• Published 19th Mar 2016
  • 1,390 Views, 30 Comments

Cupid Discord - NintendoGal55

When Discord succeeds in helping Fluttershy not only gain confidence, but closer to Rainbow Dash, he gets the idea to declare himself the new cupid. With hilarious results.

  • ...

Dropping In

How this had happened, neither of them knew. Not even Fluttershy, even though she had the impulses and desires in the first place. But at this point, did it even matter anymore? Probably not. They were both into it, very caught up in each other and enjoying it. So why question it? For now, they just simply let the moment keep going.

Fluttershy was sitting up on her bed now, with Rainbow straddling her lap. They held to each other tightly, hands eagerly feeling each other up. All the while they made out furiously, lips and tongues clashing with fervor. Every now and then, moans of pleasure would escape either of them. Rainbow squirmed as Fluttershy’s hands slipped up her shirt, touching her bare skin.

Slowly, their makeout session eased back into a more relaxed moment. Fluttershy would giggle between kisses as she pulled up Rainbow’s shirt to get her out of her clothes. It was meant to be innocent enough at first, but any pretense of that was long gone in favor of taking this moment in stride and enjoying it to the fullest.

As the she pulled back, Fluttershy broke the kiss as she gave Rainbow’s lips a playful lick, “You’re mad at me for this, aren’t you?”

“No way,” Rainbow responded, panting a little. She leaned in and kissed Fluttershy’s neck, eager to feel and taste more of her, “I’ve wanted to do this for ages!”

“Oh, is that so?” Fluttershy giggled again at the sensation as she cuddled against Rainbow, “Then I’m sorry I kept you waiting… I just wasn’t sure if you’d be okay with all this, but if you’re okay with it, then we definitely do this more often.”

Rainbow chuckled a little, nuzzling and kissing her neck, “Hey, I didn’t even know you wanted me, either. So I guess that makes us even!”

“Stop that, it tickles!” Fluttershy tried to hold back her laughter, “But if you say so, then okay. Which I guess leads me to my next question…”

“What is it?” Rainbow was now kissing back up to her face.

Fluttershy smiled once more, kissing Rainbow on her nose, “Well, do you want to go out with me? Like, as my girlfriend?”

Now Rainbow blushed, looking at her fully. Had Fluttershy truly just asked her out? Granted, their intimate contact was far more telling, but it was still a bold question. All at once, she could feel a mix of apprehension and yet excitement all at the same time. Everything that was happening was a lot to take in, something she’d wanted for so long, and now it was happening. Especially with Fluttershy wanting to make it official.

Tightening her hold on Fluttershy, Rainbow leaned in closer and shuddered at the sensation of Fluttershy’s hands against her bare back.

“Yeah…” Was all Rainbow could say then, “It was… actually kinda why I wanted you to be my plus one for the party.”

“So… it was supposed to be a date?” Fluttershy asked Rainbow Dash with a brightening expression. She seemed ecstatic now, hands now on her friend’s hips.

Rainbow let out a soft little mewl as she nodded, tracing her fingers along the contours of Fluttershy’s back, “Yeah, I was gonna try asking you out that night. Kinda seeing how you’d feel about all that stuff. Then if you weren’t interested, we’d still have just been buddies going to a party.”

Fluttershy giggled with glee, cuddling her sweetly before kissing her on the cheek, “Oh, I see. It was to gauge my reaction, huh? Well, I understand that… you wanted to guess if I liked the idea of going on and if I liked spending the evening with you. I think you have your answer now, though!”

“I definitely have my answer, now,” Rainbow murmured. She kissed Fluttershy’s cheek, bringing her hands up to her hair and laying their foreheads together, closing her eyes, “Man, I’m so lame. I had so many awesome and cool things for this! Now I can’t think of a freaking thing.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t then?” Fluttershy closed her eyes as well, laughing faintly at the tender moment, “Just, maybe… I don’t know, let me strip you out of your clothes?”

“Weren’t you already doing that?” Rainbow whispered.

Fluttershy pulled back a little, then shrugged with a smile, “Well, yeah… I was. But that wasn’t with your permission.”

“In that case, you can go ahead and keep doing that,” Rainbow blushed.

Fluttershy giggled with glee as she pulled back to pull off Rainbow Dash’s shirt. There was an awkward silence for a moment as she very carefully placed the shirt and jacket on the bed, leaving her friend only dressed in her shorts and a sports bra. For some reason, this made her laugh.

“I guess you weren’t kidding about half of your clothes being sports stuff…”

“Yeah, I know,” Rainbow gave a chuckle, glancing toward Fluttershy’s closet, “So, Flutters… all things considered, did you buy those clothes so you could… get to me?”

Fluttershy thought about it for a moment before nodding a little, “I guess now that I think about it, I always wanted to get your attention. I just never had the courage to wear any of them in public. I guess that makes me pretty silly…”

“It kinda does,” Rainbow chuckled, poking her nose, “But then again, I can’t really talk!”

“Sure you can,” Fluttershy playfully nipping at her finger, “You just did after all…”

Rainbow laughed a bit at the nipping, “What I meant was, I also didn’t exactly have the courage to do anything about it, either. I did try once, but I failed!”

That seemed to surprise Fluttershy quite a bit, actually egging her on to ask the next question, “Is that so? Would you… mind sharing this with me?”

“Well…” Rainbow looked away now, biting her lip, “You remember that time I was trying to do cloud writing for you while we were on a picnic? I was trying to make a love heart. I had a confession and everything ready for you during that picnic. But I messed up the clouds, I choked on my words, and then you had to leave because Angel thought it was a brilliant idea to eat too many carrots.”

“So, that was- oooh…” Fluttershy nodded slowly to this before smiling to her friend brightly, “I think I can see that now. Rainbow, you really are cute with your ideas! That would have been really nice! But I can understand why you chose not to after that.

Rainbow glanced at her, exhaling lightly, “The moment was gone, you know? Plus everything else I was thinking about didn’t help. I wanted to make it romantic since I knew you’d like that! And I knew that if I didn’t tell you then, I probably wouldn’t be able to.”

“Well, what about now?” Fluttershy her sweetly, “Do you think you could after this?”

“Yeah, I could,” Rainbow blushed a bit, “I just, uh, gotta plan it right!”

Fluttershy giggled at that, laying back on her bed as she pulled Rainbow down with her, “It that so? Care to… maybe, give me a sample?”

“A sample?” Rainbow was a bit taken aback by the new change in position. It didn’t help that it made her cheeks heat up a lot more, “Well, uh, I could try! What kind of sample?”

“Of what you would do if we did go on a date,” Fluttershy giggled.

Once more, Rainbow blushed, and gave a little nod. She rose up slightly to look at Fluttershy in the eye, “Well, I guess I’d… hold hands with you, for starters! Then I’d give you a hug, and just, I don’t know… Tell you how much you mean to me?”

Fluttershy laughed at that, gently brushing aside Rainbow’s mane to stroke her cheek, “That sounds like good start… but where would you want to take me for our first date?”

“Aside from the party? Oh, right! Well, I’d take you to that restaurant you like so much, and I’d treat you to dinner. You’d probably insist on paying for it, or even half, while I’d say it’s my treat,” Rainbow chuckled a bit.

“Then we’d playfully tease one another about how we always pizza when we go there and you’d try to order more fancy until I tell you that I’d be fine with pizza,” Fluttershy giggled, laying back on her bed, “I’d have to beg you to let me cover at least half of it since we’d both want something to drink. We’d also have to get their cheesy breadsticks, too.”

“Oh yeah, we’d totally have to have the cheese bread sticks!” Rainbow laughed, grinning. “Then the waiter would come by and we’d try to give our order, but we’re just laughing so hard! I’d still be laughing and then I’d cough on my water, you’d reach over and pat me on the back. Then we’d get our side dish, and start arguing over who gets what piece!”

“That sounds like it would so much fun,” Fluttershy smiled at the thought, “We should make plans to go! How about tomorrow?”

“Really? For real?” Rainbow was surprised at this, but shook it off, “Yeah! Definitely!”

“Unless…” Fluttershy gave her a gentle kiss, “You want to tonight?”

“Anytime you want, baby…” Rainbow said in a daze, giving a goofy grin.

This made Fluttershy smile brightly, holding Rainbow closer and kissing her forehead, “Tonight would be wonderful, then! We’ll go to dinner, then maybe we’ll go for a walk or a flight afterward. Does that sound good to you?”

Rainbow shuddered from the touch, reaching up to push Fluttershy’s hands back down which she ended up guiding a bit lower than she expected which only caused her to tremble, “Y-Yeah, sure! Uh, would you be okay with- no, I gotta watch you and stuff! How about we swing by my place in a little while and let me drag something to wear for it?” She paused for a moment, thinking about it, “Or is that a bad idea? Shoot! This is little harder to plan out than I thought...”

Fluttershy laughed, kissing her on the cheek and then hugging her, “Of course we can go by your place! I’ll bring an outfit, then we can change when we get there.”

“Well, all right, but no straining yourself!” Rainbow chastised her with a smile, “I’m not taking any chances on if this magic junk messed with you in a bad way! So, after the date, do you wanna come back here or my place?”

“Oh, whichever is closer.” Fluttershy purred, leaning closer to her, “I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep my hands off you…”

Rainbow chuckled a bit, pushing her hands away and held them at bay against the bed, “Now, now! Buy me dinner first before you start trying to have sex with me~”

“Oh, so you’ll let me pay for dinner tonight?” Fluttershy grinned.

“... We’ll split it,” Rainbow compromised with a snicker, “But that’s only if you keep me in a good mood!”

This made Fluttershy laugh as she freed her hands from Rainbow’s grasp, bringing her closer again, “And what happens if I don’t? Not that I would want to put you in a bad mood, Dashie.”

Rainbow pulled back playfully and reached to hold back Fluttershy’s hands yet again, “Then A) you won’t be getting lucky tonight and B) I’ll be paying in full for dinner.”

“Awww…” Fluttershy pouted a little, “Would you still sleep in bed with me?”

“Well… I think that will depend on my mood as well,” Rainbow snickered at her, “Keep me in a good mood and for sure! I’ll share a bed with you. But, if you put me in a bad mood, I might just have to punish you~”

Rather than cowering in nervousness, it just made Fluttershy giggle. She leaned over, kissing her nose, “Ooh, Rainbow… you might want to make your threats sound a little less appealing!”

Rainbow gave her a kiss back, laughing all the same, “Hey, who said I wanted it to be threatening?”

“So either way, I win~” Fluttershy nuzzled noses with her, giggling.

“Well, I wouldn’t say that,” Rainbow reached up to playfully pinch Fluttershy’s nose, “I win in one situation and we both win in the other.”

“Ooh, is that so?” Fluttershy smirked lightly.

“Nope,” Rainbow grinned, “I always win~”

Fluttershy kissed her cheek, grinning, “I know you do… So, when shall we go? It’s still early in the afternoon...”

“Well, I guess we can get going,” Rainbow shrugged playfully, “Just uh, let’s not go out like this, huh?”

Looking down at themselves, Fluttershy giggled as she realized they were both quite topless. She smiled, kissing Rainbow’s lips sweetly and nodding, “Well, of course. As much as I would like to stay like this for a while… We should get our shirts back on.”

Another day, another set of papers, another set of bills to see through parliament. It certainly wasn’t the most exciting aspect of her job, but it was no doubt fulfilling. Celestia smiled to herself as she perused through some bills, tapping her pen against her chin thoughtfully as she grasped it in her fingers.

She glanced over at her assistant, Kibitz, and smiled warmly, “Is there any other paperwork that needs to be looked over today? I want to make sure I have it all organized.”

Kibitz glanced up at her, adjusting his glasses, “No, Princess, that seems to be all of it! Surprising, I must say. Should you be able to keep to the schedule, however, you’ll be finished with all of it by dinner time!”

“Splendid,” Celestia smiled, going back to her papers, “Would you mind terribly if I went to get myself some tea?”

“Certainly so!” Kibitz looked up, his eyes going wide, “I’ll get it for you instead, you keep to the paperwork! We cannot possibly lose five minutes!”

Celestia sighed, being foiled by her assistant’s need to save as much time as possible, “All right then, Kibitz. Do take your time though. There’s no need to be in such a rush.”

“Oh, all right,” Kibitz sighed a bit, heading toward the door, and then turning to her, “But you can see why I’m unsure about leaving your side. The last time that happened, your friend Discord came about and turned you into a clown. Right in front of court, no less!”

“He did not turn me into a clown!” Celestia responded with a small blush, “It was only the red nose.”

“Regardless, he’s quite unpredictable,” Kibitz glanced at her, worry etched in his features, “I wouldn’t want for you to reap the consequences of his actions, Princess.”

He left the throne room, making sure the door was closed behind him.

Celestia exhaled a bit, the blush still on her cheeks. But she at least managed to regain her composure enough to read through the paperwork. Yet at the same time, she couldn’t help the little inklings at the back of her mind. Discord, yet again, surfaced her thoughts. Not a single day since his reformation had she not thought of him.

She sighed again, trying to focus on her work. ‘I’m not sure what to think with him sometimes… I don’t even know if he thinks of me as a friend. Does he? He never seems to show it. Or I just end up seeing mixed signals.’

“Hey, Tia!” came the voice of the Draconequus in question. His voice came from out of nowhere as he appeared at the left hand side of the throne. He was just sitting there on the steps of her throne, a case of glass bottles of soda in his hands. Discord was looking up at her with a casual smile, even raising his brow to gauge her reaction, which he always found marvelous.

“Discord!” Celestia exclaimed with surprise, her eyes going wide. How had she not seen this coming? He was always one for showing up in the most unconventional ways possible. Even when she was actually expecting him!

“Ha! I love that face,” Discord snickered with glee as he stood up, carrying the case of sodas with him, “How is it you’re not used to that yet? I mean, I’ve been free for what, two years? And I bother you at least once a day! It’s like, a rule for me. But enough about my deep love of seeing your face twist into shock and awe, I wanted to talk to you about, you know, stuff.” He reached over his other hand, pulling out one of the sodas and handing it to her, “You still like Dr. Pepper, right? Or are Princesses not allowed to drink soda pop?”

On some kind of automatic impulse, Celestia managed to take the bottle that was offered to her. She stared at him with shock, trying to regain herself. It took a moment or two to find her voice, but she finally did, “Yes, I still like Dr. Pepper.”

With a grin, Discord sat up on the armrest of the throne, point at the bottle’s cap and it popped clean off, “Good to see some things don’t change! Then again, you always were resistant to change being all perfect and stuff. Anyway… You got a minute? Or, say, a few?”

Managing to get over the initial shock, Celestia twisted the cap off her own bottle, “Yes, I can spare a few minutes. What brings you here?”

“Well, as you know… I’m trying to be a better person, or pony; or dragon, or whatever you wanna call me. I’m actually getting quite fond of the term chimera lately,” Discord went one about nothing that had anything to do with his actual point, chuckling the entire time he did so, “I decided to do a favor for my good friend, Fluttershy! You know her, right? Element of Kindness, canary yellow pegasus with a pink mane, timid and obviously gay for the rainbow one? She wanted some help.”

Celestia blinked, then nodded slowly, “I know who you’re talking about, yes. Fluttershy needed some help with something? What with?”

“Her morale! Confidence! Her backbone, if you will,” Discord snickered a bit, taking on of the sodas for himself, “And as such, I gave her a little boost! Nothing major, mind you. I wouldn’t do anything to her life in danger! Plus, I got the Element of Loyalty to watch her for the day. You know her too, right? Rainbow mane, so tomboy that it hurts, and extremely gay? Yeah, she’s there to make sure she’ll be okay. But ever since I left, I’ve been getting this feeling. And not just a normal one either, a weird one.”

“Yes, I know Rainbow Dash as well,” Celestia sipped her soda. She pondered his words for a few moments, then turned to look at him, “Hold on, what kind of feeling do you mean?”

“I think I’m… concerned about them,” Discord said, looking away from a moment. He sighed, letting himself slide down off the armrest and was now sitting in Celestia’s lap. He roped an arm around her shoulder, taking a deep swig of his soda now, “I don’t know why, but I’m actually worried about those two little pegasi. Magic can do things, ya know? And that’s why I wanted to talk to you, Tia. You’re the best at this caring stuff that I know! You’re good at that- what’s it called? Empathy, right? You’re good at it!”

This was immensely surprising. Celestia wasn’t even sure where to begin. Not least of which with why he was now sitting in her lap. Granted, it wasn’t the first time they’d been this close. Usually initiated by him, no less. She blushed quite a bit, but made no move to discourage him. If anything, she just… didn’t want him to move.

But all the more, she was shocked that he was feeling this way. While she didn’t doubt that he was capable, it was something else to hear it. Celestia pondered, trying to take it all in, as well as trying to find a solution. She exhaled, gathering her composure and managing to speak again.

“Well, Discord… it’s a good thing that you’re more in touch with your feelings,” she said softly, “What exactly did you do to help? Why do you feel concerned?”

“I used magic, duh,” Discord gave her a deadpan expression, tilting his head slightly, “I removed one of those mental blocks that keep her so timid so she could be more confidence. Then, I told Rainbow Dash to watch her. I don’t know, really. Everything should be fine, but I feel like I should double check on them, even though I said I would later tomorrow… So, what’s wrong with me?”

In spite of the shock from before, Celestia giggled and gave a smile. She resisted the urge to touch his hair, figuring it would just make him uncomfortable. “There’s nothing wrong with you. It’s simple. Fluttershy is your friend, and as your friend, you feel concerned for her. Not because you don’t have faith in your abilities, though. You just want her to do well.”

“... I don’t think it’s that,” Discord said with straight face, “I know everything will be fine, but I worry about the magical changes, you know?”

“Oh, then that’s understandable. You’re not sure how she’ll react to it all entirely?” Celestia sipped her drink, “I have to admit, that is a bit more concerning. Using magic, even just a bit, on altering somepony’s brain can still have certain consequences.”

Discord sighed, resting head head against her’s, making a groaning noise as he did, “Do you think I should go check on them? I mean, it makes sense if do, right? I can go, see what they’re up to, and make sure they’re not turning giant death gods and relax afterwards.”

Celestia rolled her eyes playfully, despite the blush creeping to her cheeks. She took a chance and gently nuzzled her head against his, “I think it would be reasonable to check on them. I don’t imagine that will happen, but it will be good to monitor the effects.”

Discord pulled back with a smile, patting her on the cheek, “That sounds about right! I’ll go check on them, then I’ll feel better! Plus, it might be for the best, right?”

Blushing slightly, Celestia nodded, “Absolutely. Checking on them will definitely put your mind at ease. I’m sure they have the situation under control, too.”

With that, Discord bounced out of her lap and took a bow, “Then I think I’ll do just that! I’ll just get out of your hair before your fuddy-duddy of a butler gets back!”

Giggling, Celestia smiled. In truth, she didn’t really want him to go. But she could imagine the reaction Kibitz would have if he walked in on this, “Very well, Discord. I hope this is going to help you. Oh, and by the way,” she beckoned him closer, “I’m free after I lower the sun. You can come and see me then, if you’d like.”

“With any luck, it will help! And we’ll see if my schedule will be free this evening,” Discord snickered at her, giving her Celestia a mock salute with only two fingers, “But with any luck, I won’t end up in your bathroom again! Haha, later, Tia~!”

Trying not to shudder at the memory, Celestia raised hand and waved at him, “See you later, Discord. I look forward to it.”

And with a wink, Discord vanished in a poof is clouds that faded into nothing more than dust, just as the courtroom door opened once more as Kibitz returned to the room with plate resting on the tea.

“Here we are, Princess,” Kibitz said with a quick chime in his tone, “Herbal tea with a tablespoon of honey.”

Celestia smiled brightly, “Just the way I like it. Thank you,” she took the cup with her magic and sipped from it slowly.

Looking around for a moment, Kibitz placed the saucer on the armrest beside the Princess, “Beg me for asking, but did I miss anything while I was out?”

“No, of course not,” Celestia shook her head, “Why do you ask?”

“I just know how you are at times,” Kibitz said with a smile.

Celestia smiled back, sipping her tea again. All at once, she could feel a bounce in her step and all the more ready to face the rest of the day. The prospect of the evening’s visit was already inkling excitement within her.

Author's Note:

For anyone who may not know, Kibitz is Celestia's assistant in the comics. He makes a supporting appearance in issue #10 of the Micro series, which is Luna's comic. XD He's quite funny with how stuffy and by-the-book he is!