• Published 19th Mar 2016
  • 1,387 Views, 30 Comments

Cupid Discord - NintendoGal55

When Discord succeeds in helping Fluttershy not only gain confidence, but closer to Rainbow Dash, he gets the idea to declare himself the new cupid. With hilarious results.

  • ...

New Cupid In Town

For any normal being, so to speak, it would be hard to tell time within Discord’s home. Rightfully so, the dimension he lived in didn’t even have a concept of time, let alone a standard clock. Not that it bothered him, he worked around with it however possible. But what did the spirit of Chaos need with time?

Either way, it was the next morning, which Discord could easily tell. He grinned upon leaping from his neatly-made bed, and proceeded to mess it up. “Woohoo! Another glorious day! And to think, my magic served a good purpose! Looks like dear Sunbutt had nothing to worry about all this time! Huzzah!”

Once his bed was messed up, he went downstairs through the floor. Before reaching back up to grab his horns after they fell down. Chuckling to himself, Discord sauntered to the kitchen, preparing himself a bowl of cereal.

“Hmmm… milk or no milk?” He pondered for a few moments. Giving a shrug, he poured some milk into the bowl. Slurping the milk, then eating the bowl, he tossed the cereal bits aside. “Now then! On to business! If Fluttershy believes in me being a good matchmaker… I may as well make good on that idea! What a fun item to add to my resume! Discord, the reformed spirit of Chaos and Disharmony… Also a part-time matchmaker!”

Producing a piece of paper, Discord jotted it down on his resume. He paused a moment, tapping his pen against his chin.

“Hmmm… now, why do I feel like I’ve forgotten something?” Discord paced his house, “I forgot everything else that I usually forget! So what am I forgetting?” He pondered this for a moment, pacing back and forth once more in circular motion. His face contorted in deep thought, biting on his lower lip before coming to a halt back in front of his desk. “Eh, I’ll figure it out later! Besides, it couldn’t have been that important!”

Getting back to business, he pulled out a fresh piece of paper and a quill. There was one thing he remembered, which was to send a letter to Princess Cadance. Something he had honestly not done before. In fact, when did he ever send letters? Aside from Fluttershy, he actually didn’t.

“Hmm, I should change that,” he said to himself.

With that in mind, he started with a formal heading:

Dear Princess Cadance,

I, Discord of Equestria, the Spirit and Acolyte of Chaos, do hereby beseech you to consider my humble request. During my extended stay here and through several actions taken over the course of the last twenty four hours, I have discovered that I, Discord have a natural talent for bringing ponies together. In that way.

As in, making them fall in love.

Okay, enough with the formal stuff! I think you can understand what I’m saying. Since I’m the embodiment of chaos and we know that love has no rules, I’d be perfect for the job! Don’t you just love connecting the dots? I sure do! In fact, I put a little connect-the-dots game for you on the bottom! Have fun with it!

So anyway, that’s all I wanted! I think I’d be great for the job as Equestria’s new cupid! There hasn’t been one for over a thousand years, has there? I wonder why that is. Maybe I should I ask Twilight for some history books! Oh joy!

Wait a second, that’s not my catchphrase. Do I even have one? I should make one! Got any advice about that?

Where was I? Oh right! New cupid! So since you’re the Princess of Love, you’d know what to do about all that.

Signed, me! You know, Discord! Do I seriously need to do this? I doubt you forgot who was writing to you!

P.S. Take your time with giving me the title since I already added it to my resume, so I won’t need proof of it until Tax season. Take care!

P.P.S. By the way, I loved those cookies you sent Twilight last week! Yes, I took one. She said I could! After I already ate it.

P.P.P.S. She loves me, really.

P.P.P.P.S. Does anyone actually know what the “P.S.” stands for? I sure don’t! If you happen to know, do tell me.

P.P.P.P.P.S. Never mind! I know what it means! Postscript! Aren’t I brilliant?

P.P.P.P.P.P.S What came first? The chicken or the egg? No, I’m seriously asking! Even I don’t know the answer!

Laughing to himself, he placed the letter into a multi-coloured envelope. Whistling cheerfully, he went outside through the window, and trotted over to his mailbox. Placing the envelope inside, he stuck the Discord-shaped flag up and grinned.

“Perfect! I’m well on my way to becoming Equestria’s new Cupid! Why didn’t I think of this ages ago?” He mused. Snapping his claws, a bow and a quiver of arrows appeared next to his head, which he readily geared up. “Since I’m going to need some training for my new job, I’ll have to head out there and bring lovers closer together! But where do I start?”

More pacing. He eventually made his way over to the map of Ponyville he had in his move, along with many other assorted maps of the different provinces of Equestria before his eyes settled on one spot particular.

“Ah ha!” Discord grinned, sticking his finger on the exact spot he attended to travel to, “Sweet Apple Acres! What better shooting practice than hitting the broad side of a barn? Besides, no will ever notice me in my new duds!” He snapped his fingers together once more as a sleek black suit with- oddly enough- pink trimming to it in a stylized fashion. With a black and pink striped scarf to set the look off, he held his finger out, touching it to his hip as he made a fake sizzling noise, “Ouch! I’m hot today.”

All prepared, Discord snapped his fingers, and was right inside Sweet Apple Acres. For a moment, he took in the fresh air and sighed happily. What a great day it was, at least to him. He went over to some bushes some ways off from the barn, ducking behind them. Once the barn was in plain view, he paused a little, and then scooted more to the nearest broad side.

“Perfect!” He said to himself, then paused. “Hmmm… It’s missing something…”

Getting an idea, Discord snapped his fingers again, and a brightly painted white target appeared on the side of the barn.

With everything in place at last, it was time to begin. Discord carefully drew his bow, attempting to line the shot up with the center of the target, “Prepare to feel the love, barn.” And he let loose one of the arrows.

It missed by at least a fourth of two inches.

Discord made a tsk sound as he lined up another shot with twice the speed of that last, “Okay, wiseguy- barn- whatever. You will take my love shaft and you will like it right down the middle!”

He shot another arrow. This time it was just a quarter of an inch above the centre point.

“I said feel the love!” Discord pouted. This time, he pulled back on his bow with a much larger arrow than previously as he gritted his teeth, “If this doesn’t work, I’m upgrading to a love grenade launcher! Now, feel the love or be destroyed!”

The arrow was shot, making its target perfectly now.

“YES! I knew you’d come around! Third shot’s the charm!” Discord cheered happily, doing a little dance, “But to be honest, Mr. Barn, you probably didn’t need my help getting a date on a Friday night. I mean, you already swing both ways! Heyoooo!” He laughed at his own joke.

Ducking back behind the bushes, he drew the arrows out of the barn and back to him. Getting another idea, he lined up all three of them on the bow, pulling the string back. It was a daring shot, but he was determined to try. Just a little more, then maybe he could-

“Who in tarnation painted a target on the side o’ the barn?!” A loud voice interrupted his thoughts.

Discord ducked down even lower. He knew that voice, it was the southern fried pony named Applejack. To be honest, she was bit of a stick in the mud to Discord, but in this situation, that could mean trouble. After all, he was using her family’s barn for target practice. But it wasn’t like he hand any intentions of leaving it like that! He was going to clean it up before he left.

Now however was an interesting opportunity though. Now he had a moving target. The question was in the end: to shoot or not to shoot?

“What idjit had done painted on the barn Ah went through all the trouble ta-” Applejack said as she approached the barn as her eye went wide with shock and anger, “They’d been shooting at mah barn?!”


Grinning widely, he let two of the arrows drop and kept just one of them. Pulling back the bowstring, he aimed it carefully. All while Applejack turned around completely, her back facing him. Too perfect. Within an instant, he sent the arrow flying.

The arrow struck Applejack in the hindquarters, which made her jump and yelp in surprise. “What in tarnation?!” She looked around behind her, then felt along her rear, and her hand stopped on the arrow.

HA! Direct hit!” Discord cheered as he jumped up from his hiding place, “Robin Hood ain’t got jack on me!”

“Discord?!” Applejack exclaimed with shock. The moment she caught sight of the bow, quiver of arrows, she narrowed her eyes. “You were the one who shot me with an arrow?! The tarnation were ya thinkin’?!”

“Man, do you look silly with a arrow sticking out of your butt!” Discord laughed wildly at her, trying to get himself back under control, “But yes, I was the one who shot you and yes, I was thinking. I was thinking ‘Awesome, a moving target’!”

Applejack growled with annoyance and plucked the arrow from herself. She got a good look at it, seeing that it was bright red and had a love heart at the tip. Frowning, she looked at him, “The hell? Shootin’ one of Cupid’s arrows?”

Discord looked honestly surprised for a moment, but his smile didn't waver in the least, “Woah, how’d ya tell? You’re a sharp one, that you are! And hey, be grateful it wasn’t a real arrow and just a magical construct!”

“Ah’ll say,” Applejack tossed it aside, “That still doesn’t excuse you shootin’ me.”

“As if I needed a reason to shot you,” Discord reached over to pinch her cheek, but had his hand bitterly swatted away, “Come on, lighten up! Not that you have much of a choice… Today’s gonna be a great day for you, my fine pony friend! For you shall find what you seek- even though you didn’t know you were looking for something to begin with- and to top that off, you’re my first correction for my first day on the job! Lucky you, huh?”

“’Scuse me? Job? What job?” Applejack frowned in confusion.

Discord made what Applejack could only assume was a ‘kawaii’ face as he spoke, throwing up a peace sign it seemed, “I’ve taken it upon myself to become Ponyville’s personal Cupid! No idea how I’m gonna do just yet, but with help of the Princesses and the support of my friends, I’m sure I’ll do great at this whole thing!”

“...Yer gonna be Cupid?” Applejack looked at him with disbelief. “And how do ya figure that?”

“Love is chaotic, I’m the master of Chaos. Do the math,” Discord snickered, “And I’m going to make the whole town eventually share the love!

Applejack still looked incredulous, then looked downward to try piecing this together. She sighed a bit then, crossing her arms, “So, now that ya shot me, what’s gonna happen? Ah’m gonna fall in love with the first pony Ah see?”

“What?! No! That would be dumb,” Discord shivered as he shook his head, “I’m all about the getting ponies together that have a thing for one another. So, if you got feelings for anyone, they can come forth and bloom in there own unique way! If you don’t, then I guess I just shot you in the butt for no reason.”

“Right…” Applejack sweatdropped, “Well, Ah’m afraid it was for no reason. Ah don’t feel that way about anypony right now.”

Discord sighed, looking a bit more defeated, “Well, that was a waste of an arrow. I mean, I can make more, but I wanted my first real shot to be something epic! Why do you have to be such a stick in the mud?” He shook his head, scanning around the farmland, “Which way to Twilight’s? Maybe she’ll be more fun than you- or, you know what? Scratch that, which way to that pink demon’s place? You know, Pinkie Pie.”

Rolling her eyes, Applejack pointed towards a direction in the distance, “Do ya seriously not see the Castle of Friendship from here?”

Sure enough, when Discord followed her gaze toward where Ponyville was supposed to be; the rising towering presence of the castle was just in sight.

“And Pinkie Pie ain’t no demon, either. And there ain’t no point in goin’ there right now, she ain’t home. Now get the target off the barn, Ah got work to do,” Applejack said, adjusting her hat and walking off.

“One, I’m the Spirit of Chaos and Cupid in-training; it’s not my job to make sense of any kind, so it’s fine for me to ask stuff like that,” Discord snapped his fingers as the barn was now fixed, freshly painted red and not a single scratch from the arrows left, “Second, you only gave me directions for one of them. Where’s Pinkie’s place? Also, I know she’s not. I was making a play on words with her boundless energy exceeding most mortal creatures. And duly noted. I’ll just go bug the Princess of Friendship then. ”

“Right,” Applejack rolled her eyes again, pointing toward Ponyville, “Ya know Sugarcube Corner looks like a giant gingerbread house. Right in the middle o’ town, ya can’t miss it.”

Discord grinned once more, “Oh, if anyone can miss it, it’s me! Or not me depending on if I’m me at the time. Eh, whatever! You have fun being the most boring pony in town, Applejack.”

Once more, Applejack rolled her eyes and waved him off, “See ya! Good luck with yer new job.”

“I need no luck!” Discord retorted back back with a small small, “Later, blandy!”

She didn’t respond, just kept walking off. Discord pouted a little bit. Not even a scowl or a retort back? Then again, it wasn’t Celestia he was dealing with. At least not now. But then a thought came to him. What if she possibly did have a little spark for another pony? Was it possible?

A gleeful grin overcame his face as he headed toward Ponyville, “Maybe it wasn’t for nothing after all…” Pausing for a second, Discord looked all around himself, and then at nothing in particular. “Wait a minute, why am I walking?! I have magic and I can fly!”

With that, his small wings flapped and he lifted up, flying toward Ponyville at a brisk speed. He whistled and hummed, shifting into different positions as he went along. Whistling cheerfully, Discord fiddled with his bow, made a few practice shots on some trees, and laughed.

“And I’m still a better flyer than Twilight with these tiny wings!” Discord giggled.

In no time at all, at least that’s how it felt, he arrived at the castle. Although he’d seen it (and been inside!) many a time now, it was still an amazing spectacle. Despite his snarky criticisms on its structure and how much it stuck out in Ponyville, he couldn’t help appreciating it. It was, as Celestia put it, like a symbol of how far Twilight had come in her journey. Although not said out loud, Discord couldn’t agree more.

Smoothing out his suit, he approached the front door, then paused. Something was a little off. Reaching down, he tested the door, finding it unlocked.

As odd as that was, Discord shrugged and went inside anyway. After all, Ponyville had always been a relatively safe place so leaving a door unlocked during the day could be understandable. Even if this was a castle. Still, he figured he could turn this into a training ‘mission’ to test his skills as a true Cupid. After all, love had to strike like Chaos: without warning and vanish so it can sink in and really consume them.

He, paused again as he closed the door, thinking to himself, ‘Huh, that was kind of a dark thought,’ but quickly dismissed it. It was time to hunt on the Princess of Friendship while avoiding her manservant- dragon, Spike. Oh, sure, he could have just looked for him, but this would be more fun! As he wandered the grand hallways, glancing all over, he tapped his chin. ‘If I were Twilight, where would I be? Oh, wait. What am I saying? It’s Twilight! She’d be in the library!’

With that, he crouched to the floor, conjuring up a large cardboard box. Concealed within it, he peered through the slit and slowly dragged across the floor. Quietly as possible, of course. He may not have been ninja-like, but he could still be stealthy!

Eventually after what felt like an hour of wandering around, Discord found the library within the castle. It was actually more challenge than he had originally thought, but at least he was in phase one. He scanned around the impossibly large room- it must have been twice the size of Ponyville Library, Golden Oak- he spotted his target: Twilight. However, he noticed she was not alone.

Pinkie Pie seemed to be here as well! What luck, two birds with one stone. Or arrow in this case. As Discord crept around to a vacant corner of the room to watch the two, waiting for the perfect moment to strike like the hunter slash giver of Love he was.

Right about then, he was able to pick up on their conversation a lot more clearly.

“Sooo, I’m thinking we should alphabetize them!” Pinkie chirped, pointing to a book she was holding in her hand, “By author, of course! At least it makes finding their stuff much easier! Not that going by publication date isn’t… interesting,Twi-Twi, but this works a lot better! That’s how I sort my recipe books!”

Judging by Twilight’s expression, she a bit apprehensive to the idea, “Does make sense, I guess, Pinkie… but I normally don’t read by author. Usually, I read by genre; but I do think at least keep books of a series together would be a good idea.”

“Sooo, basically… sort by genre first, and then alphabetize by title after that?” Pinkie guessed.

“Yes, that way I don’t have fiction with the non-fiction or horror with the biography,” Twilight nodded, but quickly added to this, “But, Pinkie, you don’t have to do that. I’m fine with how Spike had it arranged, even if it was a bit messy.”

“Don’t be silly, Twi-Twi! I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t want to!” Pinkie winked at her, patting her back, “So, c’mon! Let’s get to it! It’ll be faster with the two of us doing it!”

“Pinkie…” Twilight sighed, taking a breath to calm herself as she tried to make herself smile, “All right, I guess we can do that for a while, but I have to get back to work soon.”

“No problem! We’ll do as much as we can!” Pinkie looked absolutely gleeful and clapped her hands.

Discord couldn’t help wondering if she was that excited to sort books, or if it was because she wanted to spend time with Twilight. But with Pinkie, the obvious answer never had a way of being clear if it was right or wrong. In this case, it may have been right.

The library doors opened, this time with Spike running in.

“Hey, uh, Twilight? I think there’s something up with the Cutie Map!” he said, pointing behind him, “You mind coming to look at it?”

“Huh?” Pinkie looked at her rear, despite her cutie mark being hidden by her skirt, “But, we’re not getting booty calls, Spike!”

“Pinkie… I’ll tell you why that choice of words is weird later,” Twilight told her friend with a wayward smile before growing more serious, “But if it’s not a typical summon, it could mean something else entirely. I need to see if I unravel this,” She patted her friend on the shoulder, “Would you mind waiting here for a moment? I’ll be back, I promise.”

Pinkie nodded, giving her a thumbs up, “You got it, Twilight! I’ll be right here! Hurry back!”

With a nod, Twilight followed Spike out of the library with haste, curious to see what could be happening with the Cutie Map. All the while, Pinkie watched them go. But the moment they were gone, it was as if Pinkie deflated. Her countenance became disappointed, while her eyes filled with sadness. She sighed, sitting at the table and staring down at the book she’d been holding all this time.

Discord was astonished. He had never seen Pinkie in such a soured mood, aside from when he had manipulated her personality. But this wasn’t like that. Discorded Pinkie Pie was angry and lashed out continuously, completely devoid of joy. Here, she was simply disappointed, even a little sad. Seeing such a bouncy, bubbly and outgoing pony like herself be so down was honestly a bit heartbreaking.

It did not take long for Discord to start seeing a connection between Pinkie’s mood and the absence of the Princess. He drew two possible conclusions: one being that she really wanted to organize those books and had some sort of OCD or the more likely cause being that she wanted to spend time with Twilight as well. On some level, that made sense, but why?

It was then he considered her behavior and relationship with her friend. Was it possible? Why, yes, he thought so. Discord grinned to himself from inside the cardboard box as he slithered out like a snake. She had a thing for the Princess of Friendship! And he could certainly be of assistance with his handy-dandy bow and love arrows! A good shoot in the rump and Pinkie would be be right as rain again, maybe even better. After all, when he helped his friend Fluttershy, the results were super positive. So, why not help another?

Pinkie was in a good spot. A perfect target. All he had to do was make the shot. Discord prepared his bow, then the arrow, aiming it at her. Since she was in a chair, he had to go for a different angle. This time, at her side, right near her hip. With the shot lined up, he fired the arrow.

Only for Pinkie to effortlessly catch it with one hand, not even looking as it came at her. She looked at the arrow in puzzlement, before looking right at him. She grinned widely, waving at him.

“Oh, hi, Discord! I didn’t know you were there! What’s up? You’re taking up archery, now?” She asked.

Discord stared at her in bewilderment, blinking a few times even as he tried to wipe his eyes, “Okay, holy cow. How did you do that? What kind of ninja training are you ponies doing these days?!”

Pinkie shrugged, looking at the arrow for a moment, then back at him, “My Pinkie Sense just has its ways, really!”

“Oh, right. You have those Spider-Pony cameo powers,” Discord huffed out for a moment before walking over, “Never mind that! I spent all of ten minutes practicing shooting this morning so I could be the best Cupid ever and now you’re telling me that it was all for nothing? I knew I should have upgraded to the love grenade launcher...”

“Oooh! Love grenade launcher?!” Pinkie hopped out of her seat, going over to him, “That sounds weird! But cool! So what’s this about you becoming the next Cupid? Tell me! Details!”

Discord grinned, slinging the bow over his shoulder as he spoke once more, “Oh, there’s not much to tell. I just found out I was greatest matchmaker in the history of Equestria and decided to spread my gift with the rest of this small town. I even plan on accepting the official title of Cupid later from Princess Cadance herself. No biggie.”

“Wow! That’s so awesometastic of you, Discord!” Pinkie grinned widely, “That’ll definitely help drum up my partying business, too! For all the new couples that come about, I’ll be able to throw them parties! You keep doing what you’re doing! I bet you’ll be the bestiest Cupid EVER!”

With a smirk, Discord began to boast a little to inflate his ego a bit more, “Yeah, I know! But that’s why I’m here in the first place! See, I was going to ask Twilight- you know, since she lives here in Ponyville and knows most of the folks in town- if there was anyone having love-life troubles I could help out. Since she’s busy, I guess I can ask you then!”

“Ohhh, you’re in luck, Discord! There’s tons of ponies with love troubles!” Pinkie whistled, “I know for sure that even my buddies need it! Applejackie, Rare-bear… but oh! Oh! I know who needs it the most! That’d be Dashie!”

Discord smiled a bit to that, chuckling, “Yeah… about that-”

“I mean, wow! Poor Dashie needs a serious boostie!” Pinkie went on, twirling the arrow in her hand, “She’s so completely and utterly in love with Flutter-butter and needs to make a move! Oh man, I see the way Dashie looks at her! Talk about being in too deep!”

Discord nodded, sweat dropping a little, “I don’t doubt it, but the thing is-”

“She seriously needs to mare up!” Pinkie rambled, tapping the tip of the arrow against her hand, “I know for a fact that Flutter-butter likes her, too! Someone needs to seriously lock them into a room together and not let them out until they kiss! Ooooh! That’d be so cool to see! Even if it’s impossible to do without it looking weird, but still cool! I think-ow!” She ended up pricking herself on the hand with the arrow.

Discord reeled back a bit in shock as his mouth made an ‘O’ shape, “Ouch. You okay?”

“I think so! I’m not bleeding, am I?” Pinkie inspected her hand, seeing that there was no puncture or blood, “Okay, I’m good! I just need to… to… to…” She stumbled forward, swaying slightly, “Whoa, I… feel so… tired all of a… I need a nap…”

With that, she lowered herself down to the floor, and rolled onto her back. Within a second or two, she was out like a light. The soft, even breathing coming from her was an indication of her now being asleep.

“... Since when can love arrows do that?” Discord blinked a few times, pulling of the arrows out of his quiver to expect it, “This may require more experimentation! I mean, magic is always kinda hard to tell with its behavior. Wait a minute…” He paused for a moment, thinking over what had just happened. Then, he panicked, “Oh, crap!!! I just K.O.’d one of Twilight’s friends! It took me forever and a fake sick day to get on her good side! This could mess up whatever friendship we had!”

All kinds of emotions ran through Discord at this moment, some of which he wasn’t sure he could face. Although Pinkie was merely sleeping and would likely wake up feeling fine, it was still a bleak situation. He had to get out of there, he had to do something before Twilight’s return.

“Sorry, Pinkie! Wake up soon! Gotta run now, bye!” Discord said hastily, then snapped himself out of the room.

Not a moment too soon, either. For just about a minute or two after, the library doors opened up with Spike and Twilight coming back in.

“Pinkie, you won’t believe what was happened with the map! It turns out that-” Twilight stopped in the middle of her sentence as she saw her friend lying on the floor now. She seemed to quickly switch between excitement to fear for her friend, “Pinkie… Pinkie?!”

“Sweet Celestia! What happened to her?!” Spike rushed over to Pinkie’s side, checking her pulse, “Okay, she’s fine… She’s just...sleeping? Wait, since when does Pinkie take naps in random places? We weren’t even gone that long!”

Twilight on the other hand ignored Spike’s words and rushed over to Pinkie’s side, “Oh Celestia, she must have passed out! Something… something must have happened! Quick, help me get her into the guest room!”

“Okay, I’ll get her legs!” Spike said, taking hold of Pinkie’s legs under the knees.

“No!” Twilight slapped Spike’s hands away, pointing out her clothes, “She’s wearing a skirt! It wouldn’t be right for you to carry her there, I’ll take her legs and you can get her by the shoulders.”

Spike, however, just gave her a flat look, “Really, Twilight? You seriously think I’d do that? I’m a little more worried about Pinkie than I am about what she’s wearing!”

“That’s beside the point, it’s just not right,” Twilight argued for a moment, “It’s about decency.”

“Like I said, I’m a bit more concerned about Pinkie’s well being than I am about decency,” Spike countered, “I’m not going to look up her skirt and I didn’t even plan to! Now just pick up her shoulders and help me carry her!”

Twilight almost rolled her eyes, but was more worried about her friend than she was about keeping her code of honor, “Okay, fine! Let’s get her off the floor.”

They did so, with Spike still being a gentledragon and not even looking near her skirt. Once Pinkie was safely lifted off the floor, they hurriedly but carefully carried her off. It took a little while, especially with making sure their holds were secure, but they eventually made it to the quarters hallway.

In one of the guest rooms, they placed Pinkie onto the bed and made sure she was secured. Spike once again checked her pulse, seeing that she was just fine.

“I don’t understand,” Spike frowned, “Pinkie isn’t one to just fall asleep out of nowhere.”

“I-I don’t know,” Twilight bit her lip, taking Spike by the shoulder, “The map is going to have to wait. We need to take care of Pinkie right now. Would you head to the kitchen and fetch some ice? She feels way too warm right now. M-Maybe get the medical kit for the bathroom as well.”

Spike nodded, hurrying out of the room to fetch the remedies. Twilight took a chair, sitting by Pinkie’s bedside, feeling worried. What had happened? As strange and random as Pinkie was, this wasn’t like her at all. Twilight didn’t even recall seeing a spell book or any kind of item that would induce sleep around where Pinkie was in the library. All these questions were unsettling, making the situation a lot worse. Whatever happened, she hoped Pinkie would have some answers.

That is, if she remembered what happened.

Reaching over, Twilight held Pinkie’s hand and gently squeezed, “Don’t worry, Pinkie. I’ll make sure you’re safe and taken care of. I just want you to wake up soon...okay?”

Pinkie didn’t respond, but at least the soft rise and fall of her chest indicated she was still breathing. It was still concerning to Twilight with the situation, with how her friend seemed just fine moments ago and the next… she was unconscious. The entire situation was worrisome to Twilight and made her tremble a bit. She tightened her grip on her friend’s hand, hoping that everything would be okay.

Moments later, Spike entered with the requested items. Upon seeing them like that, he hesitated. So he placed the items onto the bed, giving a small pat to Twilight, and then left the room. He wasn’t sure why, but it felt more right to give them some time alone.

Author's Note:

The plot thickens! ...Okay, not really. XD

And don't worry about Discord calling AJ boring. He's just making fun of her being the straight man. X3