips her dramatically, taking the rose clenched between his teeth and placing it in her hair. Then he leans down, going right for her lips…

Celestia giggled and blushed, squirming lightly, “Oh my…”

The daydream goes on as they embrace, continuously kissing with passion. She could practically feel his claws raking along her back and sides. Up and down, along her hips, and coming up to her chest. She moans, leaning into his touch and clutching at him. He whispers seductively into her ear, feeling one of his hands going down lower and lower. It burns like a flame within her body as the mad tingles of pleasure heighten. He then proceeds to slowly undress her...

After sometime, Celestia looked down and realized exactly where the sensations had come from. Her own hands. She blushed, giggling and sitting up, “I suppose I should go see him… At least it would give me peace of mind for tomorrow,” she smiled to herself, “Yes. I do dare.”

Closing her eyes, she activated her magic and heard the familiar sound of teleportation.

When she opened her eyes, she was now in Discord’s home. Now it was her turn to get the drop on him! He could finally react with surprise when he saw her! Oh, she wondered why she hadn’t thought of this before. But it didn’t matter. Now she had the chance! She could finally-

He wasn’t even home.

Celestia sighed, then shrugged mildly. It didn’t matter. He would have to return at some point. She looked at the stairs, then smiled.

“I think I know just the thing…”

With that, she slowly went up the stairs. Not a moment too soon, considering just as she reached his bedroom door, she heard the front door open. Celestia smirked to herself. He was home.

Back downstairs, Discord entered the house, surprisingly through the front door this time. Maybe it was because of his soreness or due to him being tired for the first time in what felt like an eon, but he decided entering his home the old fashion way would be the best- and safer- bet.

True to his word earlier, he had gone to see his good friend Fluttershy and as the Gods of luck would have it (he called it “Miss Fortune” and “Sir Prize” for the sake of his usual luck), he walked in on her with her new girlfriend, Rainbow Fiend. Or was it Dash? He forgot the little details like that at times. Either way, they had been sitting on her couch NOT watching a movie despite the television being on and were caught up in some strange staring contest. Since neither of them seemed to yell at him to leave or reacted out of anything besides shock, he took it as he was welcomed to stay.

Despite the fact both were only half dressed.

Not that Discord about things like that, he just wanted something to take his mind of the situation he had been in with the Princess. So, he rambled on about his encounter and Fluttershy kinda listened to him; she was still too caught up in trying to see how much she could make Rainbow squirm under her to give any good advice outside of just relaxing and maybe watching a movie. So, he did just that. He stayed on her couch and watched the strange little film- which turned out to be a cartoon- and he soon found himself laughing away. It seemed to have something to do with superheroes and one two of them wore red masks. One seemed to have all the powers of a spider while the other seemed to have the power to break the fourth wall to his own gain.

He was hooked for the entire airing of it. Or he was until it got late and Rainbow Fiend told him to go home, despite him still needing counseling from his friend. Fluttershy told him the best thing to do was go home, take a shower, and sleep it off. But Discord wasn’t so sure. At least, not until Rainbow grabbed and proceeded to teach him what a ‘purple nurple’ was.

His poor right nipple was still sore from that. And it had hurt twice as much as he realized at first. It was like having a laser pierced his chest, but not go all the way through. At least he did leave a little gift as payback, which he figured was going to lead to a lot of fun. But maybe not for them! Well, for Fluttershy maybe, but Rainbow would squirm something fierce!

Discord shrugged, using a quick spell to heal the pain, as if nothing happened. But now he was bored, with nothing else to do until possibly the next day! It was going to boring until he would start back up with his new part time job as Cupid. Maybe he should have left the pain just so he could have something to mull over in his thoughts? Maybe he should just take a shower now?

Yeah, that sounded about right. A nice, long shower could be just what he needed. He just needed to grab a change of clothes, feed his stomach, and then he could just ease into a relaxing water down.

“Perfect idea!” Discord announced to himself, heading up the stairs.

Whistling a tune to himself, he entered his bedroom by skipping along merrily. Discord went to his closet, opening the door and peering into a vast, open space with all of his clothes flying around.

“So, let’s see… Change now or later?” Discord questioned himself for no reason before laughing at the question, “I’m home, duh! I can change whenever I want!” He striped out of his shirt and tie in a quick motion and started to undo his belt. He paused for a moment, thinking aloud, “... I have the strangest feeling of being watched.”

For a moment or two, he wasn’t sure what to do. He looked left, then right, and paused. Discord then turned around completely toward his bed, only to have the surprise of his life. Sitting there on his bed was none other than Celestia.

She gazed at him with a sultry smile, sitting up on her side a little bit, and was completely naked. Her pure white coat seemed to glow in the warm light of the room, confirming that she truly had nothing on. With her tail drapped over her hips, it covered the area between her legs. All while her mane was parted in two, hanging low over her shoulders and tastefully covering her chest. She wasn’t even wearing her tiara!

Sure enough, her usual white dress was thrown over his chair, her underpants were on the floor, and there was no bra to be seen.

“I was wondering when you would finally notice me,” Celestia purred, giggling.

Discord looked at her oddly for a moment before smiling at her and waving it off, “Oh, hi, Tia. I didn’t see you-” He stopped for a moment, slowly turning away from her. He was silent as if he was trying to process the moment to the best of his abilities until…

“What are you doing here?! WHY?! What did I do?! When?! HOW?! Chicken cow?!”

Celestia giggled, leaning up a bit more on her hand, “I wanted to surprise you. Besides, you’ve always popped in without warning… Why can’t I do the same?”

“Uh, because you’re NAKED?!” Discord shouted at lounge top, “I don’t go walking around showing my junk to the world! And why would you want to show up naked for ME?! Weren’t you, ya know, MAD at me?”

“Discord… I think you know me better than that,” Celestia twirled a strand of her hair around her finger, “I can’t stay mad at you for long… Besides, I forgive you. Let’s let bygones be bygones, shall we? As for why I’m naked for you… isn’t it obvious? If you haven’t figured it out by now, I might just have to show you…”

“HOW could I figure this out? And yes, I do know you which is why I don’t understand what the hell is going on here!” Discord had completely lost his cool at this point, his voice going speaky and high pitched by the end of his little rant.

Giving a laugh, Celestia smiled and sat up on her knees now, giving him a suggestive smile, “Now you’re just being silly. But you always had a way of making me laugh.”

“Since when?!” Discord said, then broke his concentration, “But okay, you do laugh at times. Still, that’s not the point! You don’t normally do this kinda thing!”

“Oh, come on now… You can’t tell me you don’t want me…” Celestia purred, “I know you do… I’ve seen the way you look at me…”

Discord shook his head in utter confusion, “You totally avoided my question! And I- maybe I have, but you never- I mean, I haven’t ever seen you notice that. So, what’s your game, Princess?! What are you trying to get out of me?”

“Your clothes, for one,” Celestia winked, “Don’t you remember the love arrows, Discord? They make you a little more...loose? Not to mention going straight for the one you love? I think you can connect the dots~”

“But… I don’t have any dots to connect,” Discord whined a little, then quickly went back to freaking out, “Not the point! You’re… naked! I don’t know how to react to this!”

“Sure you do,” Celestia leaned back now, arching her back a little, “Isn’t it nice to be on the receiving end for once, Discord? Or it’s not?”

“I… don’t… know,” Discord simply stared at her.

“Suit yourself,” Celestia sat up more, winking at him, “Now unless you want me to end up making terrible puns or pick up lines, you might want to make a decision…”

“Uh… you may continue for now,” Discord blinked a few times, slowly sitting down on the floor now.

“What are you doing?” Celestia now lay on her stomach, gazing down at him as she lay her cheek against her hand.

“Trying to figure out what to do next,” Discord said honestly.

Celestia giggled, swinging her legs a little, “Cat got your tongue?”

Discord shook his head, “No, that’ll be Rarity later…”

“Mm, what in the name of me shall I do?” Celestia giggled, swinging her legs slowly, “I can’t believe you’re trying to do this… Now of all times, you try to bring logic around? Goodness, you’re losing your touch.”

Discord again shook his head, jumping up to his feet, “What?! Me, logic? Not in this universe, Princess! I’m still the best at what I do!”

“Ah, now there’s the Discord I know and love,” Celestia purred, rising up on her hands a little bit, “If you really are, you’re going to have to prove it.”

Discord blinked a few times as he arms hung at his sides, “Uh, how would I do that?”

“Why are you asking me? You’re the expert,” Celestia snorted.

“But you’re naked and I’m not! This is… a very backwards situation. I would have never have guess this would be like this.”

“What’s wrong, it’s not making enough sense?” Celestia smiled, winking at him, “What fun is there in making sense?”

“I- you can’t go using my own words against me!” Discord said back to her.

Celestia blew a raspberry, “You do that to me all the time. Fair’s fair, honey. Now, are you going to do something, or do I have to get up, pin you to that wall, and show you I’m not kidding around?”

“Uh…” Discord blinked a few times again, unsure how to react, “How about you do that then?”

Now Celestia brightened, getting up off the bed, “Very well, then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Before he could get another word in, she strode over and pinned him against the wall. Pressing their bodies flush together, Celestia leaned up toward him, her hands on either side of his head.

“If we’re not on your bed soon, I will go more crazy,” Celestia whispered sultrily.

“Uh…” Discord leaned back into the wall even more, trembling as he did so, “Define crazy…”

Celestial giggled and poked his nose, “Do you really want to know?”

“Sure, why not?” Discord shrugged, nervously laughing at the situation.

Yawning and stretching, Rainbow sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes. She glanced over to the other side of the bed, looking down at a sleeping Fluttershy. Giving a smile, she leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, then got out of bed.

She went into the bathroom, mumbling in discontent about getting up for this in the middle of the night. It was no fun. Regardless, at least she had Fluttershy to cuddle with. Over the past two nights, it had been great sharing the bed with her. Fluttershy was even proposing they spend the next night at her cottage, which Rainbow figured they could try.

After finishing up, Rainbow went back into the room and crawled back into bed. Although she didn’t feel sleepy, for whatever reason, she did still want to get back to snuggles. Much to her surprise, Fluttershy was waking up the moment she came back into bed.

“Oh, hey, Flutters. Sorry I woke you,” Rainbow whispered.

Fluttershy looked a bit drowsy for a moment, but it was gone in an instant. She smiled brightly at her and reaching over to pull Rainbow Dash into her arms, “Don’t you even dare apologize to me for waking me up to best sight I could… So, you just get over here and give me a good morning kiss~”

“Sure thing~” Although Rainbow was about to point out it was the middle of the night, she decided against it. Instead she grinned, cuddling closer and kissing her sweetly. This was also the nicer part of sharing a bed with someone you loved, it was waking up next to them.

Fluttershy cuddled her back, giggling even as she pulled back from the kiss only to repeat it once more before speaking, “So, this makes it our third day anniversary… Wow, not only does it feel a lot longer than that, but I’m starting to think you’re rubbing off on me even more… Not that I mind any rubbing you might do.”

“There are day anniversaries?” Rainbow chuckled a little, “Wow, next thing you know there’s gonna be two hour anniversaries or something! But, yeah, only three days? Kinda does feel like it’s been way longer.”

Fluttershy giggled a little at that, but replied anyway, “I wouldn’t do that to you… unless that’s what you wanted me to. Anyway, I do think it feels like we’ve been dating for a lot longer than three days.”

“It’s okay, call it what you want,” Rainbow waved it off, “Well, maybe it’s ‘cause… we’ve had crushes for a long time?”

“Maybe? By the way, when do you have to go to work today, anyway?” Fluttershy asked her sweetly, reaching up to play in Rainbow’s hair, “Or… am I going to have to call off for you?”

“Uh…” Rainbow was conflicted. She shuddered a bit, letting out a little coo from her touch, “Er, I gotta be in by eleven, we’re planning a thunderstorm tonight. But I’d be back by five! Four if I’m lucky!”

“Are you sure about that?” Fluttershy giggled, kissing Rainbow on the neck a few times as she trailed lower on her body, “I could think of a few ways you could be more lucky than that… but on the other hand, I do love listening to thunderstorms. Decisions, decisions…”

“Flutters!” Rainbow giggled from her ministrations, nuzzling her hair, “Come oooon, don’t get me all conflicted! Besides, we still got at least seven hours before I gotta go!”

“Only seven?” Fluttershy paused for a moment, then nibbled on Rainbow’s collarbone, “I guess we could make the best of now…”

“We still gotta sleep…” Rainbow chuckled, stroking Fluttershy’s hair as she bit back a moan, squirming a little.

“But I’m not tired,” Fluttershy looked up to her with a smile, “What time is it anyway? I’m just curious to know just much leeway I have to try to get you naked…”

“Shy!” Rainbow blushed, playfully poking her nose. She rolled around to face her alarm clock and squinted in the darkness. “Wait… that can’t be right.”

Fluttershy brought her arms around Rainbow’s waist, cuddling her from the back, “What is it, Rainbow? What time is it?”

“This clock’s broken, there’s no way it’s eight-fifteen,” Rainbow frowned a little.

“Oh,” Fluttershy paused for a moment, then shrugged it off, “Oh well… It’s fine since you seem to know what time it is. You wanna… you know, stay in bed?”

“But it’s still dark… this makes no sense,” Rainbow muttered, moving to sit up, but Fluttershy grabbed her back.

Fluttershy giggled once more, “So, your clocks are a little fast… I think they just take after you in wanting to be early. What’s the problem?”

“Something just doesn’t feel right,” Rainbow squirmed a bit, giggling, “Flutters! Come on, stop it…” She protested half-heartedly, all too gladly cuddling her.

“But you’re so comfy,” Fluttershy objected playfully, kissing the back of her neck, “Besides, do you really wanna get up and leave me all by myself? Cold, wet, and alone?”

“No, of course I’m not gonna leave you like that!” Rainbow squirmed happily, giggling, “I-wait, what do you mean wet? You feel dry as a bone!”

Fluttershy laughed a little, taking one of Rainbow’s hands placing it in between her thighs and holding it there, “I never said specified where, did I?”

Eyes going wide, Rainbow could feel warmth and dampness there. It was especially mind-melting to feel her there, as well as the fact there was only the fabric of her nightie in place, “But we just got up… That fast?”

“Well… you never asked me how long I was actually up,” Fluttershy laughed for a moment as she rubbed Rainbow’s hand against her thighs, “I might have been awake a little longer than you think or I might have woken up earlier then went back to bed… You never know…”

“W-What?” Rainbow blinked, unsure whether or not to pull her hand away, “But, you were sleeping when I got up! So it had to be before! Why were you up, though?”

Fluttershy shrugged again, giggling all the same, “I don’t know… maybe I was horny and didn’t want to wake you up. Would… that have upset you?”

“No! No, not at all! It’s just… what’d you do?” Rainbow slowly pulled her hand away with reluctance.

“Oh, gee… why don’t you take a quick guess~” Fluttershy teased with a wink.

“Flutters! I’m not good at guessing games!” Rainbow blushed, “...You went into the bathroom and uh, you know… made yourself feel better!”

“Yes, that… only not in the bathroom,” Fluttershy giggled once more at her, “I’m just starting to regret saying we should take it slow…”

“...Now you’re giving me mixed signals,” Rainbow pouted playfully as she rolled over to face her, “But why? I know you have needs, but it can’t be this bad, can it?”

“... No, it can be that bad,” Fluttershy pouted back, “... I really wanna have sex for some reason, despite the fact that I know we should wait. I just… I’ve just really wanted to have you like that for a little bit.”

Rainbow blushed heavily, her eyes going wide as she shook a little, “This is… it makes no sense! How are you suddenly hornier now that we’re, you know, dating? I mean, I want you too, I’ve wanted you for ages! It’s just… it’s a little sudden!”

“Um… no,” Fluttershy even brighter than Rainbow did, trying to smile, “I’ve… always kind of been like that… It’s not like I’m more pure or have better control than anyone else. It’s not like that was first time I’ve… you know, done that before.”

“No way, I didn’t mean that!” Rainbow shook her head, “Of course you have needs and get horny and stuff! I guess I just, didn’t think-wait…” She looked at her with shock, “....You’re not a virgin?”

“That’s kind of subjective…” Fluttershy blushed even more, “Um… I’ve never had sex before, that’s true, but… well, I… How do you put it? Um… I’ve used sex toys before and… well, you can understand what that can lead to…”

“Oh! Well, that doesn’t even count as losing your virginity!” Rainbow snorted, shaking her head. She laughed a bit, nuzzling her, “In case you didn’t know, I’m a virgin. ...Although in high school, I told everyone I wasn’t.”

“Well, I could have told you that,” Fluttershy joked, looking down at the bed sheets, “But yeah… So, are you mad? I mean, at me not telling you that sooner?”

“Why would I be mad?” Rainbow looked at her with a tilted head, “You didn’t do anything wrong!”

“So… do you wanna…” Fluttershy trailed for a moment before giggling to herself, “What’s the phrase? Pop my cherry…”

“Well, of course I do! ...Cheesy as that sounds,” Rainbow snorted, but otherwise nuzzled her cheek, “I definitely want to have sex with you! No, wait, I’m gonna be cheesy. Whatever, I don’t care… What I meant to say, is that I want to make love to you~”

“Rainbow… neither of those things sound cheesy, so stop worrying about your self image when your half naked in your bed with me,” Fluttershy laughed at her sweetly, pulling Rainbow Dash on top of her with a smile, “And second of all, I love you… So why don’t we do something rather than talk about it this time, huh~?”

“I….” Rainbow was completely taken aback.

She hadn’t meant for it to sound like she wanted it immediately. But now she was stuck, not just physically, but emotionally. There was such a sweetness and adorable excitement to Fluttershy in this moment. It truly did mean a lot to her. Just as it did to herself. What were they waiting for? She wanted this too. She wanted to just make sweet love to her best friend, the one she loved more than anything. Did it really matter when it happened? It was dark, they were alone, in bed together, and very much ready.

Giving a grin, Rainbow leaned down and kissed her sweetly, “I love you too, Fluttershy! Now let’s make love!”

Just as it seemed Fluttershy was going to burst, her alarm went off. Not Rainbow’s alarm however, but one on the night shelf itself. It was Fluttershy’s wristwatch actually, one she had usually kept on just in case so she never slept past nine in the morning. It made her jump a little as she looked over at it.

“Oh… Oh my. Is it… no, is it really nine in the morning?” Fluttershy blinked a few times before looking over at the window and made a strange comment, “Is the Sun even up?”

“No, it’s not!” Rainbow exclaimed, sitting up, “That’s why I was wondering why it was after eight and the sun wasn’t up! Now your watch says nine, my clock says nine…”

She dashed out of bed, hurrying out into the living room. The clock in there also said nine. Rainbow went into the kitchen, seeing the oven clock and the wall clock said nine. Even the clock in the bathroom read the same time.

“No way… this isn’t happening!” Rainbow exclaimed, coming back into the bedroom, “The clocks aren’t fast! The sun isn’t up! What happened?! Princess Celestia always raises the sun by dawn!”

“Maybe today’s become a day off?” Fluttershy giggled a bit at her own joke, “I’m sure she has a reason for this… Or at least an excuse.”

“Maybe… I don’t know! I’m gonna go call Twilight…” Rainbow turned on a lamp, beelining for the phone, “She might know what’s going on!”

“Do you have to?” Fluttershy pouted a little she watched Rainbow Dash get up, “I mean, yes… She might know, but still…”

Holding the phone up and just about to dial, Rainbow looked at her questioningly, “What’s wrong, Flutters? I just want to know what’s happening…”

“I know, I know… I guess I was just excited that we were about to finally go all the way,” Fluttershy said with a faint smile.

“Flutters… I understand, I know,” Rainbow sighed, but wasn’t without compassion, “I’m sorry, the mood’s a little ruined right now and I’m kinda more concerned about what’s going on out there. Look, I’ll just call Twilight, see if we can figure it out, and then we’ll just… cuddle, okay?”

Fluttershy gave an exhale, nodding, “Okay then… We can do that.”

“Then we’ll see what happens! Promise!” Rainbow said. She dialed Twilight’s number, anxiously squeezing the phone and holding it to her ear, “C’mon, Twilight… pick up!”

Sure enough, the call was answered… but not the pony Rainbow had been expecting to answer the call. Not at all.

“Hello~ You have reached the address of Princess Twilight Sparkle, also known as the Princess of Friendship and head of the Friendship Council. She is currently sleeping at the moment due to a late night screening of a movie called Dogma. May I take a message?”

“...Pinkie?!” Rainbow exclaimed with surprise, “What are you doing there? What’s going on? Where-never mind! You gotta wake up Twilight! Princess Celestia didn’t raise the sun and it’s after nine!”

“It is?” Pinkie said in her usual bubbly tone, “I’ve been wearing a blindfold since I got up, so I haven’t noticed. But I’m sure Princess Celestia has a reason for this and- to be honest- I kinda don’t wanna wake Twi up from last night. She makes this cute little snoring noise at times too, it’s adorable~”

Rainbow stared at the phone, dumbfounded. She sighed a bit, shaking her head, “Okay, look, I understand that! Flutters makes these cute little snores when she sleeps too! But I’m serious. Twilight needs to get a hold of Princess Celestia fast! Something’s going on!”

“Okay, first, you need to calm down and stop shouting. It’s not going to help getting all worked up about something you cannot directly influence or change,” Pinkie chastised her friend playfully, “Secondly, it’s important for ponies to get at least six hours of sleep to function properly! It would be horribly rude to just wake her up like that.”

“Pinks, it’s not like you’d be waking her up to ask where she put the butter. It’s important,” Rainbow said, managing to calm down a little bit more.

“Well, duh. I would ask Spike that over Twily,” Pinkie giggled a bit at her friend over the phone, “But I’m still not gonna get her up. Besides, then she would panic, make a call and maybe not even get an answer. Think of it like this: if Celestia was at the castle, the Sun would be up. If she was in danger, we would have been contacted already. So, logic dictates that Tia is obviously in control over whatever is going on. So, relax!”

“...Good point, I guess,” Rainbow sighed, “Okay look, just… tell Twilight what’s going on after she gets up. I gotta know what I’m supposed to do when I go to work later, since we gotta put a storm together.”

“My advice is to turn today into a day off!” Pinkie chimed in with glee, “But I make no promises since things like this always seem to solve themselves before I get a chance to explain.”

“I’ll just see what happens. See you later, Pinks,” Rainbow was about to hang up, only to bring the phone back, “Wait! Why are you even at Twilight’s, anyway?”

“I got shot by a magical arrow and spilled over Twilight in a very articulate way about my stance of love, life, and personal feelings towards her and how they are in a more unique. Thus leading to the two of us talking for several hours, watching a date comedy movie and her falling into slumber at my side wither final words asking me to be her girlfriend,” Pinkie gave a quick explanation, “So, here I am and to sleep better in a room that was not my own, I put on a blindfold and allowed myself to drift into a state ether-real consciousness. Which was actually highly effective with Twi being a cuddle bug.”

Rainbow stared at the phone, completely taken aback by this explanation. Pinkie was always one to be strange in how she worded things, but she wasn’t a liar. “So… in other words, you spent the night; now you and Twilight are a couple?”

“That would seem to be case,” Pinkie chimed back almost impishly, which was even stranger for her with a strange european tone, “But I can’t complain about it. She’s just so cute right now! Oh, anyway, I’ll let her know if somethings still wrong with the sky when she gets up. You take care and let Discord shoot you in the butt with one of his arrows, ‘kay? Chiao~”

“...Okay, in order, thanks a lot. I will take care, I guess. And no, I don’t need nor want Discord shooting me with an arrow anywhere on my body! Fluttershy’s got enough of that between the both of us! Also, I’m not sure what’s up with that accent, but I’ve seen weirder. Bye!” Rainbow then hung up the phone, “I still have no idea what that was all about.”

Fluttershy peeked up from the blankets, looking at Rainbow curiously, “Um… So, did you get ahold of Twilight at all or no?”

“Did you not hear my side of the conversation?” Rainbow snorted with a light laugh, “It was Pinkie.”

“I… wasn’t really paying that much attention,” Fluttershy said with a blush, laughing a little herself, “I caught bits and pieces of it, but not nearly enough, obviously since I was… taking care of myself real quick. So… Pinkie was at Twilight’s? That’s interesting…”

“Wait… what were you doing under there?” Rainbow asked, going back over to the bed.

“Just… things,” Fluttershy blushed an even bright shade of crimson to that, “With my fingers… under the blanket. To… not be as aroused as I was anymore… Because I find your voice very soothing… and… Okay, yes, I was getting off while you on the phone... I’m sorry.”

“...Oh,” Rainbow replied, crestfallen. She tried all she could to hide it, especially since it felt to be her own fault in the first place. “Okay, then.”

“I just… you said the mood was kind of dead after that and, well… I was still in the mindset,” Fluttershy attempted to explain, “I didn’t want to be drooling all over you like some horny schoolgirl or anything… Oh, I’m sorry…”

“No no no!” Rainbow shook her head wildly, “I’m the one who should be sorry, Fluttershy. I still brushed you off and I didn’t even try to get the mood back in! Now I can’t even do it and it’s my fault. You can’t even drool all over me like a horny schoolgirl!” She added in a joking manner.

“It’s not your fault, things happen and that’s part of life. It would be really stupid of me to hold that against you… It was my alarm on my watch that did it, so it’s not even like you were indirectly related to it at all. So, really I don’t see- what do you mean I can’t?” Fluttershy cut herself off mid sentence, her tone doing a complete 180 out of nowhere, “I can too be all over you like that! I just… I thought you’d rather me calm down so I didn’t do anything brash or anything. But I could you know! I-I could do it right now! I mean… if you were okay with it… or even if you weren’t! I just… I’m conflicted now.”

Rainbow looked at her again, trying to make sense of it all, and even what she herself said. She sighed, sitting back onto her bed, “Okay, bad choice of words! I was kinda… I don’t know what I was saying! I’m way confused right now, and I’m not even sure what to do! This is all way too new.”

“... Oh no, you’re not sweet talking your way out of this one, Rainbow! “Fluttershy quickly got on top of Rainbow and pinned her down in one, swift motion.

Eyes going wide, Rainbow was speechless for a few seconds, her cheeks flushed, “W-What are you doing?”

Fluttershy narrowed her eyes at Rainbow, giving her a more tension, almost serious expression on her face, “I’ve been trying to be nice and mindful, but damn it! I want to have sex, Rainbow… and so, I’m going give you a choice. You can either take off your clothes and we can have sex like a loving couple, or I’ll do it and fuck you silly for the six hours… How’s that?”

For a few seconds, Rainbow just stared at her, wide-eyed. It didn’t help that Fluttershy being this assertive (and swearing!) was turning her on. She trembled slightly, despite being unable to move in this position. Her heart raced and every bit of her being was begging for this.

“Okay… you win! I’m sorry, Fluttershy,” Rainbow said, her voice cracking with anticipation, “I’ll take my clothes off! You’re just gonna have to let me move, but I will, I promise! No detours, no interruptions, the phone can keep ringing and let the mail mare ring twice!”

Fluttershy pulled back very slowly, taking a deep breath to calm down, “I’m sorry if I got carried away there for a second… I guess I’m just sick of suppressing that part of me… I’m sorry,” She managed a faint smile, “... I’ll be gentle, okay?”

Now Rainbow sat up, making good on her promise to begin removing her clothes. These being her night clothes, which left little to remove. She blushed a bit, but did so very slowly, “Nah, no need to be sorry. Besides, it’s really sexy when you get all… assertive and dominating! You really shouldn’t have to repress it!”

“... I shouldn’t?” Fluttershy blinked a few times, not really sure how to respond either now, “So, you’re saying… I should cut loose a little more?”

“Well, yeah! I didn’t know you felt that way, so…” Rainbow didn’t quite look at her, “Now that you told me, we can work with that!”

“Oh. Well, um… okay,” Fluttershy smiled back at her, blushing still, “So… is it okay if I start now?”

Rainbow nodded, turning her gaze back to her, “Sure! Like I said, nothing’s gonna stop us this time. I love you, Flutters, and I want you, too!”

Fluttershy giggled from the gesture of affection, making her playfully push Rainbow back down on the bed, Oh, you! I love you too… but I hope you know what you’re getting into~”

“Honestly, I don’t, but, it’s fine!” Rainbow reached up to touch her face, stroking her cheeks, “But making love with you sounds like it’ll be awesome~”

“Then, I guess I’ll ask this… Did you want to start with a kiss?” Fluttershy gave her an impish grin.

Rainbow laughed and grinned, “That sounds like a great way to start!”

Fluttershy nodded, but did not end up kissing her on the lips like how she thought. Instead, she ended up going much lower. Past her waist. Right between her legs and…

Oh, it was going to be a long morning.

The bedroom being a mess was hardly an unusual occurrance. Especially for Discord’s bedroom. However, as he sat there on his bed, looking around his room, it was completely unlike what he was used to. Feathers were strewn about everywhere, items were fallen over or crooked, there were scratch marks along the floor and walls, the bed was broken, and his pants were hanging over a lamp. Shaped like himself, of course.

A feather landed on his head. Discord whistled in amazement, then looked over at the other side of his bed, seeing Celestia asleep there. Her hair was a mess, she had feathers on her face, and her share of… hickeys along her neck and shoulders. She was also drooling. Aside from looking messy, she did still emit cute little snores when she wasn’t reflexively blowing a feather off her lips.

Discord looked at her oddly for a moment before sitting up in shock and pointed at her and proceeded to shout, “You’re not asleep! No one’s blows feathers off their faces when they're out like a light!”

Celestia smiled and opened one eye, “Not even you?”

“Well, it depends on the situation and context of the situation versus the comedic timing of the- ah ha! You ARE awake!” Discord proclaimed in triumph, “Called it!”

Giggling, Celestia opened her eyes and sat up a bit, “You got me… I’ve been awake for the past few minutes. I was just wondering when you would catch on~”

“Well, the jokes on you! I’ve been awake for half an hour now trying to determine if this was a dream or not,” Discord replied pompously, making a ‘hmp’ sound as he turned his nose up, “But that’s beside the point. I’m not the one leaking all over my bed.”

“Well I certainly hope it wasn’t a dream,” Celestia winked.

“Yeah, after thinking it over, I don’t think it was dream since you’re still here,” Discord said casually, shrugging a little, “So, yeah. You attacked me, raped me in my own home, I totally went along with it so it turned into not rape, and now, there’s a chance you might get preg-” he paused as he expression changed to total shock, “You haven’t raised the Sun yet! O my you, I’m gonna get into so much trouble because of this!!! What have you done to me?! That nutjob Kermit is going to turn me into stone again! And he wasn’t even there for the first time! But I see it know… Oh, the stoning… The HORRIBLE STONING again!”

Celestia giggled and patted his shoulder, “Oh, don’t worry about it. I’ll just go home and fix everything. They won’t even know I was here.”

Discord gave her a very flat look, “And the current time is?”

“Oh, look… It’s after nine…” Celestia giggled, sitting up more, “I’d better get going! Too bad, this was fun… At least I hope it was…” She pouted a little, but magically dressed herself, “I’ll see you later! Bye now!”

“Don’t mock me!” Discord shouted, “That was my first time having sex in eons and I truly did enjoy it, but that’s all for naught if I die! I fully expect you back here after your- um, Princessing stuff you do and I demand we talk about this!”

“All right, I will be,” Celestia smiled, getting up and stretching, “And don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. This is our secret…”

“... It is?” Discord blinked a few times, “Well, after you leave, I’m probably going to lose my head and go seeking advice on what the heck I should do now all this has happened, recall something I said and freak out even more, then simply accept what’s happened and being fearful of what you’ll do once the sex high wears off. Just giving a fair warning.”

“Oh, I’m getting the feeling these… magical arrows just heighten what you would normally do,” Celestia ruffled his hair and kissed his head, “I’ll see you tonight! Goodbye now,” she then magically disappeared in a brief flash.

When she opened her eyes again, she was back in her chambers. Celestia sighed happily, heading over to her vanity and preparing for the day. Her messy hair didn’t even bother her in the slightest. In fact, nothing seemed to get to her. All she felt was immensely happy, like she had no care in the world. Not even depressing thoughts were enough to sour her mood. She giggled a little, hugging herself and getting up to do a little dance.

“What a lovely day this is!”

She smoothed her dress, then paused. No need to heal the hickeys just yet. She put on her regalia, then headed to her closet to put on a slip over her shoulders.

“There we are…” She murmured, feeling more prepared for the day. “Now, the sun…”

Coming out onto her balcony, she was surprised to find the sun just barely rising past the mountainous horizon. Like it was struggling to rise up. She giggled, then proceeded to raise it the rest of the way with ease. The land was now bathed in sunlight, as if the prolonged nighttime hadn’t happened.

Once done, Celestia headed out of her room and into the hallway. She could hear the surprised murmurs of servants nearby, to which she followed to the source. Sure enough, a small crowd of maids and guards were talking amongst each other, whispering and murmuring with concern.

Celestia smiled, approaching them, “Good morning, everyone. I’m sorry I’m late raising the sun. I was a little… preoccupied, if you will.”

One of the royal guards seemed to rush through the group, disbursing them as quickly as he appeared, “Princess Celestia! Where have you been?! The entire castle has been flipped on its head looking for you! Luna has gone mad twice over trying to lift the Sun again- she painted herself like you and everything- Kibitz has been running us all ragged looking for you, and most of the council here has been considering calling up your student, Twilight, to start a country wide search for you!”

“Oh! Oh, I see,” said a very undeterred Celestia, waving her hand, “again, I apologize for that. I was very busy last night and lost track of the time. Where is Luna? I’ll go and speak with her so we can settle these matters. Have any other troubles occurred?”

The guard blinked a few times, unsure of how to react until he squeaked out an answer, “S-She should still be in the main courtroom rocking back and forth in an emotional breakdown.”

“Princess!” Came the head of the guard, Silverwind, she looked at Celestia with concern, “What in the world happened? You’re acting quite strange.”

“Strange? But I feel wonderful, why wouldn’t I be?” Celestia said with a light giggle, “Don’t worry. I’ll handle this crisis and make sure everything is back on track, Captain Silverwind. Everything is going to be just fine. I’ll go see Luna and help her feel better at once.”

“I…” the captain of the guard reeled back in confusion, but could not bring herself to speak against this idea, “... Very well then, Princess. Just, please, for our sakes, do calm Kibitz down before he has us start throwing random ponies in the dungeon again.”

“Hee, don’t you worry about Kibitz, I’ll make sure he’s calm,” Celestia assured her with a smile, “You can all get right back to work when you’re ready."

"As if we had a choice,” Silverwind said back flatly, but turned away to face the others, “All right, you lot! You heard the Princess! Return to your post and spread the word that she has returned from… wherever she was! Move!”

“Yes, Ma’am!” The other guards nodded, before spreading out to their respective destinations.

“Good work,” Celestia smiled, turning to head down the hall, going for the courtroom.

Upon arrival, she came to find Luna sitting there in her usual chair, a bit shaken up. She was soaking wet, while Kibitz was standing near her, holding a garden hose that extended outside a window. The moment she came into the room, they looked up and noticed her. Both of them had wide, shocked eyes, then looked outside as if to confirm, and back to Celestia.

Celestia smiled at them, “Hellooo there! I’m sorry I’m late. It’s been… whoo, a crazy night! What did I miss?”

Sister!” Luna flew out of her chair and hurried to her, dripping water all over the floor, “Where in the seven circles of Tartarus have you been?! When you didn’t raise the sun, I had to check around for you! You weren’t even in your bed! I thought for sure that the mirror was active again! I had to check Starswirl’s old library to be sure! And then I had to take over for you-again! What in the world were you thinking?!”

“Why are you all wet?” Celestia asked, looking her over, “Oh! It was because you painted yourself to look like me, right?”

“Do not patronize me, sister!” Luna grabbed both sides of Celestia’s face for effect and forced the to be eye level, “The Sun does not like me! As much as I begged and pleaded for it to raise, would not! So I tried to trick it, to which I failed… It must have been because of my hair! Like the night sky, always- nevermind! Take over! Take the throne and make Kibitz stop ranting about the royal decrees of the things I care for! Just. Let. Me. Go!”

“Okay!” Celestia hugged her, not caring about getting wet, “You go get some sleep, Luna. You did well with what you could. I won’t keep you awake any longer. I’ll even tell you all about it at dinner! But take your time, you should sleep in. You deserve it!”

“Thannnnk youuuuuuu!” Luna cuddled her sister for a moment as tightly as she could, almost as if the simple phrase of be released was enough to wash away all the worries of the world. She even nearly passed out right there in Celestia’s arms if not for her own dampness. With her miniature celebration of joy out of the way, she almost ran back to her chamber. Almost. She tried and tripped over her own tail before stumbling away down the hall, slinking back to her bedroom.

Celestia watched her go with a giggle, then went over to where Kibitz was standing, “Good morning Kibitz. Once again, I apologize for being late. But I’m ready to get everything back on track again! Shall we, then?”

“I would certainly hope so! Do you have any idea how far behind schedule you are now?” Kibitz said in a hanty tone, raising his clipboard up, “You already missed this morning’s meeting and breakfast, as well as a hearing over a certain property dispute as well! Not to mention your sister’s mental breakdown also created quite bit of backlash in the palace as well! You’ll need to make a speech to the staff about this later to calm their nerves. And you’ll have to inform me just where you’ve been so I can a notation of what’s happened and why to prevent such a thing for ever happening again!”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. I was just spending the night with a friend,” Celestia smiled, giggling, “Don’t you worry. I’ll make sure to inform the staff and get everything back on track. Piece of cake! Speaking of cake, maybe I’ll have some after lunch…”

“A friend? Princess, you are over a thousand years old! You do not have ‘sleepovers’ if you will and certainly not without informing me before hand,” Kibitz chastised her like a child, “No cake! It’s not only bad for your diet to eat cake before dinner, but there’s not reason to request our fine chiefs to reschedule their menus just for our own gain!”

“Oh, Kibitz, you worry too much! But okay, no cake!” Celestia giggled, patting his head, “Let’s get to work!”

“... I don’t think you’re treating this the way you should,” Kibitz said quite seriously, “We need to get you back on schedule! First, we need to reset a time for the meeting, push back the noon appointment to three, try to squeeze in an announcement to the palace… there just not enough hours in the day now!”

“Don’t be silly, we can handle that,” Celestia assured, “There’s nothing we can’t overcome! I’ll just put in some more hours before the day’s end.”

“... That’s not how time works, Princess,” Kibitz sweat dropped a bit at her response, “Simply not allowing the Sun the fall will not add any hours, since time in and of itself is a concept and therefore has nothing to do with- you’re not paying any attention to what I’m saying, are you?”

She shook her head, already beelining toward the daily schedule scroll, “Don’t be silly, I’m paying attention. I’m just so happy! It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?”

“It would be if the Sun had risen on time, but as it stands, the day is behind schedule! Everyone’s is,” Kibitz tried his best not to lose any of his composure, “And you most certainly are not. I have served under you since my youth and I know when your mind is wondering. And if you don’t bring it back here, I’ll have to put it on a leash!”

“Okay, okay, you silly thing!” Celestia came back over to him. She placed a hat made out of newspaper onto his head, giggling, “You’re the captain now! Let’s go!”

“I- I am no captain,” Kibitz said bluntly as he took the hat from his head, “And even if I was, the title of Princess would still outrank me.”

“Oh, don’t be so serious!” Celestia gently toyed with his moustache, “Now let’s go! What’s first?”

Kibitz swatted her hand away, “I believe it’s you who should be more serious, Princess…”

“Come now, don’t be such a buzzkill!” Celestia giggled, “Let’s get to it! What were we doing again?”

Groaning, Kibitz almost facepalmed before forcing himself to not do so, “... We were going to throneroom to plan the new schedule for the day before you drive our poor tired old assistant into an early grave.”

“Right! Then let’s get to it! Heigh ho, it’s off to work we go!” Celestia grabbed him by the arm and hurried out of the room.

Trying his best to keep up with her, Kibitz found himself having to step up his usual pace far more than usual. He was the one being dragged around this time and it was certainly an eye opening experience. For one, he did not like it. And two, it only signaled to him that today was going to be the longest, most painful day to get through almost his entire career…

And three, he prefered the Princess as a not morning pony as opposed to this. Oh, what long day this was going to be.

Comments ( 2 )

Oh, boy. Things are going to get interesting with this little fling Celestia's having with Discord. I wonder how long it'll be before the relationship comes out in the open. I can only wonder how Twilight's going to react when she finds out, not to mention when she hears about the sun rise being late. Also, it looks like Rainbow and Fluttershy are taking their relationship up a notch. It also seems that the relationship between an alicorn and a party pony is developing nicely. I wonder how a certain fashionista and cowpony are doing? We'll probably find out next chapter.

This story continues to intrigue me.

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