• Published 19th Mar 2016
  • 1,387 Views, 30 Comments

Cupid Discord - NintendoGal55

When Discord succeeds in helping Fluttershy not only gain confidence, but closer to Rainbow Dash, he gets the idea to declare himself the new cupid. With hilarious results.

  • ...

The Boost

As Rainbow told her she would do the dishes since she did the cooking, Fluttershy could go into the next room to make the call. It was with a special kind of phone linked to Discord’s magic, which in turn allowed him to receive them no matter where he happened to be. Kind of like a regular cell, except more versatile. And no payment plans either.

Fluttershy let it ring a few times, waiting patiently for her chaotic friend to answer.

Sure enough, on the third ring, he picked up, “Hello and thank you for calling Discord, Master of Chaos, Time and Space. If this is Fluttershy, please say ‘yay.’ If this is Celestia, uh… I’m not here. I’m out jogging. If this is someone I know, please give your name now. If this is anyone else, explain how and why you’re calling me or prepare to be transmogged into a sheep.

“Yay,” Fluttershy replied, giggling a little.

“Well, hello, little one,” Discord chuckled over the line, “A little early to be calling, isn’t it? Five fifty is a new one, but hey, who am I to tell you when you can’t call me? So, what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Well, um… I was wondering if I could talk to you about some things…” Fluttershy murmured, “You know, about confidence.”

Discord was silent for a moment, a slight squeaking noise was made before he spoke again, “You totally lost me, Fluttershy. Can you explain a bit more or do I have to guess?”

“Oh, sorry! No no, I mean… I was wondering if you had any sorts of tips and advice about being more confident. I need a lot of help with-” Fluttershy began.

She was promptly cut off by the dial tone, indicating that Discord had hung up. Blinking, Fluttershy stared at the phone oddly, wondering what had just happened. Within a moment, however, she could hear rapidly approaching footsteps from outside. Before she could go and check what it was or even look out a window, her front door was promptly kicked open to the point of shaking the walls of her home.

“I’M HERE TO HELP!” Bellowed Discord in the best bravado his voice could possibly muster into a single sentence as Fluttershy rushed to her door. And almost instantly, she found herself at a loss for words. Not only was the draconequus there in the flesh, but he had an odd red jacket that she swore she saw in a music video once.

“I see that…” Fluttershy blinked, managing to have found her voice.

“Sorry about the entrance. And the clothes,” Discord gave her a wide grin, followed by a chuckle as he entered the doorway, “See, it’s Tuesday is when I practice moonwalking. It’s… actually harder than it looks. So, what can help you with, Fluttershy?”

“Well, I… would like some advice and tips on how to be more confident…” Fluttershy said, wringing her fingers together, “You see, Rainbow has this party to go to next week and she invited me as her plus one.”

Discord seemed smile even more if that was possible, a coy look on his face seemed to suggest something, “Oh, I see! She finally did it, huh? It only took her- what, five years? Well, I think I can help you with that for sure! Just don’t go calling me a fairy godmother. The copyright laws would be all over us!”

“Huh? Oh, um, sure! Okay,” Fluttershy nodded, “Well, anyway… So I just want to be able to...feel more confident at this party. So that I won’t embarrass her or hold her back.”

Discord seemed to following along, floating around in a circle, “I getcha, Fluttershy. Confidence can be a real issue for timid ponies such as yourself! It’s very natural, don’t worry. Now, as for what I can do, I can do a lot!”

“That’d be great,” Fluttershy looked up, seeing Rainbow coming into the room, “Oh, Dashie! There you are, Discord just got here.”

Rainbow looked up surprised, blinking a few times, “Woah, that was quick.” She brushed some dust off her shoulders before walking over to the two, “Hey, Discord! So, you’re here to help my buddy out?”

Discord grinned, “You know it! Now, what do you think we should do for her? I might have an idea, but I’m curious to hear your intake.”

“Okay, shoot.” Rainbow nodded.

“Do you wanna go for short term or long term?”

Rainbow was slightly puzzled, but gave a shrug, “Well, long term, of course!”

Discord patted her on the back, “You’re a good girl, Rainbow. And to think, I used to think you were a nut! But clearly, you have some real charm to ya.” After that was said, he pulled back and clapped his hands together, “So, how do you girls want me to help ya out?”

“Well, I just need some pointers in confidence at a party,” Fluttershy explained, “I don’t want to be the centre of attention, but I do want to… be able to mingle and be more comfortable.”

“Pointers? Well, I just don’t care about what others think of me,” Discord said with a grin, “But for someone like you, well, it would require about three years of social interaction, some speech classes, getting use to your own body, and learning to speak your mind with less worry about judgement, but understanding boundaries. So, is this party in about three years?”

Fluttershy paled, “It’s… next week.”

“...Who plans a party to happen in three years?” Rainbow tilted her head, “That sounds weird, even for Pinkie!”

Discord shrugged a little, “Heck if I know! But I figured I’d ask just to be safe. Anyway, since you’re saying time is an issue, how about we do a little magic? I’m good at that! Oh, but don’t worry, I won’t do anything extreme!” He paused, snapping his fingers as a chalkboard appeared at his side.

It was diagram of some kind, depicting a brain. There were numbers, values, and other symbols neither knew much about. Discord on the other hand, seemed understand.

“Now, there’s these things called mental blocks that affect ponies and other living creatures personalities. They make you consider certain things over others, weigh morals differently, and set rules for each individual,” Discord explained to them as he made a few notes, “If I just remove one of those mental blocks, it can lead to new options! It’s like hypnosis, only better.”

“So… you would be able to remove certain mental blocks… Without completely changing me… And it would help me be more confident?” Fluttershy clarified.

“I never changed you. I couldn’t,” Discord grinned, snapping the other chalkboard out of existence, “I can take away mental blocks or put new ones up. If I wanted to, I could make Rainbow Dash the most cowardly creature in the world!”

“Hey!” Rainbow shouted at him with a glare.

“Kidding,” Discord held his hands up in defence, his smile never leaving him, “But, yes, I can get rid of one of them, or move it away a little so you can be more confident and relaxed.”

“That’d be wonderful,” Fluttershy smiled, “That’s all I need!”

“Then consider it done!” Discord chuckled, he grabbed a lock Fluttershy’s mane at the root and ran his fingers down until the tip. A shade of black hair followed after his digits and came to a halt as well end of the strands.

“All set!” Discord chimed with glee, stepping back from her, “How do you feel?”

Fluttershy blinked, looking all over herself, feeling her head, and trying to wrap her mind around this. Try as she may, she didn’t feel a thing. It was as if a mere few seconds had passed. She looked at Discord worriedly, “I don’t… feel any different. Is that bad?”

“All I did was move a mental block, not arrange your likes and dislikes,” Discord grinned, “You won’t just feel it. It’s a natural feeling that should over the course of the day. And it shouldn’t be noticeable to you. Or at least not THAT noticeable.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Fluttershy said, relaxing a little bit against the couch, “Well, as long as it helps, that’s what counts.”

“Anything else I can help with?” Discord grinned once more.

Before Fluttershy could respond, she frowned and then held her head, feeling a throbbing discomfort overcome her. She rubbed her temples, trying to soothe herself and closed her eyes, “Oooh… Can someone get me an aspirin? My head hurts…”

Discord shook his head, snickering, “That’s the one thing I can’t do! I hope you got some in your home somewhere.”

“You can’t be serious,” Rainbow said flatly.

“Hey, I can’t make meds,” Discord made a joke, having a bottle float over to them which was in fact aspirin, “Just take them, Fluttershy! Have someone watch over you for the next day or so, okay? I suggest your little… friend here~”

“Okay…” Fluttershy took the bottle, unscrewing it and taking out two tablets, “Thank you, Discord.”

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of her!” Rainbow spoke up with a grin, “I was gonna hang around here today, anyway!”

“Wait... you were?” Fluttershy blinked a few times in surprise.

Discord nodded with a grin, crossing his arms in triumph, “Good on ya! You better get on that. Now, watch her and be sure to call me if anything comes up that’s too odd. I’ll come over later tomorrow to check on ya, okay?”

“Got it!” Rainbow said, bringing her arm around Fluttershy, grinning.

“Sure thing.” Fluttershy blushed a bit.

“Now… anything you two need to know before I go?” DIscord ask the two, sitting upright onto nothing at all as he floated.

Rainbow shook her head, “Nope!”

“Not at the moment,” Fluttershy leaned back against the couch, placing her arm over her eyes.

“Then I’ll leave you two to it,” Discord raised his head to wave at the two, “Oh! And don’t go having any wild sex! Don’t know what might that cause with the mix of magic~” And with that, he disappeared right before their eyes.

This made Fluttershy lift her arm up, her eyes going wide and her cheeks flushing, “W-What?”

“Relax, ‘Shy! He was just kidding,” Rainbow grinned at her, patting her on the back.

“So, then it would be safe for us to have a lot of sex?” Fluttershy asked softly.

To that, Rainbow fell awkwardly silent. She blushed for a time before pulling back to scratch her head with a nervous smile, “Hehe, well, I guess… I don’t know!”

“I’m kidding, too.” Fluttershy smiled, “I couldn’t resist.”

“Yeah, right! I know,” Rainbow grinned at her awkwardly, “So, do you wanna lay down? I know you said your head was hurting. Maybe you should take it easy until tomorrow?”

“Um, I guess I should.” Fluttershy nodded, shakily standing up, “You’ll come with me, right?”

Rainbow rolled her eyes at her friend playfully, offering her a arm and a shoulder to stand against, “I can take ya to your room. But I figured one of us might as well stay up. Plus, I gotta watch out for you today.”

Fluttershy leaned against her a little, “Thank you. Would you mind feeding Angel? I didn’t get a chance to do it.”

Rainbow winced a little at that, but she nodded after a moment, “Sure. Just, uh, make sure he knows I’m not taking any of his crap today.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I told him that if he gives you a hard time, he gets no carrots,” Fluttershy assured, “I don’t understand, though. Why can’t the two of you get along?”

“Eh, I guess we’re too different to get along,” Rainbow shrugged, guiding Fluttershy along back up to stairs her bedroom, “Or whatever! Let’s get you back in bed.”

“I’m sorry that things didn’t turn out like you planned, Rainbow…” Fluttershy said sadly, leaning against her a little more, “I know how much you wanted to just spend time with me and I’m so happy you do. I just hope I feel better soon. I don’t want you to waste our time together taking care of me.”

Rainbow grinned once more, helping along as they made it to the top of the stairs, “Oh, relax, I’m fine with taking care of you for a change! You’re usually the only one who has to take care of me when I’m sick. So, just get into bed, cool down, and chill while- whatever Discord’s magic did.”

Fluttershy sighed, nodding a bit, “Okay, Rainbow… Thank you.”

“So, did you want me do anything else for ya while I’m up?” Rainbow asked her friend.

“Just bring me a glass of water, please,” Fluttershy murmured, making it over to her bed and sitting down.

Rainbow nodded to that, “Okay then, just chill here. I’ll be back in just a few.”

Nodding, Fluttershy then turned off her lamp, slowly lay down on her bed and curled up into a ball. The headache wasn’t painful, but rather uncomfortable. She closed her eyes, taking a few breaths to soothe herself a bit and relax. She wondered if the headache was some kind of a side effect, or even a warning. But aside from it, she felt no different than before.

A few moments went by in silence until Rainbow returned into the room with two glasses of water for both of them, “You still awake?”

“Mm-hmm… I’m just resting,” Fluttershy murmured, not opening her eyes.

“Your head feeling any better?” Rainbow asked her with a smile, setting the glasses on the nightstand beside her bed.

“No, but it’s not worse,” Fluttershy replied.

Rainbow nodded with a chuckle, “I’d hope so! I’m just glad nothing’s wrong with you.”

“I hope nothing will be wrong…” Fluttershy managed to sit up slightly, reaching for her glass of water.

“Hey, even if there is, we got Discord on speed dial,” Rainbow pointed out, “But I doubt we’ll need him. I got this!”

Sipping her water, Fluttershy took another breath, then lay back down again, “I know you do… I just hope I feel better soon.”

Rainbow reached over to place her hands over Fluttershy’s eyes to comfort her, “I know you will feel better in a bit. For now, just chill.”

“I just hope it won’t leave me with brain damage…” Fluttershy murmured, soothed by her touch.

“Oh, ha ha. You’re not gonna have to worry about that. I’ll take care of ya,” Rainbow chuckled gently, stroking Fluttershy’s cheek.

“Mm-hmm, I know you will,” Fluttershy yawned a bit, nuzzling her hand.

Rainbow giggled a little bit, tapping her face playfully, “Getting sleepy again? It’s okay, take a nap for a bit.”

“But you’re here… I want to talk,” Fluttershy closed her eyes again.

“And I’ll be here when you get up, ya goof,” Rainbow snickered, “Look, your head hurts and you to rest. Once you get some rest and feel better, we’ll talk. Heck, I’ll even get you up before noon.”

Yawning a bit, Fluttershy curled back up under the sheets, “Okay… I really appreciate all of this, Rainbow.”

“Sure thing, Shy,” Rainbow ruffled her hair. She stood up, taking her own glass and heading to the door.

“Mmm… Rainbow?”

Rainbow turned back, curious to know what she wanted, “Yeah, bud?”

Fluttershy sat up a bit, drinking her water again. She looked at Rainbow blearily, managing a tiny smile, “You’re the best… I hope you know that. I love you.”

For a moment, Rainbow stood there for a moment in silent until she found a smile, “Yeah, yeah, I know. I am pretty awesome! And I love ya too, ‘Shy.”

“Yay…” Fluttershy giggled, then she lay back down again. She closed her eyes, curling up under the covers and yawning. Slowly, she felt her eyes give in to exhaustion as she fell in a quiet slumber.

Fluttershy was not sure how long she was asleep, but it was clearly still daylight outside if the sun was to be trusted. She kept her eyes closed for the most part, stretching out her arms and wings before letting out a low pitched mewl. As she finally decided to open her eyes, it took a moment for her adjust to the room’s darkness.

It looked as though Rainbow had closed the curtain at some point, so that the room would be soothingly shadowed. Fluttershy thought it was rather sweet of her to be so considerate of her situation. Sure, it was only a headache, but it was the thought that counted.

Getting out of bed, Fluttershy yawned and managed to look at the time. It was just after twelve, which did surprise her a little bit. A good seven hour nap? Oh well, at least it wasn’t done so close to the evening and would therefore make it difficult to sleep again. She slowly left her room, finding that any lights were dim and the curtains were covered. Probably just in case she was still in pain upon waking up.

That wasn’t the case, as Fluttershy actually felt so much better. Not to mention very refreshed. At least now she would be able to face the rest of the day without much problem. Whatever side effect or ailment from before was long gone by now.

Fluttershy slowly went downstairs, yet again finding the same pattern. She looked around, trying to spot Rainbow, if she was still around. For some reason, any doubt of that was slowly pushed aside. Of course Rainbow Dash was still there.

Inwardly, she felt herself smile. If she could trust anyone to keep their word, it was her best friend, Rainbow Dash. It was easy to place her faith in her; too easy in fact. Why had she ever felt the need to worry about that in the first place? Sure, there was past, that was just it: the past. This was present, and future awaited.

An idea toyed in the back of her mind, ‘Maybe… since Rainbow wants me to be her plus one… I should ask her if it is a date? I wouldn’t put it past her if she had that in mind in the first place, but… does she feel like that towards me? Well, I could ask her. Or… I could tell her how I feel. What’s the worse she can say? No, and then what? She’d still be my best friend and we’d still go and have fun. Yes, and we’re still best friends, but now we can go on dates! Couple nights, restaurants, candle lit dinners… Nothing venture, nothing gained. And I have nothing to lose really. I think I should...’

She could then smell some food cooking, to which Fluttershy beelined to the kitchen. Sure enough, Rainbow was preparing some soup, which was leftover from homemade soup she’d made a few days ago. Giving a smile, Fluttershy approached her from behind and gave her a hug, nuzzling into her hair.

“Hi, Rainbow,” she said softly.

Rainbow Dash jumped a little from the contact, not having heard her approach. But of course, she just pulled back to turn around to hug her properly, “Hey, ‘Shy! Glad to see you up, I was just getting lunch and stuff. You feeling any better? ‘Cause you sound better!”

“I feel much better,” Fluttershy snuggled her friend closer, inhaling her scent happily, “I’m especially better now that I’m here with you!”

“Aww, well that’s sweet of ya to say,” Rainbow pulled back from the hug, then reached up to mess up Fluttershy’s mane, “But you got one wicked bedhead! Anyway, you want some? I mean, do did make it. I’m just reheating it.”

“Sure,” Fluttershy nodded, then fixed up her hair, “I’m pretty hungry.”

Rainbow flapped her wings to get off the ground and flew up to retrieve two bowls for them both, but not before messing up Fluttershy’s mane yet again, “Hey, who said you can fix it? Ya got a rocker look going for ya right now, so keep it! It’s not like you’re going anywhere today, right?”

“Um, I don’t think so…” Fluttershy shrugged slightly, “Okay, just don’t let it get tangled.”

“Oh, come on. Your hair is perfect, it’s not gonna kill ya to have a lazy day,” Rainbow snickered, coming back down with the bowls and checking the soup. It seemed to be hot enough, so she started to divide up the meal, “Seriously, relax! I gotta take care of you until we’re sure everything’s good.”

“But everything is good,” Fluttershy said, tilting her head, “But I’d sure love it if you stayed with me a little longer.”

To that, Rainbow laughed, handing Fluttershy a bowl of soup, “Well, I did call off work today and I promised Discord to just that. We still don’t wanna take any chances. Magic is weird like that, ya know?”

“Okay, then,” Fluttershy took her bowl and sat down at the table with it, “Thank you for warming up the soup, Rainbow. It turned out to be a delicious batch!”

“Hey, you’re the one who cooked it!” Rainbow grinned, joining her at the table.

“I know, and even I have to say it’s one of the best batches I’ve made,” Fluttershy smiled with pride, “Now you can have some, too!”

Rainbow shot her a grin back, handing her a spoon, “Now that’s what I like to hear! Let’s dig in!”

Fluttershy ate at her soup slowly, watching Rainbow doing the same. Given the big smile on her face while eating, Fluttershy could see that her friend enjoyed it as well. Silence befell the two of them for a little while, aside from the clinking of their spoons against the bowls.

“I have to say, Rainbow, I feel a little less nervous about the party,” Fluttershy murmured, “I only hope that you’ll still be able to make a good impression.”

“Come on, I’m Rainbow Dash! Of course I’ll make a good impression,” Rainbow boasted, simply turning up her bowl to drink it down, “Dang, that’s good! But yeah, I’m not worried about that. I just wanna make sure we can hang out and have fun while there!”

“Okay,” Fluttershy smiled, still eating her soup, “Just be sure to tell me what dress you’re wearing, okay? I want to be able to wear one that goes with it.”

“Uh, why would that matter?” Rainbow questioned her curiously, “I mean, just wear something cute and we’re good! It’s not like you can’t pull off any look you try.”

“I know, I just… thought it’d be nice if we coordinated a bit,” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“I still don’t get it,” Rainbow shrugged, turning upright her bowl to finish it off, “But whatever you say, ‘Shy!”

“You’re so cute,” Fluttershy cooed, giving her dreamy eyes.

Rainbow paused for a moment, blinking a few times before she came to the conclusion that Fluttershy did in fact say the ‘c’ word, “Uh, no. You’re the cute one. I’m awesome!”

“Of course you’re awesome,” Fluttershy giggled, “But you’re also really cute. Especially when you get all pouty and start blushing. It’s adorable!”

As if on cue, Rainbow blushed and pouted in argument, “I am not!”

“There it is!” Fluttershy giggled, “It’s okay to be cute, Rainbow. It doesn’t make you less awesome.”

“That’s kinda not the point, ‘Shy,” Rainbow seemed to pout even more as she glanced away, “I kinda don’t wanna think of myself as cute. At least not with you. I mean, it’s fine that you do, but I’d rather hear you think I’m awesome and cool.”

“Oh, but I do think you’re awesome and cool,” Fluttershy pouted a little bit, too, “I always have. Ever since we were kids, I thought you were the coolest and most amazing flyer ever. I was lucky that you wanted to be my friend.”

Rainbow nodded to that, giving her friend an understanding smile, “Well, yeah, that’s kinda why I like hearing all that from you! You were the first pony to ever believe in me like that. It’s something that only you can really claim! I mean, even when it seemed like a bad idea or should have been impossible, you still believed in me! So, I kinda have this mental tick that I have to be awesome to you all the time.”

“Rainbow…” Fluttershy placed her spoon down and reached over to touch her hand, “I can definitely understand what you’re saying. But I hope you know that I will always be proud of you. You’re the most awesome pony I know. But you don’t have to prove it to me all the time. Because I know you are. And I know that I can count on you. That’s what matters.”

Sweating dropping a little, Rainbow laughed somewhat nervously from the touch, “A little more serious than I was gonna call it, but okay. Flutters, you know how I am. I just do stuff on the fly, right off the top of my head. It’s not like I’m trying to impress you twenty four seven or anything, I just like showing off for you!” She paused, then considered what she said, “... Which I now realize sounds kinda contradictory.”

Fluttershy giggled, taking Rainbow’s hand and nuzzling her fingers, “You’re so silly.”

“And I can live with that,” Rainbow snickered as she pulled her hand away, “But let me be serious for a moment. You know I’m not just trying to prove anything, right? I just like hearing you say those things about me. It just- I don’t know, means more coming from you.”

“I know, that’s true,” Fluttershy smiled in assurance, “And I’ll say them as often as you like!”

Rainbow grinned at that, “Then you can start right about now! My ego’s deflating a bit being so emotional here.”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes playfully, “Well, you’re definitely awesome, and you’ve still got it. But what I think is so amazing definitely has to be how you’re able to pay attention to things going on in the air and on the ground while you fly. It’s so impressive how you retain everything that way!”

Rainbow laid her head back, grinning from ear to ear as she took a deep breath and exhaled, “Oh, yeah. You know I’m in a league all my own! Years of practice and hard work, baby~”

Blinking a few times, Fluttershy then chalked it up as Rainbow simply just being silly. She giggled, smiling more, “And it really shows… you’re so amazing. I have a hypothetical question, though…”

“Sure, lay it on me,” Rainbow gestured to go on.

“How fast could you fly if you were carrying me?” Fluttershy giggled.

“I think I can still pull off a Sonic Rainboom with you holding on,” Rainbow gave her a wink.

Leaning over the table a bit, Fluttershy smiled more, “Oh, is that so?”

Rainbow shrugged, laughing a bit, “Sure, why not? I’m plenty strong enough if I had to.”

“I’ll remember that, then,” Fluttershy smiled, then stood up, “Anyway… I want to go out for a little walk. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Huh?” Rainbow blinked a few times, considering this, “I don’t know, ‘Shy… Discord said you should just chill here until tomorrow to makes sure nothing’s up. I mean, if you do, I’ll come with ya, but let’s not go too far! Just in case.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I wasn’t going to go far, I was just going to walk around my property,” Fluttershy assured with a smile, “Can you come help me pick something to wear?”

To that, Rainbow raised a brow, “You want me to- Huh. That’s a new one. Uh, sure! To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever seen what all you’ve got up there.”

Fluttershy led the way out of the kitchen, going upstairs, “Yeah… I suppose I never really liked showing off my clothes.”

“Nah, I can understand that,” Rainbow followed after her with a pep in her step, “I’m not exactly into fancy stuff. Heck, I think half of my clothes are just sweats and sports gear.”

“What’s the other half?” Fluttershy giggled.

“Probably lost,” Rainbow snickered.

“Dashie….” Fluttershy sighed, now reaching her bedroom. She went to her closet, then opened it up. Despite the mild apprehension she felt in having Rainbow see the full extent of her wardrobe, it was also going to be interesting.

Rainbow followed her in, smiling all the way, “So, you’re not gonna open it up and it’s gonna be filled with skulls or anything, right?”

“Of course not, Rainbow,” Fluttershy giggled. She went to her closet, shooting her friend a cheeky grin, “I already cleared them out.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes at her, laughing, “Come on, don’t play this up like Pandora’s Box! Let’s just do this and go for a walk, ya goof!”

Opening the closet door, Fluttershy clicked the light on inside of it. She perused her clothes, unsure what to change into. When Rainbow came up beside her to get a better look, she glanced at her to gauge her reaction.

For the most part, Rainbow seemed interested for the most part. She had seen most of Fluttershy’s dresses and sweaters for the most part, along with her skirts, pajamas, and so on… but as she dug around, she started to notice a few things that felt off. First and foremost was that fact that Fluttershy had a lot more clothes than she realized. Secondly, Fluttershy had some very interesting pieces in there as well.

“Woah…”Rainbow mumbled, looking at a feathered coat in front of her. Beside it, she noticed a see through mesh shirt. There were miniskirts, midriffs, half jackets, tailored cargo pants, and tons of other things. The common theme? Everything was extremely sexual, “... ‘Shy, have you ever worn any of this stuff before?”

“No...” Fluttershy admitted with a blush, “I never really had anybody to wear them for.”

“Uh…” Rainbow was actually blushing more than Fluttershy at this point, trying (and failing) to not imagine her friend wearing any of these clothes, “Well, that’s cool… I mean, you got some interesting taste. N-Not saying it’s bad! Just kinda sexy- I mean, cool! Yeah, cool.”

Fluttershy gave a smile, finding her reaction to be interesting, “Thank you, I guess I did want to at least have a chance to be sexy. Anyway, can you help me pick something out?”

“Y-Yeah, sure!” Rainbow said, grabbing a random piece of clothing and holding it up for her friend, only to find a second later it was micro skirt, “Gah! No, I mean this,” She pulled out a long sleeve midriff that almost made her heart stop, “Not that either, I-”

“Dashie? What’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked, taking the shirt from her, “You’re nervous all of a sudden.”

Rainbow made an odd noise as she tried to dismiss that, “Pft, I’m not nervous!” Her voice, cracked, “Wait… are you gonna really wear that?”

“Yes…” Fluttershy looked at her with mild confusion, “You picked it out and I like the fabric.”

“But it’s so short! I don’t even know it’ll even fit over your br-” Rainbow stopped mid word as if her brain was trying to tell her to slow down for once, “It’s short is what I’m saying! And I’m not nervous!”

“I know, but it’s okay. No one else is going to see me like this,” Fluttershy giggled, then selected a pair of short shorts, “I’ll just get changed, then.”

She went and placed the hangers onto her bed, then proceeded to get undressed. All while Rainbow Dash was still in the room, no less.

Under any other situation, she would have never even considered changing with someone else in the room with her, but for some reason, she was fine with Rainbow being there. She felt oddly comfortable in her own skin for once as she stripped out of her shirt.

Rainbow’s eyes went wide, her entire body stilling with shock. What was Fluttershy doing? Why was she actually getting undressed? Whatever the reason, Rainbow lunged forward and reached for her sweater, feeling panic running through her at this point.

“F-Fluttershy, what are you doing?!” Rainbow wanted to know, trying to grab at her sweater and pull it back down, “I’m still here!”

Fluttershy blushed a dark shade of red as she felt her friend grab at her sweater, “R-Rainbow! What are you doing?!”

The two struggled slightly, trying to find their footing and stay up straight. Rainbow clutched at Fluttershy’s sweater, trying to pull it back down, but was failing in doing so. As Fluttershy tried to step around her, their legs got tangled in each other. Losing their balance, Rainbow fell forward, while Fluttershy fell back. They ended up in a heap on her bed on top of each other, struggling to move. Fluttershy had her sweater pulled up off her body, her hands in the air. All while Rainbow landed on top of her, getting her head smooshed into her chest, right on her breasts.

Fluttershy layed there for a moment, trying to process what had just happened. Rainbow Dash was now was laying on top of her, her face in between her breasts. Her sweater was acting like handcuffs, holding her in place. She tried to think over what she could do in this situation. What would even make sense? She should have been panicked, or at least felt nervous, but instead… she was fairly happy with the situation. In fact, maybe this was not such a bad thing after all?

Fluttershy looked down at her friend with a smile on her face, still blushing all the same, but it seemed she was enjoying herself, “... Are you enjoying the view, Dashie?”

This made Rainbow look up, her entire face bright pink, and her form trembling slightly, “...Uh… Yeah?”

Fluttershy took a deep breath, easing up somewhat as she pulled her back her arms to rest on the middle of Rainbow’s back, “Okay then… I do too.”

“...What just happened?” Rainbow managed to say, fixing her hands on the bed and trying to move.

“You pushed me down and now… we’re on my bed,” Fluttershy giggled, somewhat keeping Rainbow on her, “As far as falling goes, this was a nice ending…”

Rainbow blushed harder, looking away a little, “I guess, but, uh… sorry about that. Why’d you get undressed in front of me, though?”

“Well… why not?” Fluttershy smiled at her friend sweetly, “I was thinking the sooner I got changed, the sooner we could go… but I’m starting to think maybe we should stay here now.”

“Wait, really?” Rainbow responded, unsure how to feel about that. She tried looking at Fluttershy again, only to find her head atop her bosoms. Blushing more, she raised her chin a bit to be able to remain above them.

“Sure,” Fluttershy said calmly, cuddling her like stuffed animal, “If you don’t mind.”

“...Why?” Rainbow squeaked, a little surprised from the sudden cuddling.

Fluttershy shrugged a little, laughing, “Again, why not? Or are you not comfortable?”

“No! I’m fine! I’m… uh, well uh, just a bit confused!” Rainbow replied, looking at her with a blush.

With a smile, Fluttershy placed her hands back above her head and giggled at her, “Well, let me explain then. Come up here and I’ll tell you…”

Managing to move now, Rainbow crawled up Fluttershy’s body slowly. In less than five minutes, she was already reaching levels of her inner fantasies. So why was she so unable to be cool about it? Anytime the fantasies popped up, Rainbow was so certain she would handle it perfectly. By making Fluttershy want her badly, playing it cool, being as smooth and seductive as possible. All of that was way out the window now and she had no idea what to do with it. Was it even happening? Was Fluttershy enjoying it? Or was she just humouring her?

“O-kay,” Rainbow said, now towering over Fluttershy, their faces now level.

With a smile, Fluttershy leaned forward enough to let their noses touch. She nuzzled against her sweetly as she giggled a little, “A little closer~”

Rainbow wasn’t sure where this was going, but was far too tempted to refuse. She lay atop Fluttershy properly, even leaning down closer to her.

Before Rainbow could react to it, Fluttershy very quickly stole a kiss from Rainbow Dash. It was fast, over before Rainbow could understand what had just happened, but it was what her friend said next that took her breath away.

“I always wanted to be your first kiss.”

Cheeks now scarlet, Rainbow was completely taken aback. She stared down at Fluttershy, seeing how she was smiling in a dreamy way. There was no doubt that the kiss was sincere, especially coupled with her words. But now what could she do? Add more to it? Say something? Do nothing?

Rainbow averted her gaze slightly, feeling her lips tingling slightly, and her entire body sprung with excitement. She trembled a little, trying to gather her thoughts, “Well, uh… you sure are! Wish granted!”

“Can I have the second one, too?” Fluttershy her a follow up question, giggling the entire time.

Reasonably so, Rainbow had had her doubts about Fluttershy’s feelings. Right now though, it was all too clear. She blushed more, if it were possible, and gave a little nod. “Sure, Flutters… And you can be the third, fourth, and fifth if you want.”

“Just up to five?” Fluttershy giggled faintly, knowing that what Rainbow really meant, “Would you be mad if I said I wanted… all of them?”

“Er, no! No, no way I’d get mad!” Rainbow shook her head rapidly.

Fluttershy nuzzled their noses together once more as she giggled with glee, “Would it be okay if I start collecting them, then?”